The WRESTLEMANIA 24 Wrestling Thread! Wooooooooooooo!

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When Taker put Edge in the triangle, did he start "bleeding" from the mouth? I thought it was hilarious when I saw him do it to Viscera and he was drooling immediately.
[quote name='mykevermin']Edge/UT was very good, but there's something about Edge that just doesn't work for me. When Edge and Angle feuded years ago (the feud that culminated in Angle getting his head shaved), they had numerous matches that were revered by fans. I just didn't give a shit about them at all, but I recognized that they were still good wrestling. I felt the same way here: I could tell it was good back and forth, but I just didn't fucking care a single bit. What is it about Edge? Is it him? His style, his spots? Or the pace of the match? It was good back and forth, but it undoubtedly plodded along for a bit.[/quote]

I feel the same way about Edge. He just annoys me. If he left wrestling tomorrow I wouldn't miss him one bit. During his match tonight I noticed that he ALWAYS bares his teeth to show he's being INTENSE. He has the same expression on his face for about 80% of the match. He's just dull, IMO. I think he's closer to Xpac heat than actual heel heat. I believe it's most likely due to the Lita/Matt fiasco. I think a lot of people are of the persuasion that he became a main eventer only because WWE used the real life drama in a storyline. The fact that him screwing his friend over directly led him to main event status soured a lot of people on him. That's just my take.

[quote name='Matt Young']I like the gogoplata just fine, but no selling the spear is BULLSHIT.[/quote]

That's because Edge has the softest, most gentle spear in wrestling. 8th graders could take it and get right up. It's arguably the most unconvincing finisher being used today.
Edge has been one of my favorite wrestlers for a looooooong time. If you don't like him, I don't know what to say. You're supposed to hate him. He's been the best heel in the business (WWE/TNA, as I am not nearly as familiar with the other current promotions) since 2005.

[quote name='CouRageouS']When Taker put Edge in the triangle, did he start "bleeding" from the mouth? I thought it was hilarious when I saw him do it to Viscera and he was drooling immediately.[/QUOTE]

No, thank God. He held out for a while and didn't mouth-bleed.
Matt, I'm torn. I don't hate Edge, I just think he's kinda there. Some feuds work with him, and some don't. A lot of his "Rated R" stuff after Matt and Lita just feels forced to me. The last time I saw some genuine fire in him, he was blaming Michael Hayes for Terry Gordy's death. Of course, that kind of controversy can only go so far. Edge is just really inconsistent to me for some reason.

neocisco, this goes back well prior to Edge/Matt Hardy/Lita. His stuff with Angle didn't do anything for me, either.

[quote name='neocisco']That's because Edge has the softest, most gentle spear in wrestling. 8th graders could take it and get right up. It's arguably the most unconvincing finisher being used today.[/QUOTE]

Yep. I've seen husbands carrying their newlywed brides through the threshold with more intensity than Edge had giving UT that very last spear last night.

OTOH, that very first Sweet Chin Music from HBK last night? Picture perfect: great speed, connected right through the chin, sounded incredible. You know it's good when you and 4 other people all react with an "Oooooh!" to a move they've seen every week for the better part of a decade.
Just got back from Orlando and boy that's a weekend I'll never forget.

The first night of Ring Of Honor was amazing, same with our GA tickets.

At the second night of Ring Of Honor, I was right behind (as in he was laying at my feet) Jimmy Jacobs when Mark Briscoe was throwing chairs into his face. :) Wild shit. Couldn't really see the impact of the splash off of the entrance but I did see him jump and holy shit did it look brutal.

Wrestlemania was awesome as well and I loss my voice from booing Cena so much :) It was even better because a pack of Cena kids were sitting in front of me and the looks on their faces when he loss was priceless.
[quote name='mykevermin']

Amazing photography, from Flair's entrance under the pyro, to the very moment HBK's beautiful superkick connected, to a panoramic fisheye shot of the crowd worshipping and cheering the very man they should be.[/QUOTE]

The really funny thing was that random WOOOOOOOOs were breaking out all over the arena before the show.

