Touch Detective: Adventure game nirvana???

Nice! Thanks for the quick review, RF -- You're a good man, and thorough!

Has anybody seen this float into TRU's this week?
I hope you guys end up liking it if you get it. I've been enjoying it, but then again I haven't hit one of those Jesus, what in the holy fuck am I supposed to do next"? moments that some reviewers claimed there are. I'm still on the 1st case because of lameass tests I have to "study" for. Pffft.
Well, I've been on the road (I'm a truck driver... which makes DS my best friend!) so I haven't been home to read my EGM. Good thing I didn't, because I bought Touch Detective. I guess they must not like adventure games because even though I've only finished part 1 of the first case, I am really digging this game so far. What really stands out is the writing, text, story or whatever, it had me laughing already a few times in a fairly short amount of time. I think anyone that likes adventure games would be hard pressed not to get this game.
I picked up my copy and have been playing it a bit I must say the puzzles are a bit confusing some of the clue are very straight forward others are pretty difficult so far I have to agree with ign's review the games style is great and the story is enjoyable but the puzzle can be very confusing to the point that your just randomly clicking objects to solve them
[quote name='jlindsay26'] ... have to agree with ign's review the games style is great and the story is enjoyable but the puzzle can be very confusing to the point that your just randomly clicking objects to solve them[/QUOTE]

So it's a truly classic style then! Excellent! I miss the old school adventure games with puzzles that made absolutely no sense. :)
I picked it up yesterday at Wal-Mart (couldn't find for TRU deal, so got Chibi-Robo, Trace Memory & Kirby DS instead) and am enjoying it quite a bit. I played it at E3 in Japanese with the project lead walking me through and he promised quiky, goofy dialogue. It definately delivers there.

Not far enough in to comment on the baffling puzzles, but hell, Resident Evil built an entire franchise around that, so this game can't be worse.
Wow I will keep my eyes out for this I had heard of it but it looks to be right down my alley. Current reviewers are typically not the ones that played the old school adventure games or even the original Doom for that matter. They are a different breed and were raised on Sony and the FPS's of the more current PC generation... Therefore their opinion is pretty damn weak when they review something that is outside their comfort zone.
[quote name='jimbodan']Aside from the supposedly illogical puzzles how is it? Any other flaws or is that pretty much the only gripe?[/quote]

Everything else is all good. Very cute characters, graphics are smooth, manual is even in color and full of whimsy. I give Atlus credit, this one is worthwhile.
[quote name='mbartholow']Everything else is all good. Very cute characters, graphics are smooth, manual is even in color and full of whimsy. I give Atlus credit, this one is worthwhile.[/QUOTE]

Awesome, I was kinda on the fence with this one due to the poor reviews, but after reading the reviews it seemed the puzzles were the only complaint. Not sure that one flaw warranted such bad scores.
Granted I'm being the devil's advocate, but if confounding puzzles are the problem, since the main point of the game is puzzles, I can see how this might drive scores pretty low.

I'm still holding out hope for this game, but since I have so many new ones, plus a few others coming up that are must buys (Castlevania, Yoshi [assuming they don't completely screw it up], Phoenix Wright, and perhaps Elite Beat), I'm going to wait on it.

[quote name='Hollow Man']Granted I'm being the devil's advocate, but if confounding puzzles are the problem, since the main point of the game is puzzles, I can see how this might drive scores pretty low.

I'm still holding out hope for this game, but since I have so many new ones, plus a few others coming up that are must buys (Castlevania, Yoshi [assuming they don't completely screw it up], Phoenix Wright, and perhaps Elite Beat), I'm going to wait on it.


Weekend looks pretty open so I'll see if I can pick this up from BB since I'll have some time to play it. I'll finish this and Contact, then do Children of Mana. Even though I already picked up Magical Starsign, think that's going to sit on the shelf for awhile...Maybe after FF3. ;)

And I still need to get 100% on Lego Star Wars II on the GCN before the Wii comes out and I start Twilight Princess. God, the Fall is brutal for gamers.
[quote name='Tybee']God, the Fall is brutal for gamers.[/quote]

I hear ya. I've got quite a few PC games to play, but lately I've been glued to my DS. New games have been surfacing for it like wildfire.

[quote name='Hollow Man']Granted I'm being the devil's advocate, but if confounding puzzles are the problem, since the main point of the game is puzzles, I can see how this might drive scores pretty low.

