Today Microsoft Pissed Me Off For The 1st Time


After owning an Xbox 360 for 1 1/2 years, Microsoft finally pissed me off. I went thru the Red Ring of Death and I was not mad, I had some games get scratched from a faulty DVD drive but I was not that mad, but today was my breaking point. I have been in Iraq for almost 5 months and upped my Gamerscore 10,000+ points over that time. Back in December my console died for the 2nd time so I bought a new one when giving the opportunity. I finally had a chance to get into Live (thru some civilian contractors) and when I attempted to, Live said my membership contained invalid information and I had to recover my gamertag. Well, no problem right? Yeah right! I knew right away I just had months of hard achievements go down the drain and over 400+ hours of gaming (2-3 hours a night). With the slow connection it took 3 hours to recover my gamertag and I got to watch my gamerscore go down the drain.
Something went wrong then because I recovered my Gamertag and was still awarded all my previous achievements. Call M$ and ask.
Problem is he did all of these achievements off line because of lack of internet connection in war zone. When you recover your gamertag, it pulls the last info from when the tag was last connected to live, so that's why the GP were lost.

Sorry about that man. I'll be sending some games soon (MLB 2K7 and M:UA.)
Big fucking deal. Play the game to have fun not to extend your digital dick. I could lose every single achievement and point I have and not give a shit. Its a mechanic to make you want to buy more games, congratulations, MS indoctrinated you.
Err...that sucks, but there must have a glitch somewhere. I've recovered and never had an issue. Besides, it's only achievements. Not that big a deal really.
[quote name='MSUHitman']Problem is he did all of these achievements off line because of lack of internet connection in war zone. When you recover your gamertag, it pulls the last info from when the tag was last connected to live, so that's why the GP were lost.

Sorry about that man. I'll be sending some games soon (MLB 2K7 and M:UA.)[/quote]
Hitman is right. I did some research about losing gamerscore points not saved from playing online, it's a scary thought to lose them only because you put a lot of work into getting them. I for one get enjoy the game reguardless of how much gamer points I get during a game.

Sorry to hear about this man, but hopefully everything works out for you.
[quote name='Kayden']Big fucking deal. Play the game to have fun not to extend your digital dick. I could lose every single achievement and point I have and not give a shit. Its a mechanic to make you want to buy more games, congratulations, MS indoctrinated you.[/quote]

I play games for enjoyment, dumbass. I have owned a console every generation since the Atari. Where the fuck were achievements then??? I was always a Sony supporter since the PS1 until I bought my 360. Did I buy it for achievements...afraid not. I did not even know what achievements were when I purchase my 1st 360 console. I think I have a right to be pissed when I finally accomplish something in a game that took me forever to do (without ever boosting or game saving) like:

- survive 1 million in Geometry Wars.
-I put in over 60 hours into Mass Effect (40 on one play thru) just to have to start over.
-Beat COD2 on Veteran when I found the single player to be boring and wont sit thru it again.
-1000/1000 in Bioshock

I can go on and on but more importantly I think I can be upset that I played nothing but single player games out here because I had the time when back home in a normal environment I usually only like multiplayer games when given the option. I also donated games from my collection the last few months to my co-workers and now I can not play them again unless I pick up a used copy or borrow the game from someone in the future. I do not buy anymore games than any other time, especially because of achievements. That is retarded. Next time you want to speak just go put that digital cock of yours in your mouth and stfu until you can attempt to not ridicule someone that does not follow your concept of a gamer.
[quote name='Kayden']Big fucking deal. Play the game to have fun not to extend your digital dick. I could lose every single achievement and point I have and not give a shit. Its a mechanic to make you want to buy more games, congratulations, MS indoctrinated you.[/quote]

Heaven forbid someone put in time and effort to get these achievements and is pissed that he lost them. Get off your high fucking horse and take that dick out of your mouth next time you talk.
I'm sorry that achievements mean that much to you that you feel your game experience has been lessened or ruined by some number more or less arbitrarily connected to your persona.

