Two Worlds on pc for $0.01 PENNY thats rite at bestbuy


just to let you all know on the 18th the employees of bestbuy were told that that two worlds on the pc had incorrect customer service numbers...for some reason it told them that it will be marked down to a penny and be junkedout just like the strategy guides....same thing if you can find them congrates we had about 5 copies some lady but 4 and i got the last one. they will be sent new ones but the sku for the PENNY one is 8478471 good luck finding!

oh yea it is the full game no catch its regular price is 50
[quote name='Holt']The game is actually really good if you enjoy Diablo/Gothic-esque RPGs and can get over its lack of polish. I thought it was terrible too, initially, but now I'm running around killing shit and exploring the world and just having a good-ass time.[/QUOTE]

I really do like this game, as well.

It does have a lack of polish, with some rough edges around it -- namely performance-wise and the fact that the sound department isn't that good. Sounds range from basically poor to very good; a pure mixed bag, there.

About performance, on my PC -- which is a P4 3.2 Ghz w/ HT Tech, 128 MB GeForce 6600 GT (w/ newest WHQL drivers installed), 2 GB RAM -- the game runs okay. I can keep it around 25 frames or more constantly, w/ most settings of the graphical bells at the HALF WAY Mark on the sliders. Shadows are on and so are Water Reflections, BTW.

Though, it seems more polished than say Gothic 3. I ain't really hit any show-stopping bugs or anything of that sort in Two Worlds, yet. Plus, load times in Two Worlds don't take long -- yeah, unlike Gothic 3.

I would say Two Worlds is a mix b/t Diablo and Titan Quest (action-wise, it's action packed); Oblivion (open-ended world style); and Fable.

For a penny, you can't go wrong....heh!

And if you can't run this game, it's ONLY a penny -- you could always save the game and run it on a future PC, which likely will far exceed the system's requirements/recommendations! :)

IMHO, I think GameSpot's PC version REVIEW seems to be accurate, to me.

Anyways, I'm say some 3 hours-plus into this; so I'mma go play this one some more...
[quote name='nikkai']Not as polished as Gothic 3 is like saying it doesn't smell as bad as asparagus filled dog sh~t[/QUOTE]

I said that Two Worlds is more polished than Gothic 3.
Kind of ironic how so many people were looking forward to this game. Saying it will revolutionize role playing games and the like, and it turns out to be just an average game.
at the BB I went to today, there were none on the shelves, and when the guy looked it up in the computer it said Pulled Due To Sku Problem.
Didn't expect to get in on this but found 1 yesterday and 3 at another BB today. Bought all the copies I found (4) which, by the way, are all spoken for.
bread's done