TRU..not mad but not shocked....


105 (100%)
I have family that lives in San Angelo Tx. My parents were gonna go up tomorrow to spend a little over a week for the holidays. We all decided to pitch in and get my nieces and nephew's a 360 for x-mas. Knowing TRU had the prem w/ 100.00 gc, we were gonna go that route.

We informed my sister we would pick it up at the TRU there etc etc. She had told us that the TRU there shut down. So just now as a last ditch effort I went to a TRU in Austin and spoke to a manager, explained the situation etc etc and told him they would be way outside of Austin before they opened and is there anything they can do to help us out, give us that deal tonight so they would be able to take it and give it for x-mas. Since they didnt have a TRU I would have kept the gc and tossed in a 100.00 bill instead.. I was totally expecting a no, sorry we cant etc etc. I honestly didnt think it was that big a request asking for a little x-mas help etc etc.

I was stone cold looked at with a "i dont give a shit look" and told-
"We open at 8am" and he walked off.

Again, while I expected it not to happen, I didnt care for the way it went down. I really dont want to hear ANY news anymore of retailers bitching about sales being down and shit like that. Everytime I hear that stuff on the news, I hear about how retailers arent that helpful to consumers for the most part. Sure, there are some good stores and maybe someone at a diff TRU might have helped which is all good but I didnt expect the guy to be so cold about it. I didnt think waiting a few hours for that deal to kick in was huge but Ill get over it and they'll just buy one from CC or BB there.
So, you didn't expect special treatment and you're pissed becuase of the way he told you "No" ?

You really have some issues, etc etc.
I agree that wasn't the way to handle it. They should have said they can't do it and gave a legitimate reason (not allowed to over-ride the system, corporate said not to start a promotion early etc.). Saying what time they open and just walk away is very unprofessional for an answer to the request IMO
[quote name='bmulligan']So, you didn't expect special treatment and you're pissed becuase of the way he told you "No" ?

You really have some issues, etc etc.[/QUOTE]

You obviously didnt pay attn to the WHOLE thread. I didnt expect special treatment, I didnt think it would happen but he didnt have to be a dick about it. So I cant think bad of him for the way he was about it?

Its more so about retailers bitching about people not spending etc etc and small things like this, at this point in time of the season goes a LONG way for a customer to have been helped like this but told only "We open at 8am" when I told him they would be long gone by opening was a bit of a dick move IMO.
I understand that you felt you were treated bad, just look at it this way..its TRU..and its the middle of Chirsmas shopping madness..he is probably stressed to hell as it is. But....You shoulda thrown glitters on him regardless :)
[quote name='YoshiFan1']I agree that wasn't the way to handle it. They should have said they can't do it and gave a legitimate reason (not allowed to over-ride the system, corporate said not to start a promotion early etc.). Saying what time they open and just walk away is very unprofessional for an answer to the request IMO[/QUOTE]


[quote name='Michaellvortega']
You should have kicked over the magazine/strategy guide rack on the way out.[/QUOTE]

I actually wished I had some glitter on me.
[quote name='FlipSide']I understand that you felt you were treated bad, just look at it this way..its TRU..and its the middle of Chirsmas shopping madness..he is probably stressed to hell as it is. But....You shoulda thrown glitters on him regardless :)[/QUOTE]

When he walked off I told my gf that was a glittering opp if I ever saw one.
I understand... the last time I was at Toys R Us, they weren't terribly busy, and one of the clerks in the game section was sorting through a cart of newly arrived goods to put out on the floor. I was there looking for Gears of War, but it was when retailers weren't shipped to on time, so the game was out, but hard to get for a day or two. Anyhoo, I figured since he was going through NEW stock, I'd ask him if they happened to get in Gears. I got a similar response as the OP... a firm, rude "NO," and he didn't even fucking look at me.

I mean come on, its your fucking job to answer questions for customers. At least act like you WANT me to spend my money. Even though I had other items in my hand ready to purchase, I simply set them next to his pile of other shit, and walked out. At least the prick had to put away the stuff I got out.

