Transformers Toys - Deals & Discussion


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Zmonkay said:
10% off disc10
Latest Transformers news:

  • Dark of the Moon toyline to be released at retail on May 15, 2011
  • Transformers Prime toyline to be released at retail in October 2011
Latest Transformers figures available at retail now:

  • Generations Warpath, Kup, and Scourge
  • Dark of the Moon Preview Pack Cyberverse Optimus Prime
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Wow, TRU actually has a LOT of the new figs in stock. A lot of PCC's, Drift, Deluxe Ironhide, Leader Starscream, and more! (sorry, running out the door to work, but wanted to give peeps the heads up)
[quote name='animalspinners']Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't every store going to be getting in the WFC figures? I'm fairly sure they aren't a TRU exclusive, so eventually they should starting hitting Target, Wal-Mart, K-Mart, and everywhere else. So I definitely don't think they'll be super hard to find like Arcee was. Still though, that's nice of you to offer!

Plus, they are currently online and in-stock at with a buy 1 get 1 50% off -

Also in stock at Amazon, so yea, these should be clogging the pegs everywhere in no time.[/QUOTE]

For the curious, if you try and purchase 2 of these, the total comes out to $23.21 before tax. Given that they retail for 11.99, this is a modest savings from going in the store, but hey -- at least you aren't being gouged as usual for using TRU online.

If you try to order 4, it costs $47.94, because the discount is applied only once. I swear -- TRU online is always like going to TRU, except worse in every way.

I purchased all four at a retail TRU yesterday, and it works out about the same. I want to try to order Seaspray (even though I doubt it's really in stock) but I can't find anything worthwhile to combine it with. I don't want yet another Ratchet.
After playing War for Cybertron, now would be the perfect time for Hasbro to finally release another Trypticon... but we all know they won't do it, since it would require large, new molds probably.

Now would probably be the only time to get a Trypticon to us since I doubt they'll ever use him in a new cartoon. I've got to imagine if you did a limited run (since it's definitely not something kids probably want) you won't run the risk of it being a shelf warmer, since collectors will snatch it up asap.

I would love to get figures based off Warpath, Slipstream, Arcee, Ratchet, and Ironhide but it seems doubtful we are getting anymore past Megs and Soundwave.
I found the new Hunt for the Decepticons deluxes, movie legends, and activators on my way back from Botcon at TRU so everyone looking for those may want to begin hunting.
[quote name='animalspinners']After playing War for Cybertron, now would be the perfect time for Hasbro to finally release another Trypticon... but we all know they won't do it, since it would require large, new molds probably.[/QUOTE]

I'm hoping Trypticon will at least get a release in the Japanese Encore line. They've done Metroplex, Sky Lynx and Omega Supreme, showing they aren't afraid of doing larger figures, and the Trypticon mold was used in the Beast Wars II line in Japan, so they might still have molds around (1998 is a ways back, but better than G1's 1986-7).
[quote name='177adjen17']good buys today, all tho unexpected went to TRU just for "lookin what's there" found WFC BB just lyin by the lego section :p since it b1g1 50 off grabbed an extra animated cyb ratchet

news from botcon that i liked:
and botcon 2011 back in pasadena :woot:[/QUOTE]

Pasadena you say? This might be the first Botcon I attend.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Pasadena you say? This might be the first Botcon I attend.[/QUOTE]

yup, it'll prolly be @ the pasadena convetntion center again :)

~ its goin goin~back back~to cali cali ~
Stopped by TRU today to check out the video game clearance and the Lego sale. While I was there, I got my receipt from Saturday price adjusted -- I bought WFC Optimus and Bumblebee, Drift, and Thrust, and the BOGO50 went online Sunday. Got $13 back with no trouble.

