The Wii U Pre-Order Thread - $349.99/$299.99 - 11/18/12

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Consoles* Amazon did not take preorders, see note.

Best Buy
Consoles Both models sold out online & in store

Consoles Both models sold out online & in store

Toys R Us
Consoles Both models sold out online & in store

Consoles Both models sold out online & in store

Wii U Bundle Sold out online, in store pre-orders were not taken
Wii U Deluxe Sold out online & in store
Wii U Basic Sold out online, in store pre-orders were not taken

Consoles/Games Deluxe model sold out online, in store pre-orders were not taken

Consoles/Games Deluxe model sold out online, in-store pre-orders were not taken

Deluxe Bundle Bundled with New Super Mario Bros U, Black Ops 2, and Zombi U-Out of Stock

Consoles/Games Reservation List Only for NTSC Basic & Deluxe models

Fry's Electronics
Consoles Both models sold out online

Consoles Both models sold out online

Consoles Both models are no longer available for pre-order at the physical location.

Nebraska Furniture Mart
Consoles Both models sold out online

:hot:Nintendo World Store
Consoles: Both models are no longer available for pre-order at the physical location in NYC.


  • Newegg, as of now (Friday before launch) is selling the deluxe console as a bundle only. It is listed for immediate shipping, not as a pre-order.

  • *Amazon email sent out to those who signed up for Wii U pre-order notification:
Dear Customer,

Thank for you signing up to be notified when the Wii U is available.
Unfortunately the Wii U console is not available at at this time but please check back in the future, as availability may change. We do have the latest Wii U games and accessories available now so check them out. Thank you for shopping with Amazon Video Games.
System Information

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[quote name='MPoWeRM3']I agree that name Bayonetta 2 will never see the light on another system, just like Ninja Gaiden 2 never went to another platform. But, that won't stop Platinum Games from making a Bayonetta Sigma 2 (for example) for other platforms based on similar contents found in Bayonetta 2 on the Wii U, which was exactly what Tecmo did then they released Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 on the PS3 that's based on Ninja Gaiden 2 that was PUBLISHED by Microsoft for X360.[/QUOTE]

Why would they bother? This game was cancelled on PS360 before nintendo stepped in to rescue it.
Got in for a deluxe preorder at game stop today and was told they were getting close to the cut off point for preorders. I thought it was just for the store but then reading this thread afterwards it appears it was a nationwide thing to stop pre orders for the deluxe.They did say they had plenty of pre orders left for the 8gb system.

Also did a pre order last night at bestbuy online for in store pickup on the 18th. I also just checked since people were saying that the instore pickup pre order option was gone and its showing available to me everywhere around me.

I just did the two preorders to better my chances to get one console.If i can get both i will and if i can will sell the second one to make a profit if the market is there for it. If not it goes back to the store later.
[quote name='gkrykewy']Why would they bother? This game was cancelled on PS360 before nintendo stepped in to rescue it.[/QUOTE]

A finished game is less expensive to modify for other systems then a game that did not have any support. If they can make money on the property they will do it.
[quote name='fullhavok']So if I was the 1st at my GameStop to preorder, does that mean I'm guaranteed one? Do they really give them out in that order of preorders???[/QUOTE]

As long as they get at least one you're good.

I'm number 3 at my store. Hopefully they get at least 3 deluxe units.
Definitely not trying to stir the pot, but, just wanted to mention a few things...

1 - Gamestop by me has definitely stopped doing the Deluxe version pre-orders. In fact, the 3 stores closest to me have stopped doing them as of 7pm EST tonight. They do still have basics open for reservation.

2 - I may be wrong, but, I cannot think of one system that has come out within a month before X-mas that hasn't been sold out or very hard to get. Bear in mind, I've been around and owned an Atari 2600 when it first came out...aka, I'm no kid so I speak from experience. Granted, I may be wrong as different areas may be different with availability but, in my area, where I have lived my whole life, the above statement has always been true.

