Tonight Show Shakeup Leno Back In

[quote name='crunchb3rry']Probably Ryan fucking Seacrest.[/QUOTE]

NO..he is taking over for Dick Clark when he passes away. When that day comes I will NOT BE WATCHING New Years countdown on ABC anymore. It's hard to watch Dick Clark continue to do the countdown considering his condition, but he is a brave man to do so when others would have quit.

[quote name='thamaster24']If that happens, and it just might, I won't watch TV for at least 5 years.[/QUOTE]
And NBC will give you 30 million for it too :p
[quote name='antlp89']What a lying bastard. :^o[/QUOTE]

I think Jay had honest intentions back then. A lot can happen in 5 years...hell a lot can happen in 7 months. What the news is not reporting is the other stuff being affected by this whole mess.

-How much did NBC/Universal invest in Conan's/Leno's new sets?
-How does Conan's departure affect the contracts of Conan's staff, say Andy or Max's band?
-Will Jay take over the new set or will NBC rush to rebuild the old set?
-What happens to Conan's writing staff? Do they get the shaft as well?

Like I said , a lot of jobs are going to be lost after next week.
There's no way I would sign an exit deal without that intellectual property.. in fact, I would take less money to go with them, but fuck that. He's being forced out, why should they care if he takes his bits?
[quote name='DestroVega']There's no way I would sign an exit deal without that intellectual property.. in fact, I would take less money to go with them, but fuck that. He's being forced out, why should they care if he takes his bits?[/QUOTE]

That kind of worries me. NBC is pretty much saying, you will never work for us again and just to make sure that you are not going to be that funny with your next gig, we are taking all your stuff that made you funny all those years.

Financially Conan will be ok, but career wise is he fucked. The only time Leno will step down from the tonight show will be when NBC tells him he can leave, or he dies. I seriously would be comfortable hosting a show that has been thru so much controversy. Leno and Conan will never be friends again for a long time.
I don't think they are friends now or ever were...

I just think it's bad enough they are firing Conan, now they are taking anything he could use on another network away and bashing him publicly while they kick him out... it's cold blooded.
[quote name='ITDEFX'] It's hard to watch Dick Clark continue to do the countdown considering his condition, but he is a brave man to do so when others would have quit.[/QUOTE]
They should just let Skeletor do '3...2...1!' and that's it.

edit: Although it was pretty damn funny watching him miss numbers entirely.
I wonder how much of Leno's Tonight Show Viewership was people just waiting for Conan to come on.. I know when I watched network TV I'd turn on Leno halfway through and just wait for Conan to start most of the time.

I sincerely doubt that Leno will get back most of his previous viewership when he moves back to the tonight show. Maybe for a week or two, but in the long haul I can't see how NBC didn't shoot their ratings in the face with their dicketry.
It's a settlement, a negotiated agreement.

No side really could leave the table without some concessions. If nothing else, if this IP ownership issue is true, then it shows that Conan is committed to his staff first and foremost - since he refused to leave the negotiating table without amenities for them, but was willing to sacrifice some of his trademark sketches. That's impressive.

I have enough faith in Conan that I don't think losing the masturbating bear will end his career.

But if NBC lays claim to Triumph my attitude changes significantly. ;)
[quote name='DestroVega']There's no way I would sign an exit deal without that intellectual property.. in fact, I would take less money to go with them, but fuck that. He's being forced out, why should they care if he takes his bits?[/QUOTE]

Probably not much he can do on that front. When you work for a company, the contract you sign usually gives the intellectual property rights for any thing you create on their dime to them.

So he's probably already locked into that regardless of how much of a buy out he gets, or whatever he tries to negotiate with. If it's in his contract he's screwed on that front.
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[quote name='DarkNessBear']Holy crap that is gold. Wow - is that a joke? Or is it real.

And also, man... 5 years goes so friggen fast...[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's a joke he set up five years ago, knowing how shit would play out now.
Can't believe NBC is holding on to Leno and letting Conan go..What a terrible,terrible mistake!

[quote name='Trakan']Yeah, it's a joke he set up five years ago, knowing how shit would play out now.[/QUOTE]

Yeah what an a$$hole man.Just retire you damn hypocrite!.
[quote name='Trakan']Yeah, it's a joke he set up five years ago, knowing how shit would play out now.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't doubt it. He's been playing the saint the entire time. Jay acts as if he was totally out of the loop and all this happened while he was on vacation.

