Transformers Toys - Deals & Discussion


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Zmonkay said:
10% off disc10
Latest Transformers news:

  • Dark of the Moon toyline to be released at retail on May 15, 2011
  • Transformers Prime toyline to be released at retail in October 2011
Latest Transformers figures available at retail now:

  • Generations Warpath, Kup, and Scourge
  • Dark of the Moon Preview Pack Cyberverse Optimus Prime
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Joke or not, I LOVE that fig!!! Got it for my birthday years ago, and was one of my favorites for a long time. The big jet is a triple changer (stealth bomber, tank, bot), and you could lock the small jet into the big one to make a "super jet". Also, the jet was the mold basis for Energon Starscream (Energon Screamer shared the same transformation scheme, but the mold was enlarged and had additional tooling). Was also released during one of the Japanese Beast Wars, II or Neo, can't remember which.

Sorry for the random rant, but it was seriously one of the best figs to come out of Gen 2.
Found two Arcees at Toys R Us today - if anybody's interested in one for cost + shipping, send me a PM. If more than two people are interested, I'll do one of those random drawing things Tuesday morning.

Random drawing list!
1) StealthNinjaScyther
2) animalspinners
3) RedvsBlue
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[quote name='n10zguy']Okay, if you don't plan to attend then your best option will be to get what is called the Iacon Package (non-attendee). However, this will only get you the 5 figure boxset, so you will not get the free attendee-only exclusive, nor will you get access to the souvenir exclusive sets they will sell at the convention itself. So you will essentially get 5 out of the XX exclusive figures being offered this year. You can, as was mentioned, get them from ebay afterwards, but I know one of the souvenir sets is gonna go for a lot of money this year.[/QUOTE]

Thanks a ton!

I noticed they have a general admission fee (which I never saw on the site before), which is real cheap, so if I can't get the Primus package my bf and I can at least attend the show (as I'm only an hour or so from Orlando).

Working a ton of OT lately though, so hopefully the Primus package will pan out. The last time I checked the Botcon site, it wasn't as detailed as it was now, so with extremely cheap general admission I am definitely there no matter what. I've only really gotten into TF because of my bf, so I'm really just trying to get all this stuff together as a big surprise for him. Either way he's excited because he has been a TF fan since childhood, but the show has never really been this close.
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Sorry for the double post -

A local store has both Animated Bumblebee and Animated Skywarp - are they worth picking up? We display all our TF figs, and they look like nice figs but we haven't yet bought anything from the Animated line (mostly stuck to the older lines and the Universe stuff, and a lack of money for TF figs for awhile didnt help).
[quote name='Zmonkay']Joke or not, I LOVE that fig!!! Got it for my birthday years ago, and was one of my favorites for a long time. The big jet is a triple changer (stealth bomber, tank, bot), and you could lock the small jet into the big one to make a "super jet". Also, the jet was the mold basis for Energon Starscream (Energon Screamer shared the same transformation scheme, but the mold was enlarged and had additional tooling). Was also released during one of the Japanese Beast Wars, II or Neo, can't remember which.

Sorry for the random rant, but it was seriously one of the best figs to come out of Gen 2.[/QUOTE]

Totally agree. I have the non-Megatron version, and it's the bomb. Clever transformation, great interaction between the two vehicles. Really imaginative and clever, but also solid in design. It's really rare to see everything come together so well in such an ambitious figure.

Not worth $5500, but it is a terrific figure.
[quote name='animalspinners']Sorry for the double post -

A local store has both Animated Bumblebee and Animated Skywarp - are they worth picking up? We display all our TF figs, and they look like nice figs but we haven't yet bought anything from the Animated line (mostly stuck to the older lines and the Universe stuff, and a lack of money for TF figs for awhile didnt help).[/QUOTE]

Animated is a great line. Bumblebee, however, not so much. Universe Bumblebee is better in most regards. He's okay, but his feet are weird and offputting. Bumblebee is also the only Transformer in the past 10 years or so to break on me. Crappy yellow plastic.

