Tomb Raider (PS3 and 360) $19.99, WoW: Panderia $19.99, Dead Island Riptide (PS3 and 360)$27.99, SC II $19.99 at Best Buy

I'm annoyed. It worked out fine we cashed out then before he gave me my change back he said he couldn't do it because its one or another.

I'm going to try tomorrow with a filler item.
I'm annoyed. It worked out fine we cashed out then before he gave me my change back he said he couldn't do it because its one or another.

I'm going to try tomorrow with a filler item.
To me, once they've taken my money and are giving me change, that means the transaction is done and finished. If it wasn't much change and they already handed me a receipt(so LP couldn't try and hassle me somehow)I would've just been like keep the change and walked out with my game and any other purchases.

They scanned my copy of Tomb Raider for the PS3 after the price match then they scanned the preorder card for BF4, and it didn't take the $20 off.  I don't know if Target has caught on and changed the way their system works or not, but I asked the manager who rang me up and he just said "Sir I'm not going to give you a free game" and then literally bagged the two items and shoved them in my hands.  I didn't want to argue but I doubled back and returned the items with another associate.

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They scanned my copy of Tomb Raider for the PS3 after the price match then they scanned the preorder card for BF4, and it didn't take the $20 off. I don't know if Target has caught on and changed the way their system works or not, but I asked the manager who rang me up and he just said "Sir I'm not going to give you a free game" and then literally bagged the two items and shoved them in my hands. I didn't want to argue but I doubled back and returned the items with another associate.
Cold blooded. :lol:

Well my Target didn't let me even though the promo went through. I still got it for $19.99, not bad. There was another CAG that apparently tried to do the same yesterday, and didn't get to. Oh well, $20 isn't bad!
Tried it about an hour ago. It still works but the cashier realize why it was taking 20 so instead of PM the price to 20 he PM it 40. That way it still 20. Walk away without buying it. Tried another but the were sold out. W/e I already platinum it so I'm not upset.

No kidding the manager looked at me like he had just caught me stealing the damn thing, he gave me another look as I left the store, I was just chuckling at that point.
That is excaclty why I almost never try to get in on a deals like this, I would be so embarrassed if that happened to me haha. I'm still going to try and get the steelbook edition for $20 on my lunch break though. Hopefully theres still some available.

Why did the other topic get deleted?
Mods ususally delete threads were the deal is kinda sketchy or involves a loophole/glicth. Just like the GS birthday coupon thread, thanks again donut for sending me the august one. :razz:

Because it's not a deal, you're basically cheating the system. There was a previous thread a while ago that more or less was about the same thing and it got deleted too.
How is it cheating the system to take advantage of pricing offers and policies that the company has put in place? Target decided to overprice Tomb Raider at $50 to incentivize pre-orders. Maybe if they didn't try these dumb gimmicks, they wouldn't have hurt themselves. This is why stores should just have simple and fair pricing on all products and not do incentive based purchases. Either that or they should program their system to not allow stuff they don't want it to do. It is irresponsible for a company that has this kind of structure and systems in place to assume that low level employees should be making judgment calls on what is acceptable pricing for products.

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I just got back from Target. Price matched CoD Ghosts and picked up a PS3 Tomb Raider. Bought a box of crackers as well. Works flawlessly. However, buddy of mine went back in not even 30 minutes after me and the manager denied him. 

Is this the BB thread or the Target thread?  I can't tell anymore...

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How is it cheating the system to take advantage of pricing offers and policies that the company has put in place? Target decided to overprice Tomb Raider at $50 to incentivize pre-orders. Maybe if they didn't try these dumb gimmicks, they wouldn't have hurt themselves. This is why stores should just have simple and fair pricing on all products and not do incentive based purchases. Either that or they should program their system to not allow stuff they don't want it to do. It is irresponsible for a company that has this kind of structure and systems in place to assume that low level employees should be making judgment calls on what is acceptable pricing for products.
I wish stores would do away with customer loyalty cards and just lower the damn prices. Every store thinks they need a card to be swiped or input.

If every store had the exact same pricing that would defeat the purpose of there being many stores.
Have a $20 rewards cert to burn.  Don't know if I want to pick a copy up or still try to get a steelbook verison off of ebay.  No target near me to price match, but I don't think they had any steelbooks left anyway.

Picked up a Bioshock Infinite for $21 and two Tomb Raiders for $1 each (1 steelbook, 1 standard).  Traded in the standard version to Amazon for $19.50 which pays for the Bioshock Infinite.

