Ultra Lame Best Buy Ad (Next-Gen Q&A) on GameSpot.com

[quote name='sarausagi']I don't really understand what's so funny about the ad. Honestly, it seems targeted towards little children, younger teens, and maybe parents/relatives....Still, I don't understand the problem with the ad..they do it for TV's and computers and pretty much anything, one of Best Buy's ideas is to simplify technology for the customer...[/quote]

I'm with Sarausagi on this. I don't get it either but then again I fall into the parents/relatives category. Lighten up Cheapy! Not everyone is as savvy as you. :roll:
[quote name='CheapyMom']I'm with Sarausagi on this. I don't get it either but then again I fall into the parents/relatives category. Lighten up Cheapy! Not everyone is as savvy as you. :roll:[/QUOTE]

I think it's just tough hard core cueball cheapy making fun of the nice peaceful looking Best Buy employees...

I still don't get it..I don't think it should make front page..it's just answering some basic questions and sums it up pretty well. I think it made a lot more sense than the IGN/Gamestop E3 articles that had the same information, only cryptic and long winded

I think they would have loved the ad if it had told consumers to not buy PS3, only Wii and 360.
[quote name='sarausagi']I think it's just tough hard core cueball cheapy making fun of the nice peaceful looking Best Buy employees...

I still don't get it..I don't think it should make front page..it's just answering some basic questions and sums it up pretty well. I think it made a lot more sense than the IGN/Gamestop E3 articles that had the same information, only cryptic and long winded

I think they would have loved the ad if it had told consumers to not buy PS3, only Wii and 360.[/QUOTE]

BB's ad was dumb because it had the typical "we're talking down to you, asshat" effect that Best Buy excels at. And if you're at Gamespot, those multi-cultural (because diversity apparently provides better explanations) bastards aren't going to tell you anything you don't already know... it's utterly useless.
This filth is made for the... casual (the ULTRA casual, CLUELESS subtype) gamer. And just think kids, the market that this garbage interests is the same one that Nintendo has a hard on for with the Wii!

[quote name='Aleryn']This filth is made for the... casual (the ULTRA casual, CLUELESS subtype) gamer. And just think kids, the market that this garbage interests is the same one that Nintendo has a hard on for with the Wii!


Wow, spot on opinion..

I wonder when they'll realize that it's pretty obvious Nintendo doesn't want the hardcore gamer...they wants families that buy anything with Mario on it, vacuous teenage girls that play nothing but Nintendogs and Animal Crossing, and frat boys that get drunk/high and couldn't care less what they're playing. But I guess as long as their is a new Zelda every 2.5 years, the fanboys don't care.
Some more shit that BB is pushing. Too bad that for everyone of us who know that BB is full of it, there are 100 moms who are goint to eat this up. I wonder who'll be the first one to email a question like " which system will be the first one to give a hand job?"
Good...God! Like Gamespot visitors ****ing need to be 'educated' by their s***ty-ass, misleading rhetoric and sales pitch. Put that s*** on some 'Hits 96 FM' website or ESPN.com. ****in' A!

I lost a lot of respect for you right there, GS. I know it pays the utility bills and rent, but you had to know the amount of s*** you were going to get for having Best Buy try to educate unhealthily obsessed, 'passionate' gamers.

I guarantee that the clueless 'Blue Shirts' across America will be parroting that nonsense verbatim this fall.

I think getting to be a model in any non-Walmart ad is almost impossible for a white person.

And while I don't know if when Cheapy said "multicultural", he meant multiple ethnicities represented by multiple ad models, or people of ambiguous race(s) making up advertising, I've noticed the latter a lot in the last year or two. This 'catch 'em all', uber-PC pandering bull**** has affected everything from the highest corporate level to billboards for local hospitals and community colleges. I have seen vaguely attractive girls on such billboards with faces big enough to drive an SUV through, and they're like those black and white optical illusions: depending on what color you focus on, the picture becomes something entirely different. I could stare at one all day and not rule out any race from Asian to Caucasian.
[quote name='CheapyMom']I'm with Sarausagi on this. I don't get it either but then again I fall into the parents/relatives category. Lighten up Cheapy! Not everyone is as savvy as you. :roll:[/quote]
Ummm...the ad is is posted on GameSpot, a video game website. I can understand if the ad appeared on MarthaStewart.com.
You can be sure anyone who is reading GameSpot already knows that crap.
And don't roll your eyes at me! You're in my house, now! ;)
[quote name='Pope On A Rope']I'm still trying to guess their ethnicities...[/quote]

Maybe they purposely hire people of mixed ethnicity so that you can't put your finger on it.
[quote name='Zing']I think getting to be a model in any non-Walmart ad is almost impossible for a white person.[/QUOTE]

Both guys look kind of mixed to me, but who's to really say these days? Everyone's blood lines are so diluted, you might as well call them mutts.
The PS3 will be able to play PS2 games. The PS3 will also be able to play DVDs and Blue-ray DVDs...which will be a very nice treat. The Nintendo Wii system will play the Gamecube games...but even more than that you will be able to download Nintendo and N64 games from Nintendo’s vault which will give the greatest game collection on earth!!!
WTF, it's like it's written by an excited 11 year old. This is a huge multi-billion dollar corporation and that's the best they could do? "a very nice treat"?
Well, you have to take into account that with each passing day, or culture gets more stupid and more illiterate. Not only do they have to 'talk down' to those who dropped out of high school, they've decided to make everything as accessible as possible to people that don't even really speak English and would prefer not to.

