The Wii's popularity pisses me off!

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Maybe I am just a video game snob but the Wii's popularity is pissing me off, not because I don't want to see Nintendo succeed, because I do, but because it is popular FOR THE WRONG REASONS.

What sparked this off was one of my good friends getting a used wii with Madden 08, Wii Play, and some game where he could play ping pong on it. I implored him to get Zelda: TP, Corruption, and Galaxy and he said that he just likes short games that are not time intensive and the motion games.

Am I alone here?? Does anybody else feel that the majority of Wii owners are not getting the best the system has to offer? Sure, I understand that not all gamers are like me and that everybody is entitled to thier own tastes, but ot me buying a Wii for these motion games or the zapper games, and completely ignoring the powerhouse classics is akin to owning an HDTV without ever using the HD features. Its just a shame to me.

EDIT: Oops wrong board, my bad. Mod please move it to the Wii board.
Other people's use of their free time that does not align with my own preferences enrages and infuriates me. Why don't all you pansies and soccer moms strap on some balls and get some real games for the Wii so I don't have to hear about you playing them.

Also, what's the deal with airline peanuts?
It's not really that people's likes and dislikes differ from mine that bothers me; its just I feel those types are not getting the most out of their Wii's.

It also probably type-casts the Wii in some respects, giving the public and possibly developers the impression that they should stick to (or that the system is only good for) a certain type of game for the console and not put as much effort into the other-less popular/non-motion related games.
Hmmm...the way I see it you hated the PS2 then as well. What percentage of people do you think owned a PS2 for Madden and a couple other random games and never played the "Great Games" you speak of?
It only bothers me if quality developers start ignoring the "hardcore" crowd and decide to only make shovelware.
[quote name='Wlogan31']Hmmm...the way I see it you hated the PS2 then as well. What percentage of people do you think owned a PS2 for Madden and a couple other random games and never played the "Great Games" you speak of?[/quote]

I never owned a PS2 so can't speak to that. I don't feel that the PS2 had the stark dichotomy that the Wii library is developing into though, I could be wrong.

I agree with Jav's sentiment in that my concern is that the popularity might steer the developers in that direction. This is my gripe, not that people enjoy the motion games to begin with, heck I do too for entertaining, showing off the motion controls, plaing with the wifey etc... This comprises a very small minority of my gaming time though.
[quote name='mikej012']Other people's use of their free time that does not align with my own preferences enrages and infuriates me. Why don't all you pansies and soccer moms strap on some balls and get some real games for the Wii so I don't have to hear about you playing them.

Also, what's the deal with airline peanuts?[/QUOTE]

It is a problem when the majority doesn't agree with me. This causes companies to spend money making tons of crap which the Wii is perfectly suited to. The Wii's popularity could lead to other major problems if more developers decide it's not worth it to make high-budget games which are generally higher quality.

Personally I think the Wii has very few quality games at all and is way way overpriced, but that's for another thread.
[quote name='pittpizza']I never owned a PS2 so can't speak to that. I don't feel that the PS2 had the stark dichotomy that the Wii library is developing into though, I could be wrong.

I agree with Jav's sentiment in that my concern is that the popularity might steer the developers in that direction. This is my gripe, not that people enjoy the motion games to begin with, heck I do too for entertaining, showing off the motion controls, plaing with the wifey etc... This comprises a very small minority of my gaming time though.[/quote]That difference is that the PS2 started off with your usual gamer crowd, and gained a substantial number of casual gamers as time went on, and it got cheaper, to the point that they were a vast majority. The Wii is starting out with casual gamers being a large portion, if not the majority. It remains to be seen if Nintendo can/wants to expand back into the gamer crowd (they've said they do now that the casual market has been captured, but let's see what if anything they do to that aim).
Oh god.

The "Wii is going to destroy gaming as we know it" argument again.

Christ. I thought we were past this kind of shit by now.

If you are angry about "no hardcore titles" and then ignore things like Metroid and Mario to begin with, then this isn't the system for you.
I couldn't give a shit less if others "get the most out of their Wii."

I will care if the majority end up that way and we don't get many "real", traditional games on the Wii.

