TRU Buy 2 get 1 free info

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First off, I work at a TRU in Wisconsin. I very much know this to be true, coming from my manager, k?

Well, Nintendo Gamecube and Gameboy Advance is the week of October 17th.

Playstation 2 and XBox is the week of October 24th.

You can mix and match between the games for the systems on sale that week. So, you can mix and match PS2 and XBox, or GBA and Gamecube, but no PS2 and Gamecube or XBox and GBA, sadly.

Although, for some reason, our store calander for the month that we display entrance only mentions it being the week October 24th (stating no specific systems). However, that little store calandar has been wrong before. After all, it says Def Jam Fight for NY is out next week...

But once again, i've been reassured 2 days in a row now this will be the schedule. Enjoy your chance to get a free copy of GTA San Andreas!
TRU carries the guncon games, they just don't carry the guns or the games bundled with the guns. But they sold Time Crisis 2 when it came out, I think it was $50 without a gun(may have been $40), so I went to EB and got the gun one for $60 instead.
[quote name='CaseyRyback'][quote name='Nirvanaguy777'][quote name='CaseyRyback']pass on DOR. It sucks. Even my friend who loves wrestling games and has bought everyone that has come out did not buy this one.

the controls are busted.[/quote]

but the story mode part of it seems great, and I love there create a wrestler option[/quote]

when you can't block attacks then you will realize how bad the game is[/quote]

I gotta disagree here. I've played every single wrestling game to come out since PSone released, and WWE Day of Reckoning is very high on the list. It plays very similar to WWF No Mercy -- the AKI-developed N64 game widely regarded as the best wrestling game of all time. I say go for it, and you won't be disappointed.

Note to OP: the Brookfield TRU was the first one I ever went to, back when I grew up in Waukesha.
Definitely gonna take advantage of the GC week... Paper Mario and Tales of Symphonia are concrete... not sure whether I should get Donkey Konga or Mario Kart Double Dash as the 3rd... DD never goes down in price, it's still 50 bucks everywhere.
[quote name='tubtub']SkinAkuma, I have the 10/17 ad and there is no mention of Buy 2 get 1 free for GC or GBA. I posted the highlights from the ad last night. Now it's not the final ad copy so things can change, but I really don't think that it's happening that week, but I could be wrong. Also, this would be the first time GBA games are included in the Buy 2 get 1 free as they have never been included before. Anyway, we'll find out soon enough.[/quote]

I can tell you right now i'm not screwing with anyone here; i'm just passing along what I have been told by management at the TRU I work at...

Besides, if I made this up, half the damn people here would kill me.
As much as yukes tried to match the gameplay from no mercy, sorry it is not like it whatsoever. In no mercy the counters were more based on spirit and how beaten down your player was. Another big difference that really pisses me off is how easily specials can be reversed. In no mercy you could reverse the grapple going into the special, but you couldn't reverse the special itself, not to mention the lame "if you reverse a special you earn a special" rule in DOR. As for the story and create modes. I saw nothing special about the create a wrestler option as compared to other games, and the story mode is very predictable and is even the same on both brands. Also, the story does not branch, so you experience the same thing every time you play it, which absolutely kills all replay value. Lastly, why are so many people missing from the roster?

To stay on topic, I want GTA san andreas, maybe DDR, and something else
Why would someone buy GTA SA and then trade them in? Your at CAG im sure someone would buy it for more then they would give you...think of your fellow gamers man.
I hate not having GC and PS2 in the same week. May go bargain titles for GC.

If my brother in law wants a PS2 game for Christmas, then I may buy one for myself to get a free one.

Still wish they were the same week.
Hmm, Ace Combat 5 should be out that week (along with SA) but no Ratchet and Clank or MGS3. If only they would have held this sale a little closer to Xmas--you could get all those, plus Halo 2, GT4, other good stuff.

The sale only lasts a week right?
[quote name='sying'][quote name='Darkfire001']Are you allowed to get multiple copies of a game? I might cancel my trade ins at Gamestop worth $90 towards GTA:SA and Halo 2 then spend $100 at TRU to get 3 Copies of GTA:SA, return 2 to my local gamestop for like $60 in tradein spend the $150 trade in towards a Mini-PS2 and bask in my $10 savings lol.[/quote]

GS will not let you have your money back, they will only let you have store credit, or its at least that way in JAcksonville[/quote]

Well, he clearly isn't looking for his money back, as he mentions he intends to combine the $90 in credit with $60 from trading in 2 copies of GTA:SA.