Also, I thought everyone knew you have to be connected to XBL to have achievements count.
[quote name='Kayden']Big fucking deal. Play the game to have fun not to extend your digital dick. I could lose every single achievement and point I have and not give a shit. Its a mechanic to make you want to buy more games, congratulations, MS indoctrinated you.[/quote]

[quote name='mykevermin']I'm sorry that achievements mean that much to you that you feel your game experience has been lessened or ruined by some number more or less arbitrarily connected to your persona.


[quote name='mykevermin']I'm sorry that achievements mean that much to you that you feel your game experience has been lessened or ruined by some number more or less arbitrarily connected to your persona.

Also, I thought everyone knew you have to be connected to XBL to have achievements count.[/QUOTE]
I've unlocked Achievements while offline, and they've all shown up once I connected again.
[quote name='defiance_17']I've unlocked Achievements while offline, and they've all shown up once I connected again.[/quote]

Right, but he had to recover his Gamertag, and that apparantly takes the last *online* info, so all the offlie achievements he got after his last online login were lost.

I believe that's the issue here.
I haven't read anything in this thread besides the title but I have to comment. "Today Microsoft Pissed Me Off For The 1st Time Today?" Redundant much?
Yeah, you can earn achievements on or offline, and each time you sign on, it saves your achievement progress. If you earn 5,000 points and don't sign on, that information is just stored locally either on the system or hard drive.. but when you recover your tag, it pulls the last saved information from XBox Live.
[quote name='tokitoki50']I haven't read anything in this thread besides the title but I have to comment. "Today Microsoft Pissed Me Off For The 1st Time Today?" Redundant much?[/quote]

Thanks for pointing that out, I fixed it. I never proof read what I type on forums...bad habit of mine.

Defiance, I unlock achievements all the time offline as well. I just was not aware of the fact that when you connect your profile (on a hard drive) to another console you have to recover 1st. I did not have live access and did not know this bit of info or else I would have left my profile on the memory card until I could connect to Live.
By the way neushane, sorry to derail but just in case nobody told you, your name was shown in the ticker scroll thing on G4TV during X-Play two or three weeks ago for the game donation thing. Congrats and keep up the good work! :)
While not everyone is into achievements, I think we can feel sympathy for the guy. I mean who hasn't had a memory card lost, erased, glitched up, etc and lose some valuable saves/time put into the game? It sucks ass. Hopefully you can get it fixed.
It's time to get a PS3 my friend... something that you can probably run a tank over and it will still work (to some degree)

Mind I say, PS3 has some solid titles like Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Ratchet and Clank, and War Hawk... not too mention games that are on the 360 too (CoD4, Devil May Cry 4)

Also coming out is Metal Gear Solid 4 which will most likely blow everybodies socks off!
[quote name='tokitoki50']I haven't read anything in this thread besides the title but I have to comment. "Today Microsoft Pissed Me Off For The 1st Time Today?" Redundant much?[/QUOTE]

Who the fuck died and left you in charge of the grammar police?
[quote name='Hybrid5006']It's time to get a PS3 my friend... something that you can probably run a tank over and it will still work (to some degree)

Mind I say, PS3 has some solid titles like Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Ratchet and Clank, and War Hawk... not too mention games that are on the 360 too (CoD4, Devil May Cry 4)

Also coming out is Metal Gear Solid 4 which will most likely blow everybodies socks off![/quote]

What would that matter? The ps3 doesnt have achievements.
Maybe now you'll have time to actually do whatever it is your mission is over there. Granted I think it is nice to have a relaxing time playing video games over there, I think it is uncalled for to call upon people to send you stuff when you should be lucky to be even be able to play anything out there.

I say all this as a Soldier who knows how nice it is to get free stuff when he's in Iraq, but also knows that none of that stuff is really necessary. Focus on the mission first and enjoy having the little things in life like a shower and hot chow. It is the shit I was happy about when I first crossed the border into Iraq during OIF I. I was happy to get a pair of socks in the mail or a new T-shirt and you ask for video games saying that there's no choice out there. Be happy to even have a PX out there.