But even that I care less about since buying a 360. I can live with the Wii just being another gamecube, and getting turned on a few times a year for the 1-3 big first party games and occasional third party game.
The Wii is fun. I like the Wii. I also have an XBOX 360. I like it. It's fun too. There is a website called can be found at If you hate your Wii put it up and someone will buy it from you.
It's shocking how many people post in a thread without actually reading anything in them first. (Ehh, I guess not since there are alot of CAGers who like to talk/write alot more than listen/read.) To those of you who seem to think that I am bashing the Wii or don't like it, read the actual text of the posts. If you did then you would realize that this is more about a frustration with people and the causal owners who are not getting the most out of their systems than the system itself. Im not pissed THAT its popular, I'm disappointed as to WHY its popular and just hope that resultant library is not too affected by the good sales of the motion/zapper stuff and the comparatively poor sales of Corruption/Galaxy/Zelda.

At the same time I completley acknowledge that Wii sportsish titles are really fun to play, to me its just a shame that so many stick to only these kinds of games and don't delve into what is IMO is the best the Wii has to offer.
I wouldn't say that the Wii's popularity pisses me off, but people do seem to head straight for the shitty games. And yes, I am saying that my taste in games is better than the majority of Wii owners'.
Truer words have never been spoken; thanks for your insight. Really. Seriously thank you. I am genuinely grateful for you're epiphany oh wise one.

Chacrana gets what I'm gettin at, which is basically wasted Wii's on crap. But yeah, good point about how its better to have people playing wii sports than nothing at all.

Dmaul we've mentioned this before, and this is pretty much why its a shame. I would love for the Wii to NOT be like the gamecube in that respect--meaning it's best used for nintendo exclusives--but its starting to look like (due to whats hot and what is not) it will be best used like the GC. Hopefully we're wrong.

This is more of a point for a nintendo fanboy though, and I should admit that I am a Wii fanboy so I admit that I am probably being hyper-sensitive to people not using their wii's in the best way possible (which is by playing the best games possible).
It's shocking how many people post in a thread without actually reading anything in them first.

No, actually it's not. This is the sort of thread that gets the claws extended reflexively, or in this case, plastic swords with a cardboard Triforce logo clumsily attached to the hilt. People (mostly kids...I hope) have irrational reactions to issues that they have deemed provocative, especially in this day and age of Internet skirmishes, especially gamers.

The reality is that, yes, Sony and Microsoft are already taking steps towards getting a slice of that Soccer Mom pie ( in, market share).* The landscape is changing at this very moment. I don't, however, think that 'real game' titles will be cannibalized anytime soon outside of the Wii. Do I think that 'real games' on the Wii could continue to diminish in number as it penetrates the Soccer Mom crowd (popularity-wise!) more? Do I think that the next Zelda could have a boss beaten by solving a moderately easy Picross puzzle? Do I think that the Nintendo Zealots are past the point of even beginning to concede that the Wii's extreme popularity with nongamers could very well have an adverse effect on 'our' games? Abso-effin'-lutely.

You can't always win...but there are alternatives to fighting.

EDIT: I would love for the Wii to NOT be like the gamecube in that respect--meaning it's best used for nintendo exclusives--but its starting to look like (due to whats hot and what is not) it will be best used like the GC.

See, I've already made peace with this. Just take this mindset and it will keep you more grounded and minimize the teeth-gnashing when it plays out all deja vu-style over the next three or four years.

*--And I think the Guitar Hero/Rock Band series are the kind of game that will continue to tackle both crowds extremely well, and satisfy both equally.
There are certain challenges when a console does not sell very well. There are also problems and challenges when one is crazy popular.

Because the Wii is so popular, everyone wants to get a slice of the market and you get a lot of shovelware/crappy games/movie knock offs/etc. So I think the huge popularity will lead to a lot of crappy games.

But I think there will be a lot of great games too. It may in fact be a small percentage of the total, but still it will be a lot.

And maybe the soccer moms and grandpas will now and then pick up one of the more in-depth games and convert from just a casual gamer. It's been known to happen.

On a totally related note. My mother-in-law heard about the Wii from a friend of hers. She heard how fun it is and really wants to try it. So, she is buying me one for Christmas! If it hadn't been so popular she'd never have considered getting me one.

So, score! (The bad news is, she told me I have to buy it, she'll pay me back. So now I'm trying to track one down, just like half of the country :cry: )
[quote name='pittpizza']
Dmaul we've mentioned this before, and this is pretty much why its a shame. I would love for the Wii to NOT be like the gamecube in that respect--meaning it's best used for nintendo exclusives--but its starting to look like (due to whats hot and what is not) it will be best used like the GC. Hopefully we're wrong.