Notice how movie titles keep getting simpler and how corporate slogans keep dropping syllables wherever possible. I just noticed the other day how Pizza Hut's current 'catch phrase' slogan (voiced by Queen Latifah, #1 on the 'Black Celebrities That Don't Intimidate White Soccer Moms' list for a record setting 248 consecutive weeks!) was 'streamlined' from "Gather 'round the good stuff!" to "Go for the good stuff!" The really sad part of that is that some ad agency a**holes probably 'justified' two weeks of their perfectly decent salary by determining that switch would up PH's sales by 1.25%. I mean, "gather" has TWO syllables, whereas "Go" has just two LETTERS! Plus 'going' is far more assertive and aggressive than the wimpy act of 'gathering', and that's not very street! And that apostrophe before "'round", well that kind of stuff really confuses the illegal immigrants. Jesus, I'd better stop. I'm almost sounding like someone who endorses Fox News here.
I work in a Best Buy atm, have to get up in 4 hours for a meeting, so if you think that's lame..try watching our corperate tv show "Tag TV", or read "the Link" the magazine. Luckily I'm in geek squad (still a seperate corporate entity woo!), and I don't have to sell copies of nintendogs to housewives. I pity the blue shirts..I really do. :cry:
but even more than that you will be able to download Nintendo and N64 games from Nintendo’s vault which will give the greatest game collection on earth!!!

Greatest game collection on Earth...? I'm talking about Mars, bitches.

But yea, gotta agree with Macy, this article was trash, almost as trashy as my joke.
[quote name='KaneRobot']I wouldn't agree with that in every aspect. Prior to the 360 release, I constantly heard people trying to convince me that I should get THIS system and the PS3 wouldn't really be any better. They just push whatever system is about to come out. Now, in the case of two competing systems arriving at the same time (and make no mistake, despite Nintendo's rhetoric-for-pity about not competing with Sony, they are)....in that case, I agree that Sony gets pushed harder. They're going to make more money off the PS3 between people buying both games, DVDs, and Blu-Ray discs.


An even more recent anecdote:

I was in an EB the other day and some teens came in asking when the PS3 would be in. The manager tried to convince them to go the Wii60 route with their money instead :D. They just stared blankly. They wants their Playstations!
but even more than that you will be able to download Nintendo and N64 games from Nintendo’s vault which will give the greatest game collection on earth!!!

VALUT?!? Who are they Walt Disney? They can't possibly think that Nintendo's library is sitting in a Valut, locked away like the Ark of the Covenant!!! Can they?!
[quote name='CheapyD']Ummm...the ad is is posted on GameSpot, a video game website. I can understand if the ad appeared on MarthaStewart.com.
You can be sure anyone who is reading GameSpot already knows that crap.
And don't roll your eyes at me! You're in my house, now! ;)[/quote]

Thanks for the explanation. I get it now. And you're right- I promise to mind my manners when visiting.
Shit! Cheapy your parody was fucking funny, but I think you are going to be needing the services of a lawyer in the near future. Maybe javeryh would do it pro-bono?
[quote name='wageslave']Shit! Cheapy your parody was fucking funny, but I think you are going to be needing the services of a lawyer in the near future. Maybe javeryh would do it pro-bono?[/quote]fuck that, I married one!
You laugh at their responses now, but wait till some fanboys start saying the ps3 is going to pwn all teh systems with its specially designed sports controller.
[quote name='Skylander7']If I get shitfaced today.. I may have to tape the paradoy on a few walls/shelves at my local Best Buy.....[/QUOTE]

very good idea!
Good stuff Cheapy!

