Try to predict events that will occur in 2008

If I overtake your GP score before '08 does your prediction count Mak?

Here's mine from '07

Spike TV gains syndication rights for all 5 Trek series (TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, Enterprise) and air one episode of each per day M-F.

Microsoft releases or at least sets a firm release date for a portable gaming system.

Dairy Queen goes out of business.

Virgin abandons their Virgin Galactic plan (commercial flights to space.) Though I think it would be cool if that really happens.

The vehicle that ultimately will win the Automotive X Prize is created. (Probably won't be won in a year due to the nature of the requirements.)

A cure for diabetes will be found.

The Simpsons movie is a commercial failure.

Cohen's follow-up to Borat is a bust. (Don't know if that's even set for '07)

Borat wins the oscar for best comedy/musical.

AFAIK none of them came about, but I did go for some that weren't easy gets.
It will be revealed that Oprah Winfrey is gay,...and plans on marrying Rosie O Donnel.

Together they will form the Multicultural International Lesbian Front of Menopausal Unwed Negro Colored Helpful Energetic Residents

AKA - M.I.L.F - M.U.N.C.H.E.R's
1. Circuit City will file for Bankruptcy
2. Paris Hilton will be caught with some drugs (maybe cocaine)
3. Gas will go as high as $5.
4. George Bush will fall off the wagon and get a drink.
5. One of the biggest banks will be fatally harmed by the sub-prime morgage crisis (It could be Wells Fargo or Bank of America, etc)
6. Rambo will get more positive reviews than negative reviews.
7. There will be a scandal at
8. Hip Hop will finally meet it's demise
9. There will be a fiery death at a Nascar race
10. Something shocking will happen with Bill Cosby
11. Blockbuster will stop it's online service making Netflix the victor
12. Josh Homme of Queens of the Stone Age will overdose or go to jail
13. Margaret Thacher will pass away
14. David Letterman will annouce his retirement
15. There will be an assasination attempt on Putin but he will be unharmed
16. a large animal will eat a famous celerbrity

By the way, I made one prediction that came true in 2006:
A congressmen will come out of the closet and announce he/she is gay
At least 2 major active professional athletes (which excludes the WNBA and NHL - we're talking pro sports here) will die. 6 if you count professional wrestling.

The remaining Cincinnati Bengals linebackers will be arrested because they really feel like they don't belong in the club without a criminal history.

Tom Brady comes out th' closet. Has been dating that one NASCAR driver everyone thinks is gay (Gordon?) for 1.5 years.

This election cycle will be nastier than anything we've seen before.
This election cycle will nearly double the previous campaign spending record.
Ann Coulter will call Barack Obama "$$$$er" on TV, and not be ashamed about it. It will happen strangely close to another book release of hers, "fuck You Democrats, You fucking fuckers."
Bill Kristol will get called on his shit for once.
Hillary Clinton takes the Democratic nomination.
Mitt Romney will take it as well.
Republicans mistake Romney for the second coming of Ronald Reagan, realize too late he's their version of John Kerry.
Hillary Clinton becomes the first female president of the US.
Congress won't shift all that much.
Tucker Carlson will be doing infomercials for the "GOP - Grand Ol' Pancake (Maker)," for lack of anyone wanting to offer him gainful employment elsewhere. Will rediscover melancholy and alcoholism due to a newly found friend in Rocco DiSpirito.

I'll spend more money on games I'll never have the time to play.
I'll continue to be both entertaining and not very kind.
DMK buys a color television set, moves into the high-end technology of S-Video cables.

PS3 will gain marketshare, but won't exceed 23% by the end of 2008.
The Wii will continue to be like Hip-Hop: can't stop, won't stop.
The first batch of 360 owners' RROD warranties will expire in 11/08, and MS will now expect you to pay to have your RRODs repaired. Most will spew outrage; some will threaten lives; all will sigh and capitulate to resigned acceptance.
GTAIV won't be all that; it will still sell like it is, though.
HD DVD studios will be Paramount/Dreamworks and Universal (but Uni will publish HD and BD titles by September) only. Everyone will give up on HD DVD except LinkinPrime. ;)
Several more remakes of Final Fantasy I through VI are announced. Many gamers wait breathlessly for a FFVII remake announcement that never comes.