Then I stopped by the Transformers section, and they got all the new stuff. I walked out with:

  • Deluxe Ironhide
  • Deluxe Jetblade
  • Voyager Seaspray
  • Voyager Payload
  • Power Core Combiners Bombshock and Skyburst
  • Power Core Combiners Huffer & Smolder
Everything is, of course, Buy One Get One 50% off, and they also had the new Activators, new Legends, PCC Searchlight, and Leader Starscream. Also passed on the new Deluxe Bumblebee and Ravage.
Nice. I haven't been paying much attention to the TF scene since the reissues really slowed down to a crawl but I'll definitely pick up the Seacons to replace my originals.
[quote name='crowbb']Nice. I haven't been paying much attention to the TF scene since the reissues really slowed down to a crawl but I'll definitely pick up the Seacons to replace my originals.[/QUOTE]

Good luck, it's a BBTS exclusive and they marked up the price to $60. Oh, you also have to pay $10 shipping for these fugly toys:

Check out the lame robot modes (by today's standards)

[quote name='mickeyp']Thanks to the heads up from blandstalker - I got the 2 WFC transformers today and my kid is very happy.[/QUOTE]

I hope your kid is good with Transformers, because while WFC Bumblebee is completely awesome, he's also pretty difficult to transform.

Initial thoughts on Power Core Combiners: Well, nice try.

I have to say that I'm a little disappointed. We're 25+ years into Transformers and we still can't get a combiner as elegant as Puzzler, despite some major compromises. Gobots did a whole lot of things wrong, but Transformers are still not quite getting there with this idea.

The idea behind PCC is that you can combine different robots with drones and helpers. This is not exactly new. Superion, Bruticus -- heck, even the Seacons all were interchangeable to a degree. PCC is taking that idea and fusing it with modern Transformers and a heaping help of Machine Robo Rescue. Only it doesn't really work all that well, and it takes a few steps backward.

Let me say that Bombshock -- the Commander unit -- is fairly awesome, despite having a rather ad-hoc vehicle mode. He does an awful lot for a Scout sized Transformer.

The rest of the new Combaticon crew, however, are drones, which means they don't have robot modes. This is a step back from Puzzler, from Machine Robo Rescue, and from the G1 and Energon Combaticons. For that exchange, I'd expect something worthwhile. Like a really dynamically poseable gestalt robot.

And it's, well, only okay. Two of the drones become hands, two become feet, and they're stuck in those positions. You can't have a hand become a foot, for example. The good news is that all the hand and feet parts are integrated into the vehicles instead of being ridiculous accessories (Hi there Energon) or extra parts that appear out of nowhere.

The bad news is that the sacrifice doesn't seem to be worth the cost. The arms are okay, but they're not real hands. Articulation is only so-so, and there are no elbow joints or great posability.

The feet are worse. I have a lot of trouble getting the Bombshock gestalt to stand up, even in a stiff pose. Trying to get him in anything interesting or dramatic makes the limbs, especially the legs, pop out. And boy do they pop out. I feel like I'm doing something wrong, but that appears to be how they work. Or don't.

On the one hand, for $20, what can I expect? It's a combiner and it's an interesting idea. On the other hand, this seems to be a gigantic step back in many ways. Legends Devastator, despite all its limitations, at least has robot modes and tends to stand up and stay together.

I also have to mention the new Fansproject Combaticons. Yeah, they're expensive. But they're also the idea of Combaticons done right, addressing all the Energon defects and improving them. Power Core Combiners addresses some of the issues, but with extremely limited results. I appreciate the cost -- $20 is much more palatable than the Fansproject $90 or so. But the end result is disappointing. My initial thoughts is that Energon Bruticus, despite its stupid hands and feet, was much better than this. I have to wonder if I would have been better off putting the $30 I spend on the PCC combiners toward Explorer and Munitioner.

I do need to spend some more time with them before making a final judgment. I really hope I'm doing something wrong with the feet/legs, because their propensity to eject themselves really ruins most of what PCC is trying to accomplish.
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Well said blandstalker, PCC's are just... off. It's like someone had a great idea (let's bring back gestalts!) and halfway through, just gave up and said "ok, fuck it, this is good enough". I canceled all my PCC preorders (making them the first non-recolored figures I won't be picking up since Armada Laserbeak). Ah well, money saved and all that.

and E-Z-B: preordered (begrudgingly). I have all of them from G1, but I don't have the weapons to most of them, and didn't even know the lobster (bottom left) had claws. I always wondered what the hell it was supposed to be, lol. Really hope it comes with the stand for all their "weaponized" forms too, but I'm not holding my breath.
"I hope your kid is good with Transformers, because while WFC Bumblebee is completely awesome, he's also pretty difficult to transform." Yes he is very good with them. He loves them both and said he gives optimus wfc a 9.5. He says they are much harder to transform but he likes that. He puts videos up on youtube of other transformers. If you want to look at them go to thedsgirl1 on youtube.
Yeah I hate them but I'm unfortunately a completionist for the G1 stuff. I have at least 2 full Seacon sets and a God Neptune in storage but I can't pass up a shiny new (Though my God Neptune is still sealed I think) set. I care about the condition more than if it's original/reissue. I'm going to have a full empty room sometime soon and then I can start to set up displays of my enormous amounts of G1 stuff.