One person would do it and than all of the sudden you would hear 40+ more returning the call.

I also got the whole HBK/Flair entrance on video


- edit And a photo from my seat before the show.

[quote name='mykevermin']

Amazing photography, from Flair's entrance under the pyro, to the very moment HBK's beautiful superkick connected, to a panoramic fisheye shot of the crowd worshipping and cheering the very man they should be.[/quote]

I love that shot of HBK as he's pondering whetehr or not to follow through with that last Superkick. You can really see the emotion in his eyes and almost read his thoughts on the moment.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Glad to see Sporadic wasn't one of the people WWE tried to kill with their fireworks.[/QUOTE]

:D Yeah, I was on the opposite side of the arena.

We were just leaving when I noticed one of the things shoot into the lower rows. Everybody told me "no, those are on wires" but I knew something bad had to have happened when I saw the people in the crowd scrambling to get away from it.


Also other notes, I didn't see a TNA banner flying over the arena but there was a "WOOOOO FANTASY GENTLEMAN'S CLUB CLEMONT FL" earlier in the day.

The RoH Fanfest was pretty cool. I got photos with Nigel, Delirious, El Generico and the Muscle Outlaw'z from Dragon Gate.

Nigel was cool and El Generico was hilarious (since he refused to break character). I felt bad for Delirious. He was pretty banged up from the night before, sounded very down (when he was out of character) and had to miss Wrestlemania since his plane tickets were for Saturday night. I bumrushed the Muscle Outlaw'z in the lobby when they first showed up and got a photo with them. :) They were very nice about the whole situation.


On the topic of Edge, for the most part I find him entertaining. I liked him tagging with Christian then when he went singles he was alright (Angle feud) until they didn't have anything for him and he just started winning the tag belts again with random people (Hogan, Mysterio). I hated him during the Hardy fiasco as I'm a huge Matt fan, but at the same time he became interesting again. Some of the Lita segments were over the top but it got reaction. These new Vicki things are just plain horrible and seem pointless as he's already over as a heel. The whole Rated R thing really put a good asshole personality on him after the surfer thing with Christian. Between that time he was just a good guy and you were "Never Gonna Stop" him.

My big problem with Edge over the years are his lack of a solid finisher. I had always hoped Christian finished the matches with the Unprettier because it has a nice setup. Edge's spear is just plain horrible as he's relatively slim and tall and since all these beasts have came in (Batista, Lashley) everyone uses it. Sometimes matches with these beasts begin with a spear. The Edgecution is boring, grasping a waistband for a DDT does nothing for me. He also had some sort of submission back in the early 2000s when everyone was trying out new submissions. I like to think Angle's Ankle Lock and Benoit's Crossface really put theemphasis back in submissions. I remember the Rock had a submission match with Angle and King proclaimed he didn't know any submissions. Then the Rock made the Sharpshooter into his own. But back to Edge, one thing I really liked and always thought he should go back to using was the Electric Chair drop. I believe he only used it occasionally during his the Brood/early E&C days. Its not like Edge matches have clean finishes recently, still needs something better.
Gabe Sapolsky on this weekend.

It's about 12:50am right now, I have the new "Ghosts" by NIN playing on my headphones and I'm just sitting here really waking up for the first time since getting home this morning. Reflecting on the past weekend is just giving me a rush of adrenaline. It was really one of those rare weekends.

To start off with the fans on both nights MADE the shows. I mean what a pleasure it was for our entire crew to perform in front of such appreciative people that were popping for everything. You were both amazing and brought everyone's game to the next level. A special thank you to GregH for making everyone's life easier and more pleasurable.

Then you look at how EVERY PERSON who performed on both shows just came through on such a tremendous level. I remember back to ECW in 1995 and waking up one day and realizing that people like Tommy Dreamer, Taz, Sandman, among others went from being "indy wrestlers" to ECW stars. What I mean by this is that everyone matured at the same time and got over to the next level TOGETHER. Everyone got MORE over together. I think it happened again to an extent in ECW in late 1997/early 1998. I believe it happened before with us in 2004 with Generation Next, CM Punk, Samoa Joe and Homicide among others leading the way. I believe we are witnessing it again right now and it is really something special and something to enjoy.

