Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - (use spoiler tags please)

I know this is weird, but is anybody else bothered by the new PS3 logo at the top of the cover art? I look on my shelf, and all my PS3 games have the red 'PS 3' at the top, but this game has a big black 'PS3', in the much dumber, non-Spiderman font. Maybe it's just me, but I like the old PS3 logo much better. The new one just looks too big and out of place.
[quote name='Access_Denied']I know this is weird, but is anybody else bothered by the new PS3 logo at the top of the cover art? I look on my shelf, and all my PS3 games have the red 'PS 3' at the top, but this game has a big black 'PS3', in the much dumber, non-Spiderman font. Maybe it's just me, but I like the old PS3 logo much better. The new one just looks too big and out of place.[/QUOTE]

I think you're alone. Yeah, it sucks that your shelf has two different logos now, but I think the new logo is so much cleaner and nicer looking.
[quote name='KingBroly']I recommend everyone taking a gander at Drake's Journal near the end of the game, or throughout it for that matter to check out all the little side notes they have in there. Most of which are pretty funny.[/QUOTE]Yeah, everyone should check it out as they play.
Some of the early notes are pretty funny.
[quote name='Trakan']I think you're alone. Yeah, it sucks that your shelf has two different logos now, but I think the new logo is so much cleaner and nicer looking.[/QUOTE]

No, he's not alone. I feel the same way and really wish Sony hadn't changed the logo on the spine. I know they're trying to rebrand the system but the spine already said PS3 and the black logo looks especially out of place when you have fifty other games with the old red logo next to it. :cry: But all is forgiven because this game is just so good in so many ways. I really hope that everyone who has a PS3 supports the devs and buys a new copy of the game so we can get more games like this. For me this is that best game this gen on any system, and really deserves great sales. So, if you appreciate games with great single player campaigns, get this game. :)
I like the new front and spine, but miss the red box too. :(
It's the odd one out among my nearly 60 games.

I think I'd actually prefer them the more nondescript Japanese style and have them all black block letters on plain white backgrounds.
[quote name='Access_Denied']I know this is weird, but is anybody else bothered by the new PS3 logo at the top of the cover art? I look on my shelf, and all my PS3 games have the red 'PS 3' at the top, but this game has a big black 'PS3', in the much dumber, non-Spiderman font. Maybe it's just me, but I like the old PS3 logo much better. The new one just looks too big and out of place.[/QUOTE]

I think the new logo looks better but that they should've stuck with the old one for consistency's sake. Though, for what it's worth, the new one looks much less out of place alongside PS2 game spines. It may be less irksome when there are more than two games on the market with the new design, as well.
[quote name='zewone']So... Chapter
: jump the shark. :whistle2:|[/QUOTE]

If that's the chapter where you encounter the beasts/they are revealed to be those blue guys, then I was waiting for people to complain about that. I personally have no problem that the games have a slight touch of sci-fi to them.

Anyways, I just finished up the game. What an excellent story. I couldn't put the damn thing down, I was just way to into it. Now I can move onto some multiplayer as well as take my time going through it again on the hardest difficulty while trying to get all of the treasures.
Apologies is this has already been covered, but where do I find my Amazon bonus treasure map?
I looked under "bonus digital content" in My Account, but it's not there.
[quote name='zewone']I thought it was fucking stupid. Again.

Different strokes, different folks.[/QUOTE]

Are you talking about the game? What didn't you like about it?
[quote name='zewone']I thought it was fucking stupid. Again.

Different strokes, different folks.[/QUOTE]
About that (CH17):
Further in the story the "creatures" are explained more - which will make you hate it further or feel better about their role in the story.

[quote name='Malik112099']I don't even see the point of playing through this on normal as hard difficulty feels (to me) like what normal should be.[/QUOTE]

Then you must be just really good - cause I died a bunch on normal. Are you saying you rarely died? I'm playing through on Hard now - and it is much easier the second time, but it is still tough. Especially,
the part on the train where the helicopter is chasing you and you have to kill like 5 guys - I died a bunch there
[quote name='Malik112099']I don't even see the point of playing through this on normal as hard difficulty feels (to me) like what normal should be.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I had heard that normal was pretty tough but most of my deaths ended up being from falling and
the final boss
. I just got to Chapter 5 on hard and it hasn't been too rough. There are some parts I imagine will be fairly tricky though.
I thought normal was relatively difficult at times. Like Killbomb, a lot of my deaths were from falling and whatnot though. I also got killed quite a bit because of the cover system being a bit wonky at times (aka taking cover on a side of a pillar that is in direct view of the enemy when instead I want to be behind it).