3 - Nintendo is a HUGE brand. They have money and continue to make money even with such failures as the gamecube. Most of this is due to the IP's they own that they do not let anyone else publish (CDI games were a long story and basically happened because Nintendo made a big mistake which I can bet, they will not make again). This system will sell even though it is not technologically the best system. It is on par with our current systems. If you remember, the Wii was the same way when it came out. Heck, out of the box it wouldn't even play dvd's! Nintendos customer base consists of a lot of children that quite frankly do not know or care about how the technology is....they just want the newest thing.

I guess that's it for now...just wanted to chime in with my 2cents on all I've read....
[quote name='narmstrong79']I assume Sony will release and update so that the Vita + PS3 combo will be a WiiU+. MS same deal with the surface glass tablet. Sell as bundles for the holiday season.[/QUOTE]

That won't work.
[quote name='Wanderlai'] Amazon looks like its going live on preorders soon.[/QUOTE]

Who knows, it could be for third party resellers. Just to further add to the confusion, Amazon is no longer listed when you go to the preorder retailers page for the WiiU on
Sigh...well, I caved like I knew I would. Pre-ordered at Gamestop. I actually pre-ordered 1 of each version since I have no idea which one I want at the moment, or if I want one at all.

I just didn't want to come across some awesome gameplay videos of Zombie U or learn something else cool about the system that would've put me over the edge and had me regretting not pre-ordering it. I have so much Gamestop credit it's no big deal either way.

Edit: I pre-ordered the deluxe one at one store, and then I was in the area of another store and felt like pre-ordering the regular one there, and they told me at that point they were "sold out" of the deluxe ones, so that does appear to be a nationwide thing.
Here's what I've heard:

Gamestop and other retailers do not have their actual allotment of systems yet, they have a general number they are going by, which is not final.

They are not guaranteeing first shipment to anybody, but it is first come first served in regards to preorders.

They are expecting to fill all preorders on first shipment, but things can change. Preorders may open up again in the future if their allotment turns out to be better than expected, or they could open up preorders for 2nd allotment.

A number of stores will be holding back stock for black friday, and not allowing preorders of their entire allotment (likewise some stores will have bundles with a bunch of junk nobody wants/needs).

The vast majority of preorders have been for the deluxe version which will be much harder to find during the holidays (especially without a preorder).

*I've preordered a deluxe with NSMBU, ZombiU, and paid it off in full. (first preorder for deluxe in my store)
I wonder how long they'll do the system trade-in for it. I'd obviously consider trading in my Wii, but I wonder if I can get more than $60 on ebay for it...probably not after factoring in all the fees.
[quote name='spawn33']Definitely not trying to stir the pot, but, just wanted to mention a few things...

1 - Gamestop by me has definitely stopped doing the Deluxe version pre-orders. In fact, the 3 stores closest to me have stopped doing them as of 7pm EST tonight. They do still have basics open for reservation.

2 - I may be wrong, but, I cannot think of one system that has come out within a month before X-mas that hasn't been sold out or very hard to get. Bear in mind, I've been around and owned an Atari 2600 when it first came out...aka, I'm no kid so I speak from experience. Granted, I may be wrong as different areas may be different with availability but, in my area, where I have lived my whole life, the above statement has always been true.

3 - Nintendo is a HUGE brand. They have money and continue to make money even with such failures as the gamecube. Most of this is due to the IP's they own that they do not let anyone else publish (CDI games were a long story and basically happened because Nintendo made a big mistake which I can bet, they will not make again). This system will sell even though it is not technologically the best system. It is on par with our current systems. If you remember, the Wii was the same way when it came out. Heck, out of the box it wouldn't even play dvd's! Nintendos customer base consists of a lot of children that quite frankly do not know or care about how the technology is....they just want the newest thing.