On a side note, I used the B2G1 coupon last month to get The Last of Us for $5.  So because of CAG I was able to get arguably the top 3 games of the year for less than 3 bucks each.

Thank you CAG!

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Picked up a Bioshock Infinite for $21 and two Tomb Raiders for $1 each (1 steelbook, 1 standard). Traded in the standard version to Amazon for $19.50 which pays for the Bioshock Infinite.

On a side note, I used the B2G1 coupon last month to get The Last of Us for $5. So because of CAG I always able to get arguably the top 3 games of the year for less than 3 bucks each.

Thank you CAG!
Wow. you ARE the CAG master. I need to go buy some games with you. :bow:

That is excaclty why I almost never try to get in on a deals like this, I would be so embarrassed if that happened to me haha. I'm still going to try and get the steelbook edition for $20 on my lunch break though. Hopefully theres still some available.

Mods ususally delete threads were the deal is kinda sketchy or involves a loophole/glicth. Just like the GS birthday coupon thread, thanks again donut for sending me the august one. :razz:
I don't try for this stuff either. First, this was obviously not what they intended and I don't feel I'm entitled to exploit it. Second, the embarrassment.

Target deal still works as of 1pm. Took the manager about 15 min to figure out how to price match before she handed it back off to the original CS rep to complete my purchase. Worked with a GTA5 card. :)
Well I ttried and got instantly denied with the claim that I could chose either the price match or the $20 off with the reservation.  I asked to show me the policy and they denied to entertain my claim.  I may try another location later.

This is coming from a person who exploited it but had other reasons:

I snagged four copies of Tomb Raider (Xbox 360) and one for the PS3 at $1

I feel guilty for exploiting it, the manager (Who was using the same method after I told him) cut me off before I could force myself to buy more. I'm not even a complete flipper. I snagged three copies on my first day there without guilt because I limited myself since I didn't want to be the guy who abused it. Today I went in and bought two more copies without a problem but I decided to buy more (To get some money back since I planned on using the copies as gifts or for playing) This is where I felt greedy. I attempted to snag three Xbox copies and the last Ps3 one but I removed one of the Xbox ones due to second thoughts. When I went up to the CS desk the same manager said " Sorry man, I'm going to have to cut you off. This is getting ridiculous." The guilt poured into me and I bought one of the Xbox copies for $22. I thanked him a third time this week (Same manager from yesterday.....)

I ended up flipping two for $37 at the Best Buy across the street. Feeling dirty the whole time. When I brought it up to my family they laughed and said I was being a smart shopper.

Understandably, I learned a lesson on greed, never abuse the kindness and a good deal (in excess)

The rest of the copies are going to friend's. Two have their birthdays this week. The guys at Target thought I was flipping all of them.

Also,bought a copy at Best Buy that I have to return,

$47 for 8 copies of Tomb Raider

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Worked fine for me at Target just now. Used the Pokemon preorder card, $1.00. The girl didn't even bat an eye, but then, I did it as part of a bigger order for a pair of $25.00 shoes (I was planning to go buy new shoes today anyway). That's your best bet, buy at least another item or two so it isn't so obvious. The system works it no problem, give them less reason to think about it.

I wish stores would do away with customer loyalty cards and just lower the damn prices. Every store thinks they need a card to be swiped or input.

If every store had the exact same pricing that would defeat the purpose of there being many stores.
What in the world are you babbling about. Target doesn't have a customer loyalty card.

The red card is not a loyalty card. It's a loyalty card in the sense that Amex card is a loyalty card to buying stuff.
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Lol at all the people talking about being embarrassed. I guess you don't approach the opposite sex (or same sex if that's your thing) in fear of being turned down. If small things like this embarrass you, how do you live your life?

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Lol at all the people talking about being embarrassed. I guess you don't approach the opposite sex (or same sex if that's your thing) in fear of being turned down. If small things like this embarrass you, how do you live your life?
I don't (didn't) typically approach the opposite sex with the intention of using a trick or loophole to start a conversation.. or better yet get them into bed. To each their own I suppose.

You master the art of bypassing consent?

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I don't (didn't) typically approach the opposite sex with the intention of using a trick or loophole to start a conversation.. or better yet get them into bed. To each their own I suppose.

You a master the art of bypassing consent?

That last line cracked me up.