Yeah, I'd love to be wrong as well. I wasn't expecting the Wii to be another GC. The DS had such great third party games, and beat the piss out of the PSP for me in terms of games I want to play, so I was hoping for more of the same from the Wii.

So that's why I bought a Wii at launch, instead of a 360, which in hindsight was the wrong order to buy the two for me.

But it hasn't panned out yet. But of course the DS sucked even harder it's first year, so maybe the tide will turn in 2008. Just wish they'd announce more of what was coming next year.
[quote name='pittpizza'] I admit that I am probably being hyper-sensitive to people not using their wii's in the best way possible (which is by playing the best games possible).[/QUOTE]
The word "best" is entirely subjective.

The topic might be better if worded "People who don't play the highest rated games on the the Wii piss me off!" instead of commenting on the Wii's social acceptance.
Who the hell cares what other people get out of it? You seem to like the "solid" games, other people have the same like for the mini game stuff. Personal preference. Nothing is being wasted, because those people don't care anyway.

Now, the popularity of the Wii does piss me off for another reason, and that is because places are always sold out of stuff I want to buy for it.
[quote name='pittpizza']you would realize that this is more about a frustration with people and the causal owners who are not getting the most out of their systems than the system itself. Im not pissed THAT its popular, I'm disappointed as to WHY its popular and just hope that resultant library is not too affected by the good sales of the motion/zapper stuff and the comparatively poor sales of Corruption/Galaxy/Zelda. [/QUOTE]

If you asked me last generation what my favorite console was I would have said the Gamecube. It had some great exclusives, a great wireless controller, and 3rd party games that were better graphically and loading time wise than the PS2. I loved it but almost everyone dismissed it.

Nintendo needed to rock the boat a bit due to the Gamecube's poor sales.

The PS2 has a lot of shitty's what happens when a console is that popular. It didn't stop the good stuff from coming through in the end though.

I can understand your wanting more top notch games like Galaxy and Zelda but its not as if they have stopped making them. If it DOES happen that would suck but so far so good. If anything I think the Wii will get some more niche stuff like that new Ninja game from the guys who did Odin Sphere. Mega Man's creator is also looking at the Wii as a platform for some new Mega Man stuff.

There will be crap so you have to get used to it. The thing I don't understand is why people believe you can't have both? Casual and hardcore games? The Gameboy line and now the DS have been doing it for years and even though there is a lot of crap I wouldn't complain about the libraries of games available.
Wii has a lot of great games now though. I just got
Tomb Raider Anniversery
Fire Emblem
Zack and Wiki
Resident Evil Umbrela Chronicles
Medal of Honor Heroes 2
and Rayman RR 2 as a gift for someone like you're friend there. who likes those games.

The buy 2 get one and $10 gift card with buy in the newspaper ad made this deal amazing and is the reason I bought them even though i'm still going through Mario Galaxy, and now playing Crysis on my kick ass PC.

Wii is great. Just keep on the guy to play a real game. By the way Medal of Honor Heroes 2 kicks ass. Very fast once you tweak the controls and very fun with arcade and online.
First off - I give credit where it is due, and despite its bias, this is one of the best posts I've read by jollydwarf. As he generally behaves himself to be "above" the "sheeplike" Nintendo followers, a group that I assume I am a solid part of in his mind, I do have to say that unlike most of his thread trolling, the man actually defines, in so many words, the exact argument that he feels stands tall with the latest Nintendo console.

I'll quote XKCD, paraphase and edit where needed:

With science, you don't need to argue. It doesn't matter who wins the debate -- it's about reality. By just waiting a little longer, we'll get to see who was right. It feels unethical, but I find myself wanting to keep quiet about the science just to know for sure. The state of the video game market isn't really my responsibility. I'm just thrilled to get to watch. If the analysts and Wii haters are wrong -- and if we keep people from understanding just a little longer -- we'll enjoy quite a ride. And pragmatically, on the outside chance that they are actually right, I get saved the embarassment of having spoken up.

All credit for the wonderful text goes to Randall Monroe - a modern day prophet and genius.
Why are you upset about how other people use their stuff?

