There are some sad, sad people out there.

Forest Mercenary


Granted, I've never played Star Wars Galaxies, but still, that's just sad...

I originally came across this auction looking for GameFaqs account auctions, and this definitely gives me hope in that I can make money off my account.

I made it my homepage so I easily get one karma every day, but relistically I haven't been on a board or posted in over 6 months, and have one active post.

Anyway, anyone who knows anything about this, how much could I get for a GameFaqs account with the screen name Forest Mercenary which has just under 800 karma? And what affects the price of it in these cases?

Thanks in advance.

And most importantly, check out the auction. >_
also consider how rare Jedi's are in the game though(non were present until at least 6 months into the game and then it was only 3)
"I will sell this account right now for $1500. That's FIRM"

Looks like the current bidder was just screwed over for +$175.
[quote name='jeffreyjrose']All I have to say is wow. How can one spend so much money on something like this?[/quote]

Because Star Wars and Star Trek fans are constantly trying to outnerd each other for top nerd recognition. You can't skimp in a war like that.
[quote name='jmcc'][quote name='jeffreyjrose']All I have to say is wow. How can one spend so much money on something like this?[/quote]

Because Star Wars and Star Trek fans are constantly trying to outnerd each other for top nerd recognition. You can't skimp in a war like that.[/quote]

So true. How could I have overlooked something so obvious? *sarcasm*
[quote name='hutno']whoa thats sad, but its even more sad that someone would pay that much money for it[/quote]

Ummmm, I was getting at the price. But yea, considering that people are paying this much, the stuff the guy did is probably sad too. I've never played this game, or any Star Wars game at that, so I know nothing of the statistics, but I'm guessing that those are all astronomical numbers for that game.
thats not true jmcc...rare items for everquest also were going for high dollars like this...same with diablo...people have too much money and dont know what to do with it...or are overly rather have a shitty non jedi than have one that I didnt earn myself espicially if i paid 1500 grand for it
Well, considering there's still an hour left, and the bids usually come pouring in at that time, I'm guessing it'll pass the $1700 at least.

And btw, a lot of peope seem to be disagreeing with jmcc and taking it personally, I for one loved that and literally laughed out loud when I read that, it truly was hilarious. Definitely quote material.

Well, this'll be the last post for now, at least not for another hour, gotta go do something.
why thank you if i could only figue out how to make a custom messege...hmmm...BTW notice I didnt start a "I got a thousand posts!" thread?...haha

Honestly if I'd put in this much time and achived something i knew SW geeks would pay through the nose and 3 other orifices to have and I didn't have time to use, I'd sell it too.
[quote name='karmapolice620']why thank you if i could only figue out how to make a custom messege...hmmm...BTW notice I didnt start a "I got a thousand posts!" thread?...haha[/quote]

dude! you should totally sell this account on ebay now that you have 1000 post, think of the rich stuff you could get!
[quote name='karmapolice620']is it the one from the tv show from the 70's?[/quote]

It's the same exact one as in that auction. When my friend gives back my digital camera, I'll take a picture of it and post it.
[quote name='oNeWiNgEdAnGeL']It's the same exact one as in that auction. When my friend gives back my digital camera, I'll take a picture of it and post it.[/quote]

being a nerd, i thought id let you know that the boba fett figure from empire strikes back is almost identical to that figure, so dont get your hopes too high
That auction is sad yet you are looking to sell a GameFAQ's account? I have over 1500 karma on GFAQ's and can't imagine anyone would want to buy it.
better pictures:

droids figure

ESB figure
damn think of all the crack rocks i could buy with that money going to these lame accounts and toys.
MMORPGs have always had a big market for items and accounts. Right before I stopped playing Asheron's Call they had to make changes to the game because ONE guy had set up a bot that would buy any open houses. He would then sell the houses on eBay for about $75-$100 each.

It's a pretty common practice, I guess it lets people with too much time make a living off people with too much money.

BTW, I'm disappointed that no one is flaming the OP for wanting to buy a friggin' GameFAQs account. At least if I buy a game account I can do something with it. A GF account just sits there.
[quote name='jimbodan']Those figures look identical! How do you tell them apart, there's gotta be some detail I'm missing.[/quote]

honestly, i dont know, i havent been into star wars figures since i was in 6th grade, the ONLY diff might be the cardboard.
Isn't SWG a Sony Online Entertainment title? If so, the sale of this account is against the User License Agreement (just like EQ). I wouldn't be surprised if this account were closed or deleted.
It is fuckin halarious because not only will that guy be out 2 grand the account will be closed in less than a month.
[quote name='daphatty']Isn't SWG a Sony Online Entertainment title? If so, the sale of this account is against the User License Agreement (just like EQ). I wouldn't be surprised if this account were closed or deleted.[/quote]
He placed a disclaimer at the bottom of the description:
"You are bidding on the time I spent playing this account. All characters, items, credits, or other intellectual property in Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided are the sole property of SOE/Lucas Arts. This auction is not for the ownership of their intellectual property but it is merely for the time I spent playing."

Nice job. I'm in the market for a new job. hmmmm
Sony and one or two other companies have already taken a stance on the 'selling your time' angle. You still can't do it.

I'm wondering how they handle account banning though. I guess they could look at how the billing info changes on accounts, but do they allow any transfer of account for any reason? If so, it would be hard to spot a sold account vs a legitimate transfer.
[quote name='punqsux'][quote name='jimbodan']Those figures look identical! How do you tell them apart, there's gotta be some detail I'm missing.[/quote]

honestly, i dont know, i havent been into star wars figures since i was in 6th grade, the ONLY diff might be the cardboard.[/quote]

Being a nerd also, I feel it my obligation to say that what you are paying for there is the package. The figure is identical to the one released on the RotJ card and the ESB card. The one released on the droids card is extremely rare and was produced in miniscule quantities in the mid 80's, when the ill fated cartoon came out, hence the price. Most figures on droids cards and from that series and also with the Ewok series are generally pretty hard to come by in good shape and are worth some dough. Alsoi extremely rare is a Boba Fett on a Star Wars card (the original movie). Figures are all the same, that's not what you're buying, you're buing the cardboard with the figure.

Note- I used to buy and sell these damn things as a business about 8 years ago, so that's why I know a lot about them, sold off almosy an entire complete set of loose 1970s figures for 1200 on ebay once. Score. Plus I'm a huge ex-Star Wars dork, don't really care about it much anymore. But even in the height of my dorkiness, I would never have payed over 2 grand for a character in a video game, I would rather earn it myself then pay someone for it. (Kinda like sex)
[quote name='bruce_pwns_j00']Woah, couldnt this guy have just cheated to get his level up and made a huge profit?[/quote]

Not likely in a Sony game. I don't have much experience playing Sony MMOGs but I think they rule with an iron fist. They come down hard on anyone caught using exploits or outside software to gain an unfair advantage.
bread's done