OK, so they don't make much money... but I generally treat employees of these places nicely, because I've been there. The job sucks, period. But when the employees act like turds, its easy to see why retailers like this get a bad rep.
[quote name='keithp']Ya should've whipped out the 'ol Johnson and given him a couple whacks with it.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='thagoat']he gave you a smart ass answer to a stupid question.[/QUOTE]

Doesn't matter how 'stupid' the question was (and for the record, it wasn'tstupid, lots of retail chains will honor ads a bit early... hell, my store does it every week- put up the signs before closing so we're no there till 1 AM doing it, and honor the prices for anyone who asks.) if you work in retail, you aren't allowed to be a smart ass. OK? Doesn't matter if it's Chirstmas Eve 10 mintues before closing and someone walks in with a 2-page list. You're supposed to be polite. he could have just said "I'm sorry, we can't" and end of story.

Basically, if you can't keep a civil tongue long enough to walk away from the customers, you shouldn't be in retail. (Once you're out of earshot, go crazy. ;) )

And I would laugh my lil' head off if I got glittered at work... I work in arts and crafts. Half the crap we sell is glitter/glitter-covered, especially during the holidays. I'm covered in the stuff 24/7 as it is. (It really doesn't come off. :lol: )
Don't take it the wrong way, but I can understand the managers attitude. This time of the year is the busiest, and things get really stressful when you have nonstop lines from open to close, with a million+1 stupid questions from either customers or the seasonal employees. Then you get the a'hole customers that demand special treatment. It slowly chips away at your sanity. Customers don't seem to realize this.

Imagine if your office job tripled the workload, and the phone is constantly ringing, keeping you from getting anything done. To help with the work, temps were brought in, but spend more time asking questions than actually getting work done, further hindering things. (It's the best analogy I can come up with after working a 12-hour shift and being mentally drained)

I honestly think the manager did you a favor by saying that one thing and walking away. He kept it civil, just in an a'hole kind of way. Yes, he could have been nicer about it, but at least he didn't let loose and say what he most likely wanted to.
[quote name='DuelLadyS']
Basically, if you can't keep a civil tongue long enough to walk away from the customers, you shouldn't be in retail. (Once you're out of earshot, go crazy. ;) )

While I agree with you in theory, it's not realistic in practice.

To paraphrase Office Space: If everyone got to choose what they wanted to do for a living, there wouldn't be any janitors, because nobody truly wants to pick up other people's shit for a living.
I can't imagine how many of these "special circumstances" stories retail folk have to put up with with the Wii/PS3 shortages and store promotions like this right now.

You should have gone with a more classic approach like "I really need a Wii for my Nephew. He has terminal cancer and this is going to be his last Christmas...all he wants is to play the new Zelda before he goes to heaven."
I actually had a similiar experience with TRU about 3 years ago when I bought my Xbox. They ran a deal if you buy a Xbox get a free Steering Wheel Setup free. I wasn't gonna be home on the day they ran the deal so I asked a manager if I could get it today and they said sure. I'm happy as it was a 49.99 value.
Stories that involve "special circumstances" for the Wii or Ps3 dont apply here. The 360 wasnt that greatly in demand as the others so its less likely to get a bs story.

I can say that I worked walmart for 4 yrs and was a dept manager for my last year and I can say without a shadow of a doubt no matter how bad it was I never treated a customer like that. So dont give me a "maybe they were stressed" line, it doesnt work. In their line of work its what they get paid to do and if you wanna bitch about what you have to go through to earn that pay check, get another fucking job.

As an example, I posted awhile back about a tv I got from walmart and it went to shit after 8 months. It was obviously gonna go through warranty repair. I call the company and find out the closest repair shop is an hr away. The 2nd closest is over 2hrs away. According to paperwork. any tv bigger than 26 in is a free pick up by the company contracted out to do the work. So I call the company, tell them the tv model and was told its too big for them to come get it and I have to bring it.

So I call the tv co back and tell them so it was a them saying yes, repair company saying no and I didnt have a way to haul that tv up there.

