Tropicana Twister Xbox Experience (48hr Trial Code Guaranteed)

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[quote name='KiLL3r']Won the vip package in late July, got the Affidavit in late August, and got my vip packages in late November.[/quote]

Ouch...the affidavit was sent back overnight so hopefully it's processed soon. I'm expecting to be turned down because i put down that i'm unemployed due to being a fulltime student. Anyone eles put down the same information?
[quote name='SynGamer']Ouch...the affidavit was sent back overnight so hopefully it's processed soon. I'm expecting to be turned down because i put down that i'm unemployed due to being a fulltime student. Anyone eles put down the same information?[/quote]

Well if you're a minor the VIP will be awarded to your parents. If you're not a minor you get it regardless of your profession.
[quote name='Wicked One 612']Well if you're a minor the VIP will be awarded to your parents. If you're not a minor you get it regardless of your profession.[/quote]

Yea, according to the notary I talked to, they're more worried about consistancy. Understandable errors like that won't screw you over. You'd probably only be in trouble if you had a disqualified job (worked for the contest company or something) and lied about it.
Anybody help me out with how you enter a bunch of times in a day?

I'd also like one of those free faceplaces that everybody has been giving away, if you don't mind pm'ing me the link.

lastly, so far i've been just doing 1 entry a day and using the get free code link, and i beleive that it's the same code and is never going to win, is there something i'm doing wrong on that part?
@soul45man, I've just quoted myself from an earlier post. Should help you out. Goodluck!

[quote name='JimmyH']Go to this page...

Enter a user name eg "ajshbjsafbv" (anything will do)
Enter a email add eg "[email protected]" (basically anything with @ and .com will do")
Enter DOB eg "1/1/1987"
Enter password eg "1" (I choose 1 because its so close to the tab button on keyboard.)
Hit return to create fake account.
Next enter "AA4XPN3" for the access code (its ALWAYS the same)
Type the words from the word verification into the box.
Hit enter!
The next screen will show you if you've won or not and either way gives you the free 48 trial code. If you didn't win that time don't worry!. Just hit the back button twice and change only 1 character from the email address you previously entered (in my example above I would just remove/add a single letter). Everything else stays the same including username and DOB but you will need to type in a password again (remember how I chose 1 for closeness to the tab key :D). Go through the whole word verification thing again then rinse and repeat as many times as you want untill you win something, simple.

Oh yeah and I should also have mentioned that it helps to have auto-complete switched on in your browser.
[quote name='SynGamer']Ouch...the affidavit was sent back overnight so hopefully it's processed soon. I'm expecting to be turned down because i put down that i'm unemployed due to being a fulltime student. Anyone eles put down the same information?[/quote]

I did the same and I got mine
I tried playing the game (been a good month), and as soon as I entered the information, i got a white screen saying there is an error?

How thick is the affidavid?
yea ive played this thing almost 50 times now and havent won anythin so if anyone would like to give away a faceplate i would greatly appreciate it.. please pm me if you would
[quote name='platanaso1219']yea ive played this thing almost 50 times now and havent won anythin so if anyone would like to give away a faceplate i would greatly appreciate it.. please pm me if you would[/quote]
50 times?
keep going at it man. thats not an enough and your expecting a faceplate
Yeah try 200-300 times if you want at least a small chance of winning something. It's way harder than it used to be to win stuff on this promo since the site went down and came back up again last week. I think they must have adjusted the prize give out rate or something.
[quote name='platanaso1219']yea ive played this thing almost 50 times now and havent won anythin so if anyone would like to give away a faceplate i would greatly appreciate it.. please pm me if you would[/quote]

That's nothing. I've played at least 4000 times now, and I've only won 300 points and a faceplate.

I just want a gamepack so I can sleep at night. If someone is feeling generous at this time of the year, please PM me. I could finally quit playing this damn game. I just want Forza 2.. really bad. UGGGH, I hate people winning like 5+ gamepacks. I just want one... that I would really play. And not trade in. My Xbox got RROD and I sold all of my games, now since I've got it back, the only game I've currently got is Mass Effect.

So, yeah, how about someone feel sorry for me and PM me a gamepack URL. It would make my Christmas. Sorry I sound like such a beggar, but this game keeps me up playing every damn night, just to try and win Forza. I love this contest but at the sametime hate it with a passion.
If I get a gamepack I'll send you the url. I have no need for it. I'm only in this for the points and possibly a 360. Also I've just won 200 ms points in the last 20 minutes. That leaves me at 700 ms points since I started playing.