Hoo boy; we're fucked, and this is the tip of the iceberg, bebe.

I'll have my PhD by the end of 2008 (did I say this last year about now? :lol:), and will be actively interviewing for tenure-track professor positions, or employed with some state bureau of prisons/department of justice by the end of the year.
I'm going to sell all my goddamned pro wrestling figures I accumulated over the years. I will make enough money selling them to afford a single 360/PS3 Greatest Hit title.
I'm going to drink less.
It may be the year to start a family with my wife.
Here's my attempt at predicting the future:

Hilary Clinton wins the Democratic ticket
Guiliani wins the Republican ticket, and announces McCain as his VP candidate
Guiliani wins the election
Red Sox sweep the World Series, making Tito 12-0 in the WS
Madden 09 will be released
Paris Hilton will have another sex tape
The Chargers will win the Super Bowl
The Patriots will lose their first round playoffs game
Sony will announce a MGS4 bundle
MGS4 will be delayed once more
MGS4 will not go multi-platform
GTA4 will not shatter records as expected
The Iron Man movie will be good
The Rock will star in another family movie, or be a complete badass in a new action movie


Ben Affleck will admit he's gay with Matt Damon
[quote name='mykevermin']
DMK buys a color television set, moves into the high-end technology of S-Video cables.[/quote]

[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']

I'm going to try to pay attention to politics, get disgusted, then feel miserable. I'll look down at myself for deeply hating something that so many people tell me repeatedly is one of my most important duties as an American.


After over a decade and a half of waffling back and forth on the issue, I predict that sometime around my birthday... I will decide that I'm probably never going to actively pursue biological offspring.

I'm going to interact with more europeans in online games, and, just like in 2007, they and I will mistake each other for members of our /own/ respective countries. This will continue to make me feel warm, fuzzy, and part of the greater world community of mankind.


I'll continue my upward swing of growing to /like/ other gamers more and more due to interacting with people here. I used to consider other gamers... undesirable and hurtful company at best. My brother and I are the only two gamers in a group of friends and associates who simply... don't play videogames. So thanks for being wonderful people in 2003, '04... 07, and hopefully '08.


The "100 dollar" computer will continue to be talked about in the media, and will be considered a success.

Solar will become even more of the flying standard of those who seem terrified of nuklear power plants.

A handful of nuke plants worldwide will be found to be 'unsafe.' Rather than refitting or improving them, public outcry will cause them to be closed.


Violent crime will continue to fall. Race crimes will continue, as always, but things will get a little better. As they did the year before, and the year before that, etc etc. I'll have only a dozen shocking interactions with very bold racist people in my own personal life.
Obama vs Ron Paul (and either way we will end up fucked, lol)

$4 gas prices

Windows XP Service Pack 3 comes out, which turns out better than Vista.
Linux finds more ways to be awesome but no one gives a fuck except for linux users sadly :cry:
At least 3 tech companies are in some type of scandle.
Apple releases iPhone, iPod touch V2 with 16 and 32 GB HD for same price.
New ways are found to nickle and dime cell phone users.
The RIAA goes beserk with some type of stupid rule for music.
AMD goes under with their processor line and ATI struggles to survive.

GTA IV finally comes out but not as popular as the previous GTA games.
Move aweful movie, sports, tv, comic games, wii ports, come out and people eat them up.
More Gerstmann like scandles at gaming sites.
Duke Nukem Forever gets a 2009 set release date.
Wii's will be easier to find but not by much.
Sony gains some marketshare.
MGS IV will be releases in late 2009 for the 360.
Speaking of MGS IV it will be the most cutscene intensive MGS game yet and have little to no gameplay (as of a short game).

MTV will continue to air more reality tv garbage.
G4 find new ways to air more crap (I mean original programming).
Other than that TV stays the same.

I will become a regular poster in the OTT.
CAG 2.0 is fucking awesome, but it brings in a lot of idiots from the Gamefaqs forums (i.e. Pepsiman but worse) :cry:
CAG Cast wins best gaming podcast 2nd year in a row.
Wombat becomes just as popular as Cheapy D.