So I went walmart and told them what happened etc etc. That walmart told me if I had the receipt from when I got it from them, they would give me that much back in credit towards any tv I wanted. THATS fucking customer service. They didnt have to, saw that I was in a jam and helped me out. Thats what gets customers comming back.
[quote name='DuelLadyS']If you work in retail, you aren't allowed to be a smart ass. OK? Doesn't matter if it's Chirstmas Eve 10 mintues before closing and someone walks in with a 2-page list. You're supposed to be polite. he could have just said "I'm sorry, we can't" and end of story.[/QUOTE]

I agree, being a smart-ass shouldn't be done in retail. It's learning patience and biting your tongue, but sometimes it can be too much.

For those who do work retail (like myself), sure we can't be smart-asses, but can't we be a wee bit stressed out? Can we be sick of answering the same question over and over? Can't we be mentally and physically exhasted? So if a guy comes in last minute like you say and comes in with his list, I feel that I am allowed to be a little upset or mad. If customers want us to not get cranky around them, they should show us the overall respect that we try to give them at first.

Don't come in 5 minutes before we close and shop for a million things. Don't blame us for being sold out of something if you didn't plan ahead for it. Don't blame us if we do not know what retailers have that said item in stock.

People who don't work retail don't realize how stressful it is right now. You think you get a sense of sickness and awe waiting in lines for your items? Imagine having to be the person in the middle of that.'s hard to imagine without actually being there.

I agree overall that the situation could've been handled better, but what if he denied the early sale of an ad in a polite and civil manner? Most customers would then blame him for not having a heart during this time a year and make a very small exception (in their eyes). So either way the guy is fucked.

I believe that retail employees should be allowed to be a little cranky/stressed (as all jobs should). You'd be the exact same way if you were working 6 days a week, 40-50 hours (in retail mind you) and being teamed up with dumb-ass seasonal employees that do nothing but get on your nerves.

Rant over.
[quote name='asianxcore']I agree, being a smart-ass shouldn't be done in retail. It's learning patience and biting your tongue, but sometimes it can be too much.

For those who do work retail (like myself), sure we can't be smart-asses, but can't we be a wee bit stressed out? Can we be sick of answering the same question over and over? Can't we be mentally and physically exhasted? So if a guy comes in last minute like you say and comes in with his list, I feel that I am allowed to be a little upset or mad. If customers want us to not get cranky around them, they should show us the overall respect that we try to give them at first.

Don't come in 5 minutes before we close and shop for a million things. Don't blame us for being sold out of something if you didn't plan ahead for it. Don't blame us if we do not know what retailers have that said item in stock.

People who don't work retail don't realize how stressful it is right now. You think you get a sense of sickness and awe waiting in lines for your items? Imagine having to be the person in the middle of that.'s hard to imagine without actually being there.

I agree overall that the situation could've been handled better, but what if he denied the early sale of an ad in a polite and civil manner? Most customers would then blame him for not having a heart during this time a year and make a very small exception (in their eyes). So either way the guy is fucked.

I believe that retail employees should be allowed to be a little cranky/stressed (as all jobs should). You'd be the exact same way if you were working 6 days a week, 40-50 hours (in retail mind you) and being teamed up with dumb-ass seasonal employees that do nothing but get on your nerves.

Rant over.[/quote]

:applause: :applause: :applause:

Thank you.

And for the record, I work 60 hours a week with no days off. (That's right, boys and girls, the only time I ever get a day off of work, I have to request it off). 40 of those are at my main job at the tv studio. The other 20 are at TRU. I've only barely managed to keep my cool at toys r us at this point in the season.
If you choose to work in a job that sometimes has you in times of high stress, you shouldnt bitch. You chose the job and if you dont like it, get another. Had he not been such a dick about it I wouldnt have thought much of it. Its his dick move that me think worse of the situation.

I wouldnt bitch at a store that didnt have something in stock if I was there 5 mins before closing on x-mas eve. I do agree those people are f'n idiots for not planning ahead as well.
[quote name='Will']
Walmart told me if I had the receipt from when I got it from them, they would give me that much back in credit towards any tv I wanted. THATS fucking customer service. They didnt have to, saw that I was in a jam and helped me out. Thats what gets customers comming back.[/QUOTE]

So basically the definition of customer service is getting exactly what you want? If they told you they couldn't do it and had you go to those repair centers, what would you think of them then?