[quote name='E-Z-B']Good luck, it's a BBTS exclusive and they marked up the price to $60. Oh, you also have to pay $10 shipping for these fugly toys:

Check out the lame robot modes (by today's standards)

Here are what the Seacons will really look like... BBTS doesn't have the official pictures of what was shown at Botcon, namely correct colors and a chromed sword -

Does anybody know what is going on with MP Grimlock? In stores tomorrow, shipping tomorrow, will it be on the website?

I found out the deal: The scoop is that TRU is having a booth at SDCC, and the entire first shipment of MP Grimlock's is going there - they aren't showing up in store or on the website until AFTER SDCC.
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Well, after spending more time with the PCC Combaticons, my opinion has only changed for the worse.

Bombshock -- the commander -- is still pretty neat. All three modes - vehicle, robot, and gestalt core -- are all well executed. The way that his arms lock into his shoulders when forming the gestalt is particularly nice, as is the articulation built into the core.

The drones, however, fail hard. There is no meaningful articulation in the arms -- they just go up and down and don't bend at all. Worse, the claw hands, which initially looked promising, only stay out if the drone is pointed down. I'm amused by a limp-wristed Bruticus, but disappointed that this bit of "articulation" is unintentional and uncontrollable. The tank drone is particularly disappointing -- it's essentially a brick that opens up slightly. The G1 combiners accomplished this just fine, and they had robot modes.

The legs fail even worse. Despite opening up at the bottom to provide more surface area to cover the ground, they're not stable. The armored car drone will not support any weight except on the small square rectangle at the front of the car. It also pops out of the core connector any time any stress is put on the leg. It will support some weight in some other positions, but even getting Bruticus to stand up straight takes some effort.

This makes it an exercise in frustration to try and pose Bruticus. Most of the time, he'll fall over. Try and fix it and one or both legs are likely to pop out. Bombshock's legs have plenty of articulation points, but the connection is too weak to sustain any posing and the surface area of the feet too small to support any pose that isn't essentially straight up.
As a test, I started from a neutral "stand straight up" position and attempted to pose Bruticus three different ways, using ROTF Brawn as a model.

"Dynamic Walking" pose

  • Brawn took 3 seconds
  • Bruticus took a minute, legs popped out four times.

"Bended Knee" pose

  • Brawn took 10 seconds
  • Bruticus took 30 seconds, leg popped out once.

"Dodging Fire" pose

  • Brawn took 10 seconds
  • Bruticus took a minute, legs popped out four times
  • Furthermore, I couldn't really duplicate Brawn's pose:
  • Brawn looks like he belongs in The Matrix.
  • Bruticus looks like he's taking a dump.

In every case, I had to spend half the time trying to balance Bruticus and the legs would pop out some of the times I simply picked him up. Frustrating and disappointing.

Modern Transformers have gone a long way in terms of articulation and posability. I would have been willing to forego all of the vehicles having robot modes if it led to a combiner that was stable and highly posable. PCC isn't it, not by a longshot.

I'm thinking of returning it, along with the Aerialbots, Huffer, and Smolder. Really, *really* disappointed, especially with the legs ejecting themselves if you look at them funny.

Edit: I just picked it up for a second and placed it back on the table. It lost its balance, spun around, and ejected both legs before falling onto the table.

It's going back. PCC? More like POS.
[quote name='twanky']Anyone confirm if all TRU's will be selling MP-Grimlock tomorrow?[/QUOTE]

Read my post above.

Here is the quote:

For those of you itching to find out what's going on with the highly anticipated, Toys R Us exclusive, Masterpiece Grimlock, 2005 boards member ChEriKs has come through with updated information on the release and pricing details:

For those of you wanting to run out and start checking stores don't get so excited. TRU will have a booth at SDCC this year and are bringing in the first shipment to sell there. Grimlock will not be on .com or in any store before then. This does NOT mean that the day after SDCC he will be in all stores, just that you will absolutely not find him before then.

