Transformers Toys - Deals & Discussion


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Zmonkay said:
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Latest Transformers news:

  • Dark of the Moon toyline to be released at retail on May 15, 2011
  • Transformers Prime toyline to be released at retail in October 2011
Latest Transformers figures available at retail now:

  • Generations Warpath, Kup, and Scourge
  • Dark of the Moon Preview Pack Cyberverse Optimus Prime
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[quote name='Zmonkay']Also, MP Grimmy was apparently up on TRU for a VERY short time yesterday, but is already gone with no sign of it ever being there. A few people on TFW2005 claim to have ordered one, so we'll see. At the very least, this should be a sign that it'll be popping up in stores sometime soon (Please let it be an easier to find TRU exclusive than the Animated figs! I'm hoping the 60.00 price point will deter parents :D )[/QUOTE]

Looks like it was up long enough for Google to catch it. It doesn't have the item page cached, but has the link (product number 3870072) and it did cache the e-mail alert page. That page has a thumbnail pic that's still active, and a slight change to the URL points to the full pic.

[quote name='LinkinPrime']The Botcon exclusives this year look pretty damn weak.[/QUOTE]
I've never been a fan of G2, so I'm kind of disappointed. Botcon is only about an hour away from me, so it will be my first time! I can't afford to get one of the special packages. I'm just going to go with general admission and try to get an autograph arm-band so I can meet Peter Cullen.

I'm down for a meetup, by the way.
Definitely skipping MP Grimlock Hasbro version. I'll probably just shell out for the Takara one since it's superior in all aspects.
[quote name='LXL_Guy']Definitely skipping MP Grimlock Hasbro version. I'll probably just shell out for the Takara one since it's superior in all aspects.[/QUOTE]

Really? How so? IIRC, some of the paint apps are a bit different, and the teeth have been "unsharpened" in the Hasbro version. Are there other big differences I'm not aware of?
[quote name='Zmonkay']Really? How so? IIRC, some of the paint apps are a bit different, and the teeth have been "unsharpened" in the Hasbro version. Are there other big differences I'm not aware of?[/QUOTE]

As a matter of fact, just a few days ago I saw some photos that showed the teeth are unchanged (and sharp). Look here:
Here is another photo with sharp teeth. It looks like it won't be all that different.
[quote name='Zmonkay']Really? How so? IIRC, some of the paint apps are a bit different, and the teeth have been "unsharpened" in the Hasbro version. Are there other big differences I'm not aware of?[/QUOTE]

Missing some of the accessories. Don't recall which but I'll find it later for ya.

If it does come with intelligence-transfer device, tray, wine glasses, apron and bow; then maybe I'll pick up Hasbro version.
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Yeah, that's the gallery I'd seen as well (with the blunt). It'd be interesting if they do in fact remain unchanged. And I didn't realize it might not have the accessories. I really hope it does!
I don't really mind the non-weapons missing since those would just be more clutter when I unbox it and anyone who sees the figure would have little chance of getting why Grimlock was wearing an apron.

How much is a decent price on the Takara version? I figure trying to get the TRU version is going to be cheaper.
[quote name='KingDox']I don't really mind the non-weapons missing since those would just be more clutter when I unbox it and anyone who sees the figure would have little chance of getting why Grimlock was wearing an apron.

How much is a decent price on the Takara version? I figure trying to get the TRU version is going to be cheaper.[/QUOTE]

New? $140.

There is no way I'll even consider the Takara version at this point. A serving tray, bowtie, and other bits are not worth $80 to me personally. They are cool, but not $80 cool.
Honestly though...never cared much for Grimlock. I mean MP one would look nice but not a must for me. I can definitely skip on this no matter what.
Really? Grimlock was my fave from G1 (see avatar :D ) I was a typical "Dinosaurs are awesome" kid, and then got my hands on some transforming Dinosaurs?! How can it get better?! Still gotta track down a Swoop and Sludge though to complete my G1 set. Stupid Hasbro not re-releasing them during G2...
I admit the Botcon set is a little different this year, but the novelty is enough to make me want to get it. My G2 Prime was one of the figures I really played with a lot as a kid so I guess there is some nostalgia in it for me.

I actually got into the customizing class this year so it'll be nice to finally get to attend that. I haven't been to Botcon since 2006.
i got onslaught for 5 dollars at target yesterday!!!!! The cashier was cool and gave me a discount, he was scanning at 7 dollars
[quote name='KingDox']Am I th only one here who has no love for G2 Transformers? Other then Tank Megatron I didn't like any of the toys.[/QUOTE] You're not the only one. I completely ignored Gen 2. As far as I'm concerned, G2 never happened.
I grew up with G1, then got into first-gen Beast Wars in college, and recently I've been collecting the movie toys.
[quote name='KingDox']Am I th only one here who has no love for G2 Transformers? Other then Tank Megatron I didn't like any of the toys.[/QUOTE]

G2 has a niche following. There have been lots of people in the fandom who have been requesting a return to the G2-verse because they loved the comic. The funny thing about this is that only 2 of this year's Botcon set that are actual G2 figures (all but G2 Breakdown are UK exclusive G1 figures re-released in the G2 line) were released in the US, Rapido (assuming the pictures are true) and Breakdown (and that was only given out at Botcon 94).