You'd be surprised how many times I make exceptions for customers in the section I work in (video games), and how many times I see them afterwards...not much. It's nice to think that because you make an exception for someone who you don't know, that they will be addicted to your service. If anything they will have the idea that you will bend over backwards every time for them, and come back only when they need something.

The truth? They'll come back when they need something from you or not come back at all. It's normal for people to take advantage of others they don't really happens all the time.

If that TRU manager had made the exception for you, he would be praised. Maybe this thread would never exist, or maybe it would exist and it would be called "TRU IS THE BEST EVERRR!!!". There is only so much you can do sometimes and asking him to break Ad by giving you a deal that big a day early? You worked retail didn't you? You know first hand I'm sure the kind of dicks they hire as district managers and the kind of wrath they would bring down on that manager. He was impolite on how he answered you, but in all truth there was nothing he really could do.

[quote name='Will']If you choose to work in a job that sometimes has you in times of high stress, you shouldnt bitch. You chose the job and if you dont like it, get another[/QUOTE]

As true as that statement is, that's a dick thing to say, coming from someone who has worked retail.

Every job is stressful no matter how much the pay, what you do, or what you overall like doing. So is everyone entitled to keep quitting jobs every time they get stressed out? It's just human nature to get stressed out, you just have to understand that. Do you realize that there is life outside of retail? If I'm already having a bad day and come in to have people not only chew me up, but question my integrity...over what? Over not getting a TMX? Over not getting us to do a $3.00 price change? I guarantee you that the people who come into my store, chew me up and get personal, would NOT repeat that to my face if I was not wearing a uniform, and didn't have a manager to answer to.

Yes, we get paid to help customers, be polite, and make sure that every customer leaves happy. But there are also alterations on that. What if a customer wanted to get a Nintendo Wii right now, but did not want to camp out, or show up hours early to wait in front of the store? So according that, if they leave unhappy, am I not doing my job to the fullest? People want what they want their way, if they don't get it, then all of a sudden I am the worst employee ever.

Again, this is our job on paper, but our applications do not predict the personal things a customer will say to us, or situations at certain times of the year. So you are saying because I am a retail employee, I should just smile off racial slurs thrown at me because of a product being sold out, or the fact that on a daily basis everyone asks me if I speak "Chinese"? I guess you are right then, I'm bitching and I should be getting another job.

Do you even realize that a lot of employees try as hard as they can to get out of their certain situations? Retail or not, this is how people pay for their bills, this is how people put food on their kids' backs and food in their stomachs. They could risk everything and get a job that wouldn't be as stressful, which would be great. What if the risk turns out to be dreadful, you have people depending on you.

I am currently working on getting my college degree and I would get another job, but without a degree I would be doing exactly what I'm doing now just at a different place. Is that my fault? Surely, but sometimes you don't really have a choice sometimes at what you do to pay the bills.
Will is right. You choose to work in a line of retail you mos def will have stress but you don't go around and take that shit out on customers.

I work retail. I remember a guy telling me that i'm a prety nice dude but he said it's because I have to be. Which is true. He then said I probably go home and beat my wife/girlfriend. I grinned and laughed since it was true :) JK about beating chicks. But he is right about me being a different person while im not at work.
[quote name='asianxcore']So basically the definition of customer service is getting exactly what you want? If they told you they couldn't do it and had you go to those repair centers, what would you think of them then? [/QUOTE]

I wouldnt have thought any difference but they went above and beyond normal polices to help a customer that was being dicked over. That imo is doing good customer service. Even if I had been shot down by them, the fact that they had tried was enough for me. I would have simply taken my fight back to the tv manufacturer.

[quote name='asianxcore']If that TRU manager had made the exception for you, he would be praised. Maybe this thread would never exist, or maybe it would exist and it would be called "TRU IS THE BEST EVERRR!!!". There is only so much you can do sometimes and asking him to break Ad by giving you a deal that big a day early? You worked retail didn't you? You know first hand I'm sure the kind of dicks they hire as district managers and the kind of wrath they would bring down on that manager. He was impolite on how he answered you, but in all truth there was nothing he really could do. [/QUOTE]

Actually its his dickheaded reply that got this thread started. If he had done it, yeah, small kudos, I wont deny that but "TRU IS THE BEST EVERRR!!!", no.

