Tyra Banks vs World of Warcraft

This is actually kind of sad.

The dude left his wife while she was in labor to sneak in some WoW time?

Wow... just wow.

Then the dude makes up some douchebag excuse? This guy dosen't deserve ANYONE.

Um... they shred the video game, but you don't need the CD's anymore once WoW is installed.
[quote name='furyk']It's pretty much the stupidest video confrontation ever :D[/QUOTE]

While I agree that the confrontation was stupid, as someone who did play WoW obsessively for awhile, there really isn't any way to talk to people who are hardcore hooked on the game, they just tune everything that is real life out.

He was probably so eager to shred the game because he's thinking "Stupid idiots, it's still installed on my computer at home, I don't need the cd's to play!"

Triple J, it was probably a stupid excuse because he probably realized how stupid it was that he got hooked on the game in the first place. My guess is that he got pretty depressed about how his life was, he didn't want the responsibility that was dropped on him, so he found a way to disconnect where he didn't have to worry about ANYTHING. It is addiction forming, and if anyone thinks he will stop just because he went on some show, no, he probably won't.

I was hoping they'd smash his computer.
[quote name='tiredfornow']WoW is my escape :D![/QUOTE]

I hope you're not as bad as that guy =O

I can't imagine leaving your wife at the hospital in labor to sneak in a few hours... I was never that bad.
That was a dumb show..they didnt even do research on WoW. I laughed when they where shredding the CDs, anyone who has knowledge of WoW would have been shouting "Oh these people are idiots".

Congratulations Tyra Banks for making yourself look stupid to millions of gamers out there.
[quote name='FlipSide']That was a dumb show..they didnt even do research on WoW. I laughed when they where shredding the CDs, anyone who has knowledge of WoW would have been shouting "Oh these people are idiots".

Congratulations Tyra Banks for making yourself look stupid to millions of gamers out there.[/QUOTE]

Ooo, you nailed her. You're so awesome.
[quote name='ChaoticClimax']In all fairness to the guy, his wife did look like she gained some weight.[/quote]
Well, the issue wasn't so much her weight as it was paying attention to the baby.

I'd like to see Tyra's boyfriend bring a 360 home and say "Baby, look what I just bought". You could sell tickets to watch that reaction.:rofl:
lol, that guy smiled and was thinking "heh, i don't need these stupid discs"

at first i thought they were gonna delete his account on his comp (i thought it was a monitor)

i also laughed when tyra gave the little white woman high five and sean tried to give the black handshake haha
Well they've both put on a decent amount of weight judging from the photos and babies are a fucking pain in the ass, so without WoW he would have found some other way to escape reality.
Tyra Banks is a complete idiot and anything she does is idiotic... I didn't even have to watch that video to know that.:p

I read about this and couldn't believe at how pathetic some people are. I'm not going to say WoW players because that's obviously not true for all of them, but some of these people... wow (no pun intended).
There's no way I'm going to watch that whole thing, but just from the intro, that's terrible if the guy is ignoring his child for WoW. I mean if it was just his wife doesn't want him to play it AT ALL or something (then they shouldn't have gotten married), but I'm assuming this is a legit thing like the guy isn't doing what he needs to be doing.
said thing is, people are missing the point. WOW isn't the problem, this is life, some people are easily addicted to something. If the guy didn't have WOW then he might have been addicted to drugs, nintendo, tv, beer, poker, gambling, who knows what if the Wife was such a nag the needed any sort of escape. This is the same kind of bs, like the columbine kids, they had mental problems and they actions had nothing to do with Maryiln Manson. Americans in general have to much time on their hands to worry about every body else, like the Aqua Teen controversy...do you care...I don't care, when i watch "Attack of the Show" I want news on video games etc, not one hour on "aquagate".
[quote name='mercilessming']said thing is, people are missing the point. WOW isn't the problem, this is life, some people are easily addicted to something. If the guy didn't have WOW then he might have been addicted to drugs, nintendo, tv, beer, poker, gambling, who knows what if the Wife was such a nag the needed any sort of escape. This is the same kind of bs, like the columbine kids, they had mental problems and they actions had nothing to do with Maryiln Manson. Americans in general have to much time on their hands to worry about every body else, like the Aqua Teen controversy...do you care...I don't care, when i watch "Attack of the Show" I want news on video games etc, not one hour on "aquagate".[/QUOTE]

I'm sure you're getting at something here, which suggests that a person like this would exhibit an addictive attachment to something even if WoW were never made. I think you have a point, however, while it seems you're trying to absolve WoW of its harm or responsibility for being that mechanism this person chooses to satisfy their addictive impulses. I don't agree with that, and while I don't think that I care for any afternoon talk show intervention nonsense, people who play MMOs tend to display psychological addicitive tendencies (the constant interference of gameplay with worklife/familylife, the high prioritization of gameplay, scheduling of "routine activities" around the gameplay, and the tolerance for weakness - that is, knowing one is addicted to the game and subsequently accepting it and tolerating that addiction as a natural and inevitable part of their life).

