Toys R Us Ad | 3/18-3/24 | Wii's, Giftcards and loads of nothing...


149 (100%)
Not a great ad this time for video games. The best thing is the giftcard with purchase of Wii/Sonic bundle for $299.

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Please don't repost these over on FW, SD or any other similar sites. I scanned these solely for CAG.**

** Asking for permission to repost is far less complicated than dealing with the results of such actions. The kind people over at SlickDeals learned the hard way that I don't take bandwidth/image theft lightly. :twisted:
The games listed didn't interest me, but I'll go to see if My Little Pony has a special Spring/Easter basket like they had the past couple of years. :bouncy:

Don't laugh. I love MLPs. I'm currently crying to myself because I can't justify spending $90 on this, even though it's worth much more. :drool:
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']Interesting that TRU is giving away a gift card with the purchase of the red hot Wii.[/quote]

Yeah, but you do have to buy Sonic with it to get the giftcard.
[quote name='sp00ge']Yeah, but you do have to buy Sonic with it to get the giftcard.[/QUOTE]

Well, it is an excellent game and well worth the $20 you are paying for it. Plus it's still pretty hard to find Wii's now, right? I am surprised they'd bother with such a promo. You almost wonder if this was thought up a few months back when they assumed Wii's would be shelf-sitters by March (as most of us did). Aren't these weekly ad things mapped out pretty far in advance? That could explain it. So, anyway, I consider that quite a steal if someone is looking for a Wii at this point.

Now me, I'm eyeing that $5 gift card with the Star Wars lego set purchase. My son has some birthday money and he almost spent it tonight at Target for legos. Of course it says "$20 or more" and the sets he is looking at cost $19.99, so they probably don't qualify.
[quote name='io']Now me, I'm eyeing that $5 gift card with the Star Wars lego set purchase. My son has some birthday money and he almost spent it tonight at Target for legos. Of course it says "$20 or more" and the sets he is looking at cost $19.99, so they probably don't qualify.[/QUOTE]

As a TRU lackey, I will tell you that the promotion will work if you buy something worth 19.99, and promotions do within 5 cents of the dollar. If it didn't, just raise hell, you'll probally get your way.
[quote name='ShinAkuma']As a TRU lackey, I will tell you that the promotion will work if you buy something worth 19.99, and promotions do within 5 cents of the dollar. If it didn't, just raise hell, you'll probally get your way.[/QUOTE]

Well, that's cool if so. That makes it entirely *unlike* the Amazon free shipping though :lol:.
Wow-that's a solid deal on the Wii.
Wish it worked online!

Wonder if there's a chance they'd actually have it in stock?

I didn't think I needed a Wii for anything...until I saw Gamespot's On the Spot coverage of Super Paper Mario at the GDC. That looks incredible-must buy for me.
Stores are supposed to hold all wii shipments until the ad hits. So they should have at least a few units in stock.
Looks like a camp out at TRU is in store for me this comming weekend then... almost 5 months later now and I have always been a step or two behind the Wii..... The store opens at 10 am right, So if I was there by 8 would that be a safe bet on snagging one of those.....

With those free gift cards aren't they good on your next purchase?
The Wii + Sonic + $30 GC = $300 seems like a good deal to me. Now it's just a question of whether I want to drive 40 miles each way to TRU this coming Sunday. That's like burning $10 in gas.
loved the pic
good job, well done
[quote name='sp00ge']So nice of someone to steal it, despite my request in the OP. Maybe this will teach them. Their link is no longer safe for work, virgins, christians or pretty much anyone...[/QUOTE]

AWESOME! I won't look at it until tonight at home, but nice work spOOge :)
[quote name='Wolfpup']AWESOME! I won't look at it until tonight at home, but nice work spOOge :)[/quote]

The thread was deleted. I gues trannies don't fly to well over there.

If the person simply would have asked to use it, I may have obliged. Or even linking to this thread would have been fine.
I just called up my local TRU and they said they expect to have some Wiis available tomorrow (Wednesday) morning first thing. The guy said to get there early cause people _still_ line up outside the store to grab them first thing when they open. Ugh. Guess I'll go join the line on the way to work.

I don't really want this deal... just glad that it spurred me to call my TRU to see if they had the thing available at all (which pretty much nobody does at this point).
[quote name='guyjr']I just called up my local TRU and they said they expect to have some Wiis available tomorrow (Wednesday) morning first thing. The guy said to get there early cause people _still_ line up outside the store to grab them first thing when they open. Ugh. Guess I'll go join the line on the way to work.

I don't really want this deal... just glad that it spurred me to call my TRU to see if they had the thing available at all (which pretty much nobody does at this point).[/quote]

Not to sound like a jerk, but don't be surprised if the refuse to sell them. Stores were notified to hold all wii shipments again for this upcoming ad. Maybe you'll luck out and get a store that ignored it. Good luck. :D
[quote name='guyjr']It all worked out in the end... BB across the street had 4 Wii's last night when I called. Now they have 3. :)[/quote]

Good deal.
Ya, he posted another thread using the pic as an attachment instead of a link and that thread got deleted again
[quote name='true']Ya, he posted another thread using the pic as an attachment instead of a link and that thread got deleted again[/quote]

It's still there. I reported it to a mod a few hours ago and have yet to get a reply or any result.
I went to Toys R Us last Sunday.. We asked the person on the counter and they said they'll be getting Wii's this Sunday. I wasn't completely sure if I should believe her or not because you know.. Employees might be misinformed sometimes >.> But thanks for confirming it. Great post.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Man, the people on Slickdeals are assholes and will never learn what they did was wrong. fuck 'em, sp00ge. Thanks for posting the ad here.[/quote]

I got a nice reply from one of the mods over there. I told them the adscan can stay, so long as the OP is edited to give me credit for it. It brought things to a civil conclusion.