Oh, and the correct everyday retail should be $59.99.

So there you have it folks, we are a few months away from seeing our favorite Dinobot leader at retail!

The guy who posted it has been spot on with all the TRU news he's ever posted, so he's credible.
[quote name='animalspinners']Read my post above.

Here is the quote:

The guy who posted it has been spot on with all the TRU news he's ever posted, so he's credible.[/QUOTE]

I see, thanks. Just kind of confused because of what hasbro had on their page about it being sold on July 1st, in stores.
Yeah, I've heard July 1 and "after SDCC". It's not on their site though...

Also, finally got my WFC figs... and they are amazing. Brilliant toys, I cannot wait for Soundwave (and to a lesser extent Megs) and really really hope we get more of them!
[quote name='Zmonkay']and E-Z-B: preordered (begrudgingly). I have all of them from G1, but I don't have the weapons to most of them, and didn't even know the lobster (bottom left) had claws. I always wondered what the hell it was supposed to be, lol. Really hope it comes with the stand for all their "weaponized" forms too, but I'm not holding my breath.[/QUOTE]

I can't help but feel that the Seacons look like toys you'd find in a McDonald's Happy Meal.
[quote name='Zmonkay']Yeah, I've heard July 1 and "after SDCC". It's not on their site though...

Also, finally got my WFC figs... and they are amazing. Brilliant toys, I cannot wait for Soundwave (and to a lesser extent Megs) and really really hope we get more of them![/QUOTE]

More than any of the WFC figs, I cannot wait for Lord Straxus (now called Darkmount) to finally be made into a figure. Wave 2 cannot come soon enough... couple this with the SDCC Blaster and you can recreate 3 issues from the Marvel comic run!

As much as I like Optimus, Megs, Soundwave, and the core guys, I wish Hasbro would make fan favorites more often. Not sure why they chose now to make a semi obscure character from the late 80's, but I'm all for it.
Just got myself War for Cybertron Prime & Bee. Also decided to get Power Core Combiner Smolder just to see what they're like. Not too bad but I'll wait and see if I get more combiners.
Anyone else finding the paint apps to be a little rough with the new stuff? I've had a hard time finding any of the new Power Core Combiners or Generations figures that have actually looked decent. I may be too picky, but things seem especially bad with the Power Core Combiners anyway.
[quote name='Ultimate Matt X']Anyone else finding the paint apps to be a little rough with the new stuff? I've had a hard time finding any of the new Power Core Combiners or Generations figures that have actually looked decent. I may be too picky, but things seem especially bad with the Power Core Combiners anyway.[/QUOTE]

I posted about this awhile ago, but when I got all the TF's through the TRU glitch I'd say about 3 or 4 of them had some rough paint app's, namely Electrostatic Soundwave and some of the Movie TF's.

The quality at Hasbro on the paint,imo, has come down over the years.
Can any of you recommend a good site to buy some of the larger Takara reissues? I really want to get Omega Supreme and Metroplex but I have no idea how to spot fakes on eBay (since they're the cheapest there).

I also need to track down a Energon Omega Supreme.

I've really fallen behind on my collecting...
When the hell is Target going to get the new TFs? All they have is a few ROTF figures and some tumbleweed.
[quote name='prim4444']TRU will have B1G1 50% off Transformers again next week.[/QUOTE]

Cool thanks for the heads up...hopefully mine will finally stock WFC toys.
[quote name='E-Z-B']I broke down and preordered the Seacons. #-o[/QUOTE]

Why do some of you seem so hesitant about the Seacons set? Is there something I should know (has it been changed in any way)?

I already pre-ordered it when I first saw it because Snaptrap was one of the first Transformers I ever received. I'm happy to see they're re-issuing it.
Snaptrap's not bad, but the others are.

Side note: According to a Seibertron member that prefers to remain anonymous. There is a rumor that the Predaking / Predacons, Trypticon, Deszaras, Insecticons and Mindwipe Transformers Generations 1 action figures may be reissued by TakaraTomy. This is not a very big stretch as Takara has already reissued the combinber gestalt Predaking as well as the Insecticons sets in recent years.