It isn't like you can't order the games you want through the internet and have them mailed to you. You get paid now with no taxes being deducted, if there's anything you WANT then buy it yourself, if there's stuff you really need and can't find out there, then yes even I am willing to send it to you.

I can't believe you were even able to get online with your 360 while in Iraq.
[quote name='Hybrid5006']It's time to get a PS3 my friend... something that you can probably run a tank over and it will still work (to some degree)

Mind I say, PS3 has some solid titles like Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Ratchet and Clank, and War Hawk... not too mention games that are on the 360 too (CoD4, Devil May Cry 4)

Also coming out is Metal Gear Solid 4 which will most likely blow everybodies socks off![/QUOTE]

What was the point of this post? He's mad because he lost all of his achievements.. I mean come on, the PS3 doesn't even have achievements yet, nice try though.
i play comparatively modestly when going up against many of the people on cag.. i just have so much other things that occupy my time (like work/girlfriend/MTGO/school) then when I do get the chance to sit down and play a game.. the last thing on my mind is "what is my achievement score?".. actually the first is.. "maybe today i'll actually finish half life 2.. "

while it sucks.. and i wouldn't want it to happen to me.. i wouldn't worry about it too much.. theres nothing you can do.. its too bad you couldn't connect it to an internet terminal for like 5 minutes to upload all that data and have it saved on their servers.. it sucks.. but what can you do?... personally if i get the RROD that is a magnitude worse then losing achievements.. and i think i speak for pretty much anyone that they would rather have their achievements erased then go through 2 or 3 consoles.
This methodology would serve you well if you applied it to more aspects of your life.
[quote name='Maklershed']Kayden doesnt care about achievements so we should all not care as well.[/quote]
What's with the bashing, I remember being pissed when I had a cheap PS1 memory card and it died with a bunch of saved games that I was storing because I was proud of them. Heck, I don't like deleting the cookies on my laptop because it wipes out my fastest sudoku times.
[quote name='happy']What's with the bashing, I remember being pissed when I had a cheap PS1 memory card and it died with a bunch of saved games that I was storing because I was proud of them. Heck, I don't like deleting the cookies on my laptop because it wipes out my fastest sudoku times.[/quote]

losing a game save is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY different than not getting achievement points for something you've already done in-game and saved
There are some straight up assholes on this forum. Holier-than-thou attitudes and ridicule for a simple typo is pretty standard around here.

I'm glad I read this message because I'll be more cautious in the future when not connected to the internet. I think achievements are great. Because of achievements, I've spent more time with games I've spent $60 on to milk out extra points. It gives it replay value. Don't see why people have to validate why they enjoy their gamerscore to anyone...
[quote name='beezdeez']I'm glad I read this message because I'll be more cautious in the future when not connected to the internet. I think achievements are great. Because of achievements, I've spent more time with games I've spent $60 on to milk out extra points. It gives it replay value. Don't see why people have to validate why they enjoy their gamerscore to anyone...[/QUOTE]

Then losing your achievements should provide even more replay value because you'll have to keep playing to get them again.

I have to agree that this isn't a big deal. You know what you've completed and whether a little number is there to show that you've done it or not doesn't change anything. By losing achievements you didn't lose any of the time you spent getting them.
[quote name='Wolve11']Maybe now you'll have time to actually do whatever it is your mission is over there. Granted I think it is nice to have a relaxing time playing video games over there, I think it is uncalled for to call upon people to send you stuff when you should be lucky to be even be able to play anything out there.

I say all this as a Soldier who knows how nice it is to get free stuff when he's in Iraq, but also knows that none of that stuff is really necessary. Focus on the mission first and enjoy having the little things in life like a shower and hot chow. It is the shit I was happy about when I first crossed the border into Iraq during OIF I. I was happy to get a pair of socks in the mail or a new T-shirt and you ask for video games saying that there's no choice out there. Be happy to even have a PX out there.

It isn't like you can't order the games you want through the internet and have them mailed to you. You get paid now with no taxes being deducted, if there's anything you WANT then buy it yourself, if there's stuff you really need and can't find out there, then yes even I am willing to send it to you.