Highlights of the Animated line: Blurr, Grimlock, Prime, Prowl, Shockwave, Wreck-Gar

If you can find Blurr or Prowl, they are really not to be missed. Grimlock is also a great update of a classic figure with the best of the Animated aesthetic.
Your B broke? Where at? I did notice the plastic felt a bit cheaper than usual, but I still really really like the fig. I don't give two shits about "scale" with the toys (I'll use Activators B if necessary), which is the only issue I really saw with it. I really liked the transformation, and thought it was a pretty cool fig. If anything, I'd def. recommend BB over SW. The animated seeker mold didn't really have anything wrong with it, but something just felt a bit off. Maybe it was just how screamer's (the only Animated seeker I have) color scheme was so far off from the show.

Other than that, I can pretty much recommend every animated fig. They are all more or less great, with interesting transformations and wonderful homage nods to the fans.

Only disappointments to me were Black Arachnia and Waspinator (too simple transforms) and Shockwave (cool quadchanger idea, but a bit ungainly, and not really a huge difference between alt modes). Beyond that, a really great line. Especially BLURR!!!
[quote name='yakkotank']Found two Arcees at Toys R Us today - if anybody's interested in one for cost + shipping, send me a PM. If more than two people are interested, I'll do one of those random drawing things Tuesday morning.

Random drawing list!
1) StealthNinjaScyther
2) animalspinners
3) RedvsBlue[/QUOTE]

Winners are:
2) animalspinners
3) RedvsBlue

PMs have been sent!
[quote name='yakkotank']Winners are:
2) animalspinners
3) RedvsBlue

PMs have been sent![/QUOTE]


Your PM box is full though!

I can pay ASAP like RvB, just need to send you my zip like you requested so we can work out shipping! Thanks again!!
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[quote name='yakkotank']Winners are:
2) animalspinners
3) RedvsBlue

PMs have been sent![/QUOTE]

Thank you very much! I sent the paypal payment but like animalspinners mentioned your PM box is full.
I actually have been checking for arcee recently during my hunt for SW/Marvel universe figures, but I've seen none recently oddly enough...
Lucked out and found enough Arcees for all my customs plans. Hopefully I will have my Chromia, Moonracer, Flamewar, Flare-Up, and Crasher ready for Botcon. My friend made me a custom from her as well, Shattered Glass ICE-E. I can't WAIT for the con this year!!
[quote name='georox']I actually have been checking for arcee recently during my hunt for SW/Marvel universe figures, but I've seen none recently oddly enough...[/QUOTE]

Same here. Plenty of Cybertron Ratchet, but no Arcees. I found two about a month ago, but I'm opening one and keeping the other one carded. Don't know why there is such a huge difference in the numbers of Cybertron Ratchets and Arcees.
[quote name='BingoBrown']Same here. Plenty of Cybertron Ratchet, but no Arcees. I found two about a month ago, but I'm opening one and keeping the other one carded. Don't know why there is such a huge difference in the numbers of Cybertron Ratchets and Arcees.[/QUOTE]

It is a common myth in toy companies that kids don't want female figures and they identify more with the male figures. Companies like Hasbro shortpack the female figures and cater to the kid demographic. They admitted to doing as such, IIRC, during the 2002ish He-Man reboot.

They made Teela like 1 or 2 to a case, and overpacked on all the "main" figures because they said that is what kids want, and they, not collectors, buy the line en masse. Ironically, the line died no thanks to the massive amount of He-Man's and Skeletors that clogged the pegs.

It's incredibly stupid. I'm not sure if that's the exact reasoning for Arcee, but I know for years now you can look at every toy line and see that if a female figure is lucky enough to get made, it's in short supply. Hell, even looking at the old TF / G.I Joe cartoons, you had no females in TF until Season 3, and for every female in G.I Joe there were about 40 males.

