This season's round of tv show cancellations

Getting rid of My Name is Earl but keeping that shitty Parks & Recreation?

I watched about 2 minutes of that god aweful show before I had enough. Not to mention that promo they showed for a month straight about installing speed bumps on a fucking slide and then cut to someone going down it.

In case you can't tell (whoosh), I liked My Name is Earl.
There are rumors going around that ABC or Fox may pick up My Name Is Earl.

I'm glad Southland got renewed, even if for only 13 episodes.

The only one I'm disappointed about is Reaper. CW wants to keep rehashing Fox shows from the 90s. Next we'll get a reboot of Herman's Head.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']i piece of me died when NBC canceled Life. I hope another network picks it up. (though its not mentioned in this article)[/QUOTE]

Agreed... WTF NBC.
I'm actually surprised that "The Unit" survived it's first full season.

Some of these shows had their series finales and were not cancelled. There's a big difference.

I'm just happy that 101 on DirecTV is showing "Smith", which was cancelled after like 3 episodes.
sad to see Earl go. But what is the CW thinking in cancelling Reaper? No wonder that network sucks, it doesn't even know a quality show when it has one!
Good riddance to KoTH. I usually like that show, but the past few seasons have been incredibly weak. That Final ep. i watched via hulu was basically laugh free.
Damn, no more King of the Hill, Life, Earl, Terminator: SCC, Reaper. Those were some of my favorite shows over the past year.

At least Supernatural and Chuck are coming back.
[quote name='Scorch']The FULL list:

Medium isn't on either list but it's been canned.

Highlights: Sarah Connor Chronicles, Battlestar Galactica, Deal or No Deal, The Unit, Pushing Daisies, MadTV[/QUOTE]

It was announced that BSG would end with season 4 a long, long time ago.
very sad to see King of the Hill on the chopping block! The writing has only gotten better over the years. I guess everyone gave up on it already. Also sad to see My Name is Earl gone. Not to mention Sit Down, Shut Up which I thought had promise. They only put on about 3 episodes. Why bother if you're going to give up so soon?
Man, I'm sad to see Emperor's New School and Jail ending. I don't know how popular they were overall but I enjoyed them. I'm not surprised Sit Down, Shut Up didn't last. From what I watched, I wasn't impressed at all.
[quote name='dubbfoolio']very sad to see King of the Hill on the chopping block! The writing has only gotten better over the years. I guess everyone gave up on it already. Also sad to see My Name is Earl gone. Not to mention Sit Down, Shut Up which I thought had promise. They only put on about 3 episodes. Why bother if you're going to give up so soon?[/QUOTE]
It's because they are giving the Family Guy creator another show :bomb:

I liked Earl too, that show was still young.
[quote name='deszaras'] I'm not surprised Sit Down, Shut Up didn't last. From what I watched, I wasn't impressed at all.[/QUOTE]

it was disappointing but you had some of the arrested development crew there. Hurwitz, Arnett, and Batemen. It definitely had promise. When they moved it out of prime time after an episode or two that was the mark of death. just seems like they should have never picked up the pilot if they were going to quit on it this soon.
Wow... I really hope My Name Is Earl finds a new home. Such a bummer given that it seems to be a very popular show.

Makes me wonder now that Lipstick Jungle got the axe if Kim Raver could return to 24?
god what really sucks to see some of my favorite shows is knowing that it's going to be replaced with Donald Trump's American Celebrity Chef
I just picked up on The Unit this season. I'm bummed it's going off. I'm gonna have to check out the earlier seasons.
Biggest loss out of that list? Fosters Home for Imaginary Kids. That show was actually original compared to all the garbage they shove at kids today.

Hole in the wall was sort of stupid but funny

homeland security again same

reaper but then again i say it gets picked up as a midseason replacement just like this year


SIT DOWN SHUT UP.... This was one of the best shows but most people wasnt smart enought to enjoy it... instead we get a piece of crap spin off of family guy
earl should have been cancelled a while back how long can they really drag out that list dealy? king of the hill was a big blow to me but after they killed off cotton i pretty much stopped watching the man was one of the best damn characters ever. im curious how long it will take before all tv is reality tv. that Kings show was better suited for hbo or showtime as a new series. you cant do something that plot heavy and time consuming for the common masses on regular tv. very happy to see mind of mencia is gonna be gone that guy was shit. damn shame about survivorman but its all good hes got new show on the cn.
Bummer about Earl. Hopefully it gets picked up somewhere else. I liked The Unusuals too, but it looks like it's getting canned after it's first season.
Earl was great the first season, dropped off after that, but I thought it was starting to turn around this last season. Personally, I am more upset that Everybody Hates Chris was cancelled.
For the Earl fans:

Is My Name is Earl switching networks? Sounds like it could happen.