I'm still holding out hope for this game, but since I have so many new ones, plus a few others coming up that are must buys (Castlevania, Yoshi [assuming they don't completely screw it up], Phoenix Wright, and perhaps Elite Beat), I'm going to wait on it.


With gamefaqs and other such sites a few confusing puzzles should be nothing, it should be really easy to get hints if you get stuck anywhere
[quote name='jimbodan']With gamefaqs and other such sites a few confusing puzzles should be nothing, it should be really easy to get hints if you get stuck anywhere[/QUOTE]Isn't that the whole point of adventure games though? Needing to use a walkthrough for a good portion of the game is a major turnoff for me. It looks nice (and the reviews say that too), but some of the example puzzles mentioned in the reviews sound really terrible. I'm looking forward for some CAG opinions.
Just ordered a copy from Amazon (through the CAG link -- you're welcome, Cheapy!). Should be here in a couple of days. Hope I have time to play it... I'm so stoked about this game.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']Isn't that the whole point of adventure games though? Needing to use a walkthrough for a good portion of the game is a major turnoff for me. It looks nice (and the reviews say that too), but some of the example puzzles mentioned in the reviews sound really terrible. I'm looking forward for some CAG opinions.[/QUOTE]

I'm not going to lie; there are some parts that are fucking confusing. At one point, you have to use"fire" to continue your investigation, but Mackenzie is too young to use matches, so
you have to use an out-of-the-way microwave on the 2nd floor of an apartment complex.

At another point, you have a butterfly net that needs mended? Think you need to find someone to sew it or some string? Nope
you have to combine the net from your inventory with a spiderweb on the game screen which is hanging from the corner of a hotdog shop.
Need to put people to sleep by calling the sandman? Maybe he's in the game, or someone has some way to contact him?
Nope, you have to catch a butterfly and rub it into people's faces.

This shit's devious, but it's keeping me entertained. Any other RPG with stuff like this would have me hocking it on Ebay, but there's something about obscure-ass adventure which makes it all ok in my eyes. Also, the excellent writing and visual style make it more compelling. It's hard to explain, I guess, but in spite of all the insane obscurity; it keeps me coming back.
Reality's Fringe, thanks for the input about this game. I think I'm going to pass on this game. The way you describe it, so with the other reviews, make it seem like one of those games with objectives that are easier said than done. Right now, Touch Det. is giving off a vibe as being the kind of game where it gives a general objective but you'll prolly end up traveling and clicking on every item instead to complete it because the clues give no sort of useful information at all. This is kinda like the feeling when an rpg tells you to go to so and so but doesn't give you a simple description or visual map of it's locations, and you just end up wandering around in the game until you get bored or fall off the edge of the planet. Games like this tend to make me furious. Thanks again for the heads up on this game.
Okay, so Touch Detective has been out for a while now, and I'm thinking about getting it. Now that y'all have had a few weeks to play it, are you glad you did, or was it a waste of money?

Would anybody here sell/trade their copy to me?
I haven't played it a lot, but what I have played I've liked. Just haven't had a lot of time to sit down with it. I got it off Amazon, but I've seen it at Best Buy and EB.
[quote name='Snake2715']Also where did everyone find it B&M?[/quote]

TRU had a bunch, so you should try looking there.
My Local GS got only 2 copies. One of which I reserved. They said they don't know if they're getting more in.

On another note, one of the chapters in this game has surprisingly dark undertones. Not, R rated, but most assuredly PG-13.
Reality's Fringe;2376609 said:
On another note, one of the chapters in this game has surprisingly dark undertones. Not, R rated, but most assuredly PG-13.
Huh? it is pretty much G rate for the whole game.
[quote name='Snake2715']Also where did everyone find it B&M?[/QUOTE]

Toys R Us B&M. Saw a couple copies at the 2 stores near me.
So now that this has been out for a while, what is your impressions? I'm still on the fence about it but might get it if there's positive talk. How does it compare to the other DS adventure games?
[quote name='munch']So now that this has been out for a while, what is your impressions? I'm still on the fence about it but might get it if there's positive talk. How does it compare to the other DS adventure games?[/quote]

As the previous poster said, it's amusing. And that's all. Unless you have loads of money to throw around I think you should turn your sights elsewhere.
bread's done