I guess that's it for now...just wanted to chime in with my 2cents on all I've read....[/QUOTE]

Seems that people don't remember the PS3 launch very well. It was hard to get for about a week or less, in fact if I remember correctly ebay sales dropped to just 50$ profit within days of the release, and stores had stock a week later. Many flippers had to return stock because there was plenty probably due to the $500/$600 price point of the 2 sku's.
Kind of annoying those who somehow thing Bayonetta 2 is not 'legit' and will 'somehow' end up on other consoles. For right now it's exclusive and knowing Nintendo, it won't leave. Just admit it has a great exclusive.
just curious if anyones facebook friends are talking about the wii u yet? Most people i see are just talking about the iphone 5 either im a smart cager or people just dont know or dont care about it. Once theres commercials and things i bet people will have more interest. :D
[quote name='RiPPn']Seems that people don't remember the PS3 launch very well. It was hard to get for about a week or less, in fact if I remember correctly ebay sales dropped to just 50$ profit within days of the release, and stores had stock a week later. Many flippers had to return stock because there was plenty probably due to the $500/$600 price point of the 2 sku's.[/QUOTE]
Yeah but we're talking about a $600 system which folks seem to forget. The price for the Wii U is important and once the new Xbox comes out it will drop $100.

It only has two options from here on out: Become a dreamcast or become a 3ds.
[quote name='RiPPn']Seems that people don't remember the PS3 launch very well. It was hard to get for about a week or less, in fact if I remember correctly ebay sales dropped to just 50$ profit within days of the release, and stores had stock a week later. Many flippers had to return stock because there was plenty probably due to the $500/$600 price point of the 2 sku's.[/QUOTE]

I think the price point had a lot to do with the lack of markup. I remember the 360 was impossible to find for months, and the Wii of course was scapled for at least 6 months before you could find them regularly.
[quote name='rckola911']just curious if anyones facebook friends are talking about the wii u yet? Most people i see are just talking about the iphone 5 either im a smart cager or people just dont know or dont care about it. Once theres commercials and things i bet people will have more interest. :D[/QUOTE]
Too early to tell. Remeber the Wii had virtually zero talk until AFTER its launch.
[quote name='JaylisJayP']I think the price point had a lot to do with the lack of markup. I remember the 360 was impossible to find for months, and the Wii of course was scapled for at least 6 months before you could find them regularly.[/QUOTE]
Well a scalped PS3 is like $800...way too much. And it had nothing very revolutionary about it.
I'm thinking it doesn't pay to trade my Wii in at Gamestop. $60 but I'd have to include 1 of my 2 Wiimotes and my only Nunchuk. It'd probably cost $30-$40 just to replace those. I guess I'll just throw my Wii in another room.
[quote name='rckola911']just curious if anyones facebook friends are talking about the wii u yet? Most people i see are just talking about the iphone 5 either im a smart cager or people just dont know or dont care about it. Once theres commercials and things i bet people will have more interest. :D[/QUOTE]

My facebook friends are talking about it. One of them hates it, another ran out and preordered a deluxe.
Taking a wait and see what MS and sony offer next year, I'm plenty happy with what I have. Don't see anything Wii U has I can't live without this year.
[quote name='Linkgx1']Well a scalped PS3 is like $800...way too much. And it had nothing very revolutionary about it.[/QUOTE]

$800 was way too much, but it actually was pretty revolutionary. It was a $500-$600 blu-ray player when blu-ray players were still a grand. It also, and still does in my opinion, have a better overall look than 360. Don't flame me I own both systems, I just feel like PS3 games are a notch brighter and "glossier." Just a preference of mine. Plus it was blu-tooth.
[quote name='JaylisJayP']I'm thinking it doesn't pay to trade my Wii in at Gamestop. $60 but I'd have to include 1 of my 2 Wiimotes and my only Nunchuk. It'd probably cost $30-$40 just to replace those. I guess I'll just throw my Wii in another room.[/QUOTE]
yeah im going back soon to give them my 360 the original, its worth 90 + 10 with their little gimmecky card. I simply dont play it and any game for it i have no need for except halo. Im really a pc gamer however having a system me and wife can play with nintendo characters is just sweet. A good system in HD that is, wii wasnt the best but this will rule, cant go wrong with hdmi its about #$ time. :applause: I do think its crap that nintendo power mag couldnt agree with them what a horrible time for that.
How many here genuinely really want the system and how many only want it because it is something new and can't help yourself?