I find a girlfriend and I when I look back hopefully I am still madly in love with her.
I become secretary of my school's anime club, lol.
I get a job, a Macbook and a PS3. (probably not but always hopeful).
hillary or ohbama either one wins they will get killed. most important prediction of year is I vow to get laid by someone other than my hands
The RIAA will somehow come after me and burn me with a lawsuit for having nearly 300 legally own CD I have been collecting for over 17 years because I wanted to play them on the go via a portable file format. In retaliation I take my collection, dump gasoline all over it and burn it all down, video tape it and send a copy of it to the office that issued the suit along with a big fuck you/go to hell!!! Ending my 17 year soundtrack collection.
[quote name='evilmojo12542']hillary or ohbama either one wins they will get killed. most important prediction of year is I vow to get laid by someone other than my hands[/quote]

Make sure you use a condom. Those Hookers can give you something real nasty :lol:
Just a quick one for now...

Patriots, Celtics and Red Sox win their respective championships, making Boston the place to be for atletics.

More later.
[quote name='mykevermin']
Ann Coulter will call Barack Obama "$$$$er" on TV, and not be ashamed

I'll spend more money on games I'll never have the time to play.


These are guaranteed to be true.
Sega will be bought out by Microsoft in an attempt to overtake the Japanese market.

The Xbox Dream will be announced by Sega/Microsoft. It will be released on 9/9/9. The Xbox Dream will feature an eight core processor made by AMD. The system will also feature an AMD graphics card and will be able to run Windows Vista and play PC games. The hardware will be designed by Sega. It will have two SKUs. One will retail for $299.99 and come with a 40 GB HD. The other will retail for $349.99 and come with a 120 GB HD.

Sony will release a enhanced version of the PS2 with motion sensing controls, for $149.99. This will dent the market share of the Wii but not overtake it. It will not affect the 360.

Apple will release a game console to compete with the Xbox Dream.

The Wii 2 will be announced. It will feature head tracking and a VR headset.

The DS 2 and PSP 2 will be announced and will come out in early 2009.

The Wii with take 35% of the current gen market, with the 360 at 42% and the PS3 at 23%.

Obama will become president.

Someone will try to assassinate Obama but fail.

Bush will try something stupid and his approval rating will drop to 11%.

Most of the troops from other countries will be sent home from Iraq. This will prompt the U.S. to send the troops home in waves.

I'll think of more predictions later.
My predictions for 08' :

Celebrity: (they are going to be busy in 08')

Katie Holmes/Tom Cruise will get divorced, after extensive legal battles she will get the kid and Tom will shy from Hollywood and lead a Scientology based cult.

Brittney Spears will get the support she needs and make a return late in the year

The writers strike will go on longer than expected and effect line-ups till late 08'.

Paris Hitlon and Nicole Ritchie will reunite...

R-Kelly will finally end up in prison !!!!


Gas will hit the $4+ mark and the usual BS excuses will be used and people will cry but still drive the full sized dodge ram truck to and from work daily.

I don't think that the housing market will cause the fall of any major banks but I can see some mergers which overall rebound the market.


Finally Bush will be out of office but he will go out with a bang. (he has one last trick to show us yet)

Clinton does not get the vote because everyone see's her BS.

Obama is top seed but does not win the Presidential seat.

More troops will be sent to Iraq but new president will bring tons of them home in 09'.


Sony finally starts getting out the big guns and it reflects on the market, sony systems actually take some effort to find in Xmas 08', potential new price drop.

Microsoft can not gain any kind of market in Japan so once again they abandon the eastern market late in 08'. They buy some more companies and then do absolutly nothing with and big titles these companies come with.

Nintendo continues to sell but slows after systems become available in stores with no hassles... after all the smoke clears with the big titles they go on a dry spell and people start saying gamecube all over again but they get some 3rd party support and announce some credible titles in late 08' .

Overall I see Sony gaining some ground, Nintendo still leading as of 08' and 360 losing some hold on the market.
Yankees Win The World Series
Michael Jackson clones himself
Rosey O Donnel undergos a sex change
Dolphins win superbowl with newly appointed starting qb john beck
MGS4 is released for 360
DMC is the number one selling game ever for 360
[quote name='mykevermin']HD DVD studios will be Paramount/Dreamworks and Universal (but Uni will publish HD and BD titles by September) only. Everyone will give up on HD DVD except LinkinPrime. ;)[/QUOTE]

Game related:

- Wii Fit becomes a smash hit out of the gate. It becomes popular because news shows feature it and people buy it up. However, it's popularity quickly decreases.