However, doing that does not make a whole lot of sense, as he would be paying $33.33 + tax for each game, and he would only get back $30 each, thus losing money on the deal. Bad cheapass, bad.
[quote name='guessed']

Well, he clearly isn't looking for his money back, as he mentions he intends to combine the $90 in credit with $60 from trading in 2 copies of GTA:SA.

However, doing that does not make a whole lot of sense, as he would be paying $33.33 + tax for each game, and he would only get back $30 each, thus losing money on the deal. Bad cheapass, bad.[/quote]

I think what he's doing is saving $10 on his own copy of GTA: SA. (3 for $100 - $60 of trading in 2 = $40 for his copy). So technically, he's not losing money if his intention is to only keep 1 game.
[quote name='Trakan']The no GCN combining with PS2 and Xbox is a bunch of bullshit IMO.[/quote]

Uh... how? The sales are two different weeks.
[quote name='NeoStrider'][quote name='CaseyRyback'][quote name='sying'][quote name='CaseyRyback']I hope they get taiko and crisis zone in before the end of the sale.[/quote]

Me too, I love drums and guns[/quote]

since they both are released on the 26th I am hoping they will have them on the 28th along with a DDR Extreme bundle (if not that, then maybe Donkey Konga)[/quote]

you people are lucky, TRU doesn't sell any of the Guncon games in the NY area :([/quote]

I am pretty sure I saw a time crisis 3 bundle at one of the TRU near me.

and I think I am going to buy an eyetoy this weekend, which is one of the reasons I want Extreme (aside from the fact I need a pad)
[quote name='Romeo'][quote name='Trakan']The no GCN combining with PS2 and Xbox is a bunch of bullshit IMO.[/quote]

Uh... how? The sales are two different weeks.[/quote]

Can't you read? That is exactly what he is saying!
[quote name='chickenhawk'][quote name='guessed']

Well, he clearly isn't looking for his money back, as he mentions he intends to combine the $90 in credit with $60 from trading in 2 copies of GTA:SA.

However, doing that does not make a whole lot of sense, as he would be paying $33.33 + tax for each game, and he would only get back $30 each, thus losing money on the deal. Bad cheapass, bad.[/quote]

I think what he's doing is saving $10 on his own copy of GTA: SA. (3 for $100 - $60 of trading in 2 = $40 for his copy). So technically, he's not losing money if his intention is to only keep 1 game.[/quote]

Do you think they'll have a limit for titles per cutomer for the deal?
[quote name='Weedy649']Why would someone buy GTA SA and then trade them in? Your at CAG im sure someone would buy it for more then they would give you...think of your fellow gamers man.[/quote]

True. Not to mention EBay. You'll definitely get more than $30 on Ebay.
This is what I am going to do. Tell my parents that this sale is going on. I'll know by then another game I will want. I'll buy GTA: SA, and say, buy this game now for me for XMas, and then you can get another one free, so get two games for XMas. Probably GTA, Live 05, and Crisis Zone.
[quote name='Parathod']VJ dropped to $20 at TRU in August.[/quote]

Thanks for the info.

This is very interesting... Three different dates for the B2G1 sale. And different reports on whether there will be mix-and-match between the three systems. I wouldn't mind either way. The only way I'll be disappointed is if there is no sale.
Thats what I am saying, if there is no sale, it'll suck majorly. Even though I live an hour away from the closest TRU, I will be there that Sunday early, just so I can get a good selection of the games I want.
[quote name='nachzeher']Question, are you guys getting Shin Megami Tensei, the guys at my TRU couldn't tell me for sure.[/quote]

I'm pretty sure TRU will carry Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. I saw a bunch of display boxes of the game with the label "coming soon" at the TRU right near my place a few days ago.
[quote name='masha']Getting:


Castlevania AOS
River City Ransom
Fire Emblem


Shin Megami Tensei (2?)[/quote]

i willl get aos and river city ransom, already got fire emblem tho so i am not sure about the 3rd title for me, maybe megaman battle network 5 or something else.
[quote name='HSidwolf'][quote name='nachzeher']Question, are you guys getting Shin Megami Tensei, the guys at my TRU couldn't tell me for sure.[/quote]

I'm pretty sure TRU will carry Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. I saw a bunch of display boxes of the game with the label "coming soon" at the TRU right near my place a few days ago.[/quote]

Very nice, I guess we'll find out this Wednesday for sure when it actually comes out. I just hope the stock will last two weeks.
I was a bit distressed to find that many of the lower priced items I was hoping to pick up in this sale have already gone out of stock at my local TRU. I know there is a lot of titles due out between now and Xmas but their shelves are looking mighty thin in advance of this sale. Even with the combined price of $33 each the $50 games are above my allowable spending. At this rate I'll be lucky to get one set of $20 games in the sale.