In 2001, Conan told The New Yorker this about the incident: "College pranks are supposed to be clever, but our rivalry with the Crimson had degenerated into us stealing something, Jeff calling the police, and the police making us haul it back," said O'Brien. (Other Lampoon pranks on Zucker included "a fake phone-sex ad with Zucker’s dorm-room phone number. Zucker did not find any of this particularly hilarious.")

Although a little late to the conversation , the "failure" of Conan on the Tonight Show just furthers sets in my mind how completely stupid the handling of the Neilson ratings system actually is.
Heading out to the "I'm with CoCo" rally at Universal in the pouring rain. I don't care if the deal is sealed, I'm done with NBC after this. :hot:
[quote name='RuzzT']Heading out to the "I'm with CoCo" rally at Universal in the pouring rain. I don't care if the deal is sealed, I'm done with NBC after this. :hot:[/QUOTE]
Post pictures!
Jay Leno in 1992 on his situation with Letterman:

[quote name='Jay Leno']
"I am disappointed," Mr. Leno said. "I feel like a guy who has bought a car from somebody, painted it, fixed it up and made it look nice and then the guy comes back and says he promised to sell the car to his brother-in-law." Go Elsewhere? 'Of Course'
Mr. Leno said he would "obviously leave NBC immediately" if the network decided to give the "Tonight" show to Mr. Letterman.

He said he would absolutely refuse to do a show in the 12:30 A.M. spot now occupied by Mr. Letterman's show, "Late Night," and would indeed consider creating the same problem for NBC that Mr. Letterman's proposed deal with CBS caused.

"Would I go to CBS if they asked me?" Mr. Leno said. "Of course. I'm not going to do some little happy hour from Omaha at 12:30."[/quote]

"Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it." I'm looking at you NBC
[quote name='ananag112']Nice, but I wonder how much Conan's staff will get paid. Hopefully he spreads the wealth around with them.[/QUOTE]

I think Conan is loyal enough to bring his staff with him. $40 million is definitely a lot of money, but for the people that love performing and being on TV, they'll keep going no matter how much money they have, so I don't think Conan is going to quit anytime soon.
I think him losing IP's isn't that big unless it's Triumph. But I think Triumph is safe in the matter. As for the Bear and all those characters back in New York, it's called parody. I definitely foresee them (If they go to Fox or ABC) coming out with a Peacock alternative and that being twice as funny.

Also, when is Conan going to do Letterman? We know it's going to happen.
[quote name='KingBroly']
Also, when is Conan going to do Letterman? We know it's going to happen.[/QUOTE]

I also heard Conan invited Howard Stern to be one of his guest this week. However from what I hear he hates flying and probably even do it >,< Howard would be a great guest especially given his past history with Leno.

Edit: nvm according to this he won't be showing up
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Come on guys. Ease up on Leno. He's just being a good soldier in this war. He only wanted what's best for him and Conan, but Conan was too stubborn, so he has to take over the Tonight Show again. :roll:
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Come on guys. Ease up on Leno. He's just being a good soldier in this war. He only wanted what's best for him and Conan, but Conan was too stubborn, so he has to take over the Tonight Show again. :roll:[/QUOTE]

You know when my gf and I were watching heroes and it was announced that Leno was going to explain his side of the situation, I just gave my middle finger to the tv and said "fuck YOU LENO!"

Leno is involved in this shit big time. Leno just needs to step down period. Then what will NBC do? ohhhh mr. Fallon!?!?!?!
Leno gets involved by getting himself uninvolved. Sit back and say nothing, then get picked because you're the "safe" option.

Leno can piss up a roap. I won't watch that fucker's show for a split second. I'll even punish myself with a month without alcohol if I accidentally land on him while channel surfing.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Come on guys. Ease up on Leno. He's just being a good soldier in this war. He only wanted what's best for him and Conan, but Conan was too stubborn, so he has to take over the Tonight Show again. :roll:[/QUOTE]
Calling Conan stubborn is ignorant, he is getting fucked over. Jay doesn't have to do anything, he would be a hero if he stepped down graciously and let his 10PM show die instead of agreeing with pushing two shows in favor of his. Now the bridges are burned and he's taking the Tonight show back. He did not have to agree to that at all.
Anyone see Leno's statement tonight? If it is all true (which it is likely not) then it does seem like it is all Conan's fault. I'm one of the biggest Conan fans and I hope it isn't true. Why wouldn't conan just take the 12 slot instead of leaving and screwing the entire staff?
[quote name='CouRageouS']Calling Conan stubborn is ignorant, he is getting fucked over. Jay doesn't have to do anything, he would be a hero if he stepped down graciously and let his 10PM show die instead of agreeing with pushing two shows in favor of his. Now the bridges are burned and he's taking the Tonight show back. He did not have to agree to that at all.[/QUOTE]Sorry, I didn't really make it clear with the :roll: now that I look back on it, but I'm fully on Conan's side. I was rolling my eyes at the Leno "explanation" and what I said was what I was thinking he was trying to imply as I listened to it.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Sorry, I didn't really make it clear with the :roll: now that I look back on it, but I'm fully on Conan's side. I was rolling my eyes at the Leno "explanation" and what I said was what I was thinking he was trying to imply as I listened to it.[/QUOTE]