[quote name='asianxcore']
As true as that statement is, that's a dick thing to say, coming from someone who has worked retail.

Every job is stressful no matter how much the pay, what you do, or what you overall like doing. So is everyone entitled to keep quitting jobs every time they get stressed out? It's just human nature to get stressed out, you just have to understand that. Do you realize that there is life outside of retail? If I'm already having a bad day and come in to have people not only chew me up, but question my integrity...over what? Over not getting a TMX? Over not getting us to do a $3.00 price change? I guarantee you that the people who come into my store, chew me up and get personal, would NOT repeat that to my face if I was not wearing a uniform, and didn't have a manager to answer to.

Yes, we get paid to help customers, be polite, and make sure that every customer leaves happy. But there are also alterations on that. What if a customer wanted to get a Nintendo Wii right now, but did not want to camp out, or show up hours early to wait in front of the store? So according that, if they leave unhappy, am I not doing my job to the fullest? People want what they want their way, if they don't get it, then all of a sudden I am the worst employee ever.

Again, this is our job on paper, but our applications do not predict the personal things a customer will say to us, or situations at certain times of the year. So you are saying because I am a retail employee, I should just smile off racial slurs thrown at me because of a product being sold out, or the fact that on a daily basis everyone asks me if I speak "Chinese"? I guess you are right then, I'm bitching and I should be getting another job.

Do you even realize that a lot of employees try as hard as they can to get out of their certain situations? Retail or not, this is how people pay for their bills, this is how people put food on their kids' backs and food in their stomachs. They could risk everything and get a job that wouldn't be as stressful, which would be great. What if the risk turns out to be dreadful, you have people depending on you.

I am currently working on getting my college degree and I would get another job, but without a degree I would be doing exactly what I'm doing now just at a different place. Is that my fault? Surely, but sometimes you don't really have a choice sometimes at what you do to pay the bills.[/QUOTE]

Its not a dick thing to say at all. If you dont like what happens during the job then quick. If you work retail and get stressed over x-mas and think you can pick and choose randomly who gets your wrath cause you crack under stress is bullshit.

I went through 4 walmart black fridays and NOT ONCE did I come close to treating a customer like that nor did I give a shit answer like that TRU manager did and walk off. I actually tried to see what could be done to help customers and if I couldnt I was up front with the reasons why, even if I knew before hand nothing could be done.
so basically the retail employees are complaining because you get treated like shit? hello... you work in retail. Your #1 and largest concern is to make the customer happy. You are the face of the company and when you do not act favorably you portray the company in a bad light and cost the company sales.
These type of manager people is why my family and i have moved most of our christmas shopping to online retailers (also because of better deals than b&m stores, and no tax). Until b&m stores can match or beat the prices of online stores, my christmas shopping for toys and games will be done online.
[quote name='Will']Actually its his dickheaded reply that got this thread started. ...

I went through 4 walmart black fridays and NOT ONCE did I come close to treating a customer like that nor did I give a shit answer like that TRU manager did and walk off. I actually tried to see what could be done to help customers and if I couldnt I was up front with the reasons why, even if I knew before hand nothing could be done.[/QUOTE]

He just said , "We open at eight." He didn't say "We open at eight, asshole." What did you want him to do ? Should he have said "I can't give you the deal, but I'll blow you in the parkinglot " ?

No offense, but if you ask me, you're the dickhead for expecting something for nothing. What if someone overheard your conversation about getting this special deal a day early? Should he then give this deal to everyone in the store who has a sob story? What if everyone demanded they give the deal early and he had no units to sell on the sale date? This would not be fair to all the other kids who wanted this 360 deal and waited for the actual sale day. You could have ruined some kids christmas by stealing his 360 deal out from under him a day early, all becuase your family crisis is more important than anybody else's.

