THUG 2 Impressions


Just asking about what people think about the new Tony Hawk game. I haven't played a whole lot so far, but I'm really not overly impressed. It's a whole lot more of the same, with odder looking characters. I also don't really care for the early levels that much. I'm hoping the game grows on me as I play it some more.
It gets better as it goes along but not as much as you might hope. The Australia and New Orleans Levels are pretty good, but if you're not having fun yet I don't know if those levels are gonna change anything for you. My biggest gripe with the game are how the vehicle-riding special characters all control like shit. Getting Steve-O to do anything other than fall on his F'n face is more so a chore than anything I'd call fun.

On the other hand the create-a-skater, and create-a-graphic modes are both quite cool.
Oh sure, start the thread RIGHT when I get back from getting it. I'm not even kidding, I walked in the door with it less than five minutes ago.

So yeah, it's still sealed. I heard it sucks, I've heard it's okay, and I've heard it's great. I've heard it's more of the same.. which makes sense, since it's Underground 2. Anyways, I LOVED Underground, and I got this with store credit from who knows what, so maybe I'll like it a bit more, knowing that I didn't pay a penny for it.
I havne't played this yet, but I can't say I'm realling looking forward to it. My biggest gripe with the last two tony hawk games were they were much to easy. Anyone who has beaten TH 1 - 4 as well as THUG can probably breeze through this one in a few sittings. I hope I am wrong and there are harder challenges, but the last few games have dissapointed.
I have TH2 f/ PS1, TH2x for the x-box, and TH4 f/ the PS2

that is enough TH for me for awhile....unless I can get one of the newer ones for $5 or less

I'm sure the new one is good's the kind of formula they cannot ruin.
I'm loving it so far. My custom soundtrack definately heightens the experience. I used mostly songs from the Warped Tour '03 CD, a few Thrice tracks, and some other stuff for a "THUG mix" for the first one. I'm using it for THUG 2, threw in a few CKY songs.. and away I go! I love the focus mode.

Then again, like I said, maybe I'm enjoying it so much more because I used store credit on it instead of cash.
OMG! The fat kid! The fat kid that did that Star Wars thing.. you know, with the staff, and he videotaped it and everyone made fun of it and whatnot.. hahaha, he's in here! He's on the first level!
[quote name='zewone']I've got to get his game. I loved the 1st THUG.[/quote]

Then you'll love the second. It's literally more of the same.
I'll get it eventually, once it hits $20-25. Most I ever paid for a TH game was $40 at release for THPS3 from CC. I got my money's worth out of that one though, completely finished it with every character possible. It's still my favorite in the series. it an improvement of the first thug?

let me give you guys a situation here...

if thug and thug 2 were the same price and you could only choose one, would you choose thug or thug 2?

you know what im gettin at? thug 2 BETTER than i know thug one was more of a surprise, but is it still better than thug 2?
I don't like Bam Margera. Well, that is to say, not since Jackass ended. It was fun and neat that he was in TH3-THUG as a playable character, but now the game centers around him. This makes me NOT want to buy this (until it's in the $10 bin, which all TH's seem to end up anyway).
[quote name='evilmax17']I don't like Bam Margera. Well, that is to say, not since Jackass ended. It was fun and neat that he was in TH3-THUG as a playable character, but now the game centers around him. This makes me NOT want to buy this (until it's in the $10 bin, which all TH's seem to end up anyway).[/quote]

My sentiments exactly.

IGN says this game is basically 'Jackass' with skating with stupid idiotic jokes and all. THUG was awesome, but so far I am not impressed with anything I have read about this game. I'll wait for the next thug that hopefully doesn't take after a show like 'Viva la Bam'. first glance it's like Jackass f/ Tony Hawk, but really, it doesn't take after 'Viva la Bam'.

//hasn't gotten far in story mode
I think I'd pick the first THUG before this one. It was more cohesive and I liked the levels more. I don't mind Bam actually, but they did turn up the obnoxious on this one.
Yeah, especially with Steve-O, Wee Man, etc in it. I've also found several bugs.

Take a tomato and throw it at the kid in the wheelchair. He falls down, then stands back up. It's a miracle! He can stand! Then he's sitting again in his wheelchair.

In Barcelona..