I didn't have a problem with the final boss though. I think I died a total of two times.
game still hasnt arrived yet but its close could be here either today or tomorrow. ill never use free shipping again for game i really want to play :whistle2:(.
I'm up to Chapter 17 on Hard now, and I've got 70 Treasures (which includes the Strange Relic). I'm really breezing through Hard mode, unlike my playthrough on Normal. Once I beat it on Hard, I'm going to put it on Very Easy and do a couple of Trophy expeditions before my Crushing playthrough.

Random Medals of Note:
Beast Mode - Pet all the Yaks in Chapter 16; pressing Triangle does this, and also allows you to interact with villagers
Polo! - Swim in the water at the top of the hotel on a second playthrough
Man, screw you all with the "omg hard is so easy!". Please put a video on youtube of you playing through and not dieing. You die in 2-3 hits - come on...
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Man, screw you all with the "omg hard is so easy!". Please put a video on youtube of you playing through and not dieing. You die in 2-3 hits - come on...[/QUOTE]

Utilize cover. I don't take my life for granted while playing the game. I hate the way dying takes you out of the immersion so I try my hardest to play as if there are no re-do's. If you are dying a bunch on hard then you are just trying to be Rambo and run through everyone. There is a cover/blind fire system for a reason.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Man, screw you all with the "omg hard is so easy!". Please put a video on youtube of you playing through and not dieing. You die in 2-3 hits - come on...[/QUOTE]

ill chime in. its not super easy and i died on stupid stuff (can i make that cliff? lol). "its doable." after playing too much batman, i racked up a bunch of silent takedowns. plus, i played a shitload of MP so things die when i shoot.

im debating between leveling MP or start crushing.
Yea, ok I take it back. It isnt THAT hard. Just some parts need you to take your time. I just finished
the car chase on hard and was expecting it to be impossible (I died at least 5 times on normal) but, I didn't die once... so I feel better.
[quote name='lokizz']game still hasnt arrived yet but its close could be here either today or tomorrow. ill never use free shipping again for game i really want to play :whistle2:(.[/QUOTE]

I got my copy today and I used free shipping. I was surprised to see it come so fast.
Anyone having trouble checking their stats over at Naughty Dog.com? I keep trying to log in but get this error message:

There was an error validating your log in. Please try again shortly.

PSN Ticket Error
Alright, there's something really wrong with my online :cry: I have never been able to play a full game. Every 15-20 seconds or whenever I'm shooting/being shot at, there's huge lag. Eventually, this leads to a disconnect. This happened during the beta too. Anyone else have the same problem? This is the only game I'm lagging on.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Yea, ok I take it back. It isnt THAT hard. Just some parts need you to take your time. I just finished
the car chase on hard and was expecting it to be impossible (I died at least 5 times on normal) but, I didn't die once... so I feel better.

you are an ass
just beat the game and there are times when i died too much and i played it on normal. but to me that gets me frustrated but the game being so fucking badass makes up for those frustrations. i got 40 treasures on my first play through going to try and beat it on a harder difficulty but damn idk if i want to try it now.
i havent started crushing but i really hope that they dont limit you on amno like the first one. the 9mm became my best friend because it had the most amount of bullets.
The game keeps locking on me after the jeep explosion, maybe I got a very rare defected disc because it should ain't the console or maybe this game needs a patch? I don't want to have to return it to Amazon :whistle2:x
[quote name='Blackout']I got my copy today and I used free shipping. I was surprised to see it come so fast.[/QUOTE]

its finally here!!!!!!!!!!!gotta go kick some ass in mp for a bit before i do the sp thing.
Played some MP a bit ago. That co-op survival mode is addicting. We got to level 9 then the waves just became way too much (damn you armored shotgun guy).

