Trying not to throw up as I read this Madden Press Release...

[quote name='greendj27']I never really understand comments like this. I can understand some of the arguement about not much of a difference from year to year, but Madden has consistently been a very good game. Most sports games are similar from year to year. Its not like NBA 2K5 is going to be radically different than last year. I really do think it just usually boils down to it being popular to bash EA lately.

I haven't played this years Madden at all, but I did hear that they did add a new passing system, so at least they tried to improve it somewhat.[/QUOTE]
Good and bad is in the eye of the beholder. If you look at Madden from a casual gamers standpoint, it is an acceptable product. However, its flaws start to show when you compare it to previous versions, other titles or the real NFL in general.
I have no great dislike for EA nor a great love for ESPN. I am a fan of the NFL and as such Id like a product that does a good job replicating what I see on Sundays. Madden is NOT the best product for this. Not even close. The way I see Madden is its a game where the more you know about football, the less you tend to enjoy it. It really is a hybrid of arcade and sim. I will not begrudge anybody for enjoying it but calling it "sim" is false.
[quote name='lowgear26']but at least you only had to blow $20 on the game and not $50[/QUOTE]

Why do you care about how he spends his money?

I'm quite happy with this year's edition of Madden (even though NCAA is better this year). And I know that I'll get at least 50 hours of fun out of my game, like many other sports game fans. Not everyone finds saving the world with hero #2 exciting from one of the hundreds of RPGs that there are out there.

Different strokes for different folks people. Stop trying to be cool by hating on EA.
[quote name='Scrubking']Hating on EA and not buying their games is smart not cool.[/QUOTE]
As long as you give equal treatment to all parties. ;)
[quote name='MaxBiaggi2']That's pretty much true for every annual update to just about every sports game out there. I especially love how the asking price tumbles so quickly each year, and yet so many consumers are happy to pay full price at launch. :D[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I agree there. Don't get me wrong, this is a GREAT game if you haven't bought Madden or another football game for a few years. It still would probably be a decent buy if the last one you got was 2003 or 2004, for the little extra in the franchise mode. This year's Madden looks and feels identical to last year though, so unless you are really into the online gameplay (I had nothing but terrible experiences with it in 2004, all people want to ever do is glitch and run unrealistic plays over and over again, I just want to play a game and not care about won/loss record) or are going to play a ton of multiplayer I would just stick with last year's version which you can get for like $10 now.
[quote name='lionheart4life']Yeah, I agree there. Don't get me wrong, this is a GREAT game if you haven't bought Madden or another football game for a few years. It still would probably be a decent buy if the last one you got was 2003 or 2004, for the little extra in the franchise mode. This year's Madden looks and feels identical to last year though, so unless you are really into the online gameplay (I had nothing but terrible experiences with it in 2004, all people want to ever do is glitch and run unrealistic plays over and over again, I just want to play a game and not care about won/loss record) or are going to play a ton of multiplayer I would just stick with last year's version which you can get for like $10 now.[/QUOTE]

i love online play.. just sometimes the jerks on live are "too competitive" like halo 2.. everyone is so worried about their "precious rankings".. its like who cares.. I love having games to see how good you are and compare to other people.. but some people just take it way to seriously. and there are probably 20 people in the entire world who are "professional gamers" who actually go out and win those contests consistantly. and you know.. I just do it for fun with my friends. I would like to get in on the NHL or NBA league this year.. I may pay for NBA 2K6.. just wish Tecmo would release sports titles again..
[quote name='supadupacheap']From the thread:

Now you are probably going to play your usual semantics BS, trying to turn a statement you used before to make you look knowledgeable on the subject ("Hey, I know more than fans of football for many years!) into one that now will belittle the football knowledge of those you know. ("What I mean NOW is they don't know that much (because it suits my current point better) :roll:
You said you were proud to be one of the 1.7 million people to support EA by buying their Madden game. So there's your "support" right there. Id be happy to upload a shitton of replays to my EA locker then cross reference the rules they break in the Official NFL Rulebook if you like. That will show that Madden is"the game that doesnt follow those rules."
But knowing you, you ll twist everything up as you always do. In one instance your words mean one thing, the next second they mean something totally different because TSD needs them to to not look like a fool.[/QUOTE]

Let me start off by saying that you suck at arguing. From that thread, when did i claim to know SO much about football and the rules in general? I claimed to know a lot more than most of the people that I know. Which is true. But I never did claim to know SO much about football and the rules in general. I used to know jack shit about football and all of my friends knew everything there was to know. Then one day I found a liking to football and I now know way more than most of them do. When did I once say one thing about rules?

Wow, because you misread something and now feel like an ass, you're going to act like you didn't misread it and instead say that I didn't mean what I meant...just to prove your current point better. You're an idiot. How are you going to tell me what I meant. If something can be interpreted in a few different ways, then how can you automatically assume that its the way you think it is? You can't, so shut up bitch.