I would also add that sex is a much higher payoff than saving $19.
Lol at all the people talking about being embarrassed. I guess you don't approach the opposite sex (or same sex if that's your thing) in fear of being turned down. If small things like this embarrass you, how do you live your life?
I think they really meant that their conscience doesn't feel right about it. The dirty looks from the cashier/managers would make them feel a bit guilty. And they want to avoid those dirty looks.

I'm sad I can't partake in this party. The nearest Target is too much of a hassle to get to.

My target hooked up the tomb raider $1 pm dealio. Hell shaqfuing yes I finally got in on something (there was no chatter of the system won't let them or whatever).
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That last line cracked me up.

I would also add that sex is a much higher payoff than saving $19.

I've got a little slidecage/starmask in me. Sometimes I swear I type like English is my second language.

But it's not even a morale debate for me. I shop at my local target/best buy/TRU etc. all the time. I'm not fortunate enough to have multiple stores in my area and I frequently rely on legitimate price matches so the last thing I want to do is screw myself over by trying to get an already good deal on a game even cheaper at the risk of getting flagged by employees as being an ass because the next time I need them to do something they may think twice.

I think they really meant that their conscience doesn't feel right about it. The dirty looks from the cashier/managers would make them feel a bit guilty. And they want to avoid those dirty looks.

I'm sad I can't partake in this party. The nearest Target is too much of a hassle to get to.
Why would someone care what some cashier/manger who doesn't even know them thinks? Grow a pair and man up.

What in the world are you babbling about. Target doesn't have a customer loyalty card.

The red card is not a loyalty card. It's a loyalty card in the sense that Amex card is a loyalty card to buying stuff.
I think the point was that retailers should simply have straightforward pricing instead of gimmicks and incentives that are designed to confuse consumers and/or make them purchase more than they intend. If Target had done that with this deal, they wouldn't have this problem.

Why would someone care what some cashier/manger who doesn't even know them thinks? Grow a pair and man up.
I happen to care. I'm not sure that equates to some sort of lack of balls. Conversely I don't think trying to get this deal without worrying about what a cashier thinks of you is any sign of being a "real" man.

@WNYX - that's the whole point of marketing. That's like lamenting that they should just package everything in plain white boxes instead of tricking people into buying stuff with their fancy labels and shit.

I swear it feels like half of cag lives in this weird world where only they get to benefit from commerce and that companies should only make a penny margin from sales of goods.
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I happen to care. I'm not sure that equates to some sort of lack of balls. Conversely I don't think trying to get this deal without worrying about what a cashier thinks of you is any sign of being a "real" man.
You? I guess real life and the internet are different for you. You seem to have a thick skin on these boards.

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You? I guess real life and the internet are different for you. You seem to have a thick skin on these boards.
Well, by default, I respect mostly everyone I don't know, which includes cashiers of random retail stores so I tend to care what they think.

The reason I don't give a crap what some people on cag (and I stress some) is because they've already shown themselves to be... less than respect worthy... so who cares what they think. I hope I'm explaining myself right.

Anyway I just really want a damn steelbook TR for $20.
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Why would someone care what some cashier/manger who doesn't even know them thinks? Grow a pair and man up.
I assume it's the similar reason why people get nervous when speaking in front of crowds? They don't know them, yet still care what they think.

I wonder if this will be the last time Target does this preorder stuff. At the end of the quarter/year, when they tally up their numbers, it's not going to look pretty.

I assume it's the similar reason why people get nervous when speaking in front of crowds? They don't know them, yet still care what they think.

I wonder if this will be the last time Target does this preorder stuff. At the end of the quarter/year, when they tally up their numbers, it's not going to look pretty.
Maybe, if they look at the Just Dance 4, Disney Epic Mickey 2 and Skylanders fiascos also.

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Lol at all the people talking about being embarrassed. I guess you don't approach the opposite sex (or same sex if that's your thing) in fear of being turned down. If small things like this embarrass you, how do you live your life?
I dont have to approach the womenz, they approach me. :cool: Also, my Targert was out of steelbooks. Damn.

Maybe, if they look at the Just Dance 4, Disney Epic Mickey 2 and Skylanders fiascos also.
I just realized this preorder thing will be doubly bad for Target. First, they lose money from TR. Then, a good majority of you will probably not fulfill that preorder and not ask for your $1 back. So they will end up with excess inventory (which they ordered in anticipation of you all picking up your preorders), miss their forecast numbers, and be forced to discount prices or waste time/manpower to return games to the supplier.

Glad there's no Target near me; that won't be on my conscience. lol

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bread's done