Hasbro knows the collector market exists, hell they support Botcon, yet they still don't have enough sense to make (and distribute properly) enough of a popular collector figure. They've gotta know which one of these two figures will fly off the shelves.

It also doesn't help they made this a retail exclusive, at, imo, one of the worst places to buy toys from. There are hardly any TRU's around to begin with, compared to Target or Wal-Mart.
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I'm pretty sure that Arcee and Ratchet are equally packed, it's just that Arcee is more desired. Like many others I already have a Ratchet and don't want the Cybertron version. That and scalpers.
[quote name='StealthNinjaScyther']I'm pretty sure that Arcee and Ratchet are equally packed, it's just that Arcee is more desired. Like many others I already have a Ratchet and don't want the Cybertron version. That and scalpers.[/QUOTE]

Yea, you're right, the breakdown is 4 and 4. That's at least a step in the right direction.

I guess the problem is a big combination of screw ups then. Since Botcon is coming up, I wonder how many dealers are raiding the TRU's in anticipation?

Getting Masterpiece Grimlock is going to be a huge pain in the ass... =/
[quote name='animalspinners']Yea, you're right, the breakdown is 4 and 4. That's at least a step in the right direction.[/QUOTE]

Really? The case breakdown is equal? That amazes me. I'm sure I've seen 20-30 Cybertron Ratchets at the 4 different Toys R Us stores I've visited, and only 2 Arcees. Crazy. Arcee must be wicked popular with collectors and scalpers. Of course, I bought two Arcees, and only bought one Cybertron Ratchet, so I guess I'm helping that trend.
[quote name='BingoBrown']Really? The case breakdown is equal? That amazes me. I'm sure I've seen 20-30 Cybertron Ratchets at the 4 different Toys R Us stores I've visited, and only 2 Arcees. Crazy. Arcee must be wicked popular with collectors and scalpers. Of course, I bought two Arcees, and only bought one Cybertron Ratchet, so I guess I'm helping that trend.[/QUOTE]

You probably see this many Ratchets because scalpers bought both Arcee and Ratchet together. When they couldn't sell Ratchet, they returned him.
[quote name='Zmonkay']Your B broke? Where at? I did notice the plastic felt a bit cheaper than usual, but I still really really like the fig. I don't give two shits about "scale" with the toys (I'll use Activators B if necessary), which is the only issue I really saw with it. I really liked the transformation, and thought it was a pretty cool fig. If anything, I'd def. recommend BB over SW. The animated seeker mold didn't really have anything wrong with it, but something just felt a bit off. Maybe it was just how screamer's (the only Animated seeker I have) color scheme was so far off from the show.

The ball socket on one of the arms broke, and I wasn't even using Excessive Force. It's possible I could fix it with a soldering iron. Maybe.

I don't really care about scale, either, but I did think the feet were weird and off-putting, easily the largest feet on a Bumblebee figure since G1. That and they just sort of hung there, like the designers didn't know what to do with them.

I also got one of the early ones, where the missiles didn't fit and the drills wouldn't fold in properly. With all that going on, I'll take Universe Bumblebee any day.

It does a decent job of capturing the look of the show. Since animalspinners didn't have any Animated figures, I didn't think that would be terribly important.

[quote name='Zmonkay']
Other than that, I can pretty much recommend every animated fig. They are all more or less great, with interesting transformations and wonderful homage nods to the fans.[/quote]

Oh, totally agreed. Unlike many lines, I have just about every Animated figure (excluding repaints). I really like the design aesthetic and I've found the transformations to be clever and interesting. Many of the robots would be excellent figures even if they didn't transform.

