this country is so f*cked up its not even funny.

This whole thread started because you wanted to get on public assistance, were denied, and then bitched and moaned about it not being fair. So kindly, shut the fuck up about others on public assistance because that was something you ascribed to do not that long ago.
When you believe in welfare, you have to take the good with the bad, and one of the bad things is that it engenders resentment in those who cannot get it.

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This whole thread started because you wanted to get on public assistance, were denied, and then bitched and moaned about it not being fair. So kindly, shut the fuck up about others on public assistance because that was something you ascribed to do not that long ago.
worked for the last 20+ years what these people work.

zero years just having more ...... babies

Now who's sounding entitled? 20 years of work entitles you to govt assistance despite not even needing it?
over those who sit on their asses and never worked

yes i do

it was YOUR CHOICE TO have children why the fuck should i support them

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I put out this question again, how do we stop generational welfare use?
There isn't a law called the generational welfare user law of 1943 etc., there were new standards set more than a decade ago that capped benefits by year's over a lifetime. What I am getting at, if you would like to be taken seriously. You should point out which programs you have a problem with, document the amount of revenue spent and the kicker the documented ABUSE rather than just use and go from their. Because you know work an quantify ing things makes st. Rand cry.

There isn't a law called the generational welfare user law of 1943 etc., there were new standards set more than a decade ago that capped benefits by year's over a lifetime. What I am getting at, if you would like to be taken seriously. You should point out which programs you have a problem with, document the amount of revenue spent and the kicker the documented ABUSE rather than just use and go from their. Because you know work an quantify ing things makes st. Rand cry.

Your poor punctuation and grammar hinder the delivery of your statements. I am against any program that provides taxpayer money to people or corporations that don't contribute back into the system in a meaningful way. Many govt handouts are unlimited in timeframe. Snap, subsidized housing, etc. I'll give you two examples of abuse that I have experienced in just my two past work shifts. A 21 year old woman living in govt housing who is unemployed and unwed reminded my partner and I of how nice we were to her four months ago when responding to her miscarriage. She told us this as we were transporting her uninsured butt back to the ER because she is now three months pregnant.

We transported a 28 year old woman and her 14 year old pregnant daughter to the hospital. Do the math on that one. I just want some regulations to prevent procreation by idiots living off of tax money. Eventually a lot of lazy, irresponsible people would pass away without leaving a continuing legacy of ever increasing moochers.
Wow, you really went the way of let all welfare recipients die off for the good of darwinism... I really have no idea what to say except I'm absolutely astounded that someone whose job is to save people's lives is actually advocating to just let people die for no other reason than the fact that they're on welfare. No concern for how they got there or whether they even have a chance of getting themselves out, just let them die?

I really, really hope that's hyperbole because if that's what you truly believe then I really do feel sorry for you that you're that cynical about your fellow human that you would value their entire existence and whether it should continue based solely on their lack of economic success in this world...

Look, I'm not trying to be too judgmental here but you should probably be considering a new career if you have this much anger and animosity toward people whose lives are in your hands.
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Reading comprehension is fundamental, fellas. Who said anything about murder, Msut? Reread my post. I want to stop people who rely on the gov't to live from having kids. Not kill em. :roll: How humanitarian is it to allow innocent children to be perpetually spit out by irresponsible "parents"? I see how crappy these kids usually turn out and the deplorable parenting that makes it so. You want a gov't that can tell you you have to buy something but will not enforce a common sense rule that "if you are unable to afford to feed yourself, then do not have children"? I truly want neither, but if we are gonna saddle ourselves with this crappy welfare system then let's at least do something to make it decrease over time, not "incentivise" the unwed, unemployed, multiple children having status that I see everyday.

Other people's poor decisions and selfish actions are not my responsibility. We have laws against child neglect. If you allow your child to starve then you should be put in jail and the child put in foster care. You learn a valuable lesson and the kid has a chance to be raised by responsible people with actual parenting skills and good decision making. Allowing idiots to raise generation after generation of more idiots on the public dime is stupid. I'm going surfing now, but I eagerly await your replies. Please include more Nazi style propaganda. It really cracks me up. ;)

PS: I love my job. The instances where i actually make positive changes in people's lives are much rarer than the BS idiot calls, but they are also much more powerful an experience. I truly care about children, that's why I can't stand to see them live such crappy lives in the so called "care" of selfish a-holes who use them solely as a check.

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I recall asking you for things that are specific and measurable. How is that working out?
I recall asking you and doh to man up and admit that you made incorrect statements in this very thread. How is that working out? :wave: You guys also stated that we don't have enough jobs for everyone, so please explain why you are against people on assistance not being able to have children. ARE you actually against it? I haven't seen a direct post as toward your opinion on the matter.

"What I am getting at, if you would like to be taken seriously. You should point out which programs you have a problem with, document the amount of revenue spent and the kicker the documented ABUSE rather than just use and go from their. Because you know work an quantify ing things makes st. Rand cry."