I can't believe you were even able to get online with your 360 while in Iraq.[/quote]

Thank you for serving but do not try to down talk me by telling me about some past experience you had while in the military. How long did you serve and how many deployments did you make? What ships were you on and what countries did you have to go to besides OIF I? I have been in 13 years so you can imagine the amount of deployments I have made and the amount of times I had to go without "showering or hot chow". Shit, we even go without that while we spend 3 weeks of field exercises in the States. That is 4 hours from home and no communication (cellphones) unless there is an emergency. So please do not tell me anything about what you have experienced. I have seen and done enough myself.

Secondly, post this in the donation drive thread and not here, the two topics have nothing to do with each other. That way you can be the 1st person to bash the donation drive I started with the backing of my fellow CAGS.

Third, I never received anything for me. Nobody sends me free stuff. I do not need it. Again, GO READ THE THREAD. I brought 30 Xbox 360 games out here with me. I donated a crap load of them. My wife and even my sister sends me games they pick up used at EB just for donation purposes. Your comment about that really makes you look foolish and you probably never even read the official thread. Have I played a game or two one night when nobody took the donation...yeah if it was something that I was interested in trying out. And this drive is not called the "Send Neuhaus games so he can play them and get paid while in Iraq" drive. Go read the thread from the beginning before you attempt to criticize me and sorry for wanting to do something for my fellow troops out here (and not even Navy). Looking at the turn out, this drive had a huge impact out here and I am glad I was part of it.

The mission has always had focus. Do you honestly believe that I can play video games and not work, especially with this coming from a fellow soldier? Hahaha!! That would be the best job every. Sorry if I can work and function on 3-4 hours a sleep after working 12-15+ hour days. I will start to get 8 hours a sleep and not play any games just because you said it is not my mission. I wont watch any TV shows or movies that get uploaded to our shared network either, only because you did not have that the one time you were in Iraq. I wll tell my junior troops to do the same along with everyone else in theatre. Nobody works 24 hours a day and any gaming I do is during my lunch break or while off duty for the night. I also managed to get a FMF pin since I am here working with the Marines. That takes 6 months normally but I did it in 9 weeks. Any suggestions with that? As far as getting on Live, it is not that simple. A civilian with an unrestricted internet connection is not easy to come by. If you think I was on it the whole time you are mistaken. I would of obviously not had lost any of my gamerscore it I was. It took me 1 hour just to do the "latest" update (what, from spring?), a connection far to slow to do anything but say hi to a few people I play with and pull my update. Thank you for chiming in 3 months too late with what ever the hell you were trying to say.

**EDIT** I just saw your rank on XBL in CAG...looks like the pot is calling out to the kettle. Maybe if you stopped playing games yourself you would stop trying to bitch about other people playing games. Oh, any maybe you haven't noticed since you have not visited the thread but here is the link for the flickr about Cheapy set up with all the pictures of donated games and the troops that received them.
Apparently, they are not for me :) (in reference to " It isn't like you can't order the games you want through the internet and have them mailed to you.")
[quote name='mvp828']Neushane, off-topic, but what branch are you in?[/quote]