It doesn't sound like making an 8:00am trip to TRU before making the family roadtrip would have been such a hardship. But I guess it's easier to manipulate others for your personal gain instead of abiding by the rules that everyone else is forced to follow. Regardless of how you feel, there are no victims here.
[quote name='Storamin']so basically the retail employees are complaining because you get treated like shit? hello... you work in retail. Your #1 and largest concern is to make the customer happy. You are the face of the company and when you do not act favorably you portray the company in a bad light and cost the company sales.[/QUOTE]

You're SO right! Infact, we have Wii's in-stock right now. Let me go in the 'magical' backroom where we make them, take a shit, and give you one.

What the hell is wrong with some of you people? So we should be polite to all the morons who come in, asking the same question, and then get pissed when we say 'Sorry, Sold Out'. What should we say? "Sorry, We are sold out. I apologize. I am going to go slit my wrists right now. Please, sorry. So sorry. Dear god. So, damn sorry."

Will, seriously, what is wrong with you? You EXPECT special treatment, and when denied, come here to bitch about it? How dare the manager tell you what time the store opened. What an asshole. You should report Toys R Us not only to the BBB, but the police department, YouTube, FBI, and anything else thats makes YOU feel SPECIAL.
Eh I feel he owed you a few more words at best.
" I'm sorry but we can't do that, but we open at 8 tomorrow. "
should have been sufficient.

I feel customer service has pretty much died, I can't think of a single place that I feel that I get really good customer service besides maybe eateries. The best retail store that comes to mind are Radio Shack (which has horrible prices and stock) and maybe Best Buy (because they atleast acknowledge you exist, it's easier to sell warranties on headphones and magazines that way). I guess its really YMMV thou on which stores you got to, who is working, what time of day it is, ect.
[quote name='gizmogc']What the hell is wrong with some of you people? So we should be polite to all the morons who come in, asking the same question, and then get pissed when we say 'Sorry, Sold Out'.[/quote] Pretty much, yeah.

If you are hired to work with the public, you ought to have the skills to deal with the stress that uninformed and often rude customers bring you. You represent the company; it isn't YOU time for sarcasm or attitude. If the jerks are too much for you, then work elsewhere.

No, that doesn't excuse the cretins who are unappreciative of the store clerks. It doesn't excuse the behavior of pathetic people who seem to get off by being rude or downright mean and nasty to whoever gives them an answer they don't like. (and when a customer is outright hostile, then you simply hand them off to management to deal with, your pay does not subject you to harassment.)

They'll have to account for their actions one day. And that matter does not concern you. You answer for you alone.

Will, seriously, what is wrong with you? You EXPECT special treatment, and when denied, come here to bitch about it?
I could be wrong, but all the OP was asking for was a kinder tone from the manager; there is a proper way to handle giving negative answers. "I'm sorry, we can't do that, but we are opening early."

That would have been the correct measure.

I know everyone would love to be Basil Fawlty, but you can't represent soneone else's business that way. You want to open your own store and respond as you'd like to customers, then go for it.
I worked at Toys R Us last season while I was finishing school. That seasonal job as a cashier was the worst job that I ever had to do.

I can't go into all the details about how poorly customers treated me during the holiday season. I was called moron, swore at, and a host of other bad things.

I remember one guy in particular that was a ultra dick. This guy bought a PS 2 and thought the stand should be included. His point was that it was pictured on the box so we should give it to him free.

I tried to help him and called everyone that has power to answer his request. He told my supervisor that I was a great employee and that I was very helpful,etc.

The manager denied his request then it all went down hill from there. He said I was rude to him and that I was talking bad about him to my supervisor,etc.

He threw toys at me and said he would be waiting for me after work,etc. I told him to bring it and I told him what time that I got off from work.

I'm not going to tolerate someone abusing me as a person just over a $10 stand. This guy spit at me and spit at the manager over a stupid stand.

Maybe the guy was a dick to you but maybe he had to deal with this guy who was a royal dick to him. My manager was abused all day long by customers so when he snapped we all knew why.

True it was our job to help this guy but this does not give anyone the right to act like that either.

The moral of the story is the wages are to low to eat shit from people like this guy.
[quote name='sendmesomegames']True it was our job to help this guy but this does not give anyone the right to act like that either. [/quote]That's absolutely true. At that point the manager ought to have requested the man leave, and if he refused or further gave problems, called the police. (I'm assuming TRU doesn't have security personnel.)