EDIT: Make that 300 points now in the last hour. Just a thought. I was losing today, and then I turn on a song I like and I seem to win. Play a good song and it'll go by a lot faster and easier. I chose don't stop me now by Queen.
anyone want to trade with me? i have 1 faceplate too many and will give it away for 100 ms points... also anyone who wants to trade a gamepack for ms points let me know... i have about 1900 points or so
That's nothing. I've played at least 4000 times now, and I've only won 300 points and a faceplate.

I just want a gamepack so I can sleep at night. If someone is feeling generous at this time of the year, please PM me. I could finally quit playing this damn game. I just want Forza 2.. really bad. UGGGH, I hate people winning like 5+ gamepacks. I just want one... that I would really play. And not trade in. My Xbox got RROD and I sold all of my games, now since I've got it back, the only game I've currently got is Mass Effect.

So, yeah, how about someone feel sorry for me and PM me a gamepack URL. It would make my Christmas. Sorry I sound like such a beggar, but this game keeps me up playing every damn night, just to try and win Forza. I love this contest but at the sametime hate it with a passion.
Same for a lot of people specially me I got over 7000 yeah
Pumped in 100 more losing entries before midnight. When I wake up in a few hours I'll get another 300 or 400 loses in, just need 200 damn points by Wed. >_>
[quote name='eminemobied12']anyone want to trade with me? i have 1 faceplate too many and will give it away for 100 ms points... also anyone who wants to trade a gamepack for ms points let me know... i have about 1900 points or so[/QUOTE]

please contact me via pm or CML :)
[quote name='platanaso1219']man this thing is driving me crazy i even went out and bought ten bottles of twister and played those codes[/QUOTE]

lol... why. I'm pretty sure that somewhere there is a message saying "purchase does not increase your chance of winning"
[quote name='JBlade00']lol... why. I'm pretty sure that somewhere there is a message saying "purchase does not increase your chance of winning"[/quote]

If someone wants the grand prize it does.
[quote name='Charron']Alright, since lilboo never got back to me, if anyone wants a gamepack let me know.[/quote]

Thanks for being generous.
[quote name='RamHawk']Thanks for being generous.[/quote]

Well, I'm selling, not giving away, so I'm not being all that generous >_>
[quote name='Charron']Well, I'm selling, not giving away, so I'm not being all that generous >_>[/quote]

Heh, sorry. I didn't know the whole story.
[quote name='RamHawk']Heh, sorry. I didn't know the whole story.[/quote]

S'alright. I acknowledge my level of greed.
[quote name='RamHawk']The game just got a little harder. They've added symbols to their captcha! :([/quote] Bastards!! :lol:. Takes a little longer but I'll manage. Just wait until I have all the combos saved in the auto complete, you can't stop me Tropicana!! :booty:
Glad I rocked it last night before they changed to the harder captchas. I don't think my winning will be near as high with the harder entries.
This makes me wonder if they know that people are abusing the hell out of it and they're doing it to slow them down or if some bigwig at Tropicana is actually stupid enough to think that there are computer programs deciphering the captchas.
[quote name='mikebz28']

Have at it.[/quote]

I was going to claim it, but someone beat me to it ;)

If anyone has a GAMEPACK that they would like to trade, please CML! I'm getting a 360, so the more games, the better.

Since I have respectable feedback and I'm trading for something ethereal, I'd prefer it if you sent first, and I'll ship once I've filled out the form and verified that it's not a dud.

[quote name='SpazX']This makes me wonder if they know that people are abusing the hell out of it and they're doing it to slow them down or if some bigwig at Tropicana is actually stupid enough to think that there are computer programs deciphering the captchas.[/quote]
I'm pretty sure thay know whats going on. They only need to look at the massive list of fake email addresses/usernames me and the rest of use have submitted. They must have pages and pages of stuff like "Email = [email protected]" "username = Ass" heheheh. I think when the site went down last week it was to adjust the prize give out rate. Before that happened I was winning MSP bundles at least once or twice every 100 entries. After it came back up again I was lucky to win anything and have since only won 100 MSP in 1000+ entries. Now with the new captchas its going to slow a lot of us down even further and thrash our chances of winning even more. Cant complain though, it was fun while it lasted :D.
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