Feel free to show me where I said anything about "support." That whole point of yours just goes to prove that you don't even know what you're talking about. You just twist around shit and replace words with whatever suits your argument better. I said...and I quote, "I am glad that i contributed to that 1.7 million. ;)." Contributed. Look it up, bitch. It means, "To give or supply in common with others." I was one of the 1.7 million people who bought the game, so I have that in common with those other people. You assume that I support what EA did, just because you're bitter that EA made a good BUSINESS DECISION. Get over it, life isn't over. I don't support what EA did, but I love football and I'm going to buy the best football game that's out without bitching about it. I love my favorite team and I want to play as my favorite team, so I bought Madden.

When did I ever say that Madden followed every NFL rule there ever was? In fact, when did I ever say that Madden followed ANY NFL rule ever? You must have me confused with someone else because you're arguing about something that isn't even being argued about. Hence me saying you suck at arguing.

Knowing me? You don't. I'd say you're a fucking nerd without any friends, but I don't assume, that's your job. If I were to assume, I'd chance being wrong. I win arguments because I'm never wrong. But if I had to guess (which is a different story), I'd have to guess that you're a supafuckinggeek with nothing better to do than take out on me the fact that you're balls have never been wet and you're stuck jacking off to anime.

As said earlier, though I'm stuck repeating myself because you don't know how to're reading me wrong. You can assume that any post on here means a number of different things, but any educated person can either figure out what they meant or at least not be stupid enough to see that it could've meant multiple things, yet you'll only accept one. You're an idiot, plain and simple. Throw in the towel and stick with licking your dog's vagina. You're not going to get anywhere on here arguing with someone when you don't even know what the fuck you're arguing about.
[quote name='mtxbass1']Only 1.7 million copies sold? I'm not impressed considering this game is on every single system (including moble phones).[/QUOTE]

i was thinking the same thing
"Consumers have voted with their dollars, and the vote is in - this is the best version of Madden NFL Football ever."

I always thought people voted the following year, after getting burned or being happy with the game.
[quote name='fugazi_chichimon']Why do you care about how he spends his money?

I'm quite happy with this year's edition of Madden (even though NCAA is better this year). And I know that I'll get at least 50 hours of fun out of my game, like many other sports game fans. Not everyone finds saving the world with hero #2 exciting from one of the hundreds of RPGs that there are out there.

Different strokes for different folks people. Stop trying to be cool by hating on EA.[/QUOTE]

What justification is there for a $50 price tag for a game that is improved by maybe 5%.....If EA charged $30 for Madden just like MVP then I wouldve bought it im sure. I hate EA for overcharging a game dude so calm yourself down......go play your overpriced update and have a good night.
[quote name='The Successful Dropout']Throw in the towel and stick with licking your dog's vagina. You're not going to get anywhere on here arguing with someone when you don't even know what the fuck you're arguing about.[/color]
Ah yes, the lick your dogs vagina arguement. Used to great effect in the Wallace debates.

Do you even get how much of a dumbass you look like when you finish up arguements with that sort of crap? Any good thought you had is completely thrown out the window by resorting to that sort of garbage.

I don't even need to make you look bad because you do a fine job of it yourself.

Lick your dog's vagina. I mean, really, where on earth did you come up with this crap? :roll:

Anyway, your words are there for people to read and make their own decisions about. I'm sure people will see your statements for what they are, the BS of one of the great BS artists of CAG.
For the $50 bucks some have spent on Madden, I've already reserved/paid for my copies of Shadow of the Colossus and We Love Katamari. Sure, neither of those games involves the sport of football but honestly...
[quote name='evanft']Here's a solution if you don't like the $50 price: Don't buy it.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. Your money is more important then a rant on a message board, which has little to no effect on changing the ways things currently are.

Sorry about that, I got offtrack, but I feel that is important advice.
It's a crying shame I'll never, ever play an NFL game again. I mean..... ever. I don't see EA losing the franchise in 5 years. Not with these kinds of numbers. Who can come across and compete with them? Who can buy them out and make an incredible worth while franchise?

No one.

The only companies with deep enough pockets are the console makers themselves. There's no way the NFL would sell just to Sony or just to MS even if they backed up a dump truck full of money.

I hate EA. I hate everything about them. It's a shame though I have to say I bought 3 EA titles this year; Stranger's Wrath, Burnout 3 and Everything or Nothing ($4.98 Target clearence! fuck you EA! BWHAHAHAHAHAHA!).

A friend of mine who's a sports nut asked me if I was going to get that "kickass looking Madden game for the 360" I told him I would when I masturbate with sandpaper and rinse myself off with turpentine.

He didn't get it.........
[quote name='supadupacheap']Ah yes, the lick your dogs vagina arguement. Used to great effect in the Wallace debates.

Do you even get how much of a dumbass you look like when you finish up arguements with that sort of crap? Any good thought you had is completely thrown out the window by resorting to that sort of garbage.

I don't even need to make you look bad because you do a fine job of it yourself.

