U. of Chicago to implement co-ed dorm rooms

At first I am like YEEEAAAHHH!! But after giving it about a half second of thought it is a bad idea. Sexual harassment (sp?) and rapes will see an increase as drunk college morons think alcohol make them super attractive to women.
[quote name='Malik112099']At first I am like YEEEAAAHHH!! But after giving it about a half second of thought it is a bad idea. Sexual harassment (sp?) and rapes will see an increase as drunk college morons think alcohol make them super attractive to women.[/quote]

That pretty much sums up my thoughts.
At my school we had coed floors with alternating rooms...worked fine. It would be nice for couples, but most people will break up before the year is over if they share a space. Then one of them has to find a new place or will expect the school to accommodate their needs. Personally I think it is a bad idea from a liability standpoint.
[quote name='lilboo']Maybe the fine print reads "Gay Male Students with Female" "Lesbians with Jocks"


Three's Company 2009.
Must be a slow news day. My school's done this for a while and I haven't heard of any more issues with co-ed dorms than with single gendered ones.
I love it when people have strong opinions and don't read the fucking article.

The University of Chicago program is called open housing and it won't include freshmen. Students do not need parental permission to participate. The school says students will not be assigned mixed-gender housing. Instead it's on a request basis.

I don't see a problem with this at all; break-ups will be mega nasty, but (1) ain't like they haven't been up until now already, and (2) ain't my business anyway, as long as they're not yelling and fighting and keeping me from doing my thing.
It's fine if its voluntary, but assigning people co-ed rooms would be a nightmare. This actually is a good idea in a way, if you're a guy you wouldn't have to worry about a friend's nagging gf coming over all the time, he can go live with her and she can be his problem. But what will the school do when the inevitable breakups happen?
[quote name='lionheart4life']It's fine if its voluntary, but assigning people co-ed rooms would be a nightmare. This actually is a good idea in a way, if you're a guy you wouldn't have to worry about a friend's nagging gf coming over all the time, he can go live with her and she can be his problem. But what will the school do when the inevitable breakups happen?[/quote]

There will be a lot more 4.0s for students whose roommates commit suicide.
I don't see this being a problem at all as it's request basis only. I read this was implemented for students that would be uncomfortable rooming with a member of their own sex for whatever reasons or would rather room with a good friend of the opposite sex.
[quote name='lionheart4life']It's fine if its voluntary, but assigning people co-ed rooms would be a nightmare. This actually is a good idea in a way, if you're a guy you wouldn't have to worry about a friend's nagging gf coming over all the time, he can go live with her and she can be his problem. But what will the school do when the inevitable breakups happen?[/QUOTE]

Here you sign a contract that essentially says that if a breakup or whatever occurs, you'll have to follow the same procedures as anyone else, which means you could be waiting weeks or months for an open spot to open up (with the exception of domestic abuse and whatnot). In other words, "it's not our problem."
I can't think of anything stupider than living with a chick in college. I don't care how hot she is you will come to regret it.
[quote name='javeryh']I can't think of anything stupider than living with a chick in college. I don't care how hot she is you will come to regret it.[/quote]

I can agree with that.
No big deal. It's by request only. This is no different than a student moving off campus to live with his gf or female friends.
this doesnt include freshmen, and its voluntary, so most likely you will know the person. All these people saying it will end bad, or rape, must have never had a female roommate.
I think the story has been a bit sensationalized. As others mentioned, no freshmen, and it is per request. Unless some crazy/lonely guy requests a co-ed dorm room and winds up with a crazy/lonely girl who also requested a co-ed dorm room, I think the problems for the University of Chicago will be minimal. Well, other than when relationship shit hits the fan.
Hmmm, I'm of mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I've had female roommies in college w/ no gender-based conflicts. In fact, having female roomies was awesome because I'd always have a steady stream of hot chicks they'd introduce me to who I'd eventually end up hooking up with (wingwomen are the ultimate hetero-guy accessory). OTOH, I've had female roomies in my 20s who I end up being romantically involved w/ and it's never pretty when things get heated. I think only as long as neither party agrees not to get directly involved (read: hook up or get into a romantic relationship) w/ each other , gender-based conflicts should probably be kept at a minimum.

EDIT: there should be a 3rd option for the poll:

Maybe - as long as certain conditions are met
Schools probably make lots of money so they can employ people who don't do much actual work. This will attract more customers AKA students.
Personally I think this is a bad idea and would never opt into it. I have roomed with females before and was never able to keep out of the cookie jar which always led to pointless drama and problems I would have normally avoided.

That said, this is a choice made by students who have already adjusted to dorm life. If they want to voluntarily put themselves into this kind of housing then they can go right ahead. It will likely end up being a sausage fest anyways.
[quote name='TC']Schools probably make lots of money so they can employ people who don't do much actual work. This will attract more customers AKA students.[/QUOTE]

I encourage you to stop by my office so I can walk you through my work day. Dress warmly.
Not a big deal. UChicago isn't known as a party school anyway. At certain party schools this would be a ridiculous concept. I can see it working.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']Not a big deal. UChicago isn't known as a party school anyway. At certain party schools this would be a ridiculous concept. I can see it working.[/quote]

Contrary to popular belief, alcohol isn't always a prerequisite for gettin' yo freak on. Although, it often helps.

Academic stress + co-ed roomies = recipe for sexin'.
wtf is the deal with people thinking Rape will instantly occur because a dude and a chick live together?

I think this is an okay thing. Would it be weird if you were a freshman and getting thrown into some random's room who is the opposite sex? Yes. Hell it's awkward getting a random roommate of the same sex. As was said earlier, it seems obvious that most people will know each other before hand.
I am more worried about some lonely nerdy bastard (you know the 24/7 wow player with no life or friends), getting in major trouble for cranking one out because he saw boobs (for the first time) off his roommate, lol.
where's the problem?

rape? YOU HAVE THE REQUEST IT! I'm sure nobody is going to rape someone they requested (and the requestee accepted)

This is just a quick way to prevent us students from moving off campuses and staying in the expensive dorms. Couples will now go "hrm, we can just stay on campus and live together!"
bread's done