I suggest that you diagram the above sentences in to proper, understandable English if you would like to be taken seriously. ;)

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You guys also stated that we don't have enough jobs for everyone, so please explain why you are against people on assistance not being able to have children. ARE you actually against it? I haven't seen a direct post as toward your opinion on the matter.
Are you changing the goalposts? It went from you are against "generational welfare" to people on "assistance" should not "have children" or as you implied earlier, have their children taken away from them?

Wow, you really went the way of let all welfare recipients die off for the good of darwinism... I really have no idea what to say except I'm absolutely astounded that someone whose job is to save people's lives is actually advocating to just let people die for no other reason than the fact that they're on welfare. No concern for how they got there or whether they even have a chance of getting themselves out, just let them die?

I really, really hope that's hyperbole because if that's what you truly believe then I really do feel sorry for you that you're that cynical about your fellow human that you would value their entire existence and whether it should continue based solely on their lack of economic success in this world...

Look, I'm not trying to be too judgmental here but you should probably be considering a new career if you have this much anger and animosity toward people whose lives are in your hands.
Die off? Everybody dies, bro. We could simply pick a date, allow any existing person to be eligible (including currently pregnant mothers and their babies), then require sterilization (reversible if possible) from that point out to get welfare for over 6 months. People who currently get a check will still get one until they NATURALLY die, yet they will not reproduce. Get a job, get off welfare, and consistently pay federal income tax for a few years to get your breeding rights back. Voila! End of generational welfare. Everybody still gets fed and has AC in their gov't subsidized houses, yet we reduce the number of kids who have to suffer in poverty.

Are you changing the goalposts? It went from you are against "generational welfare" to people on "assistance" should not "have children" or as you implied earlier, have their children taken away from them?
Changing goalposts? It is called a discussion, and what do you think causes generational welfare? People reproducing while on gov't assistance. If people neglect their children, then, hell yeah, take their kids out of that destructive environment. I would prefer that children had parents and role models that did not teach them that the gov't will always take care of them.

Changing goalposts? It is called a discussion, and what do you think causes generational welfare? People reproducing while on gov't assistance. If people neglect their children, then, hell yeah, take their kids out of that destructive environment. I would prefer that children had parents and role models that did not teach them that the gov't will always take care of them.
Just reading between the lines, filtering out the bullshit... Plainly stated, you want to outlaw poor people and institute a eugenics program.

You think people are poor because of food stamps and poor people have it to good here?

And you are aggressively anti-backing up anything you state?

Just reading between the lines, filtering out the bullshit... Plainly stated, you want to outlaw poor people and institute a eugenics program.

You think people are poor because of food stamps and poor people have it to good here?

And you are aggressively anti-backing up anything you state?
Who's outlawing anybody? I just want a common sense program that deters able bodied people from living off of it indefinitely while increasing the numbers of people who make use of the program.

Also, please review the uses of the words "to" and "too". Heck, double check on "two" while you are at it because it is hard to decipher your intended meaning from the grammatical mess that you often post.

I don't think people are poor because of the SNAP program. I DO think that it destroys motivation and ambition in certain people. The people I see in gov't housing have TVs, AC, Xboxes, internet, laptops, etc and often drive nicer cars than I do. So, yeah, they have it pretty good for not achieving or producing anything.

"And you are aggressively anti-backing up anything you state?"

I'm not sure what this means exactly. I'm going out for a while so I'll check back later to get your response.

You keep asserting there is this massive amount of abuse, but you lack anything to back it up.

I don't think you understand what having a discussion means.

Die off? Everybody dies, bro. We could simply pick a date, allow any existing person to be eligible (including currently pregnant mothers and their babies), then require sterilization (reversible if possible) from that point out to get welfare for over 6 months. People who currently get a check will still get one until they NATURALLY die, yet they will not reproduce. Get a job, get off welfare, and consistently pay federal income tax for a few years to get your breeding rights back. Voila! End of generational welfare. Everybody still gets fed and has AC in their gov't subsidized houses, yet we reduce the number of kids who have to suffer in poverty.
Forced sterilization is your reasonable solution? I have a modest counter proposal for you, how about we eat all the babies?
Baby may taste like pumpkin pie, that don't mean I'm gonna eat the filthy muthafokka....So you support a govt takeover of private citizens' healthcare that forces them to purchase a product with questionable benefits, but not a voluntary program that guarantees a reduction in poverty and child hunger.
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It is absolutely gross how dependent people are on government assistance. This is a national article but in the local papers they have quoted EBT users outside of Walmart as saying something to the effect of this is what will cause people to riot.

Really? You couldn't use your EBT cards for  12 hours and you're thinking of causing a fucking riot? 

Wow. So much for being a "helping hand". All programs do like this is ensure future reliance and perhaps buy votes along the way.

And before people chime in with "the poor babies... and the elderly"; remember it was 12 hours of one day of the month. Surely there are food cupboards and soup kitchens and churches and other programs set up where these people could get fed except I'm sure for most of them they think of those types of programs as being below them.

Baby may taste like pumpkin pie, that don't mean I'm gonna eat the filthy muthafokka....So you support a govt takeover of private citizens' healthcare that forces them to purchase a product with questionable benefits, but not a voluntary program that guarantees a reduction in poverty and child hunger.
[citation needed]

bread's done