Walking into a store does not give one free reign to abuse others. But it is incumbant upon the establishments' managment to enforce the safety of their employees.
[quote name='gizmogc']

What the hell is wrong with some of you people? So we should be polite to all the morons who come in, asking the same question, and then get pissed when we say 'Sorry, Sold Out'. What should we say? "Sorry, We are sold out. I apologize. I am going to go slit my wrists right now. Please, sorry. So sorry. Dear god. So, damn sorry."

Will, seriously, what is wrong with you? You EXPECT special treatment, and when denied, come here to bitch about it? How dare the manager tell you what time the store opened. What an asshole. You should report Toys R Us not only to the BBB, but the police department, YouTube, FBI, and anything else thats makes YOU feel SPECIAL.[/quote]

Yes exactly, you go tell the CEO or hell even manager of where ever you work that you want to go give customers who ask questions no matter how repetative or stupid they may sound that you want to be a smart ass to them, see how much they approve of that. They'll tell you to just suck it up and be polite because that's what your paid to do.

If the customer gets pissed that's his / her problem isn't it, you still should / gotta be polite. If the customer gets out of hand ... well then yea do something about it. Just keep in mind a pissed off person usually fuels another pissed off person even more.

Also, if you read his post he wasn't expecting the special treatment but took a shot at it anyways, and the employee gave a smart ass response which would piss me off as well.

A simple, "Sorry but I'm not allowed to do that, but we open at 8 if you can end up getting here" would be all that was needed.
Since some people dont read the whole thread Ill say it again, had the TRU manager not been such a dick about the way he answered me, this thread wouldnt been posted. Just because its a stressful time of season and all that other blah blah garbage, even stupid questions deserve respectful answers. I didnt want my balls massaged while he blew me for not giving the deal a bit early. Theres obviously a way to handle things in a better manner than he did and he chose one of the lower roads to take in how he handled it. Had he been cool and just said something along the lines of " Sorry, I cant do that, youll have to come back tomorrow when we open at 8am", end of story and I would have shrugged it off and moved along. To simply say "we open at 8am" and turn around and walk off is NOT the way to handle customers regardless of how shitty others have treated you and how much you cant handle the stress ofthe holiday season.
are you sure they understand english. Maybe they had no clue what you were talking about and was told

If anyone ask you anything tell them what time we open

I know here in fort wayne a bunch of people was going to sue meijers a few years ago for the day after thanksgiving. THe items were not allowed to be sold until 6am BUT all the items were long gone at 4am so people sued them for selling the items early.

at least he didnt say he was going to call the cops on you for knowing their ads before they came out (this happened me to this summer at CC. They said i hacked into their systems and that is how i knew that the DQ game was going to be on sale 4 days before the flyer was out)
He'd probably heard so many sob stories he'd become numb to it all. Your OP doesn't really convey the dickishness of the manager. The way somebody looks at you is highly subjective. This is one of those you had to have been there situations I'd imagine.
[quote name='Will']Since some people dont read the whole thread Ill say it again, had the TRU manager not been such a dick about the way he answered me, this thread wouldnt been posted. Just because its a stressful time of season and all that other blah blah garbage, even stupid questions deserve respectful answers. I didnt want my balls massaged while he blew me for not giving the deal a bit early. Theres obviously a way to handle things in a better manner than he did and he chose one of the lower roads to take in how he handled it. Had he been cool and just said something along the lines of " Sorry, I cant do that, youll have to come back tomorrow when we open at 8am", end of story and I would have shrugged it off and moved along. To simply say "we open at 8am" and turn around and walk off is NOT the way to handle customers regardless of how shitty others have treated you and how much you cant handle the stress ofthe holiday season.[/QUOTE]