I am a Navy Seabee attached to a Navy Construction Regiment. We have several detachments throughout Iraq and specialize in the construction and engineering of projects through out the area (build roads, water wells, homes, schools, etc...). I work in the logistics department and in the last 5 months have ordered and transferred over $10 million worth of construction materials for misc projects all over Iraq. We deploy for 6 months and then we are home for a year only to repeat the process until we transfer out of the Command.
You ever notice that people whining about how achievements suck or are meaningless (which, really, they are, but still) score's are shit? It's funny how I've never seen anyone with 100k+ saying achievements blow. I feel your loss. I've lost all my achievements once (in the first two months, before they figured out that glitch) and all my saved games twice. They REALLY need to have a better method of account recovery. And no, I wasn't account swapping or any shit like that. Something just corrupted my hard drive. Twice... As to the title of the thread: Seriously? I think I was pissed at MS within about two weeks of the first time I used MS-DOS. "Microsoft: Making shitty OS's for decades..."
Neushane, I know this sounds more like a pissing contest than anything, but that is not what I am getting at. What I am getting at is that you are asking for things you do not need. Nobody needs those games over there because they can get them themselves. Yeah, I said it before and I'm saying it now, it is NICE to be able to game over there, and it probably does let you relax or whatever, but honestly I think it is abusing the people to ask for stuff that in all honesty you (and by you I mean you and the people you donate to) don't need. I've seen the pictures and I know those guys are all happy, and in no way did I mean to put it that you are the only one getting those games. There's a thing in the Army that's called the NCO Creed and I'll quote a line from it "I will not use my grade or position to attain pleasure, profit, or personal safety". Ever since the creation of your donation drive, I've been thinking of how uncalled for it really is to ask for games. Yes, I've seen the PXes and I know selection sucks in anything but aside from early on in the war, you could always order stuff online and have it shipped to you. I never posted anything about the donation drive until my last post in this thread, because hell I know Troops must be happy and CAGS must be happy (thinking they are truly doing great things), but I've discussed this donation drive with others just to get their opinion and it seems like the general thought is that it is a very strange thing to ask for video games out there when there's so many other things I'm sure you could ask for. I mean what about the guys that go off the FOB all the time and never even get to play games? There have to be better things you can donate. Still, this is a gaming website, so asking for a gaming donation would have the best turn out here.
I'm not questioning your motives and I'm sure you've made some people happy, I just don't think it is right to ask people for stuff you (and the troops) don't need.

You asked for my military history so I'll give it to you, but don't think this is an Army vs Navy thing. I've got 7 years of service, two (12 month) deployments to Iraq, plenty of NTC and JRTC rotations with matching field exercises. Can't say I've ever been allowed to even have a cell phone on me during a training exercise. Currently in a Special Operations training program and since I just got done moving here I've had quite some time to game. In short, I've got plenty of combat experience and field time, and since I'm not familiar with the Navy and Marine's awards, I'll look to see what an FMF pin is after I'm done typing this post.

I am definitely willing to have a long discussion about this whole topic with you and I understand you are in a redeployment process so once you and your guys are safe at home send me a message on XBL or PM me here or pick up this thread again.

If the mods feel they need to switch my posts to the other topic than they can do so.
Wolve11, I do not care for pissing contest either and I did not even know your branch of service or if you were still in. You did say "you" concerning the donations so I interpreted it as you meaning me personally. I agree with games are not a necessity, they are entertainment. So why do celebrities come out to visit, Cowboy cheerleaders, Chuck Norris (lol). They are only entertainment. Chuck Norris never handed me a t-shirt or some shaving cream but there are about 400 or so people on this base that can say that they received some kick ass video games from I do not know the last time you were out here but currently there are no shortages of necessities with an over abundance of care packages floating around, especially this past holiday season. We are still getting them in. Everyone I know that goes outside the wire or to a Waterwell site on a project loses out on somethings that are found on base. Do they lose out on entertainment...nobody that I hear of. These guys pack up their laptops, PSPs, Nintendo DS' and anything else they can bring to help pass the time. They too have been affected by the donation drive and personally received games from me. Besides that and like you said, this is a gaming website. What else would I talk about? That is what I am interested in. I would never volunteer to collect calling cards or care packages. Programs like that exist all over the web. It was great to do something on a more personal level and something I was interested in doing. Who wants to do something they do not enjoy.

You said you read the thread so you know that my initial post was titled "Happy Holidays from Iraq". I did mention that anyone wanting to send out some cheap games instead of trading them in for $3 at EB but it was not initially a serious post. Some posts later it was brought up as a good idea and I thought to myself I could do something different for people out here. The very kind people that went and took used games to another level and mailed out consoles, new games, etc...that was never even brought up my me nor my intention. I did not intend for this to be on the NY Post, G4 TV, Digg, and a crapload of other sites. Honestly, it was a lot of work to maintain this drive and get my work done. But I rolled with the flow and still kept on par with everything. I just do not sit around and wait for mail to come in.