The Jason Lee comedy is produced by 20th Century Fox, so the move would make sense. Not to mention that fact that Fox hasn’t been able to create a sitcom that anyone likes since Malcolm in the Middle. (Maybe I’m exaggerating, but I don’t think so.)
Additionally, Kevin Reilly, who brought Earl to NBC when he was at the Peacock Network, is over at Fox, which adds to speculation it will move.

There's also rumors of it going to ABC for 2010.
Wow, MadTV ended? Who knew. I used to love that show in the beginning.
I can't believe "SIT DOWN SHUT UP" was like... even a show.
Sucks that Terminator: TSCC got canned.

I swear, Networks are canceling good shows and they are going to shove more reality programming down our throats.
[quote name='niceguyshawne']Is Scrubs finished? I didn't see it on the list.[/QUOTE]

From what I saw, on , it is coming back next season. I think its a midseason start. And at least JD is gone, not sure who else. Hopefully not too many of the originals, but as long as Cox and Janitor are there, I'm in for the series run.

Really glad How I Met Your Mother made it through another season. I wonder how much longer it has in its tank. Sucks about Reaper, but I figured it was only a matter of time and its time came. Maybe it'll get picked up by Sci Fi or something. But if not, hopefully Tuesday's episode is a good sendoff.
[quote name='lilboo']Wow, MadTV ended? Who knew. I used to love that show in the beginning.
I can't believe "SIT DOWN SHUT UP" was like... even a show.[/QUOTE]

cause it was something new and most people got confused by cartoons being placed over real backgrounds... LOL whatever

scrubs was picked up but Most to all of the old cast WILL NOT return. at least that is what i read on yahoo or another online site

nice thing i have read that FOX will give SIT DOWN SHUT UP one more chance it will return sometime in JUNE to run out the rest of the shows (they got 16) at least another 3 to 5 are planned to air)
I'm happy Chuck is avoiding the axe for another season - but the deal that was supposedly cut to keep Chuck alive sounds like they're preparing to drop it next season.

I wish Fox gave Terminator another season, just to tie up the loose ends. S2 was a little uneven, but it was a very fun, though not terribly smart, action show.

I'm also not surprised about Pushing Daisies, which I liked. Bryan Fuller is 3 for 3 now - Daisies, Wonderfalls and Dead Like Me never found any real audience, despite their quality.

I AM surprised about Sit Down, Shut Up. Mostly because Fox advertised it as a "We're sorry for canceling Arrested Development, we'll give Hurwitz's new show plenty of opportunity to succeed". Then again, of all the networks, I'd say Fox is the most incompetent at developing scripted television.
[quote name='craven_fiend']Really glad How I Met Your Mother made it through another season.[/QUOTE]

HIMYM gets huge ratings, that'll be around for a while I think. I'm pretty sure it's the best rated in its time slot.
[quote name='niceguyshawne']Earl was great the first season, dropped off after that, but I thought it was starting to turn around this last season. Personally, I am more upset that Everybody Hates Chris was cancelled.[/QUOTE]

I read that Chris Rock didn't want to do the show anymore.
Damn, I forgot The Xtacles was even going to come on. I totally forgot to watch it. Must've sucked ridiculously hard if Adult Swim cancelled it. I've seen Squidbillies and Xavier: Renegade Angel. If they put that crap on for more than two episodes than The Xtacles must've been dumber than 12oz. Mouse.

Wait... King of the Hill is over? So what was the one thing we take away from the last episode: Canadians are douchebags.

Keeping Parks and Recreation? Look, I watched every single episode of that show and fully expected that turd to be cancelled. Now I have to Tivo another season just to watch it end.

I'm really sad to see Survivorman go as I preferred that to Man vs. Wild, but it's understandable that Les Stroud would be tired of torturing himself for my entertainment.
Parks and Recreation is a good show when it breaks away from being Office-Lite. All those NBC comedies need to move away from close shots and then panning away to someone making a face.
[quote name='Lice']What good shows do you watch?[/QUOTE]
the office, 30 rock, colbert report, daily show.. pretty much it.
bread's done