No, you were pretty clear.
Looks like Jay finally decided to speak up. This is what he had to say during yesterday's show regarding what led up to this mess.

"Let's start in 2004 -- 2004 I'm sitting in my office, an NBC executive comes in and says to me, listen, Conan O'Brien has gotten offers from other networks. We don't want him to go, so we're going to give him 'The Tonight Show.' I said, 'Well, I've been number one for 12 years.' They said, 'We know that, but we don't think you can sustain that.' I said, 'Okay. How about until I fall to number two, then you fire me?' 'No, we made this decision.' I said, 'That's fine.' Don't blame Conan O'Brien. Nice guy, good family guy, great guy. He and I have talked and not a problem since then. That's what managers and people do, they try to get something for their clients. I said, 'I'll retire just to avoid what happened the last time.' Okay.

"So time goes by and we stay number one up until the day we leave. ... Okay, but I'm leaving before my contract is out. About six to eight months early. So before I could go anywhere else, I would be at least a year or 18 months before I could go and do a show somewhere else. I said to NBC, 'Would you release me from my contract?' They said, 'We want to keep you here.' Okay. What are your ideas? They said, 'How about primetime?' I said, 'That will never work.' 'No, no, we want to put you on at 10:00. We have done focus groups. People will love you at 10:00. Look at these studies showing Jay's chin at 10:00. People will go crazy.' Didn't seem like a good idea at the time. I said, 'All right, can I keep my staff?' There are 175 people that work here. I said, 'Can I keep my staff?' Yes, you can. Let's try it. We guarantee you two years on the air, guaranteed. Now for the first four or five months against original shows like 'CSI' you'll get killed, but in the spring and summer when the reruns come, that's when you'll pick up. Okay, great. I agree to that.

"Four months go by, we don't make it. Meanwhile, Conan's show during the summer, we're not on, was not doing well. The great hope was that we would help him. Well, we didn't help him any, okay. They come and go, 'This show isn't working. We want to let you go.' Can you let me out of my contract? No, you're still a valuable asset to this company. How valuable can I be? You fired me twice. How valuable can I be? Okay. So then, the affiliates are not happy. The affiliates are the ones that own the TV stations. They're the ones that sort of makes the decisions, they're not happy with your performance and Conan is not doing well at 11:30. I said, 'What's your idea?' They said, 'Well, look, how about you do a half-hour show at 11:30?' Now, where I come from, when your boss gives you a job and you don't do it well -- I think we did a good job here, but we didn't get the ratings -- so you get humbled. I said, 'Okay, I'm not crazy about doing a half-hour, but okay. What do you want to do with Conan?' We'll put him on at midnight, or 12:05, keeps 'The Tonight Show,' does all that, he gets the whole hour. I said, okay. You think Conan will go for that? Yes, yes. [laughter] Almost guarantee you. I said okay. Shake hands, that's it. I don't have a manager, I don't have an agent, that's my handshake deal.

"Next thing I see Conan has a story in the paper saying he doesn't want to do that. They come back to me and they say if he decides to walk and doesn't want to do it, do you want the show back? I go, 'Yeah, I'll take the show back. If that's what he wants to do. This way, we keep our people working, fine.' So that's pretty much where we are. It looks like we might be back at 11:30, I'm not sure. I don't know. [applause] I don't know. But through all of this -- through all of this, Conan O'Brien has been a gentleman. He's a good guy. I have no animosity toward him. This is all business. If you don't get the ratings, they take you off the air. I think, you know this town, you can do almost anything. You get ratings, they keep you. I don't get ratings. ... That was NBC's solution. It didn't work, so we might have an answer for you tomorrow. So, we'll see. That's basically where it is."
Am I the only one that finds it hilarious that, multiple times, he talks about Conan being a good guy, and even once says not to blame him? As if Conan is, in any way, the bad guy in this situation?
Jay should just go ahead and retire, he doesn't need to work anymore anyway. If he really wants to he can do stand up or something.
The "don't blame conan" part refers to when the deal was struck in 2004.