OTOH, the Fry's sale on Friday worked out well for me and filled in some big holes in my GameCube library, so I can't complain all that much. Plus EB will be selling me a GC F-Zero for just $10.

But I wanted a peanut!
[quote name='slidecage']I read on another page

GBA and GC is 10-10 to 10-16
PS2 and Xbox 10-17-23

Can anyone confirm[/quote]

Why not believe the TRU employees on the first page of the topic?

Here's hoping that they'll have the GBA games I've been looking for...I'd love to get Astro Boy and Yoshi's Island, but I don't know what they'll have in stock when I get there. Only time will tell...
I could be wrong but when i worked at TRU, they wouldn't allow people to buy 3 GTA Vice City's when this sale went on during that year. It could have just been at my store but i honestly doubt if you walk up to the register with 3 copies of such a highly anticipated title, theres not going to be problems. Also at the TRU i worked at, before i quit which was 5 months ago, they had already been doing pre-orders on GTA SA, so chances are they wont have a lot of GTA: SA if there were a lot of preorders. WHen Vice City came out we had so many preorders that we didn't have any copies to put out on the floor and had to wait up to 2 weeks to get another shipment in. Like i said it could have just been at my store, but i thought i'd pass the info along.
Anyone know for sure if this works with preorders? I'd love to get Paper Mario 2 and Donkey Konga, and then get a free full preorder for Metroid.
Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders
Otogi 2
King of Fighters: Maximum Impact
80 + tax

Dead or Alive Ulitmate
Ace Combar or Men of Valor
100 + tax

Dance Dance Revolution(most of them)
80 + tax

Damn, I am going to be poor.
Ill be pickin up gta sa, nba live 05, and maybe thug 2. Maybe ill find someone willing to trade one of these for a copy of mgs2 because thats what im looking for.
[quote name='onetrackmind']nope preorders dont work, it has to be a game that is currently in stock[/quote]

There goes that deal.

I don't buy anymore video games at TRU because they always have shit around that no one will ever buy.
Damn it. I was getting so excited to be able to get paper mario 2 and GTA: SA, and get GTA advance or something free. Oh well. :(
Guys, just buy a 50 dollar game, then exchange it when the game u want comes out. Works like a charm every time. Just keep it sealed and have the receipt.
I guess I'll pick up Tales of Symphonia for the third, then. If they don't let me exchange it, then I guess I'll just have Symphonia. Could be worse.
If you guys are planning on trying to make a return or an exchange make sure the one that you don't want is the one that you pay full price for. (just make sure you choose a game that you may want to keep)Also ask for gift receipts this way you can say it was a gift and they won't question it and give you credit for the game or more than likely to make an exchange.
Here is a list of games I will get

Otogi 2 $39.99
Outrun 2 $39.99
Kingdom under fire "Free"

Defjam 2 $49.99
Burnout 3 $49.99
Leisure suit larry or Donkey konga "Free"

Midway arcade 2 $19.99
Leg of Zelda $19.99
VJ "Free"
So this deal is a week long right? I get paid the week of the PS2 & Xbox deal, but not till Friday. So this will still be running Friday, correct?
[quote name='slidecage']i will proally pick up 3 Paper marios keep 1 dump the other 2 on ebay[/quote]

And this is the crap that busts these deals from happening in the future.

Normally, they limit you to one copy per person, though we'll only know for sure when the official sale info hits.
[quote name='FaintDeftone']So this deal is a week long right? I get paid the week of the PS2 & Xbox deal, but not till Friday. So this will still be running Friday, correct?[/quote]

Should be. Why not just keep the paycheck from the week before?
[quote name='slidecage']i will proally pick up 3 Paper marios keep 1 dump the other 2 on ebay[/quote]

Not cool. Leave it for other people who want it.
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