Top 10 Useless College Courses The World!!!

[quote name='WeaponX2099']Hey, Art History was very fucking interesting. I learned shit!!![/QUOTE]

Sorry. Art history was crap. I liked failing a test because I gave my perspective on a painting and finding out it wasnt the teachers so I apparently failed to appreciate art.
If spending some time on the internet is any indication, I'd have to add English classes to the list. Students aren't learning anything.
Some useless classes that was forced on us for an animation degree was...

-Contemporary Moral Issues ...class always started with "Today we will agree to disagree...!":bomb:

-Microbiology ...the only cool thing about this class was the teacher. Was a conspiracy nut and would love talking more about her conspiracy theories than the actual class. Saw Outbreak for the first time in her class! She was kinda cute.

-Lecture series in animation... All we did was watch computer animation videos.:bomb:

-Comparative religions...waste of time and money...learned nothing.
[quote name='ITDEFX']-Lecture series in animation... All we did was watch computer animation videos.:bomb:[/QUOTE]

I had a similar class but it was animation history. Pretty much I paid a grand to watch cartoons all day.
Meh, reads like it was written by some libertarian nutjob with an axe to grind.

I could just as easily throw in "Taking Ann Rice Seriously" with all the other nonsense to get a rise out of the author.
How the fuck does one get approval for such non-sense? Heck I've seen a class listing for how to use Youtube and google!
I took a Jazz History class. All the "professor" (I use that term VERY loosely) did was have us listen to Jazz music for an hour and a half. No tests, no books, nothing but the smooth sounds of Jazz. I just wound up using it as study time, which I think most people did. It was an easy "A" and I'm not really complaining, but it did seem like a pretty big waste of money/time.

[quote name='tankass']Sorry. Art history was crap. I liked failing a test because I gave my perspective on a painting and finding out it wasnt the teachers so I apparently failed to appreciate art.[/QUOTE]

This stuff makes me laugh. I had similar experiences with art courses. I don't get how you can give F's for something that's 100% opinion. It's not like there's a definitive answer.
The only class I ever failed was Art History. fuck that bullshit waste of money.

Philosophy has good ideas but poor execution. They need to replace it with a class called "Don't be a dumbass." and make it mandatory for all incoming freshmen.
back when I was in college there was a Harry Potter class. There was a wait list to get on the wait list.
[quote name='camoor']Meh, reads like it was written by some libertarian nutjob with an axe to grind.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='JoeJohn']Who here still remembers calculus? No use in my life.[/QUOTE]

I'm an aerospace engineer so I can say that I definitely still remember Calculus. It is the single greatest math we have. It makes life so much simpler. My guess is you are a business major or something of that sort.
A Star Trek course would be awesome. Spend an hour arguing over who was the best captain, discussing Shatner's "music" etc.
I swear if I would have seen a Parapsychology class available at my college when I was there I would have taken it. Maybe they would have let me use the Proton packs :D
I remember my Art History professor assigned a 10-page final for the course.

I bullshit-ed the entire paper for an 'A'--the morning it was due. :whistle2:#
I enjoyed my art class cause my professor was a little crazy and she was an artist herself. I will never forget that she told us about how she doesn't sleep much since sleep is the cousin of death. So, we got to laugh when she had us watch films she would be sleep in the back of the class.
Wow so much hate for art history. Seems like most of you really had problems with the teacher or the way it was taught. It's kind of sad that with all the trash masquerading as entertainment, the thing that unifies you all is derision of art history.
[quote name='SEH']

This stuff makes me laugh. I had similar experiences with art courses. I don't get how you can give F's for something that's 100% opinion. It's not like there's a definitive answer.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Magehart']The only class I ever failed was Art History. fuck that bullshit waste of money.

Philosophy has good ideas but poor execution. They need to replace it with a class called "Don't be a dumbass." and make it mandatory for all incoming freshmen.[/QUOTE]

I ended up getting a D in Art History. Questions like "Identify the period which the structure was made based on the pillar".... fuck that!

Sounds like my Contemporary Moral Issues class. Boring as hell.

[quote name='Clak']A Star Trek course would be awesome. Spend an hour arguing over who was the best captain, discussing Shatner's "music" etc.[/QUOTE]

I think the star trek course was meant to be a course that talks about stars more than the tv series..... I think.

[quote name='camoor']Wow so much hate for art history. Seems like most of you really had problems with the teacher or the way it was taught. It's kind of sad that with all the trash masquerading as entertainment, the thing that unifies you all is derision of art history.[/QUOTE]

I think most of the problems are the way they are taught.

It's funny because my school had a very high turn over rate with professors. One semester they would be there, another semester they would be gone. Very few lasted more than a year.