I'll say it again, cause I guess you missed the import before (what was that about reading comprehension?):

"I play fun games on the Wii."

So, if I enjoy it for the games I enjoy, why should I care if someone is enjoying it for games I couldn't care less about?
[quote name='MarioColbert']First off - I give credit where it is due, and despite its bias, this is one of the best posts I've read by jollydwarf. As he generally behaves himself to be "above" the "sheeplike" Nintendo followers, a group that I assume I am a solid part of in his mind, I do have to say that unlike most of his thread trolling, the man actually defines, in so many words, the exact argument that he feels stands tall with the latest Nintendo console.

I'll quote XKCD, paraphase and edit where needed:

With science, you don't need to argue. It doesn't matter who wins the debate -- it's about reality. By just waiting a little longer, we'll get to see who was right. It feels unethical, but I find myself wanting to keep quiet about the science just to know for sure. The state of the video game market isn't really my responsibility. I'm just thrilled to get to watch. If the analysts and Wii haters are wrong -- and if we keep people from understanding just a little longer -- we'll enjoy quite a ride. And pragmatically, on the outside chance that they are actually right, I get saved the embarassment of having spoken up.

All credit for the wonderful text goes to Randall Monroe - a modern day prophet and genius. [/quote]

You're right, that was a poignant post. This part describes my anger:
"Do I think that 'real games' on the Wii could continue to diminish in number as it penetrates the Soccer Mom crowd (popularity-wise!) more? Do I think that the next Zelda could have a boss beaten by solving a moderately easy Picross puzzle? Do I think that the Nintendo Zealots are past the point of even beginning to concede that the Wii's extreme popularity with nongamers could very well have an adverse effect on 'our' games? Abso-effin'-lutely."

MC is right too, only time will tell if the "WHY" of the Wii's popularity will have a negative effect on "our games." There is--obviously--no conclusive link that the popularity of what in my opinion are crap games will negatively effect or decrease the flow of good games, but it's a concern nonetheless. I just feel like most people are not being exposed to the very best the Wii has to offer, which is a shame; I suppose those of you who have said "Let them play what they want to play" are right too, it's no skin off my back. To me it seems like a waste, thats all.

Daroga, I'm not red faced and up losing sleep over people missing out on games like Corruption, Zelda TP or Galaxy, I just wish that the casual crowd would get more exposure to the best on the system. "Best" is a loaded word and connotes some subjectivity, but objectively speaking it's safe to say that the best are the three I've mentioned. True, not everyone is a videogame nerd/snob whatever you want to call it so it is what it is. Let them play what they enjoy even if it a waste of a wii (by virtue of them missing out on the elite ones). That was an interesting point, whoever made it, that maybe the popularity of the motion stuff might even fuel the production of the elite stuff, however my dread is that it works vice versa.

BTW, if someone makes a remark about daroga, is that a darogatory remark?
I own a Wii, and Super Mario Galaxy is possibly the best game I've played this gen so far, but there's no denying that the Wii has the most amount of shovelware out of the three main consoles. Although the fanboys won't admit it (I just play games for fun and don't give a shit about who's making the console or not), the OP does have a point.
your brave making this thread, when I first saw it, I knew there would be both complaints and rants :) . my opinion: everyone can play what they want, video games are meant to be fun. listen to daroga, he always seems about right ;)
If a Wii game designer could actually make a game worth a shit, then I don't thing there would be any problems. But everytime I think of the wii, I think of "Carnival Games". GOTY, I promise
[quote name='pittpizza']You're right, that was a poignant post. This part describes my anger:
"Do I think that 'real games' on the Wii could continue to diminish in number as it penetrates the Soccer Mom crowd (popularity-wise!) more?[/quote]
"REAL" games? Ping Pong is a real game, and you really just hit a ball around with a paddle. Give me a verifiable definition (as in: a REAL one) of what your "real" games are, or shut the fuck up.

[quote name='pittpizza quoting jollydwarf'] Do I think that the next Zelda could have a boss beaten by solving a moderately easy Picross puzzle? [/quote]
You know what's awesome about hypotheticals? Is that you can't argue with them. For example, jollydwaft COULD be my alter ego posting from several accounts, waging a fake war on myself for my own amusement. But being that he has me on ignore, someone will have to quote this for him to clear his good name from having any involvement with the one, the only, in the motherfucking flesh MarioColbert.