It's amazing how stupid they think people are. :whistle2:k Well in some cases they are right, but GS is a gaming site for crying out loud. Must be put together by the same people who think games are still for kids.
[quote name='Jeoff']Lol great stuff. It's true no ethnic people work at Best Buy. All managers are white males and underlings are white/asian males/females.[/QUOTE]
:rofl: How come everybody keeps saying that? Obviously you guys haven't been to the Best Buy in Oakland. Theres this real friendly Black dude in the video game section that always tries to force me to take penny guides that I don't want!
[quote name='CouRageouS']:rofl: How come everybody keeps saying that? Obviously you guys haven't been to the Best Buy in Oakland. Theres this real friendly Black dude in the video game section that always tries to force me to take penny guides that I don't want![/QUOTE]

And you mind that?! I wish my best buy even acknowledged that PENNY GUIDES EXIST!!
I think this is an examples of comedy which writes itself, where a parody isn't needed, and where all you need to do is point at it, and let everyone on the same comedic wavelength laugh and comment on it.
First of all, I didn't know that the Wii was Bluetooth enabled. Since when does being wireless= Bluetooth enabled? As for Cheapy D's modification, that was pure comic gold. It was funny, and if it weren't for the profanity, it would look legit. Based on past experiences with Best Buy and Circuit City, I would say that their sales people are about as helpful as genital herpes and about as knowledgeable about the products they sell as a trog would be. They know absolutely nothing about anything. Even the people who work as Geek Squad.
[quote name='Brak']I think this is an examples of comedy which writes itself, where a parody isn't needed, and where all you need to do is point at it, and let everyone on the same comedic wavelength laugh and comment on it.[/quote]

Or you can make jokes laced with profanity and handjob references...either way.
Hmmm... Certainly lame, but not the lamest ad that GameSpot has put out. That title still belongs to that ultra crappy "History of Boxing Games" video, which was little more than a long-ass advertisment for Fight Night Round 3.
[quote name='Original Bestbuy Q&A Article/Ad']The Wii controller will work just as the past controllers by turning it sideways...so this controller will work with all past games. This controller is made to work with all future games by using motion sense and with sense of touch on the controller to really "get you in the game".[/quote]

Is this even true? They're making it sound like the controller is touch-sensitive like a touchscreen or a trackpad. I've been keeping up with the next generation console news pretty well, and I don't think I've heard this claim anywhere.

If this isn't claimed by nintendo anywhere, then it's flat-out lying.
there are no experts at best buy, at least not any best buy ive ever been in, went with my father to buy a new TV a few weeks ago, we went to a best buy, my dad told the guy he had a bunch of hunting VHS tapes from the 80s that have never been released on DVD and that guy, no lie, told my father that they sold a VCR that upconverted to 1080p, 1080p, i asked to confirm this insanity, we asked to see, and he showed us a Sony DVD/VHS, that had a DVD that upconverted to 1080i. he swore the VHS would upconvert to 1080p and it would look perfect on screen, we left
Finally kotaku posts it, but they credit "Florian Eckhardt"........lame.

You would think that with kotaku posting a story about every 5 seconds they could at least credit the little guy for trying to turn them on to the coolness that is CAG's hilarious and frequent special features! Oh well, I am stoked some blog finally picked it up.
[quote name='CheapyD']Or you can make jokes laced with profanity and handjob references...either way.[/quote]

fuck yeah, blue is the new black anyway.
yeah, it's a monthly thing now which is great. Thanks for those answers, BB. It's funny how blatant they are about Monster cables this time around and a little sad because people will actually listen to them.
[quote name='Rirse']Not one to bring back a old thread from the dead, but look what back on the front of Gamespot's frontpage?


I think it a new version too..so we need to edit it like the old version. :D[/QUOTE]

Hmm, I think this one is actually good. I commend them for reccomending the Psyclone cables over Monster. Typically stores like this hype Monster or what not. The Psyclone cables are better than official Sony and much cheaper than the Monsters. I have been looking for some myself but not many stores carry them any more.

Advising against burn in is very agreeable, plasma does have a risk of burn in, but to not mention dead pixels on LCD's and that projection TV's and direct view tubes can suffer burn in as well, is a little dumb. I would keep people on the safe side and remind them that if your TV features it, keep the refresh/shift mode on

As for the Wii, it's a good question and honest truth. Except for a few accesories, Nintendo consoles are always available in good supply. The DS is an exception of Japan, maybe the Gameboy Color many Christmas past, but as far as their current systems, I never fail to see at least 10 at any given time. And sadly it is true, Wii will not be a high definition system.

Optical cable being strictly 5.1 is also a HUGE misconception, lots of people think when you go optical you go surround. While it might help you with having a better pro logic mix, it won't be surround unless you are outputting surround. And you can only get surround via six channel analog, optical digital or coaxial digital. I think it's a good strategy to advise people lots of games will be in stereo, at most made with pro logic decoding in mind. As for what a DSS optical cable is, I don't know...digital sattelite system? digital sound system? dynamic stereo separation? I think they just made up a term in order to sound tech saavy.
I think everyone overlooked this:

"So far Nintendo has announced that the Wii will only be able to produce a picture that will display 480p...which is not HD. The finalized Nintendo is still under development and so I expect that Nintendo will make it HD capable to keep up with the other gaming consoles."
bread's done