Now, on the one hand, nobody's going to be a danger behind the wheel of their automobile if they've played too much Warcraft. Sure. On the other, it's still a means of satisfying addictive tendencies, and when combined with a loss of prosocial and productive activities within the family and work environments, it's a problem. I'm not going to be the kind of person who believes that working in a garden or reading a book are inherently better or worse for you. However, I do believe that work and family obligations come above and beyond any leisure activity, and when the leisure activity is prioritized above the others, and angst and withdrawal felt when one cannot immediately satisfy those needs, you're talking about a major problem.

All that said, let's put aside the "Tyra's a dumb bitch" talk - it does nothing to further the conversation, and reinforces the antisocial and intellectually shallow stereotype of gamers. What good does it serve?
I do there there's something about a person's "wiring" that can get addicted to a non-addictive thing. I mean I hate "addiction" being used for real physiological addictions (drugs) and something that's just pleasurable to do.

I have no idea what percentage of people could get so-called "addicted" to WoW, but presumably most people can't. I play games constantly, but that's because they're pretty much the most fun thing there is (baring sex :D ), and I more or less don't let them or other entertainment interfere with other stuff. (Maybe in the sense that I should figure out some amazing career for myself and don't, but that's debatable.)
[quote name='mykevermin']All that said, let's put aside the "Tyra's a dumb bitch" talk - it does nothing to further the conversation, and reinforces the antisocial and intellectually shallow stereotype of gamers. What good does it serve?[/QUOTE]

Well considering she did the same thing with people who go to strip clubs the good it serves is pointing out what a hypocritical cunt she is. She was a supermodel who made her name by selling herself as an object. I just find the whole act she puts together as bullshit especially when someone considers the type of person that uses a national tv show to confront a loved one over a problem. I personally hate WoW, but it seems like that the segment points out only what he does wrong. It takes two people to fuck up a relationship.
[quote name='furyk']Well considering she did the same thing with people who go to strip clubs the good it serves is pointing out what a hypocritical cunt she is. She was a supermodel who made her name by selling herself as an object. I just find the whole act she puts together as bullshit especially when someone considers the type of person that uses a national tv show to confront a loved one over a problem. I personally hate WoW, but it seems like that the segment points out only what he does wrong. It takes two people to fuck up a relationship.[/QUOTE]How is it hypocritical? Are you equating modelling with stripping? If you don't like the confronting people on TV thing, it's the same with ALL talk shows. I don't see how it's specific to Tyra Banks.

And what did this woman do to ruin the relationship? She had a kid and gained weight. The worst thing she does is probably give the child more attention.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']How is it hypocritical? Are you equating modelling with stripping? If you don't like the confronting people on TV thing, it's the same with ALL talk shows. I don't see how it's specific to Tyra Banks.

And what did this woman do to ruin the relationship? She had a kid and gained weight. The worst thing she does is probably give the child more attention.[/QUOTE]

I can't believe that guy above you just used that sick word... wow.

And yeah, she gained a tiny amount of weight, and that justifies ignoring his family? Riiiiight
[quote name='Wolfpup']I can't believe that guy above you just used that sick word... wow.

And yeah, she gained a tiny amount of weight, and that justifies ignoring his family? Riiiiight[/QUOTE]

[quote name='ChaoticClimax']In all fairness to the guy, his wife did look like she gained some weight.[/quote]

said the cheetoh stained obese guy whose idea of working out is getting up off the couch to put a new game in his 360.

Seriously though, if some of you actually believe that a woman gaining weight after childbirth is anything but normal, and would actually consider that a reason to treat her like shit should either kill themselves or invest in a cat, because that is all the pussy you're going to be seeing for a LONNNG time.

That being said, I'm of the mind that

A. calling Tyra Banks a cunt is not only not needed (as like mykevermin points out, it does nothing to further the conversation), it show how stupidly childish you are to actually believe a real man uses disgusting words like that in intelligent conversation; IOW grow the fuck up and think before you type next time, "for it is far better to remain quiet and be thought of as stupid, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt" -A Lincoln

B. pretending like the makers of WoW are blameless in this situation is kind of like (on a smaller scale, of course), telling a crack cocaine producer its not his fault people get hopelessly hooked on his dope; in both cases you can use them in small quantities, but their intention is to cater to the weak willed in an attempt to hook their user on their product.

And while this is of course an extreme comparison, you cannot tell me that creating a game so engrossing in which the entire point is to let yourself get sucked into its alternate reality is aimed at people who by and large don't get engrossed in said games; no the whole point of games like WoW and EQ is to hook gamers into a world where they can only advance by throwing away countless hours in its alternate reality. They leave it up to the user to exert their individual will and set limits as to how much and how often to partake, (similar to say an alcoholic or drug user), not the other way around, and, like the drug producer, count on those weak willed individuals to drive their sales, and weigh their success based on how many full time "users" they have aquired.
[quote name='Pancake Rabbit']That guys wife sure did get fat after they got married. I think he deserves to play WoW.[/quote]

Man, I'm sure glad more married men think like you.

It keeps me up to my elbows in married pussy.

And the best part is, I can fuck the wife in HIS OWN BED, because he's too fucking busy farming for gold to notice that I've got his wife on all fours giving her the "dragonsword of tomorrow" (insert retarded weapon name here)!

So yeah, I hope all you married guys think like the OP; I wouldn't want your wives to get lonely....

bread's done