I haven't talked to many people who are dying to play the Wii U and want it badly. I used to love Nintendo too. I think I only bought like 3 Wii games that were non-RPGs.
[quote name='gordojones88']Big Boy Prices for Little Boy Games.[/QUOTE]
And they are still boys at the end of the day.
[quote name='ShadowAssassin']How many here genuinely really want the system and how many only want it because it is something new and can't help yourself?

I haven't talked to many people who are dying to play the Wii U and want it badly. I used to love Nintendo too. I think I only bought like 3 Wii games that were non-RPGs.[/QUOTE]
Kind of stuck in between. THe fanboy in me wants it though I don't have the original Wii. I just don't want any regrets. Though I probaly should put that money toward something more constructive...we'll see.
This is what Amazon said to me via email:

"We are taking efforts to make Nintendo Wii U to be available in our website for pre order. I'd suggest checking our website from time to time to see if this item is available.

Thanks for your suggestion about the pre order of $Nintendo Wii U. Customer feedback like yours is very important in helping us continue to improve our website and services. I appreciate your thoughts, and will be sure to pass your suggestion along."
[quote name='JaylisJayP']$800 was way too much, but it actually was pretty revolutionary. It was a $500-$600 blu-ray player when blu-ray players were still a grand. It also, and still does in my opinion, have a better overall look than 360. Don't flame me I own both systems, I just feel like PS3 games are a notch brighter and "glossier." Just a preference of mine. Plus it was blu-tooth.[/QUOTE]
I think it was more...evolutionary. I mean, I won one but all in all it gave you all of that at too high of a price. It took the price coming down for it to start to take off.
[quote name='RiPPn']Seems that people don't remember the PS3 launch very well. It was hard to get for about a week or less, in fact if I remember correctly ebay sales dropped to just 50$ profit within days of the release, and stores had stock a week later. Many flippers had to return stock because there was plenty probably due to the $500/$600 price point of the 2 sku's.[/QUOTE]

I don't know about ebay, but, it was definitely hard to find around here in Upstate NY. Most stores sold out soon after receiving them. I figured it may vary by area.

* I should note, I'm only referring to the span between launch and X-mas....I really don't know what happened after*
[quote name='Linkgx1']Kind of stuck in between. THe fanboy in me wants it though I don't have the original Wii. I just don't want any regrets. Though I probaly should put that money toward something more constructive...we'll see.[/QUOTE]

I'm stuck in-between, too. If I do keep my pre-order it'll be with all gamestop credit anyway. Right now I'm on the fence, but like you I don't want any regrets. I can always back out.
One thing I will say about Nintendo is that(so far) they have not gone bat**** crazy with DRM like MS and Sony have. You can pretty much copy any saves to any system as long as they aren't online titles. I'm sure this will eventually change too.

Sony and MS went crazy with DRM and IMO it is the worst thing you happen to gaming. You need to jump through loopholes just to transfer and copy save data. They are so paranoid about people hacking trophies and achievements which no one cares about in the first place.
[quote name='JaylisJayP']I'm stuck in-between, too. If I do keep my pre-order it'll be with all gamestop credit anyway. Right now I'm on the fence, but like you I don't want any regrets. I can always back out.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I've had debates. I mean, as a college student I'm busy enough as it is and won't have time to play much...but not really sure. And this is happening near black friday so I might want something else instead. I have my place in line....I need to start flipping some games. :bouncy:
i am concerned now. Gamestop already stopped taking preorders for in store pick up. However, best buy (the one that I bought it today) is still accepting it. no I am concerned i might not get it.,..
[quote name='narmstrong79']I assume Sony will release and update so that the Vita + PS3 combo will be a WiiU+. MS same deal with the surface glass tablet. Sell as bundles for the holiday season.[/QUOTE]