Send a PM to lunchbox79. He is in the Army at COB Speicer. I mailed out a huge box of games to him FPO to FPO. I am going to send his unit even more before I depart so he can share them out there. I sent games to about 10 different Detachments and countless Commands military wide (Army, Navy, USMC). I am sorry if you feel the way you do (about necessities) but if I were to take a consensus I would say that a huge majority of people that have seen this drive had a positive reaction. I do not want to attempt to change your mind on that or your friends but I would say that it is an obvious fact. You can not please everyone but if you feel like taking some initiative and doing something to make some total strangers be it.

As far as your NCO motto, you have something similar called the Code of Ethics. It covers all branches of the military. I am very familiar with this policy as I have a government purchase credit card with a $3.5 million budget back in California. I must complete this training on an annual basis and host a small conference annually. That quote is more on a personal level. Seeking profit due to your rank or position. Something only you benefit from. When you do something that is open to everyone and anyone, without segregation, the ethics policy does not apply. It is not like hanging around your Commanding Officer outside of work to get better evaluations. It is not like accepting gifts from businesses so that you will feel the need to spend government funding with their particular business. If I were to collect games and say they were for the Navy but then I kept them myself, then that is using your position for profit. If I were to insinuate getting a blow job from a 19 year old E-2 who worked for me and she felt pressured to provide me with that service because I was her boss, then that is using my rank or position. Not something that could easily be considered volunteering.
[quote name='neushane']I am a Navy Seabee attached to a Navy Construction Regiment. We have several detachments throughout Iraq and specialize in the construction and engineering of projects through out the area (build roads, water wells, homes, schools, etc...). I work in the logistics department and in the last 5 months have ordered and transferred over $10 million worth of construction materials for misc projects all over Iraq. We deploy for 6 months and then we are home for a year only to repeat the process until we transfer out of the Command.[/quote]

Cool. My uncle was in the Seabees during Vietnam. He's told me some funny stories about getting into brawls with MPs.
I suppose things have changed a lot since I last deployed during OIF III. When I was there last things were starting to get better, but it was still ridiculous how hard it could be to find the simple things like a XL T-Shirt or something. I guess it also depends on where you are over there. Then again the difference between my first and second deployments over there were incredible. We're talking about sleeping in cots in tents or in trucks one deployment to going to sleeping in a makeshift bed in a building with AC on my second deployment. So I guess it comes down to video games being the main shortage of entertainment out there. I suppose you can look at it from the standpoint of needs vs entertainment shortages. I'm glad things are getting better out there then.

By the way, an ironed uniform and lots of talk about video gaming really make you sound like a FOBBIT. ;) (and there's nothing wrong with those guys)
[quote name='Wolve11']Maybe now you'll have time to actually do whatever it is your mission is over there. Granted I think it is nice to have a relaxing time playing video games over there, I think it is uncalled for to call upon people to send you stuff when you should be lucky to be even be able to play anything out there.

I say all this as a Soldier who knows how nice it is to get free stuff when he's in Iraq, but also knows that none of that stuff is really necessary. Focus on the mission first and enjoy having the little things in life like a shower and hot chow. It is the shit I was happy about when I first crossed the border into Iraq during OIF I. I was happy to get a pair of socks in the mail or a new T-shirt and you ask for video games saying that there's no choice out there. Be happy to even have a PX out there.

It isn't like you can't order the games you want through the internet and have them mailed to you. You get paid now with no taxes being deducted, if there's anything you WANT then buy it yourself, if there's stuff you really need and can't find out there, then yes even I am willing to send it to you.