I could write a book on this weekend, but I have a newswire to get to! There were just so many special, great, funny moments. I am so excited to get these DVDs done. I can't wait until people see the 6th Anniversary Show DVD. I believe from Final Battle on we were building some momentum through the January cards and then it really came together on the 6th Anniversary Show. Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuinness is a work of art to me. Only 14 hours until the opening pitch. I'll see you at Citizens Bank Park!
[quote name='Sporadic']:D Yeah, I was on the opposite side of the arena.

We were just leaving when I noticed one of the things shoot into the lower rows. Everybody told me "no, those are on wires" but I knew something bad had to have happened when I saw the people in the crowd scrambling to get away from it.


Also other notes, I didn't see a TNA banner flying over the arena but there was a "WOOOOO FANTASY GENTLEMAN'S CLUB CLEMONT FL" earlier in the day.

The RoH Fanfest was pretty cool. I got photos with Nigel, Delirious, El Generico and the Muscle Outlaw'z from Dragon Gate.

Nigel was cool and El Generico was hilarious (since he refused to break character). I felt bad for Delirious. He was pretty banged up from the night before, sounded very down (when he was out of character) and had to miss Wrestlemania since his plane tickets were for Saturday night. I bumrushed the Muscle Outlaw'z in the lobby when they first showed up and got a photo with them. :) They were very nice about the whole situation.



I hope that after I pimped out ROH as much as I did, their shows were satisfying at the very least.
[quote name='Zen Davis']I hope that after I pimped out ROH as much as I did, their shows were satisfying at the very least.[/QUOTE]

Did you miss my first post back?

But yeah it was definitely a experience and it looks like RoH has two new fans. My dad and a homeless guy we bought a ticket for before the show.

That guy was awesome, he was outside the gym before the show rambling on about The Rock and The Undertaker and he really seemed to have a blast. $20 well spent :)
[quote name='Sporadic']Did you miss my first post back?

But yeah it was definitely a experience and it looks like RoH has two new fans. My dad and a homeless guy we bought a ticket for before the show.

That guy was awesome, he was outside the gym before the show rambling on about The Rock and The Undertaker and he really seemed to have a blast. $20 well spent :)[/quote]

I'm still avoiding the thread since I don't want to see spoilers regarding Mania.
[quote name='Zen Davis']I'm still avoiding the thread since I don't want to see spoilers regarding Mania.[/QUOTE]

"The first night of Ring Of Honor was amazing, same with our GA tickets.

At the second night of Ring Of Honor, I was right behind (as in he was laying at my feet) Jimmy Jacobs when Mark Briscoe was throwing chairs into his face. Wild shit. Couldn't really see the impact of the splash off of the entrance but I did see him jump and holy shit did it look brutal."
[quote name='Zen Davis']How'd you decide to buy a homeless guy a ROH ticket haha? How were the seats?[/QUOTE]

Before Friday's show, we were talking to him about wrestling outside the gym (early around 6:30) and when we asked if he was going in, he replied "No, I don't have any money :(". Later a girl came outside trying to sell leftover tickets. We bought a GA ticket and told her to give it to him. The look of awe on his face when he was staring at the ticket was amazing. He went in, was looking for his seat (which there wasn't one since it was GA) and we call him to sit in the next row by us. Through out the show we bought him a soda, bottle of water, hamburger and bag of Skittles. It was great though, at first he was kind of quiet but near the end, he was really getting into it. Big smiles and yelling "do it right now do it right, kick that $$$$a's ass"

Like I said, it was only $20ish and the guy had a great time, so money well spent.

Other than that, only thing I bought were a Sunny Polaroid/signed photo and a Delirious shirt.

The GA seats were fantastic. Right across from the ring.