Nice. You are set then, and can leave the thread. Yeah! ;)
[quote name='Linkgx1']Kind of annoying those who somehow thing Bayonetta 2 is not 'legit' and will 'somehow' end up on other consoles. For right now it's exclusive and knowing Nintendo, it won't leave. Just admit it has a great exclusive.[/QUOTE]

I won't argue that Bayonetta was a good game and that the WiiU currently has the exclusive rights to the sequel but it is not a system seller or even guaranteed to do well on this system. The first game sold about 1.9 million copies worldwide on all platforms. This is not some blockbuster we are talking about. If this only releases on the WiiU what do you think the sales will be? 300,000 units? Less or more? If it sold only 1.9 million with an installed base of over 100 million consoles how can we expect it to make anything on the WiiU.
[quote name='cancerman1120']I won't argue that Bayonetta was a good game and that the WiiU currently has the exclusive rights to the sequel but it is not a system seller or even guaranteed to do well on this system. The first game sold about 1.9 million copies worldwide on all platforms. This is not some blockbuster we are talking about. If this only releases on the WiiU what do you think the sales will be? 300,000 units? Less or more? If it sold only 1.9 million with an installed base of over 100 million consoles how can we expect it to make anything on the WiiU.[/QUOTE]

there were so many other games on the ps3 or 360 for fans of that genre that it was just a drop in the bucket. it will be more unique on the wii u, and if this console sells anywhere near as well as the wii, it should sell close to a million in my opinion.
I'm really liking the potential of NintendoTVii, as well. Having the ability to scroll through what's on your DVR or what's live on TV right from a remote in your hand while you're watching something else unimpaired on the screen is great...I just hope it'll work with DirecTV. The interaction with sports on live TV is awesome, too.
It doesn't have to sell X copies, it needs to convince Y people to buy the console for it, and to help Nintendo shed the image of being not for "hardcore" gamers.
[quote name='cancerman1120']I won't argue that Bayonetta was a good game and that the WiiU currently has the exclusive rights to the sequel but it is not a system seller or even guaranteed to do well on this system. The first game sold about 1.9 million copies worldwide on all platforms. This is not some blockbuster we are talking about. If this only releases on the WiiU what do you think the sales will be? 300,000 units? Less or more? If it sold only 1.9 million with an installed base of over 100 million consoles how can we expect it to make anything on the WiiU.[/QUOTE]

The first one was also competing with a lot of other titles available on those platforms. Initially the Wii U's library will be rather sparse and quality (post) launch titles stand to garner a good amount of press. The fact that this is an exclusive aimed at core gamers will help move copies to the early adopters. It's not going to break records but it should do alright. This game seems to be getting more attention on this board than just about any other Wii U game so far.
[quote name='yobaburp']Put a pre-order on it tonite at gamestop for the basic model. Going to flip it for a profit $$$ :)[/QUOTE]

Why would you buy a basic to flip? If someone is already paying a premium, I think they would want the premium model, unless it's Christmas Eve and they are desperate.
All u get with the deluxe is a tech demo,hdmi cable and extra flash. It's not like I can't grab a $1 hdmi cable off ebay and a really cheap external 32gb flash drive or larger to include in the flip.
[quote name='Squall_L_FF8']Went to Gamestop about 30 minutes ago and tried to get the deluxe version but was told they just stopped preorders on it. Preordered the regular version instead. Knew I should have went there yesterday.[/QUOTE]

Why on earth would you pre-order the regular version instead of just pre-ordering at bestbuy/toys r us/target/etc? The extra $50 gets you the extra disk space, the dock/stands ($20 on it's own), NintendoLand game ($50 on it's own). BAD. BAD BAD CAG!
With the $50 I saved I can grab something like the avengers or zombie-u to flip as a package deal of sorts.
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