[quote name='Zmonkay']nly disappointments to me were Black Arachnia and Waspinator (too simple transforms) and Shockwave (cool quadchanger idea, but a bit ungainly, and not really a huge difference between alt modes). Beyond that, a really great line. Especially BLURR!!![/QUOTE]

I still like Shockwave. Unlike, say, Safeguard, which was full of ideas that just didn't work at all. But, yeah, totally with you on Blurr.
I found Animated Arcee at Toys R us today. I was so happy and surprised. I have been checking all the time. I never thought I would find her. Hopefully my son will enjoy the toy, is it a fun toy?
Honestly... I'm more impressed by Cybertron Ratchet. Now don't get me wrong, Arcee is pretty good, but I think I had too high of expectations. Ratchet, on the other hand, I wasn't nearly as excited for, so maybe that's why I was so pleasantly surprised. Arcee's "wings" seem off (and are further back than can be seen on the packaging pic) and her swords don't seem to want to click into their holsters (unless I'm doing something wrong). Still, I'm just glad to finally have an Arcee. Thanks again Watchman!
Well, we opened Arcee and she looks nice. My son was happy. I wonder now if I should go back and get Cybertron Ratchet. We already have the 1st ratchet, but my son says it is different. Is it worth getting if we already have the other one. Plus TRU has a sale tomorrow buy 1 get 1 50% off. I will have to get Arcee price adjusted.
[quote name='animalspinners']It is a common myth in toy companies that kids don't want female figures and they identify more with the male figures. Companies like Hasbro shortpack the female figures and cater to the kid demographic. They admitted to doing as such, IIRC, during the 2002ish He-Man reboot.

They made Teela like 1 or 2 to a case, and overpacked on all the "main" figures because they said that is what kids want, and they, not collectors, buy the line en masse. Ironically, the line died no thanks to the massive amount of He-Man's and Skeletors that clogged the pegs.

It's incredibly stupid. I'm not sure if that's the exact reasoning for Arcee, but I know for years now you can look at every toy line and see that if a female figure is lucky enough to get made, it's in short supply. Hell, even looking at the old TF / G.I Joe cartoons, you had no females in TF until Season 3, and for every female in G.I Joe there were about 40 males.

Hasbro knows the collector market exists, hell they support Botcon, yet they still don't have enough sense to make (and distribute properly) enough of a popular collector figure. They've gotta know which one of these two figures will fly off the shelves.

It also doesn't help they made this a retail exclusive, at, imo, one of the worst places to buy toys from. There are hardly any TRU's around to begin with, compared to Target or Wal-Mart.[/QUOTE]

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe are made and owned by Mattel, not Hasbro...
Just got back from a TRU near my office (North Haven, CT), they had at least 4 animted Arcees and several Ratchets. If anyone is interested in them I'll pick some up (I got the 25th anniversary Perceptor & LC Shadow Command Megatron for the BOGO sale but didn't have enough cash for the Arcees).


If no replies by 4:55pm est I won't go back. It's Friday kids!
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[quote name='mickeyp']Well, we opened Arcee and she looks nice. My son was happy. I wonder now if I should go back and get Cybertron Ratchet. We already have the 1st ratchet, but my son says it is different. Is it worth getting if we already have the other one. Plus TRU has a sale tomorrow buy 1 get 1 50% off. I will have to get Arcee price adjusted.[/QUOTE]

Like I said, Cybertron Ratchet is great (and is completely different from regular Ratchet). Then again, I'm a sucker for cybertronian alts, but still. Only thing I don't like are the "shock paddles" need some sort of paint app, instead of being solid black plastic.
[quote name='def PD']Just got back from a TRU near my office (North Haven, CT), they had at least 4 animted Arcees and several Ratchets. If anyone is interested in them I'll pick some up (I got the 25th anniversary Perceptor & LC Shadow Command Megatron for the BOGO sale but didn't have enough cash for the Arcees).