The fourth row seats actually sucked compared to them because my view was kind of blocked by this big lady sitting in front of me and you couldn't see all of the crazy top rope spots. It was cool to be so close to Mark Briscoe throwing chairs at that guy.

I'll be honest though, if you get the DVD and you see me on it, I wasn't cheering or anything like that. I was trying to get the hell out of the way :)

Security were being fucking dicks about photos but I got a few photos at the end of the show Friday.

[quote name='Sporadic']We were talking to him about wrestling outside the gym (early around 6:30) and when we asked if he was going in, he replied "No, I don't have any money :(". Later a girl came outside trying to sell leftover tickets. We bought a GA ticket and told her to give it to him. The look of awe on his face when he was staring at the ticket was amazing. He went in, was looking for his seat (which there wasn't one since it was GA) and we call him to sit in the next row by us. Through out the show we bought him a soda, bottle of water, hamburger and bag of Skittles. It was great though, at first he was kind of quiet but near the end, he was really getting into it. Big smiles and yelling "do it right now do it right, kick that $$$$a's ass"

Like I said, I was only $20ish and the guy had a great time, so money well spent.

Other than that, only thing I bought were a Sunny Polaroid/signed photo and a Delirious shirt.

The GA seats were fantastic. Right across from the ring.

The fourth row seats actually sucked compared to them because my view was kind of blocked by this big lady sitting in front of me and you couldn't see all of the crazy top rope spots. It was cool to be so close to Mark Briscoe throwing chairs at that guy.

I'll be honest though, if you get the DVD and you see me on it, I wasn't cheering or anything like that. I was trying to get the hell out of the way :)

Security were being fucking dicks about photos but I got a few photos at the end of the show Friday.


That was pretty classy of you to get the homeless guy a ticket. *Thumbs up!* Wow. The place looks absolute packed! Mind if I use the picture for a website? I'll give you full credit.
[quote name='Zen Davis']That was pretty classy of you to get the homeless guy a ticket. *Thumbs up!* Wow. The place looks absolute packed! Mind if I use the picture for a website? I'll give you full credit.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, no problem.

Keep in mind though, I was only like 5 rows up in GA and there were a ton of people behind it was really packed and the crowd was insanely hot.
[quote name='Sporadic']Yeah, no problem.

Keep in mind though, I was only like 5 rows up in GA and there were a ton of people behind it was really packed and the crowd was insanely hot.[/quote]

I'm quite jealous of you since I don't think the Hammerstein show will be nearly as good as the Orlando ones. Can I just attribute the picture to Sporadic from
[quote name='Zen Davis']I'm quite jealous of you since I don't think the Hammerstein show will be nearly as good as the Orlando ones. Can I just attribute the picture to Sporadic from[/QUOTE]

I think Hammerstein will be better crowdwise. The chants sucked (I can't count the amount of slow building claps and "THIS IS AWESOME" chants over the two days) and the second night there were stupid jackasses trying to get themselves over by chanting all the time.

Yeah, that's fine. Just PM a link to the website.

[quote name='Zen Davis'][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Orlando October 11, tickets on sale NOW![/FONT][/QUOTE]

Yeah, they announced that at the end of the second show and handed out flyers.


Front row seats are $50 but I would be perfectly content with GA seats again for $15. I have to see if I can make it before I buy tickets.
[quote name='getmeoutofjoliet']Your dad is Tank Abott?[/QUOTE]


You should have seen him when he was younger, he looked exactly like that guy, Dusty Hill, from ZZ Top.
[quote name='Sporadic']:lol:

You should have seen him when he was younger, he looked exactly like that guy, Dusty Hill, from ZZ Top.[/quote]

So where's your beard? :)
[quote name='Blackout542']I thought this WM was way better than last years. I thought every match was pretty good. The Flair/HBK match was awsome. Did HBK botch that table spot? It loojk like he landed on it wrong. MITB was really good. The opening match was great and a good way to start the show. I fuckin hate Mayweather and his whole stupid group he was with. I would have liked to see him get his ass beat for real. UT and Edge was a really good match, but I think at this point Undertaker is pretty boring. Smackdown as a whole is just boring. Everyone and their mother complains about how boring Cena is but UT is up there right with him IMO. He won the belt again just like he did last year. Damn does WWE need new stars. Badly.