I think once all the figures are shown, people are going to think, uh... shouldn't this have been UK-Redux? :lol:
[quote name='KingDox']Am I th only one here who has no love for G2 Transformers? Other then Tank Megatron I didn't like any of the toys.[/QUOTE]

What about the Cyberjets and Laser Prime?
[quote name='Bloomy']What about the Cyberjets and Laser Prime?[/QUOTE]

Your right about the Laser Prime, I love my recolored Scourge from the RID toy line. The jets I can pass on, plenty of better Jet transformers to choose from.
Yeah, the Cyberjets were tight, as well as the laser rods and cycles! Cyberjets and Laser cycles have been re-released in various lines, but idk why the laser rods never have. I've only got Electro, but damned if that's not a great fig. Amazing articulation for the time too!
Just went apeshit on the TRU sale, the whole $10 off $30 fiasco. Got about 15 Transformers for $32 shipped, three animated (Soundwave, Lockdown, and Oil Slick... had no interest in Lugnut seeing as he would have to be a seperate order and he rose shipping a bit high), and 13 ROTF's (mostly the scout ones, and 2 or 3 deluxe classes).

If you need to fill holes in your collection, now is the time to do it.
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[quote name='animalspinners']Just went apeshit on the TRU sale, the whole $10 off $30 fiasco. Got about 15 Transformers for $17 shipped, three animated (Soundwave, Lockdown, and Oil Slick... had no interest in Lugnut seeing as he would have to be a seperate order and he rose shipping a bit high), and 13 ROTF's (mostly the scout ones, and 2 or 3 deluxe classes).

If you need to fill holes in your collection, now is the time to do it.[/QUOTE]

How did you do this. Even with the sale prices and the 10 off 30, those 15 figs come out to be WAY more than $17 shipped.
[quote name='n10zguy']How did you do this. Even with the sale prices and the 10 off 30, those 15 figs come out to be WAY more than $17 shipped.[/QUOTE]

Yea, I ended up getting more after I made that post... it ended up being around $32 shipped when all is said and done after I went back for Lugnut and some others. Or do you mean how was it so cheap to begin with? The glitch was making a ton of figures free, taking $10 off each one once you hit $30. The scouts ended up costing me 0.00, the animated figures were $2 (Lugnut was $4) and the deluxe ROTF's were all 0.00 (since the Scouts and ROFT were under $10, it made them free). Dead now, though.

I thought the thread had gotten moved out of Deal Graveyard, but I guess it never was.
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Of course I missed it! :( Woulda went for the Robot Heroes and some of the SW crossovers. Have everything else. Ah well, didn't really need em anyway.
fuck, of course the freeship20 coupon expired the 23rd. Power Core Combiners are up too, among others (a couple other deluxes and some scouts). Need a coupon. 201.61 after tax and 20.00 shipping (20.00! go fuck yourself HBTS)

EDIT: found a coupon on the tfw boards: thanks10 10% off. Wish Amazon carried these fuckers, so I could order em tax free/free shipping. Most of the stuff on Amazon is from a third party, so pay shipping and sometimes tax, and often ridiculous markup.
Spend $25 on Transformers toys (from anywhere, online and b&m) between today 5/28 and 7/31 and get three Deluxe figures for free (directly from Hasbro) by mailing in a copy of your receipt. See the page for a list of what's eligible.
You guys must be slacking today. I can't believe nobody has posted this yet.

By the way TRU still has all TF for B1G1 50% off, and it looks Wal-Mart has Deluxes on sale for $9 (it's on the website and at my local WM).

Credit goes to and and just about every TF website.
[quote name='techstar25']Spend $25 on Transformers toys (from anywhere, online and b&m) between today 5/28 and 7/31 and get three Deluxe figures for free (directly from Hasbro) by mailing in a copy of your receipt. See the page for a list of what's eligible.
You guys must be slacking today. I can't believe nobody has posted this yet.

By the way TRU still has all TF for B1G1 50% off, and it looks Wal-Mart has Deluxes on sale for $9 (it's on the website and at my local WM).

Credit goes to and and just about every TF website.[/QUOTE]

yeah... it SEEMS like a great deal until you realize that the 3 free figures are from their endless pegwarming supply of Wheelie, Ravage, Skids, Mudflap, or Rampage. :lol:
Does the Hasbro shop charge immediately for preorders, or when it ships? If they don't charge until they ship, I might as well preorder the full set of 4 Generations figs now. The website is kind of vague on this. I might just wait and hit the stores for these... are these retailer exclusive or are they planned to be everywhere (i.e Wal-Mart, Target, etc)?

And it seems everything I got from the TRU glitch ended up shipping... 15 Transformers, 4 G.I Joe double packs for $30 or so shipped. Makes the other deals going on now a little lackluster for me :lol: I'll take a big picture of everything when it all comes!