Like I said, how the hell does a professor get a dean or a school to approve of a class like that? From my personal experience, you have to give a good course description and convince the person higher up why the course is important to be offered at that college and how it can help students. I seriously doubt a Harry Potter class is going to help an Engineering student.
*brings back horrible memories of all the stupid, useless classes she was forced to take in college*

Although, my art history instructor...was a character. He took a very boring subject and made it interesting by scouring every archive for erotic, historical art. If a culture had an artistic phallus, fetish, painting, or fresco with an orgy, he found it and presented it to us.
[quote name='Magehart']I'm an aerospace engineer so I can say that I definitely still remember Calculus. It is the single greatest math we have. It makes life so much simpler. My guess is you are a business major or something of that sort.[/QUOTE]

It does have an application in business, too.... well, depending on what you do in business, exactly, but still.
I took a Bowling course back in college. Mostly we just bowled in the student center. Though there was a final exam with such fantastic questions as: "What are those white things you are trying to knock down with the ball?"
I had a choice this semester for my last humanities credit, it was basiclaly down to art appreciation, art history, or philosophy. I figured philosophy would be the most interesting.
Any class that is irrelevant to your degree is a waste of money. If you are an Accounting major you should focus on math, business, and an English class or two. A CS major math, programming, physics, and again an English class or two. By English class I mean using proper grammar and punctuation and not American Literature or some other BS class.
[quote name='lilytrabbit']Any class that is irrelevant to your degree is a waste of money. If you are an Accounting major you should focus on math, business, and an English class or two. A CS major math, programming, physics, and again an English class or two. By English class I mean using proper grammar and punctuation and not American Literature or some other BS class.[/QUOTE]

How can you say it's a waste of money if a person enjoys those classes?
[quote name='bardockkun']Wasn't there a college course sometime back about the music of Lil Kim?[/QUOTE]yeah, fucking syracuse. :lol:
[quote name='camoor']How can you say it's a waste of money if a person enjoys those classes?[/QUOTE]

While it may not be a waste of money to a person who enjoys the class, the majority of any degree from any school is padded with classes that really have no bearing on a persons job. A student should only need to focus on what they need for their perspective career and if they want to take something such as Art Appreciation or Geology it should be at their own discretion and not a mandatory class needed to graduate. That's is why I think most classes are a waste of money. If by chance you enjoy the class and get something out of it props, but again it should be because you want the class not because a school or system thinks you need the class.
[quote name='JoeJohn']Who here still remembers calculus? No use in my life.[/QUOTE]

Most areas of math have no use for the average person.
[quote name='lilytrabbit']Any class that is irrelevant to your degree is a waste of money. If you are an Accounting major you should focus on math, business, and an English class or two. A CS major math, programming, physics, and again an English class or two. By English class I mean using proper grammar and punctuation and not American Literature or some other BS class.[/QUOTE]

I have to disagree. Being more worldly in any regards has never been of detriment to anyone. It's those who will coast through a class and not learn their message that will suffer. It may not be a direct benefit to your grade but it is of importance to your knowledge base. I've physically applied a few things i've learned in ceramics (the art not the materials science) to what i've done with planes.
[quote name='lilytrabbit']While it may not be a waste of money to a person who enjoys the class, the majority of any degree from any school is padded with classes that really have no bearing on a persons job. A student should only need to focus on what they need for their perspective career and if they want to take something such as Art Appreciation or Geology it should be at their own discretion and not a mandatory class needed to graduate. That's is why I think most classes are a waste of money. If by chance you enjoy the class and get something out of it props, but again it should be because you want the class not because a school or system thinks you need the class.[/QUOTE]

The point of college isn't just job training. The point of university or liberal arts college educations is not just career development, but to be exposed to a wide variety of ideas and develop a well-rounded intellect.

If a person just wants a piece of paper to help them on the job market, then they should get a 2 year degree, or go to trade school etc. Unless of course they want to be a doctor, lawyer, engineer etc. and need a 4 year degree for the job. In those cases the extra classes won't hurt, and they can always compare curriculum when picking a school and major and opt for one that has a lot of freedom in electives so they can avoid classes they don't want to take outside their major.

But this is the US and it's all about the all mighty dollar and mindless entertainment. Hence all the posts about learning for learning's sake being a waste of money and why the US sucks compared to Europe.
The problem is that college costs money. Learning for learning's sake is fun until you're going broke because you need a degree in a non-trade field but are being dragged through the mud in classes which don't appeal to you. Not everyone wants to be a medical assistant or a carpenter.

I understand your point when it's like some hotshot business major who balks at taking something like an Ethics class but I have to say 50% of my classes were bullshit. There should be general education requirements but it shouldn't be elective diarrhea like it was at my college and I'm sure MANY others.
The only bullshit classes I've had to take were only bullshit because of bad teachers. I can see where all of it would apply in life, but the teachers were fucking pieces of shit.
[quote name='georox']The only bullshit classes I've had to take were only bullshit because of bad teachers. I can see where all of it would apply in life, but the teachers were fucking pieces of shit.[/QUOTE]
Same here. You can try to pry information from them on how to do a problem and they will tell you to read your textbook or pay more attention in class. I wanted to tell my bio teacher that I pay his salary, but i chickened out and just asked a tutor. If theres anything i learned in college is that you have to be aggressive. Acknowledge your weaknesses, but don't let your professors win. Bug them hell out of them until they teach you the right things
[quote name='lilytrabbit']While it may not be a waste of money to a person who enjoys the class, the majority of any degree from any school is padded with classes that really have no bearing on a persons job. A student should only need to focus on what they need for their perspective career and if they want to take something such as Art Appreciation or Geology it should be at their own discretion and not a mandatory class needed to graduate. That's is why I think most classes are a waste of money. If by chance you enjoy the class and get something out of it props, but again it should be because you want the class not because a school or system thinks you need the class.[/QUOTE]

Man, can you share whatever it is that made you realize what you wanted to do for your career before entering college? I could use some, until then I'll just continue broadening my horizons and trying to become someone that can think goodly.
bread's done