The WRESTLEMANIA 24 Wrestling Thread! Wooooooooooooo!

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Oh my god, is this feud continuing post-WrestleMania?! Ugh. Let's just hope WWE develops WWE Amnesia like they often do and just drop it.
[quote name='bigraj']Hard for me to tell with the stream. Did Floyd come close to connecting?[/quote]

Right now, the good stream is "WrestleMania 24-SKY Box Office" (minus the quotations).

p.s. welcome to CAG :D
[quote name='bigraj']Hard for me to tell with the stream. Did Floyd come close to connecting?[/QUOTE]

Looked like ti. I'm sure Show wouldn't be opposed to taking a stiff punch for realism's purposes. And before anyone brings up the knucks, in wrestling, the brass knucks are always put on past the knuckles- between the knuckles and fingertips- so they don't actually hit the guy with them. Not that they're likely even metal anyway.

EDIT: 500... Please mods, don't close this till after the PPV at the very least.
I love the black tunic. All he's missing now is a tunic top during wrestling and a forked beard, and he'd be the 'Taker I liked the most.
I love how Edge has been in control of the match since it began, although I'm waiting for The Undertaker to apply that lame submission hold out of nowhere, like he's done in pretty much all of his matches over the past two months. :(
Nice to see the old corner-punches/Last Ride counter countered.

Really good match so far, Taker is ridiculously consistent when it comes to Wrestlemania over the last several years regardless of how limited his opponent is, and Edge is still probably the best heel they have.
[quote name='lmz00']I love how Edge has been in control of the match since it began, although I'm waiting for The Undertaker to apply that lame submission hold out of nowhere, like he's done in pretty much all of his matches over the past two months. :([/quote]



At least he's not using the leg grapevine as a finish like he did in the early-2000s.
[quote name='chasemurata']TRIANGLE CHOKE


At least he's not using the leg grapevine as a finish like he did in the early-2000s.[/QUOTE]

The triangle choke he uses is ok, it's the wonky gogoplata he uses sometimes that's really weird looking.
[quote name='KaneRobot']The triangle choke he uses is ok, it's the wonky gogoplata he uses sometimes that's really weird looking.[/quote]

Oh, I absolutely agree, KR.
They actually built that finish up really well, with 'Taker throwing that in the mix as a finisher frequently enough in the last several months so the crowd wasn't sitting on their hands when he put the choke in.

Hopefully Undertaker gets the long reign now he was supposed to get last year, and this time it'll be injury-free. I wouldn't bet on it though, that guy ain't getting any younger.
Good match by Edge and the Undertaker. I have it as my second favorite match of the night.

1. Money in the Bank (Average finish, fun match)
2. Edge/Undertaker (Good WWE counter-wrestling)
3. Michaels/Flair (Average match, incredible finish)
Called it, unfortunately. Undertaker is a boring champ, though. Here's hoping Edge uses his "rematch clause" and wins the title back on Tuesday/Friday, or at least the next PPV.
Edge will win it back, then CM Punk will cash it in and we'll see Edge vs. Straight Edge (Rated R vs XXX?) at Backlash. Though if this did happen, i'd highly doubt Punk would win.
Edge/Taker was great, but the ending felt a little anticlimatic. I'd have liked it more had Edge held out for a few more seconds.

I felt he tapped too soon.
[quote name='lmz00']Undertaker is a boring champ, though. [/QUOTE]


I'd like to see a Flair retirement speech on Raw tomorrow to get a proper send-off. I know the HoF thing was kind of a retirement speech, but it got cut off and he had to pretend he wasn't retired yet. Just give him 10-15 minutes to say goodbye in front of an indoor crowd. The postmatch thing tonight was ok but the crowd was a little flat, and it sucked having it right in the middle of the card.
[quote name='Purple Flames']Edge/Taker was great, but the ending felt a little anticlimatic. I'd have liked it more had Edge held out for a few more seconds.

I felt he tapped too soon.[/quote]

I understand what you mean, but I have been a big critic to the "let's draw out the submission finish for, what feels like, a few minutes" idea WWE, seemingly, started with Kurt Angle. It could be a faulty memory, but I remember people tapping out a lot quicker to submissions than they are now. I know it adds drama, but I think it makes submissions look a lot weaker.
[quote name='KaneRobot']LOL

I'd like to see a Flair retirement speech on Raw tomorrow to get a proper send-off. I know the HoF thing was kind of a retirement speech, but it got cut off and he had to pretend he wasn't retired yet. Just give him 10-15 minutes to say goodbye in front of an indoor crowd. The postmatch thing tonight was ok but the crowd was a little flat, and it sucked having it right in the middle of the card.[/quote]

Due to WWE requiring everyone to be present tomorrow, I think they will give him time to say a proper goodbye.
I was actually surprised that he lasted a lot longer than everyone else he's put the hold on (Big Daddy V, Mark Henry, etc., who all tapped as soon as it was applied). Due to the way the match was going, I almost expected him to get his foot on the rope, but I knew it was too good to be true.
Flair/HBK was phenomenal drama, great back and forth, and very good wrestling. It also told a great story in terms of cinema (such as opting to mic the ring to allow for the banter between them to be heard - with only one awkward moment I recall). The ending was incredibly done, perfect, and fitting. There are a handful of WM matches that I will watch a couple times a year: Savage/Steamboat, HBK/Razor, Demolition/Colossal Connection, etc. This match will be added to that list.