Leno's version of history is delusional if he can't entertain the idea that a 10PM talk show with shit ratings actually *harms* the chances of Conan's show succeeding.
This is all NBC's fuck-up, but it still fell to Leno to be the bigger man and say he *won't* take back the Tonight Show. Plus, his stance on that would mean more if it really did happen they way he portrayed, instead of being quoted as saying he's take the show back MONTHS ago.

I understand that Leno wants to keep his staff working, which is admirable, but I don't think anyone really thinks that the true reason he's going back to 11:30. Point is, if the man truly thought that Conan was such a great guy, he would've refused to take the show from him, or at least fought hard to get out of his contract and go somewhere else. The man would've been picked up by another network in a heartbeat.

Just announce the deal and move on. I think everyone, from Leno and Conan on down, are just tried of fucking hearing about it. :lol:
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[quote name='Interstella 5555']Looks like Jay finally decided to speak up. This is what he had to say during yesterday's show regarding what led up to this mess.


"So time goes by and we stay number one up until the day we leave. ... Okay, but I'm leaving before my contract is out. About six to eight months early."

Talk about some crazy bullshit. The Tonight Show with Jay Leno lasted until the end of May 2009. It has always been very public that Conan O'Brien would take over the show in 2009. I can't see NBC ever wanting to start a new Tonight Show at the end of November 2009 - Early 2010 when it was all over the news that Conan would take over the Tonight Show in 2009.

"How valuable can I be? You fired me twice."

I'm not even going to comment on this. The moral of the story is that Leno is even more shit crazy then Letterman made him out to be.
A friend of mine in CA went to the rally they were holding there yesterday.

I especially like the "only the hardcore fans will get it" last chant here:

Best chants at the rally:


"CONAN STOPPED THE RAIN! CONAN STOPPED THE RAIN!" (After the horrible weather and rain magically cleared, moments after Conan ran out and greeted us with high-fives and handshakes and led us down the sidewalk like a pied piper.)

The wrestling-crowd-style chants for Andy, apropos of nothing ("AN-DEE RICH-TER!" clapclap clapclapclap).

The return of "CIR-CLE! CIR-CLE!" for no good reason.


Other things:

That's probably the worst rain I've ever experienced in L.A. Conan's staff came out and gave us coffee and donuts. After the Conan appearance, they also provided us with pizza. Masturbating Bear made a game-changing return, brother. A Popemobile containing La Bamba drove past us. TMZ interviewed me. Some old lady drove by at one point, rolled down her window, shook her head at us and yelled "I LIKE LENO!!!" defensively; we booed and hissed at her. Conan, Max, La Bamba, Andy and the gang waved at us from the roof of the NBC building with a giant "I'm With Coco" poster, complete with Mussolini, old-timey politician and Pope gestures. Andy got on the megaphone and said a brief thing amounting to "thanks, guys" before finishing with "The lawyers have told me I can't say anything more".

Video - not much to it, but La Bamba and Masturbating Bear are present:
I still say I would make no deal where I don't keep my ideas and bits. They want him out, he should press for that.
[quote name='ITDEFX']

wow just wow. At least his staff gets something. Sure it's not millions for each staff member, but it's enough to prevent them from suing NBC for wrongful termination. Pretty much that should help them have enough money to deal with moving back expenses.[/QUOTE]

So Conan gets $32.5 million from NBC, but any salary he gets for a new show else where is removed from that.

Hope he signs a real low ball contract for that period, so NBC is stuck paying him most of the $32.5 million while the other network gets him mostly for free for a few years.
[quote name='spoo']
"So time goes by and we stay number one up until the day we leave. ... Okay, but I'm leaving before my contract is out. About six to eight months early."

Talk about some crazy bullshit. The Tonight Show with Jay Leno lasted until the end of May 2009. It has always been very public that Conan O'Brien would take over the show in 2009. I can't see NBC ever wanting to start a new Tonight Show at the end of November 2009 - Early 2010 when it was all over the news that Conan would take over the Tonight Show in 2009.

"How valuable can I be? You fired me twice."

I'm not even going to comment on this. The moral of the story is that Leno is even more shit crazy then Letterman made him out to be.[/QUOTE]

Here's a video from TMZ of Leno addressing matters:
bread's done