Try to predict events that will occur in 2008

[quote name='wubb']Okay I have a couple of my own:

Pizza Hut will develop a barbecue chicken pizza; whether or not the public will be aware of it is not clear.

Using butter instead of margarine will be a big health craze. (Not sure if 'health craze' is the right term or not there...)

A cure for diabetes will be discovered; again the public may not be told.

The dollar will finish the year even with the euro. (I have no basis for this one, just a crazy stab in the dark.)

The Redskins will lose their first game of the playoffs despite having the lead in the 4th quarter. (I have a really good feeling about this one.)

Gibbs will not be the Redskins head coach next season.

The DOW will finish the year over 15,000.

Clinton Portis will wear #21 for the Skins next season, barring the skins retiring it.

Redbox will begin offering Blu Ray and/or HD-DVD at kiosks.

Redbox will begin offering video games at kiosks. :pray:[/QUOTE]

LOL @ stockmarket prediction, to quote the late great Rodney Dangerfield "your wayyyy off"
I did pretty good:


XM and Sirius merger will finally be approved. RIGHT!

Vladimir Putin is linked to numerous murders but despite attempts, is not ousted from power.

I will reach 10,000 posts and Wubb will overtake me in gamer points.

Sorta right

The main presidential candidates will be Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani. Giuliani however will lose some steam when it's revealed he was part of financially immoral activities (embezzlement?). This revelation however wont do enough damage to keep the race from being close. (sorta right)

Tiger Woods is injured in a major car accident, jeapordizing his career at least temporarily. (Sorta right)
Here's how I did:

- GTA4 will disappoint [WRONG] and not really add anything to the genre

- the 360 will drop to $279 for the Premium [WRONG]
- the Wii will drop to $199 [WRONG]
- the PS3 will close the gap between Nintendo and MS [RIGHT]
- a redesigned DS will be released [RIGHT]
- Blu-Ray will finally defeat HD-DVD [RIGHT]
- Indiana Jones 4 will suck [RIGHT]
- The Dark Knight will be better than Batman Begins [RIGHT]
- Star Trek will be good but most of the people who actually see it will hate it [NOT DETERMINABLE]
- Britney Spears will die [WRONG BUT THERE'S STILL TIME]
- The Yankees will win the WS [WRONG]
- CD sales will hit an alltime low, legal downloads will hit an alltime high and the RIAA will still sue and complain [RIGHT?]
- My wife gets pregnant [WRONG BUT THERE'S STILL TIME]
Okay here's my overall list:

Pizza Hut will develop a barbecue chicken pizza; whether or not the public will be aware of it is not clear. [WRONG - as far as the public knows]

Using butter instead of margarine will be a big health craze. (Not sure if 'health craze' is the right term or not there...) WRONG

A cure for diabetes will be discovered; again the public may not be told.WRONG

The dollar will finish the year even with the euro. (I have no basis for this one, just a crazy stab in the dark.)WRONG

The Redskins will lose their first game of the playoffs despite having the lead in the 4th quarter. (I have a really good feeling about this one.) - This one was a goof and I don't feel like checking.

Gibbs will not be the Redskins head coach next season. RIGHT

The DOW will finish the year over 15,000. WRONG

Clinton Portis will wear #21 for the Skins next season, barring the skins retiring it. WRONG

Redbox will begin offering Blu Ray and/or HD-DVD at kiosks. RIGHT

Redbox will begin offering video games at kiosks. WRONG - I think
bread's done