Few wrestlers get to go out the way Flair did, on a PPV, in a huge match, with equal opponents, and a mostly unknown outcome. HBK left the ring immediately after the pin and let Flair have his moment in the spotlight for the final time. Flair earned every moment of what he got tonight, and since few, if any, wrestlers get to go out on a nostalgic note where the theme of the match is respect, reverence, and thanks for an incredible career, Flair's sendoff was top-notch all around.

The Raw title match (what the hell are the differences between their names again?) was boring as all get out. Three wrestlers who are excellent followers in the ring, but none are great leaders IMO. This match exposed that. On top of it all, I couldn't get over how orange Triple H was. That should look positively peachy on the Blu-Ray version. ;)

The ECW title match was what it was: an afterthought, a quick pop, and a meaningless title change from one meaningless champion to another. Kane? Really? When was the last time he even remotely mattered? Granted, he's like Scott Steiner in TNA: in the twilight of his career, a company man who is good to serve as filler in a main event feud/match, but ultimately nobody who a fan with half a brain would consider a plausible champion. Which is fine, since the ECW title has been incredibly meaningless.

MITB was excellent up until the peculiar finish and how strange that came off. Benjamin and MVP were the men of the hour, Matt Hardy was a nice surprise, and seeing Punk win was very thrilling. Good spots, great energy. One worth watching every now and then.

Bunnymania was what it was. It was cute and fast, at any rate.

JBL/Finlay was a rough and exciting match, and I found that I was into it enough that I was disappointed that Finlay lost. At the end of the day, that's when you realize they are two very good wrestlers: they convinced me that the match mattered, and I was rooting for one guy, booing another, and was concerned about the outcome.

Edge/UT was very good, but there's something about Edge that just doesn't work for me. When Edge and Angle feuded years ago (the feud that culminated in Angle getting his head shaved), they had numerous matches that were revered by fans. I just didn't give a shit about them at all, but I recognized that they were still good wrestling. I felt the same way here: I could tell it was good back and forth, but I just didn't fucking care a single bit. What is it about Edge? Is it him? His style, his spots? Or the pace of the match? It was good back and forth, but it undoubtedly plodded along for a bit.

Oh, and Batista and Umaga wrestled. I'm just stunned that there was a matchup wherein I actually wanted to see that self-righteous asshole Umaga win. Strange.
So.. I didn't watch it, but it sounds like a fairly decent show. Good to see Undertaker as champ, since he deserves it... but he's always been a fairly boring champ I'd say. Not much of a talker, not very dramatic confrontations or anything. His main appeal seems to be his mysticism, as well as legendary status.
CM Punk winning the MITB was the surprise of the night (behind Kennedy, MVP, or Jericho) for me. That said, him winning sets up what could (should) be a very good year for Punk. I don't see him winning the Raw or SD title, but I wouldn't be surprised if he holds off on cashing in the shot for awhile - he doesn't look strong against any of the top contenders on either brand right now. I'd love for him and Jericho to feud over the IC title for the summer, culminating in a big blow-off around SummerSlam. We're due for a draft anyways, a perfect time to bring CM Punk to Raw without using the MITB match to do so. If Punk beats Jericho for the belt, it'll set up the next part of my fantasy booking.

If (and when) he gets to the top of the card, then is the time for the much-needed CM Punk heel turn. We've all said it before - CM Punk's character is at it's best when it's the completely arrogant "I'm sXe, and that makes me better than you" guy who thinks his shit doesn't stink. Let him do the turn by attacking Jeff Hardy when he comes back, calling Hardy out on all of his problems. Hardy coming back should want to avenge his demons by going after the belt he held before he was suspended. Give them a few weeks of "friendly" competition before Punk lays out Hardy because he's sick of how Jeff's wasted all of his talent by depending on substances.
[quote name='JJSP']CM Punk winning the MITB was the surprise of the night (behind Kennedy, MVP, or Jericho) for me. That said, him winning sets up what could (should) be a very good year for Punk. I don't see him winning the Raw or SD title, but I wouldn't be surprised if he holds off on cashing in the shot for awhile - he doesn't look strong against any of the top contenders on either brand right now. I'd love for him and Jericho to feud over the IC title for the summer, culminating in a big blow-off around SummerSlam. We're due for a draft anyways, a perfect time to bring CM Punk to Raw without using the MITB match to do so. If Punk beats Jericho for the belt, it'll set up the next part of my fantasy booking.