We all read you're little sob story. Sadly, we cannot 'read' a tone, and are only hearing a one sided story. He could have easily said 'We open at 8am' in a nicer tone and we would never know. We are just taking the word of someone who wants special treatment and did not get it. Retail clerks see it every day. You could have easily said "I don't have time to get up early and be here for this special little event, I want $100 off right now". He may have not even heard everything you say because maybe you were asking to quite, or you have an accent. Who knows. He answered you're question with a standard answer. Nothing rude. No 'asshole, bitch, jerk' at the end of it. But, as always, we HAVE to believe everything you say as 100% truth. I am SO glad you got denied you're little special treatment. Be there when the ad says so. Others will be waiting in line, So should YOU.
Exactly. What makes you feel like you deserve special treatment by getting a deal early over, say, the average Joe Blow who gets in on the deal DURING the sale itself? I want a justified answer as to why you think you are above everyone else Will?
Pretty funny topic. I read everything word for word and can't believe it reached 40 replies. I think it all boils down to the OP taking things personally. The store manager doesn't know you. He doesn't see you as "Will." He sees you as "another customer he has to deal with or customer 450 out of 1450."

I don't get why you don't just brush it off your shoulder? Surely this isn't the first time something like this has happened to you? In the end, you just feel bad at the way you were treated. But like I said before, don't take it personally.

And if you feel so terrible don't shop there anymore. Problem solved.
LOL i really don't think half of you are getting the story ...

He's pissed because the guy wasn't polite so it seems, not that he didn't get the deal. Read before you post. He took a shot at something he didn't think would work and wasn't pissed when it didn't ... he was pissed about the guys comment.
[quote name='strikeratt']LOL i really don't think half of you are getting the story ...

He's pissed because the guy wasn't polite so it seems, not that he didn't get the deal. Read before you post. He took a shot at something he didn't think would work and wasn't pissed when it didn't ... he was pissed about the guys comment.[/QUOTE]

Read everyone else's comments. We are just assuming the manager said 'We open at 8am' in a mean, rude, angry matter. We have no idea. Will is just like the hundreds of other customers who think they are always in the right and rules/promotions should be bent for them due to 'special circumstances'.
Well, let me begin by saying I have no idea why I'm posting in this thread...but...

if a customer has done nothing rude or obnoxious, has not been an asshole or is your job to kiss his ass. If you can't do something it is your JOB to say, "Sorry, buddy, I wish I could help you, but it's just not possible." It is NOT your job to be a shithead, a sarcastic twat, or a smug prick. If you can't handle the stress, find a less stressful job, if you can't handle people do something else.

With all of that said, let me also say this...

I am an 8th grade teacher in Chicago, and if you think my patience isn't tested EVERY DAY, then you are nuts. But...and this is a big but, I love my job. I love going to work, I love being a teacher. If you wake up everyday dreading work, and are underpaid and overworked, and your boss treats you like a turd, of course you are going to be likely to be shitty with your customers...why should you care about them, when the place you work for doesn't care about you...BUT, then you need to find a different job. If you can't be courteous and kind in your everyday work regardless of the job, regardless of the situation; then DO NOT WORK WITH PEOPLE. When you choose to live in a society, it is best to try and do so with a smile and warmth, not with negativity and crap.
no, i think the underlying problem is hes pissed that the store wouldnt give him his way. i have the feeling he would be bitching no matter what the employee told him.( which in all honesty, doesnt sound bad)
[quote name='loserboy']Well, let me begin by saying I have no idea why I'm posting in this thread...but...

if a customer has done nothing rude or obnoxious, has not been an asshole or is your job to kiss his ass. If you can't do something it is your JOB to say, "Sorry, buddy, I wish I could help you, but it's just not possible." It is NOT your job to be a shithead, a sarcastic twat, or a smug prick. If you can't handle the stress, find a less stressful job, if you can't handle people do something else.

With all of that said, let me also say this...

I am an 8th grade teacher in Chicago, and if you think my patience isn't tested EVERY DAY, then you are nuts. But...and this is a big but, I love my job. I love going to work, I love being a teacher. If you wake up everyday dreading work, and are underpaid and overworked, and your boss treats you like a turd, of course you are going to be likely to be shitty with your customers...why should you care about them, when the place you work for doesn't care about you...BUT, then you need to find a different job. If you can't be courteous and kind in your everyday work regardless of the job, regardless of the situation; then DO NOT WORK WITH PEOPLE. When you choose to live in a society, it is best to try and do so with a smile and warmth, not with negativity and crap.[/QUOTE]

So then who would work retail? Seriously. Who would work any job?
bread's done