Lick your dog's vagina. I mean, really, where on earth did you come up with this crap? :roll:

Anyway, your words are there for people to read and make their own decisions about. I'm sure people will see your statements for what they are, the BS of one of the great BS artists of CAG.[/QUOTE]

yes, that's all i wanted to hear...the sounds of you having nothing else to say...the sounds of defeat...the sounds of me finisihing the arguement...the sounds of you crying because i made you look like a little bitch and added humor to it...
[quote name='evanft']Here's a solution if you don't like the $50 price: Don't buy it.[/QUOTE]

I think that's just what 400k+ people did... (shameless plug):

A story on Gamespot about Madden 06 stated “this year’s edition of the gridiron game is proving to be the most successful in the franchise’s sixteen years” with a first week sales tally at 1.7 million copies.

Todd Sitrin, EA’s vice president of marketing, wasn’t bashful about doing a little celebratory dancing in the end zone. “Every year we launch our product, and the types of sales numbers [Madden NFL 06 has achieved] is an indication of the level of consumer demand and the great positive reaction to this year’s game.”
But I’d like to put the spin into perspective. In it’s first week last year, Madden 2005 sold nearly 1.35 million copies. This year’s numbers are indeed an improvement at about 400,000 additional copies.

However, the exclusivity agreement with the NFL makes Madden the only player this season. In comparison, last year’s NFL 2K5 sold over 790,000 in it’s first week of release. That makes the total user base of last year’s main football titles at over 2,140,000 copies.

That’s a reduction of over 440,000 in the total number of virtual gridiron warriors this year. In percentage terms, a reduction of over 20% for the total user base for football titles. And that doesn’t take into consideration the nubmer of GameDay or Blitz titles sold.

It’s assumed that EA wouldn’t capture 100% of the competitors’ audience. However, it’s surprising so many gamers opted out of this season altogether. So much for a “dynasty”…

[quote name='jrutz']I think that's just what 400k+ people did... (shameless plug):


Thats number seems a little flawed though. There are most likely some people who bought both. There' no real way of knowing how many though. Obviously total sales must be down some, but I'd be curious to know what the unduplicated buyer total would be.
16 years and 45 million copies. Is it me or does that just not seem like bad ratio. You think being the "best" and "most popular" football game that the sales for it would be much higher. I mean 45 million is nothing to scoff at however. Everyone I have every know has owned at least one copy of some madden game.
[quote name='Graystone']16 years and 45 million copies. Is it me or does that just not seem like bad ratio. You think being the "best" and "most popular" football game that the sales for it would be much higher. I mean 45 million is nothing to scoff at however. Everyone I have every know has owned at least one copy of some madden game.[/QUOTE]
That's not a fair comparison - the most I've ever payed for a Madden game is $2, and I'm willing to bet that I'm not the only one who owns the game specifically because it was cheap. :D

Unfortunately, I think PAD is correct here. EA won't lose the license unless the NFL decides that it's in their absolute best interests to have some competition out there. Considering the sheer amount of money that Madden pulls in, I don't see that happening.

I miss the $20 price point for the 2K series already...
[quote name='Gothic_Walrus']
I miss the $20 price point for the 2K series already...[/QUOTE]

It wasn't going to stick around for 2k6... they were going to put the price back up to MSRP.

The $20 dollar price on 2k5 was just to let gamers have a taste of what the series has to offer, in order to sway some fans who never would have touched the series any other way. Then next year, it would go back to $50, and people would buy it over Madden.

Kind of like a drug dealer, letting you have that first hit for cheap.
[quote name='chickenhawk']You all are acting like you expected EA not to publish this news release. Had the 2K series had exclusivity and published this I wonder how many people would be saying the same things. I bet you all would be hailing Sega as the great EA killer.[/QUOTE]


And considering most say they don't play Madden or haven't for a long time, how can they even offer an opinion about this year's game? I have played Madden 06 and the passing cone is a great feature. If you haven't played the game then your opinion of 2006 is completely worthless.

BTW the only game I bought last year was NFL 2K5 (which I liked) so don't even go there. I prefer competition but please don't hail 2K5 as a bastion of creativity because it wasn't. With the exception of FINALLY adding decent player momentum last year, and right-analog controls in the past, it was the same game that started on the Dreamcast.

As I have said in the past, sports gamers have had it good for years. How many other licensees allow totally different versions games to be made? There was one version of Goldeneye for consoles when it came out. Not one by Nintendo, one by EA, and one by Sega.

And this isn't not a monopoly people. The NFL could sell the rights to whomever they wanted. It is an exclusive licensing agreement. You know, like 2K Sports has with MLB? Sure, argue that first parties (Sony, MS) can still make one if you want. MS is out of the sports game and 989 sports has been shit for years. They have the same position with baseball that EA has with football yet no one complains about that.
[quote name='The Successful Dropout']
go ahead...pass the box around :lol:[/QUOTE]


Why were they passing this around at the Madden launch?
[quote name='howlinmad']

Why were they passing this around at the Madden launch?[/QUOTE]

dude thats priceless......PWNED!!
bread's done