[quote name='pittpizza quoting jollydwarf']Do I think that the Nintendo Zealots are past the point of even beginning to concede that the Wii's extreme popularity with nongamers could very well have an adverse effect on 'our' games? Abso-effin'-lutely."
Are you kidding? I really hope this is a joke. If so, I am full of giggles.

Nintendo zealots understand one thing that upsets PS3 owners - we're no longer in a rut where N64 has taken us. Look - we didn't just "hear this shit" before. We said it. We said it in defense of Nintendo 64, we said it in part to defend GameCube. Now, all of a sudden you're no longer rooting for the winning team and that scares you somehow?

No, YOU grow a set of balls and stick next to who you believe will deliver what you seek the most. You wanna come in here and complain like a little bitch how the little baby toy is stealing all of your fun, go ahead - but that's what you're doing - complaining like a little bitch. Sissy fucking pansy.

[quote name='pittpizza'] MC is right too, only time will tell if the "WHY" of the Wii's popularity will have a negative effect on "our games."[/quote]
I don't know what's going to happen. You want a counter-argument? The simple games for the Wii that turn small budgets into huge revenue increase the industry's chances to produce more high-dollar games. Apossum wrote that up to perfection in that other thread.

[quote name='pittpizza']There is--obviously--no conclusive link that the popularity of what in my opinion are crap games will negatively effect or decrease the flow of good games, but it's a concern nonetheless.[/quote]
The clue train that I took this morning took me by Wal-Mart, a Starbucks, and a PEP BOYS store, and I thought "damn, can -anyone- compete with these guys? Welcome to Market Economy, and yes, the biggest dollar will dictate more than anything. You want to support good games? Find ways to buy them at full price, and tell others to do the same. If you aren't willing to do even that, you don't deserve much of what soccer moms are buying and supporting with their husband's hard earned dollars. Everybody will sell out in a market economy, provided that the price is right.

[quote name='pittpizza']I just feel like most people are not being exposed to the very best the Wii has to offer, which is a shame; I suppose those of you who have said "Let them play what they want to play" are right too, it's no skin off my back. To me it seems like a waste, thats all.[/quote]
I agree with you, but apart from a complaint, do you have a solution in mind? If you feel this strongly about it (enough to make a post, obviously) - how much have you done to promote great games to people who wouldn't be buying them without your guidance?

Look, my sister in law has a Wii that I bought her. She asks me for game recommendations from time to time, and I stress the importance of proper things to support. Regardless, she wants a large catalog of party games she can play with her friends (I guess it's now cool to play games with your high school friends from whatever the fuck club she is in) and yes, I most certainly have streered her in that direction as well. The fact that she played enough Zelda to ask me about a few bosses was enough to give me a smile on my face.

Point blank: get off the ass, and buy someone a game. If you don't know how good they would be at it, go ahead and buy them the fucking guide along with the title. If you expect everyone to just "know" shit... When was the last time you listened to some conversations around you in a college classroom?
[quote name='pittpizza']Daroga, I'm not red faced and up losing sleep over people missing out on games like Corruption, Zelda TP or Galaxy, I just wish that the casual crowd would get more exposure to the best on the system. "Best" is a loaded word and connotes some subjectivity, but objectively speaking it's safe to say that the best are the three I've mentioned. True, not everyone is a videogame nerd/snob whatever you want to call it so it is what it is. Let them play what they enjoy even if it a waste of a wii (by virtue of them missing out on the elite ones). That was an interesting point, whoever made it, that maybe the popularity of the motion stuff might even fuel the production of the elite stuff, however my dread is that it works vice versa. [/quote]Oh, I hear you. I want everyone enjoying all the great stuff on the system, but it's not always everyone's cup of tea. I guess I make efforts to encourage people to try things like Mario, but understand if it's no their thing.

[quote name='pittpizza'] BTW, if someone makes a remark about daroga, is that a darogatory remark?
[quote name='mykevermin']Yeah, I hate popular things too.

I'm going to go fire up my That Triple now.[/quote]Bonus points for using it correctly, as well as correct capitalization. :D
[quote name='dallow']Bonus points for using it correctly, as well as correct capitalization. :D[/QUOTE]
Lurking the OTT has it's benefits.