If (and when) he gets to the top of the card, then is the time for the much-needed CM Punk heel turn. We've all said it before - CM Punk's character is at it's best when it's the completely arrogant "I'm sXe, and that makes me better than you" guy who thinks his shit doesn't stink. Let him do the turn by attacking Jeff Hardy when he comes back, calling Hardy out on all of his problems. Hardy coming back should want to avenge his demons by going after the belt he held before he was suspended. Give them a few weeks of "friendly" competition before Punk lays out Hardy because he's sick of how Jeff's wasted all of his talent by depending on substances.[/quote]

If there's a draft and CM Punk goes, then what reason is left to watch anything at all on ECW? He's basically the show and the only reason I watch, other than to do some mystery science theater on the show with some friends. I love making fun of Big Daddy V....and the other wrestler with the braids (I forget his name).
[quote name='zewone']Is there anywhere I can watch Mayweather embarrass himself?[/QUOTE]

I haven't watched the match yet so I can't comment personally. However Wade Keller gave the match a pretty solid 3 1/2 stars. And he's usually VERY fickle so for something like this to end up with that good of a review speaks volumes.
[quote name='zewone']Is there anywhere I can watch Mayweather embarrass himself?[/QUOTE]

Not embarrassing enough to watch for camp value, and not even a good wrestling match to watch for that sake either. It wasn't terrible, but I see no reason to try to hunt this match down to watch it.
I liked this mania alot better than last year IMO. seeing ric leaving almost brought me to tears. When HBK said "im sorry" and teh camera shot to a tearing flair knowing this was it was really too much. i was glad orton won and taker won. the MITB was the best match i believe, so many good spots that match had.
I thought this WM was way better than last years. I thought every match was pretty good. The Flair/HBK match was awsome. Did HBK botch that table spot? It loojk like he landed on it wrong. MITB was really good. The opening match was great and a good way to start the show. I fuckin hate Mayweather and his whole stupid group he was with. I would have liked to see him get his ass beat for real. UT and Edge was a really good match, but I think at this point Undertaker is pretty boring. Smackdown as a whole is just boring. Everyone and their mother complains about how boring Cena is but UT is up there right with him IMO. He won the belt again just like he did last year. Damn does WWE need new stars. Badly.

I give WM a 4/5. It was pretty solid.
[quote name='Blackout542']I thought this WM was way better than last years. I thought every match was pretty good. The Flair/HBK match was awsome. Did HBK botch that table spot? It loojk like he landed on it wrong. MITB was really good. The opening match was great and a good way to start the show. I fuckin hate Mayweather and his whole stupid group he was with. I would have liked to see him get his ass beat for real. UT and Edge was a really good match, but I think at this point Undertaker is pretty boring. Smackdown as a whole is just boring. Everyone and their mother complains about how boring Cena is but UT is up there right with him IMO. He won the belt again just like he did last year. Damn does WWE need new stars. Badly.

I give WM a 4/5. It was pretty solid.[/quote]

Yeah, Smackdown can be a bit boring, but there's nothing worse than ECW. Now that's a snoozefest, especially when you compare it to how great it once was.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']Yeah, Smackdown can be a bit boring, but there's nothing worse than ECW. Now that's a snoozefest, especially when you compare it to how great it once was.[/quote]

Yeah wow. ECW is on a whole different level of boring than anything else going on right now. In fact ECW hasn't been ECW since Vince bought it. I can't even tell what ECW is now because all the guys that are on ECW are also on Smackdown. The title doesn't mean anything. I mean when one of the main attractions on the brand is Miz you know there is something terribly wrong.
[quote name='Blackout542']Yeah wow. ECW is on a whole different level of boring than anything else going on right now. In fact ECW hasn't been ECW since Vince bought it. I can't even tell what ECW is now because all the guys that are on ECW are also on Smackdown. The title doesn't mean anything. I mean when one of the main attractions on the brand is Miz you know there is something terribly wrong.[/quote]

Definitely, but that being said, I actually enjoy the Miz somewhat.:)
I actually feel like I missed something by not watching a wrestling event for the first time in months. I know I'll actually be eager to watch RAW tomorrow night.
Considering how WWE required everyone to be at tomorrow's show, I'm guessing they're giving Flair the opportunity to say a proper farewell. That possibility in itself compels me to watch RAW. :mrgreen: :whistle2:(
i know its possibly been done already, but whoever makes the next topic really should do a flair topic, even if its been done, just seems fitting
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