[quote name='Zmonkay']Your B broke? Where at? I did notice the plastic felt a bit cheaper than usual, but I still really really like the fig. I don't give two shits about "scale" with the toys (I'll use Activators B if necessary), which is the only issue I really saw with it. I really liked the transformation, and thought it was a pretty cool fig. If anything, I'd def. recommend BB over SW. The animated seeker mold didn't really have anything wrong with it, but something just felt a bit off. Maybe it was just how screamer's (the only Animated seeker I have) color scheme was so far off from the show.
The ball socket on one of the arms broke, and I wasn't even using Excessive Force. It's possible I could fix it with a soldering iron. Maybe.
I don't really care about scale, either, but I did think the feet were weird and off-putting, easily the largest feet on a Bumblebee figure since G1. That and they just sort of hung there, like the designers didn't know what to do with them.
I also got one of the early ones, where the missiles didn't fit and the drills wouldn't fold in properly. With all that going on, I'll take Universe Bumblebee any day.
It does a decent job of capturing the look of the show. Since animalspinners didn't have any Animated figures, I didn't think that would be terribly important.
[quote name='Zmonkay']
Other than that, I can pretty much recommend every animated fig. They are all more or less great, with interesting transformations and wonderful homage nods to the fans.[/quote]
Oh, totally agreed. Unlike many lines, I have just about every Animated figure (excluding repaints). I really like the design aesthetic and I've found the transformations to be clever and interesting. Many of the robots would be excellent figures even if they didn't transform.
[quote name='Zmonkay']nly disappointments to me were Black Arachnia and Waspinator (too simple transforms) and Shockwave (cool quadchanger idea, but a bit ungainly, and not really a huge difference between alt modes). Beyond that, a really great line. Especially BLURR!!![/QUOTE]
I still like Shockwave. Unlike, say, Safeguard, which was full of ideas that just didn't work at all. But, yeah, totally with you on Blurr.