So long as that rectal wart doesn't hotlink me again, I'll be happy.
But anyways, back on topic!
Hmm...any chance this is going to work online? If it does, and it's actually in stock, I may get myself a Wii :)

(Gots to get Super Paper Mario-that game looks amazing.)
Alright...this is basically the two-week period between St. Patrick's Day and April Fool's Day when the PS2 and 360 started to become 'easily' available at retail in '01 and '06, respectively. The fact that the Wii might not be and that people will still be 'camping' in the cold on Sunday mornings is simultaneously borderline astounding and borderline inexcusable, considering how plentiful Nintendo said they'd be back in the weeks leading up to Launch Day. Be honest...who really foresaw this back in October or early November? Hey--yeah, you--don't lie!

Hell, I've had one since November 19th and I still can't find a freaking Wii Points card at Best Buy! It's a freaking card!
^^^^ I don't think anyone here thought that. I am astounded as well... Remember, many people on CAG thought they'd be able to stroll into any game store a few weeks after launch and pick one up as a consolation prize when the hot PS3 would be impossible to get :lol:.

Now as for Wii Points cards and controllers - I was going to post somewhere (but obviously not make a thread for it ;)) that THESE have, finally, become more readily available. I don't think I've been to a store that hasn't had a Wii Points card in the last several days. Best Buy, Target, Fred Meyer, etc... Most have had Classic Controllers too. And some have had remotes. I guess I haven't seen any Nunchuks though - but haven't really been looking for them either. I am seeing Wii Play around quite a bit more too. I mean, I saw none from the first day until this last week...

(Edit - Jollydwarf, I know you don't like the quote feature so I didn't quote you - but d'oh, the damn page turned on me so, anyway, people can figure out what I'm referring to ;)).
Thanks OP. I stood in line in the cold for about 20 minutes. The store manager let us in 20 minutes early, and I was number 30 or so in line for a supply of 66. Piece of cake, and actually a very good deal to boot. Again, really appreciate it.
Don't let my disliking the "Quote" feature stop you. Appreciated, but not necessary.

And for the record, whenever I read your posts, I hear them in Kenobi's voice, circa Revenge of the Sith. It's not just the avatar, it's also the 'voice' of the text. Sadly, there a few too many "Salacious Crumbs" on the 'net to wade through at well as the Ponda Babas and Dr. Evazans. Oh, and the occasional Bossk that just hisses at you.

Also good to see that many patient types are finally getting theirs. As in Wii, not 'just desserts', natch.

"I have the permaban penalty on twelve message boards!"
I got there at 9 am 2 hours prior to opening and was 8th in line. At around 9:50 a guy came out and handed some vouchers, I left for an hour and came back to a line of about 30 new people! The initial batch that got vouchers claimed a wii but none of the crowd really did, they left pretty disappointed lol.

They did not have the nunchucks because 2 ladies claimed 100% of their stock :(

They wouldn't let me exchange Sonic for Zelda w/o forfeiting the giftcard, I said shaq-fu it and split the joint.
I got there at 9:50, 10 minutes before they opened. They stopped giving out the Vouchers 2 guys in front of me and that was it. Pissed me off since I was ready way before that, but just couldn't get a ride from my parents until right before store opened. It's living crap trying to buy a Wii while having to get a ride from your parents.
They did not have the nunchucks because 2 ladies claimed 100% of their stock :(

That shit is unacceptable and per-customer limits should definitely be placed on high-demand items...including peripherals. Toys R Us sells out in hours (minutes, more likely) either way, and by letting people get away with such blatant hoarding, it just gives the other customers observing this a feeling of general disdain towards their shopping experience.

I still loathe the soulless hoarders in these circumstances slightly more than the soulless, monolithic corporations. The reason being that the hoarders will usually work that much harder to exploit loopholes in policies (e.g., bringing children and relatives in to buy their 'own' share), regardless of what the companies try to do to make things even vaguely 'fair'. Step it up, Nintendo, and fuck over these peoples' profiteering! ASAP!
Stop by at Toysrus to do some toy exchange.. and thought could probably get a wii also. Got there 10.10am (haha.. waited for the wife makeup,etc) and there were only 15 unit available and all claimed. Amazingly, while I was doing the return/exchange process.. there were at least 5 'family' kind of people, come with kids and RUN into TRU to be disappointed by the bad news. I think Nintendo is and will do really well this generation... it's unbelievable how this hardware drought is still going on.

Once the supply meet up with the demand, nintendo could come out with new color to spike up their demand again and probably ready for the holiday.. WOW! ;)
TRU in my area had 33 Wiis and maybe 40-45 people waiting in line when they handed vouchers 10mins before opening. TRU allowed customers to purchase just the system itself. Adding the Sonic/$30 Gift Card for $50 was optional.
bread's done