I give WM a 4/5. It was pretty solid.[/quote]

Yeah it was better than the past 2 or 3 wrestlemania's. I can't believe my prediction was right about who one money in the bank. I knew flair would lose that was obivious. I figured the game would have won,but he did't
ROH shoulda got a temp. street vendor license and sold their DVDs outside of the citrus bowl, the way those hillbillies sell memorabilia and peanuts and shit outside of MLB/NFL games.
[quote name='Zen Davis']So where's your beard? :)[/QUOTE]

Can't grow one worth shit so I decided to shave it off before leaving :)

[quote name='mykevermin']ROH shoulda got a temp. street vendor license and sold their DVDs outside of the citrus bowl, the way those hillbillies sell memorabilia and peanuts and shit outside of MLB/NFL games.[/QUOTE]


I don't think it would have worked anyways. TNA was out there in full force (street team guys with flyers, paying nearby building to let them hang TNA signs) and it didn't do shit. Just about everybody I saw took the flyer, looked at it and than immediately tossed it into the nearest trash can.

Those hillbillies were also out in full force selling t-shirts and food.


One thing I forgot to mention, I saw Candice Michelle drive by on the back of a golf cart in full wrestling gear around 4ish. That was kind of weird since she wasn't on the card and is supposedly injured.
Flyering a crowd is one thing, but having a winnebago with several TVs showing, say, CM Punk, Samoa Joe, Matt Hardy, etc. - I think that would work. Like an Ice Cream Truck for wrestling, y'know?
[quote name='Sporadic']Can't grow one worth shit so I decided to shave it off before leaving :)


I don't think it would have worked anyways. TNA was out there in full force (street team guys with flyers, paying nearby building to let them hang TNA signs) and it didn't do shit. Just about everybody I saw took the flyer, looked at it and than immediately tossed it into the nearest trash can.

Those hillbillies were also out in full force selling t-shirts and food.


One thing I forgot to mention, I saw Candice Michelle drive by on the back of a golf cart in full wrestling gear around 4ish. That was kind of weird since she wasn't on the card and is supposedly injured.[/QUOTE] had videos of Candice and Josh Matthews futzing around with tailgaters during the day, so that doesn't surprise me.

If Spo is on the DVD, that'll be the second year in a row CAGs have appeared on ROH Wrestlemania weekend releases. Have to pull someone from Texas for next year's shows.

Re: McGuinness' autograph....I hate it when people write your name, comma, their name. I have a bunch of those myself. Christ, at least put a "To" in front of it or something.
Well I do have say one good thing came out of WM.
Kane is a world champion again, even if it is the ECW world championship. Although there is the rumor going around the title was dropped because Chavo is getting suspended again(wellness policy again).
[quote name='Zen Davis']I can confirm Guyver was at the Friday ROH show since he bought his tickets from one of the board members.[/QUOTE]

Ha, I wonder if that was one of the guys I was talking to before the show.

Shorter Hispanic guy who was slightly balding with cool sneakers. He mentioned that he has passing up the 2nd night of RoH to go to the HoF but I didn't think to ask if he was guvyer from CAG, mainly because I always thought he was younger.

[quote name='KaneRobot']Re: McGuinness' autograph....I hate it when people write your name, comma, their name. I have a bunch of those myself. Christ, at least put a "To" in front of it or something.[/QUOTE]

At least he spelled my name right.

30% of the time, they put Charley without asking me how to spell it :whistle2:#
[quote name='tangytangerine']Well I do have say one good thing came out of WM.
Kane is a world champion again, even if it is the ECW world championship. Although there is the rumor going around the title was dropped because Chavo is getting suspended again(wellness policy again).