I don't think I can submit the receipts for the Hasbro promotion though, since it all shows as 0.00. It's just as well, I didn't even want Skids and Mudflap for free :p
HBTS has always charged when they shipped (in the past at least). IDK if/why they'd change that policy now. I bit. After 10% off, it was only shipping was only about 2 bucks, so not much more than buying in stores, give or take. And this way I won't have to run around hunting. 200 bucks though... ouch!
Those Power Core combiners definitely look awesome... I'll be getting Huffer for sure.

But I wish we'd get some different gestalts instead of the Combaticons and Aerialbots... I'd love the Stunticons, Predacons, Technobots, or Terrorcons.
[quote name='animalspinners']Those Power Core combiners definitely look awesome... I'll be getting Huffer for sure.

But I wish we'd get some different gestalts instead of the Combaticons and Aerialbots... I'd love the Stunticons, Predacons, Technobots, or Terrorcons.[/QUOTE]

Wave 2:
Stunticons (sorta, though they're autobots) and ... roadwarriorcons?



But yeah, I'd especially love the more creative ones such as you listed, I'm getting tired of all the "earth mode" stuff, gimme some animals, monsters, cybertronian alts. End of G1 (ie, post movie) shit was tight!
[quote name='animalspinners']Those Power Core combiners definitely look awesome... I'll be getting Huffer for sure.

But I wish we'd get some different gestalts instead of the Combaticons and Aerialbots... I'd love the Stunticons, Predacons, Technobots, or Terrorcons.[/QUOTE]

There are currently 4 planned "5-packs" (with 3 more coming later). The first 4 are the Combaticons, Aerialbots, Rallybots, and Destructicons. And in addition to that, there will be 8 "2-packs" (with more planned for later). The best part about the 2-packs is the big figure can become the body for any of the drones from the 5-packs and the minicon that comes with it can become a robot, a weapon, or body armor for the figure it comes with.

I'm planning to repaint Huffer and the Rallybot drones into Menasor. :)
[quote name='n10zguy']I'm planning to repaint Huffer and the Rallybot drones into Menasor. :)[/QUOTE]

Ooo, I can see that looking very nice. Post pics when done!
[quote name='techstar25']Check out this awesome collection of sealed G1's for sale over at tempting toys. Credit goes to for posting the link.
Apparently they are soliciting offers right now, via email.[/QUOTE]

Wow, not bad at all. I'd give the guy $10K for everything (what can I say, I'm a lowballer)...then sell the lower grade extras in my collection to pay for it, LOL. That Superion set is nice. Same with the Predacons, Dinobots, Seekers, and original Autobots.
Eh, I'm still on the fence about the power core combiners. I like combiners, but these just seem....gangily? I guess thats the word. I'm going to have to see them in a store before I take a chance on any. Speaking of combiners, super excited that the Bruticus upgrade is getting closer and closer to release! >.
I know I posted about the Dollar General before, but now it seems my local one (and maybe others?) are having a clearance on the TF's.

The Universe figs and the Robot Heroes are now $3.50, instead of $5... someone cleaned them out of most of the ones they had from last time (mainly the robot heroes), but I managed to get a Universe Scattorshot for $3.50.

Probably will check out another Dollar General sometime tonight, Scattorshot is not too bad for $3.50. Here are some pics about which one it is -
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Visited TRU this weekend and saw pegs full of Nothing but Cybertron Ratchet, once again taunting my inability to find Arcee. Rather than dealing with eBay, I'd like to propose a trade here with my fellow CAGs.

In exchange for a factory sealed TFA Arcee, I'm offering one factory sealed EA game on your platform of choice (excluding collectors editions, games bundled w/ accessories, or EA Partners games like Rock Band, Valve games, Crysis, Brutal Legend). Tiger Woods comes out next week if you want that. Give me a PM if you can help me out.

Update: Got a trade offer already. Thanks, guys!
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That soundwave in robot mode looks pretty awesome. Car mode is so so.

Also I'm sure I've said it before in this thread, but the old school Gestalts look way better then these new combiners.
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So, got all my free Transformers today from the TRU glitch... I'll post a pic for you all tomorrow or so.

My question is, one of the figures I got, Electrostatic Soundwave, has a bit of paint peeling going on. I don't know if it was the conditions and heat he was in being stored in a warehouse and then getting shipped, but when I transformed him out of car mode, he had very noticeable scratches when the parts were moved. One such mark even looks like a gash when I moved his leg down.

The worst case was when I lowered his head going to robot mode, and a huge chunk of paint is missing from the upper left corner of his head. I didn't apply any sort of pressure to anything, it all transformed somewhat easily (except some parts were a bit tight to move).

Is this just something that happens in the animated line? I'm not going to complain, he only cost me about $2 but I was bit shocked to see he was in a bit of a poor condition fresh out of the package. First time it's happened to me with a TF getting a bad paint job.
bread's done