[quote name='E-Z-B']Side note: According to a Seibertron member that prefers to remain anonymous. There is a rumor that the Predaking / Predacons, Trypticon, Deszaras, Insecticons and Mindwipe Transformers Generations 1 action figures may be reissued by TakaraTomy. This is not a very big stretch as Takara has already reissued the combinber gestalt Predaking as well as the Insecticons sets in recent years.

Rumor appears to have been debunked in the tformers discussion thread. Would've been cool / expensive, though.
[quote name='Vinny']Can any of you recommend a good site to buy some of the larger Takara reissues? I really want to get Omega Supreme and Metroplex but I have no idea how to spot fakes on eBay (since they're the cheapest there).

I also need to track down a Energon Omega Supreme.

I've really fallen behind on my collecting...[/QUOTE]

Metroplex is going to be about 85 or so at any site you find him at. and are good options. TFSource got hacked away back so I'd recommend paying with PayPal. You can google something like "How do I spot a knockoff Metroplex?" and find pages that will explain how to spot a knockoff.
When is the ETA on all of these new TF's showing up at a non TRU store? Waiting on Walmart, Target, anyone to get the WFC figs, because TRU is too much of a drive and a hassle to deal with them.
I'm still pissed I never picked up the Predaking reissue from, what, like 6-10 years back (in Japan). Gestalts are my faves, and that's the only G1 gestalt I don't have (all I have is Tantrum :(
[quote name='Zmonkay']I'm still pissed I never picked up the Predaking reissue from, what, like 6-10 years back (in Japan). Gestalts are my faves, and that's the only G1 gestalt I don't have (all I have is Tantrum :([/QUOTE]

I'm with you there, the predaking gestalt is so bad ass looking that I'm kicking myself for never picking one up. I've been really bad about the reissues only picking up the ones I find cheap, but I could never find a Predaking cheap enough to pull the trigger. That's what makes me want to pick up the Seacons set, and the fact that I actually have an original Tentakil and always wanted the rest of the bots but never got them as a kid. I swear if they came out with the G1 Decepticon Clones as a re-issue I would pick them up in a second.
Hahaha, ironically, Tentakil is the only one I don't have, and is the reason I'm picking up this set (along with needing weapons for most of them). I'd also be all over the clones, as they were some of my fave toys growing up, but my wings are broken on the bird one :(
[quote name='Zmonkay']I'm still pissed I never picked up the Predaking reissue from, what, like 6-10 years back (in Japan). Gestalts are my faves, and that's the only G1 gestalt I don't have (all I have is Tantrum :([/QUOTE]

Yeah, the Predaking reissue giftset was awesome but *very* expensive.

I still my original diecast set from my childhood, allbeit without the boxes (I had the individually boxed ones...can't remember if it was ever released originally as a giftset, perhaps a Toys R Us exclusive IIRC) I never got the reissue. I would have loved to, but the pricing on it was always ridiculous. I've got another original G1 but I think most of them are the non-diecast, plastic versions, that I use for display purposes in Predaking form since I only have 1 complete set of the individual guns/swords.

Predaking is definitely the most bad ass combiner period...too bad they never made another larger combiner set like it, it would have been awesome if Hasbro/Takara had made a Dinobot combiner to match the size, scope, and scale of Predaking and the Predacons.
So i heard you guys like transformers. I just finished picking up the Power Core Combiners wave 1 and the rest of the THFD's wave 1.

tinypic code /4duj6clj

TRU BOGO50 is a Collector's dream
[quote name='karkyco']Yeah, the Predaking reissue giftset was awesome but *very* expensive.

I still my original diecast set from my childhood, allbeit without the boxes (I had the individually boxed ones...can't remember if it was ever released originally as a giftset, perhaps a Toys R Us exclusive IIRC) I never got the reissue. I would have loved to, but the pricing on it was always ridiculous. I've got another original G1 but I think most of them are the non-diecast, plastic versions, that I use for display purposes in Predaking form since I only have 1 complete set of the individual guns/swords.

Predaking is definitely the most bad ass combiner period...too bad they never made another larger combiner set like it, it would have been awesome if Hasbro/Takara had made a Dinobot combiner to match the size, scope, and scale of Predaking and the Predacons.[/QUOTE]

also to add, Crazy Devy is making upgrade parts for Predaking. He's not gonna sell many of them, only those with a complete Predaking would want to get it. I want that set.
[quote name='karkyco']I had the individually boxed ones...can't remember if it was ever released originally as a giftset, perhaps a Toys R Us exclusive IIRC[/QUOTE]

Nope, US never had a gift set of the Predacons.