- Devil May Cry 4 is met with reviews in the 7/8 range, and fanboys blame the rival system for the games problems.

- Rock Band 2 is not announced. Instead, a 40 song expansion disk is announced for 40.00 along with all the DLC on a separate disk.

- I will go on my 4th 360
Wii price drop of at least twenty bucks by November, the shortage (save a brief midsummer respite) continues, and the zealots continue to vigorously deny there being anything "manufactured" about it.

Also, work-related issues will force Wombat to quit the CAGcast, and 1up will be the next site rocked by scandal. Dan Hsu will leave, regardless.
I'm going to make a second prediction, that every word of jollydwarf's predictions is wrong.

The Wii shortage will be permanently resolved in the Americas by late Q1/early Q2, with only marginal shortages at best during Christmas.

The Playstation 2 only shipped near or above 2 Million per month for a handful of months during its lifespan. With 1.8 M Wiis going out per month, even with it tracking so far ahead of the PS2, it cannot maintain a shortage under these conditions.

There will be no price drop by November. Price drops are dictated by market position. The 360 and PS2 both held at just under 2 years before their first price drop. With the Wii tracking well ahead of both, I expect to see them use that leverage and keep the price at $250 for 2 full years.

Even his aside about only zealots denying the shortage being manufactured is wrong, since

a) the shortage will be over

and more importantly:

b) only the zealots are convinced that the shortage ever was manufactured in the first place
The new 360 with a built in HD-DVD drive will launch in November at the $500, and the Elite will go down to $399.99. The 120gb HD will drop to 129.99, the premium/core models will be discontinued and the Elite will essentially become the new Premium.

A huge title will become a major disapointment

Nintendo will be overrun with complaints from overweight Americans breaking the WiiFit board

Army of Two will sell well despite being a steaming pile.

Microsoft will devise a handheld that can play XBox 1 games.
Prediction #3

PS3 will have a price drop and either a new SKU or a discontinuation of an existing one.

Regardless, 360 will outsell PS3 in the Americas each and every month of 2008, including the month after any price drops.
  • Led Zeppelin will have a comeback tour
  • The Strokes will split up, at least temporarily
  • Apple and the iPod will continue, and the move to digital music will become more concrete; i.e. more labels will switch over to digital fully, and begin an even stronger effort to stamp out illegal digital downloads
  • Indiana Jones 5, Jackass 3, Alvin and the Chipmunks 2, Spider-Man 4, I Am Legend 2, Wild Hogs 2, Halloween (remake) 2, Sin City 2 + 3, Superman Returns 2, and Happy Feet 2 will be announced by the end of the year (though none will be released in 2008)
  • The surprise big-budget bombs of 2008? Speed Racer, The Incredible Hulk, The Love Guru, Wall-E, Dragonball, Star Trek
  • Uwe Boll's Dungeon Siege movie will eke out a tiny profit with worldwide box-office and DVD factored in, and he will therefore be given his largest budget yet for his next project: $100 million, for the Mass Effect movie
  • David Letterman will suffer a major health problem and be out for a few months. In the meantime, guest hosts are taking his place, and one of them stands out and spins into his own talk show from the guest hosting gig
  • How I Met Your Mother, The Old Adventures of New Christine, 30 Rock, and one of the Law & Orders will be cancelled
  • Nickelodeon will air a controversial special on teen pregnancy (due to Jamie Lynn Spears) and be greatly commended for it
  • Nintendo will anounce their new portable system
  • The Xbox 360 HDDVD player will be discontinued
  • Grand Theft Auto 4 will turn out as disappointing as Halo 3 (that is to say, only a minor improvement over the previous installment)
  • The PS3 will move up in popularity, so much that it will be almost at the level of the 360
  • Guitar Hero will begin too much overexposure by it's inevitable 4th installment, and start going the way of the Tony Hawk series
  • Obama will win the election, although only by a very narrow margin; he will turn out to only be an average president, not bad, not great
  • Someone will almost successfully assasinate Bush; whether or not the public will be aware of it is not clear
  • The Iraq War will continue at least until mid 2009
  • William H. Macy will announce his plans to get into politics
[quote name='I AM WILLIAM H. MACY']
  • Uwe Boll's Dungeon Siege movie will eke out a tiny profit with worldwide box-office and DVD factored in, and he will therefore be given his largest budget yet for his next project: $100 million, for the Mass Effect movie[/quote]
You sunuvabitch .. dont even joke about something like that! :lol:
World of Starcraft will be announced, showing a brief :30 trailer narrated by William Shatner.