This is actually getting me excited to see ECW again. Until they fuck up Kane's new push.
He should get a solid run as ECW Champ (god knows he deserves a good run after all the stupidity he's been put through) unless they're using him as a transitional champ to do something dumb like put the belt on Mizark Henry or something
Honestly, they should rebuild ala the big show and just have him squash every midcarder in his path. let him go around a year undefeated and then have him drop it to one of the untalented big men they love to show down our throats so much.

of course, knowing the WWE, he'll drop this tue to snitzky, henry, khali or even the boogyman.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']he'll drop this tue to snitzky[/QUOTE]

That would be awesome.

Not Really

Zen, there's a small chance that I will be going to the Hammerstein Ballroom RoH show in May.
If I'd known you were buying people tickets, Sporadic, I would have thumbed my way down to Orlando. Nice to hear you helped the guy out.
[quote name='Midnite']That would be awesome.

Not Really

Zen, there's a small chance that I will be going to the Hammerstein Ballroom RoH show in May.[/quote]

I'll be glad to see you there. I'm actually bitching about how Hammerstein won't be as good as Supercard of Honor 3 on their boards so that the booker takes it as a challenge. It's kind of like saying Summerslam won't be as good as Wrestlemania only to have some retarded ROH fans take exception to the statement. Morons. Hahaha.
[quote name='Sporadic']Ha, I wonder if that was one of the guys I was talking to before the show.

Shorter Hispanic guy who was slightly balding with cool sneakers. He mentioned that he has passing up the 2nd night of RoH to go to the HoF but I didn't think to ask if he was guvyer from CAG, mainly because I also thought he was younger.

it :whistle2:#[/quote]

I saw two candidates that i thought were you.... some guy with a voodoo shirt and then a shorter guy with longer hair...

i was trying to find ppl but i didnt really remember what everyone looked like.. i had a solid black polo and a black cap. section c 3rd row

i got the tix last moment so i didnt have a chance to get cenafied.. it didnt really matter though as their were wwe shirts everywhere..

i did gear up for mania though
[quote name='guyver2077']finally back.. had a great time this weekend..

i did make the roh show.. thanks zen for the help.

hof and mania was also very fun![/quote]

How'd you like ROH? As I mentioned to Sporadic, after all my shilling of it, I hope it was worth it. :)
[quote name='mykevermin']ROH shoulda got a temp. street vendor license and sold their DVDs outside of the citrus bowl, the way those hillbillies sell memorabilia and peanuts and shit outside of MLB/NFL games.[/quote]

It was funny to see tna have their section around the citrus bowl and letting people take pics with the x title
o shit that was sporadic with the voodoo... i remember where you were clearly.. i was trying to yell out sporadic around you to see if you responded but nothing.. two of my friends where in ga just a few rows ahead of you..
[quote name='Zen Davis']How'd you like ROH? As I mentioned to Sporadic, after all my shilling of it, I hope it was worth it. :)[/quote]

It was cool.. i got a good deal considering the ga were 20..any seat though was a good one in that place
[quote name='neocisco']If I'd known you were buying people tickets, Sporadic, I would have thumbed my way down to Orlando. Nice to hear you helped the guy out.[/QUOTE]

:lol: I think one of the main reasons we bought him a ticket was because he didn't ask for one.

He was just a homeless guy sitting in front of the gym talking to whoever would talk to just happened to be Ring Of Honor night.

[quote name='guyver2077']I saw two candidates that i thought were you.... some guy with a voodoo shirt and then a shorter guy with longer hair...

i was trying to find ppl but i didnt really remember what everyone looked like.. i had a solid black polo and a black cap. section c 3rd row

i got the tix last moment so i didnt have a chance to get cenafied.. it didnt really matter though as their were wwe shirts everywhere..

i did gear up for mania though[/QUOTE]

That was me wearing the Voodoo shirt :) I didn't see you though :/

I was about 5 rows up in GA behind section D right by the entrance.
[quote name='guyver2077']It was cool.. i got a good deal considering the ga were 20..any seat though was a good one in that place[/quote]

They're running Orlando again on October 11th. Am I going to see you for Hammerstein?

BY the way guys, how was the live reaction to the Flair match when he lost?
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