You can found the cool nicknames for consoles and the correct way of spelling them.
[quote name='MarioColbert']Nintendo zealots understand one thing that upsets PS3 owners - we're no longer in a rut where N64 has taken us. Look - we didn't just "hear this shit" before. We said it. We said it in defense of Nintendo 64, we said it in part to defend GameCube. Now, all of a sudden you're no longer rooting for the winning team and that scares you somehow?[/quote]

No, you are in a rut. You may not be in a rut sales wise, but as far as quality of games goes it's a very deep rut. And I was a Nintendo fanboy. I've been playing Nintendo consoles since the NES, and I even stuck by the Gamecube. But I just find it very hard to support Nintendo currently. I'm just simply not happy about the direction Nintendo's headed in. There's simply an astonishing amount of crap being released for the Wii. And all three consoles have crap on them, but when the crap is surpassing the good stuff in terms of sales there's a very big problem. I think I'll have to stick by the PS3 this generation. And I know it seems like I'm backing a losing horse, but I've done that a couple of times for Nintendo and I'm willing to try it at least once for Sony.
[quote name='mykevermin']Yeah, I hate popular things too.

I'm going to go fire up my That Triple now.[/quote]

Me too. I am going to ignore my Wii since everyone loves it. I am going to play PS3 and Atari Jaguar, no one likes those. We are some rebels.
I gotta say, I'm definately not liking how open the doors are for just about ANY developer to come in and throw some shit together and call it a game just for the sake of making a quick buck.

Wii has some great games. Most of it is 1st party, with some being 3rd. But it's not a whole lot when you compare it to the already insanely huge library of fucking Wii Sports knock-offs, generic racing games, licensed crap that had Wii controls slapped together, and shit that just shouldn't be (Chicken Shoot?).

Compare the amount of games Nintendo released for the Super NES to the N64 or GameCube. Since the N64, they've taken a seat back and let 3rd party developers make the most of their consoles while throwing in a couple of their own games here and there. It's especially evident with GameCube. Wii is slowly becoming that. While it's still early, I'm hoping they at least make a turnaround like they did with the DS in its first year.
Wait, was the claim just made that the PS3's quality lineup is greater than the Wii's? I can understand the 360 game (in quantity if not quality), but wow, I'm not sure I've heard such a brazen thing said before. If you want to miss Mario Galaxy, I guess that's your choice. But it's also your fault.
[quote name='Tsukento']
Compare the amount of games Nintendo released for the Super NES to the N64 or GameCube. Since the N64, they've taken a seat back and let 3rd party developers make the most of their consoles while throwing in a couple of their own games here and there. It's especially evident with GameCube. Wii is slowly becoming that. While it's still early, I'm hoping they at least make a turnaround like they did with the DS in its first year.[/quote]See, if they do that, then 3rd parties bitch that their games don't sell. It's a balancing act. They've already pushed back a number of games that are pretty well primed for release, so it's been a conscious decision to not flood the channel with first party games.
The popularity of Apples piss me off.

I mean, sure they are tasty, but as you get further into the middle you collide with the core. Talk about killing the enjoyment.
[quote name='rainking187']And I know it seems like I'm backing a losing horse, but I've done that a couple of times for Nintendo and I'm willing to try it at least once for Sony.[/quote]

I, for one, disagree about Sony being a losing horse, unless as you said we are speaking hardware sales alone. I certainly think that N64 library pales in comparison to the PS1, though I wouldn't be so quick to cast GameCube aside with a similar predicament.

Your dislike of Nintendo's direction, mind you, is understood though not shared. It's possible that someone will start trying to list titles that they enjoy... I will do no such thing - to each his own, and I hope that I'm not being read as "Nintendo is universally awesome, you're an idiot for not supporting this."

In all reality, I should have stuck by Monroe's words. We will all see, so long that we're around for it. Personally, I'm used to having nothing but shit on systems, and generally hope for two, maybe three titles that are "mine" in any given year.
[quote name='whoknows']The popularity of Apples piss me off.

I mean, sure they are tasty, but as you get further into the middle you collide with the core. Talk about killing the enjoyment.[/quote]I had a great apple today. It was crisp and sweet. I never wanted it to end!

It ended. :(
[quote name='daroga']Wait, was the claim just made that the PS3's quality lineup is greater than the Wii's?[/QUOTE]

That's not what I was implying, if you think I was.
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