If no replies by 4:55pm est I won't go back. It's Friday kids![/QUOTE]

If it's not too late I'm still looking for an Arcee. Thanks.
Thanks I went and bought ratchet for my son. I bought Arcee and got Ratchet 1/2 off, so I am happy.
- Nobody in this forum is from Long Island and needs Arcee?
hey mickeyp where can i get it in long island ? i'm located in the queens area and haven't seen the arcee as of yet only ratchet.. would love to get both of them if i can buy one and get the other half off..
[quote name='StealthNinjaScyther']If it's not too late I'm still looking for an Arcee. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

Sorry man! I didn't swing by (since no replies). However, if TRU does run another BOGO sale soon I will stop by and pick them up for people (and keep one for myself).
Nobody is interested in picking up Arcee from me in Long Island near Queens, otherwise I am giving it back to the store.
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Transformers Generations (War For Cybertron) available for pre-order on BBTS:





ETA August

Also listed Megatron & Soundwave, but no pics yet.

Those are so badass!!!!
[quote name='mickeyp']Nobody is interested in picking up Arcee from me in Long Island near Queens, otherwise I am giving it back to the store.[/QUOTE]
Everybody in Long Island (or Queens is close to me as well) has found Arcee already? This is the last chance to get her for cost otherwise I have to return it to the store.
Found some Transformers at the local Dollar General - they had the Robot Heroes for $3.75 (25% clearance) which included -

Arcee / Rumble
Blaster / Dirge
Optimus Primal / Tarantulus
Rhinox / Waspinator (I think)

They also had some of the smaller TF Universe figs for $5 - Leo Prime, Cybertron Optimus, Cybertron Soundwave, and some Armada minicons.

Only two regular size figures were Universe Scattorshot and Lugnutz. They had no prices so I'm not sure if they were $5 like everything else, but it's doubtful.

I picked up the only Cybertron Soundwave and an Arcee / Rumble bundle.
Last edited by a moderator: has a sale going on. 20% off and free shipping with coupon code FREESHIP20. Could be a deal with these:

N.E.S.T. two pack ( Deluxe Bee and Soundwave) $13 before coupon:

Voyager Bludgeon $15 before coupon:

Voyager Recon Ironhide $15 before coupon:

Also some RotF Deluxes are $9 before coupon.
[quote name='Inferno-X'] has a sale going on. 20% off and free shipping with coupon code FREESHIP20. Could be a deal with these:

N.E.S.T. two pack ( Deluxe Bee and Soundwave) $13 before coupon:

Voyager Bludgeon $15 before coupon:

Voyager Recon Ironhide $15 before coupon:

Also some RotF Deluxes are $9 before coupon.[/QUOTE]

Remember when Hasbro actually had the majority of their merchandise on the website for sale? *sigh*
[quote name='LinkinPrime']The Botcon exclusives this year look pretty damn weak.[/QUOTE]

Love me some Gen2 and all the crazy colors that go along with it... but I just can't get into these figs. Great mold choices, crazy colors... but something just feels a bit off. IDK, I've never really been one for recolors, so maybe that's it.

Also, MP Grimmy was apparently up on TRU for a VERY short time yesterday, but is already gone with no sign of it ever being there. A few people on TFW2005 claim to have ordered one, so we'll see. At the very least, this should be a sign that it'll be popping up in stores sometime soon (Please let it be an easier to find TRU exclusive than the Animated figs! I'm hoping the 60.00 price point will deter parents :D )
[quote name='Zmonkay']
Also, MP Grimmy was apparently up on TRU for a VERY short time yesterday, but is already gone with no sign of it ever being there. A few people on TFW2005 claim to have ordered one, so we'll see. At the very least, this should be a sign that it'll be popping up in stores sometime soon (Please let it be an easier to find TRU exclusive than the Animated figs! I'm hoping the 60.00 price point will deter parents :D )[/QUOTE]

Parents but not hoarders, unfortunately.

I fully expect the only TRU closest to me is going to get wiped out of these - we only have one TRU for a huge metropolitan area combined with the fact Botcon is only about 2 hours away, so I think dealers will get to these long before I can.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']The Botcon exclusives this year look pretty damn weak.[/QUOTE]

Wait till you see the add-ons, there are a few that are REALLY cool.
bread's done