When you release the bullfighter, it changes the entire level. Save the game, then reload it. The level is normal, the bull is still trapped, but the fighter is freed.

[quote name='Professor Oreo']

Blame Neversoft for that stuff. We found those bugs when we were testing the game and they said that they weren't going to fix it. As we got closer and closer to the final code submission date they pretty much labeled every bug that we reported as a "will not fix" unless it crashed the game. Go figure... :?[/quote]

Well that kinda blows. One of the things I liked about previous Neversoft games is that they really seemed to put in the extra effort on them. I don't see that with this game. So I'm gonna trade it in this weekend on either XMen Legends or MK:Deception. I also want Katamari Damancy.
I've been playing it a little since I got it, but I've got a lot of other games to get through first. My first impression of it is simply this: I miss Tony Hawk 2. Yeah I like the Thug tilt, but the way the series has gone is not the best way I think. I don't care about spray painting tags on walls or using stickers, I just want to skate in it, and I think adding those things is taking away from the pure Tony Hawk experience. Still fun, but not the same as it was.
I just finished the story mode, and it was a pretty lackluster game. It was a decent skater but not what I have grown to expect from the series. Tony Hawk 3 is still my favorite.

The classic mode in THUG 2 does rock though, so it gets extra points for that.
Tony Hawk is like Tiger Woods... you could essentially make one game, one game and make it the pinnacle of the series... there is no need for constant yearly updates... for TH, I could understand... the first one was a success and the release of 2 the next year caught on like wildfire and was clearly the one that got a lot of (including me) people hooked to the series... 3 on PS2 was alright, but it lacked some things... 4 was just 'easy' and felt like a cash-in... THUG 1 was a much needed lift to the series but deep down, it still was the same skatin' we've done for the last 4 years...ultimately, there has to be a finale of some sort but as long as we're buying them, it's doubtful...
I'm still enjoying THUG 2. I've only gotten to Australia so far but the more I play the more I like it.

The special guest vehicles are the greatest, but I appreciate the effort. Jesse James can't fall down because he's on a suped-up Segway that compensates so you can't fall. Unless you're the President and forget to turn the thing on first.
I keep the THPS series close to my heart. And when I say THPS, I mean TONY HAWKS PRO SKATER. Not Tony Hawks UNDERCRAP. I hated THUG, and I'll likely not even glance at THUG 2. Keep it.
I've been playing THUG 2 lately. I will say that it isn't as good as the original, but it's not a bad game. I think if this one had come first, then it would have been tight. But I don't really like the levels and the way the goals are completed in this one. I prefer to have specific timed goals, it makes it more difficult, and puts pressure on you to finish them successfully. Plus the levels seem to be a little bit smaller to me, but it might just be because I haven't had time to explore.

But it's not the best game, but still a decent effort nonetheless.
[quote name='PapiChullo']I've been playing THUG 2 lately. I will say that it isn't as good as the original, but it's not a bad game. I think if this one had come first, then it would have been tight. But I don't really like the levels and the way the goals are completed in this one. I prefer to have specific timed goals, it makes it more difficult, and puts pressure on you to finish them successfully. Plus the levels seem to be a little bit smaller to me, but it might just be because I haven't had time to explore.

But it's not the best game, but still a decent effort nonetheless.[/quote]

Have you played through on Classic yet? It's pretty cool if you miss all the time challenge plus it has a lot more levels.
I picked up the PS2 version because of the 'eye toy' feature.

It's not bad... the multiplayer is entertaining. Plus, the fact that I can morph my dogs face onto a skater is neat.
[quote name='MrBadExample'][quote name='PapiChullo']I've been playing THUG 2 lately. I will say that it isn't as good as the original, but it's not a bad game. I think if this one had come first, then it would have been tight. But I don't really like the levels and the way the goals are completed in this one. I prefer to have specific timed goals, it makes it more difficult, and puts pressure on you to finish them successfully. Plus the levels seem to be a little bit smaller to me, but it might just be because I haven't had time to explore.

But it's not the best game, but still a decent effort nonetheless.[/quote]

Have you played through on Classic yet? It's pretty cool if you miss all the time challenge plus it has a lot more levels.[/quote]

I've played a couple goals, which were fun. But so far I've mainly just been playing through the regular story mode.
bread's done