For Christmas '86, I got Tantrum and my brother got Divebomb. Over the next couple months, I got Rampage for my birthday and my brother got Headstrong. Finally, Christmas '87 brought the centerpiece - Razorclaw. I was quite excited, nowhere near N64 kid levels, but I stopped opening other presents to put Predaking together. Despite 2 of the Predacons being my brother's, Predaking went with me to college, stood on a shelf and drew impressed looks from visitors to my dorm room.

Despite having an original, I couldn't pass up the Takara reissue. While I do try to get stuff for a decent price, for some Transformers I will suck it up before they dry up.
I picked up the Predaking gift set a few years ago from BBTS when they had one of their percentages off. I ended up selling it about 2 years later for twice what I paid. I couldn't justify opening it up & messing with it at that point when it was worth so much.
[quote name='Ultimate Matt X']Metroplex is going to be about 85 or so at any site you find him at. and are good options. TFSource got hacked away back so I'd recommend paying with PayPal. You can google something like "How do I spot a knockoff Metroplex?" and find pages that will explain how to spot a knockoff.[/QUOTE]

Thanks dude. As long as I only pay the going price, I guess I can't complain too much. They would probably be a lot less if Hasbro could reissue them here.
SD Comic Con Exclusives 2010:


The TRANSFORMERS Universe and ultra-hip vinyl collectibles collide at Comic-Con International when Hasbro introduces AUTOBOT PROWL as a MIGHTY MUGGS figure for the very first time. Designed in the character’s classic Generation 1 style – and equipped with his signature blaster – this product is highlighted in premium commemorative foil packaging. In addition to being available at Comic-Con, a limited number will be available on after the convention. (Ages: 6 & up; Approximate Retail Price: $15.99; Available through, Booth # 3329 at San Diego Comic-Con)

Transformers Autobot Blaster Special Edition Figure

You may want to look again, because what you thought was just a retro boombox is actually a “ROBOT IN DISGUISE!” Hasbro is excited to offer Comic-Con International attendees its TRANSFORMERS AUTOBOT BLASTER Special Edition figure. Designed in the character’s classic 1984 styling, this special AUTOBOT BLASTER figure includes its three cassette tapes/battle companions: STEELJAW, RAMHORN and EJECT. (Ages: 5 & up; Approximate Retail Price: $49.99; Available through, Booth # 3329 at San Diego Comic-Con)

I must have both!!!
i've tried lookin' thru here.. I within tne past few years have fallen in love with Transformers again. I own the DVDs and found a few toys here and there. For someone that is jumpin' back into the collection do you guys recommend any specific site to look to start collectin?
[quote name='Connor23']i've tried lookin' thru here.. I within tne past few years have fallen in love with Transformers again. I own the DVDs and found a few toys here and there. For someone that is jumpin' back into the collection do you guys recommend any specific site to look to start collectin?[/QUOTE]

Well, if you are looking for news and discussion sites some of the best are: (best B/S/T thread for buying from other collectors)


The best sites for buying present day Transformers are (in my opinion): (US site) (US site) (US site) (if you can get a good coupon code, otherwise it's not worth it except for buying SDCC exclusives) (HK site good for some imports)

If you are looking to get into the collector's club the URL is . It costs about $40 a year (for people in the U.S.) and for that you get 6 magazines including an ongoing comic story, access to the TFCC forums and exclusive prose stories, the ability to purchase club exclusive figures at a special rate, a special discount to the yearly Transformers convention (, and of course an incentive figure each year. For example, this year's figure was Dion (repaint of Henkei/Universe Hot Shot) with his partner Cop-tur and next year's figure will be Wings of Honor Sideburn (repaint of Classics Rodimus).

If you want more technical data on transformers or info about spdific toys and their parts you can always hit up or . There is another good site for this info but currently it is down. I am not certain if this is permanent or not but is/was a great site for parts identification.

I hope some of this info helps. If there is anything specific you want to know feel free to send me a PM. I have been doing this for over 25 years now and am glad to help any way I can.
bread's done