EA/BioWare and LucasArts will anounce Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 3 Online...Yes it will be a MMORPG. It will fail and the two Doctors and founders of BioWare will leave and form another studio.

Fallout 3 will be released in the Fall to mediocre sales because of it's 2 hour solo campaign, but will be very popular because of it's multiplayer component.

Duke Nukem Forever WILL be releaed this year to critical acclaim. Gaming publications will tagline every story "Worth the Wait?".
Some nice predictions here. I'd like to throw up some of my own but having trouble coming up with them.

I particularly like this bit from MACY:

"whether or not the public will be aware of it is not clear"

I might just add that to the end of every prediction I make. :D
Okay I have a couple of my own:

Pizza Hut will develop a barbecue chicken pizza; whether or not the public will be aware of it is not clear.

Using butter instead of margarine will be a big health craze. (Not sure if 'health craze' is the right term or not there...)

A cure for diabetes will be discovered; again the public may not be told.

The dollar will finish the year even with the euro. (I have no basis for this one, just a crazy stab in the dark.)

The Redskins will lose their first game of the playoffs despite having the lead in the 4th quarter. (I have a really good feeling about this one.)

Gibbs will not be the Redskins head coach next season.

The DOW will finish the year over 15,000.

Clinton Portis will wear #21 for the Skins next season, barring the skins retiring it.

Redbox will begin offering Blu Ray and/or HD-DVD at kiosks.

Redbox will begin offering video games at kiosks. :pray:
For the record I posted the Gibbs thing before the news broke today about him stepping down. Damn I'm good. :D (The playoff game one was a joke.)
-Britney Spears will die.
-Hillary Clinton will drop out.
-Obama will become president, sending the KKK types into a frenzy. There will be some sort of parade or boycott by them.
-MGS4 will be game of the year.
-Nintendo will announce the DS 2, or whatever their next portable will be named.
-There will be a scandal involving some 90's sitcom star.
-Tony Romo will be on the cover of Madden 09
-Patriots will win the Super Bowl
-MTV Kidz, a kid's channel by MTV, will be announced. Fully loaded with shows on how to become a pre-teen slut. (ok ok, so this is a joke)
-K-Mart will finally go away.
-eBay partners up with some major company.
-Microsoft considers releasing a Zune phone.
-An old school classic video game will be remade or get a sequel.
Arsenal will win the Premier League and Man Utd will win the European cup.

Ghostbusters on the 360 will get mediocre reviews, but I'll still buy it.

The new series of Dr Who will be rubbish, but the new series of Torchwood will be excellent.

MGS4 will be a massive dissapointment, GTA IV will be GOTY.
- GTA4 will disappoint and not really add anything to the genre
- the 360 will drop to $279 for the Premium
- the Wii will drop to $199
- the PS3 will close the gap between Nintendo and MS
- a redesigned DS will be released
- Blu-Ray will finally defeat HD-DVD
- Indiana Jones 4 will suck
- The Dark Knight will be better than Batman Begins
- Star Trek will be good but most of the people who actually see it will hate it
- Britney Spears will die
- The Yankees will win the WS
- CD sales will hit an alltime low, legal downloads will hit an alltime high and the RIAA will still sue and complain
- My wife gets pregnant
-I stop buying so many damn games.
-I start beating the games I own.
-MGS4 is the GOTY.
-GTA4 is severly disapointing.
-Red Sox win World Series
-Celtics become the best team in NBA history
-Patriots go 19-0
-Obama becomes President
-Gears of War 2 comes out
-Resident Evil 5 slips to next year
-Too Human disapoints.
-The Wii continues to sell despite only having several decent games.
-The DS becomes synomous with shovelware and crappy games.
-Gamestop is accused of fraud.
-DBZ Live Action Movie sucks.
-The Wii Fad Dies.
Another bold prediction:

CAG will become more flooded with obnoxious teen and pre-teen posters as we drift closer and closer to gamefaqs... save us Tony Danza!
bread's done