I can't believe you were even able to get online with your 360 while in Iraq.[/quote]

I think this guy is just jealous that he's not the one getting free games. He brought up what about free time? Did this guy ever said he was playing games on the clock?
[quote name='Wolve11']I suppose things have changed a lot since I last deployed during OIF III. When I was there last things were starting to get better, but it was still ridiculous how hard it could be to find the simple things like a XL T-Shirt or something. I guess it also depends on where you are over there. Then again the difference between my first and second deployments over there were incredible. We're talking about sleeping in cots in tents or in trucks one deployment to going to sleeping in a makeshift bed in a building with AC on my second deployment. So I guess it comes down to video games being the main shortage of entertainment out there. I suppose you can look at it from the standpoint of needs vs entertainment shortages. I'm glad things are getting better out there then.

By the way, an ironed uniform and lots of talk about video gaming really make you sound like a FOBBIT. ;) (and there's nothing wrong with those guys)[/quote]

Wow, didnt take long to back the hell off me. Yes, times change...sorry your not a part of it. As far as the ironing of uniforms go how you look says a lot about you as a person and means even more for a leader when mentoring junior troops. Sorry I am not a dirt bag and have the bearing to care how I look. I wear a flack and kevlar when ever I have to go anywhere since we only have a HMMV and a Polaris. You just need to keep trying to put me down but it does not seem to work at all. And the FOBBIT remark was another final try. I am on a gaming website and I talk about gaming here. I am not at the liberty to discuss my job or troop movements or anything else that might jeopardize our mission so what else do you want. I am sure you heard this one before..."Choose your rate, choose your fate". I work for a Seabee Regiment, higher headquarters. See, when you get 12 years in the military you should no longer be the little guy doing the same shit you were doing when you first got assigned. Do you want to throw some more comments out for that too? Do not hate on me even more (now for my job) because I do not have to go outside the wire. Sorry if I am no longer the little man on the totem pole. You should know with all your experience that not a damn thing would get accomplished if it was not for logistics and you can try to argue that all you like. I had to say what I wanted so I am done with you...carry on all you want just stop hating on me because you are really starting to sound more and more jealous. I do not have to prove a damn thing to you.
woah woah woah.....there's nothing wrong with sitting on a FOB your entire deployment. It wasn't a stab at you or anything and since you can't relay a smart ass joke over the internet I was hoping the ";)" would convey that it was a joke. It is important to look good for your troops and yea times are changing cause I've never seen anyone iron uniforms in Iraq, BUT like you have said and I have admitted, a lot of things have changed in Iraq and we're both different branches so there's different ways things are done over there. I seriously doubt anyone here knows (besides the military people) what a FOBBIT is.
As for career progression, I absolutely understand that your role changes over time, in the end everyone (if they stay in and progress) ends up in a desk job type role. (not saying your job is a desk job).
I spent one deployment in a logistics unit so I absolutely know what it is like and the importance of one unit in theatre. I guess it was a poor inside joke.
Don't take this the wrong way, but why would I be jealous of you? You are in Iraq and I'm back in the states doing a job I love.

[quote name='neushane']Wow, didnt take long to back the hell off me. Yes, times change...sorry your not a part of it. As far as the ironing of uniforms go how you look says a lot about you as a person and means even more for a leader when mentoring junior troops. Sorry I am not a dirt bag and have the bearing to care how I look. I wear a flack and kevlar when ever I have to go anywhere since we only have a HMMV and a Polaris. You just need to keep trying to put me down but it does not seem to work at all. And the FOBBIT remark was another final try. I am on a gaming website and I talk about gaming here. I am not at the liberty to discuss my job or troop movements or anything else that might jeopardize our mission so what else do you want. I am sure you heard this one before..."Choose your rate, choose your fate". I work for a Seabee Regiment, higher headquarters. See, when you get 12 years in the military you should no longer be the little guy doing the same shit you were doing when you first got assigned. Do you want to throw some more comments out for that too? Do not hate on me even more (now for my job) because I do not have to go outside the wire. Sorry if I am no longer the little man on the totem pole. You should know with all your experience that not a damn thing would get accomplished if it was not for logistics and you can try to argue that all you like. I had to say what I wanted so I am done with you...carry on all you want just stop hating on me because you are really starting to sound more and more jealous. I do not have to prove a damn thing to you.[/quote]
bread's done