I have a quick question though. Say I buy the unlimited ammo option, if I use that and go through on hard, will I still get trophies or does having that turned on eliminate the ability to collect them?
[quote name='Malik112099']you are an ass[/QUOTE]

[quote name='SEH']Played some MP a bit ago. That co-op survival mode is addicting. We got to level 9 then the waves just became way too much (damn you armored shotgun guy).

I have a quick question though. Say I buy the unlimited ammo option, if I use that and go through on hard, will I still get trophies or does having that turned on eliminate the ability to collect them?[/QUOTE]

You can only use certain things once you beat that chapter on that difficulty. Things you can't use: choosing a gun, infinite ammo, one shot kills ect. Wish you could though.
I love the stealth parts, especially once you get to use the

I should finish on hard tonight, only 2 more chapters to go
Am I the only one who thinks that it's possible to go through the entire game and do all the stealth sections without them ending in a big firefight?

22 Treasures to go, and I'm on Chapter 20 of Hard Mode.
so I opened it and gave it 20-30 minutes.. still working on demons soul. I liked it but the begining is a bit slow.

may give it some more time this weekend.
[quote name='fizzywix']I love the stealth parts, especially once you get to use the

I should finish on hard tonight, only 2 more chapters to go[/QUOTE]

i like them too i cant believe that there was a reviewer who complained about them.
Yes! Stealth is sweet.

And I now have every trophy except, "finish on Crushing". I'll save that for another time... I'm in the same boat with Uncharted 1, I have every trophy but Crushing. So, one day I'll play both on crushing... and then kill myself.
I found the first game a little too easy on hard (I did die but that is something that should happen) and so far just right on Crushing. I wish Crushing was available from the start. New games are easy compared to the old ones. I'm surprised people would find normal difficult (at least in the first game). You guys should try some NES games. Game arrived yesterday with FSS, but I was busy all day and won't start it until later today.
But, you talk like you didn't die while playing Hard to enemies. I just don't believe that.

BUT, would anyone like to play some online right now? Hit me up.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']But, you talk like you didn't die while playing Hard to enemies. I just don't believe that.

BUT, would anyone like to play some online right now? Hit me up.[/QUOTE]
I did die every now and then by getting killed by enemies, but it wasn't ever 'this is too hard' or 'I'm stuck' or 'this is frustrating' if you know what I'm trying to say. Dying a few times makes the game all that more rewarding when you succeed, something lost on a lot of developers today. There's nothing worse than playing a game without enough challenge, it no longer becomes a game just an interactive movie at that point.
[quote name='Snake2715']so I opened it and gave it 20-30 minutes.. still working on demons soul. I liked it but the begining is a bit slow.

may give it some more time this weekend.[/QUOTE]

wake up
on a
train hanging
off of a
snowy cliff
about to
drop you
to your
fucking death
and you think the beginning is slow? WTF is wrong with you!?
[quote name='J7.']I did die every now and then by getting killed by enemies, but it wasn't ever 'this is too hard' or 'I'm stuck' or 'this is frustrating' if you know what I'm trying to say. Dying a few times makes the game all that more rewarding when you succeed, something lost on a lot of developers today. There's nothing worse than playing a game without enough challenge, it no longer becomes a game just an interactive movie at that point.[/QUOTE]
Ah, got you. Well - for my first play through I just wanted an interactive movie. But, I definitely enjoy the challenge the second time. Although, I do get frustrated at points.

Side note: I just won a plunder match completely by myself - I did have 3 others with me, but one of the guys got 1 kill and died 34 times. He would grab the treasure and start running the wrong way confused. Another guy was trying to climb to weird places... :cry: I hate playing PUGs. When the clan gets ready to play, do we get to play other people? Or do we have to fight each other?
[quote name='Malik112099']You
wake up
on a
train hanging
off of a
snowy cliff
about to
drop you
to your
fucking death
and you think the beginning is slow? WTF is wrong with you!?[/QUOTE]

Crap... I agree with Malik. I don't get how people think that part is "slow"...
[quote name='J7.']I did die every now and then by getting killed by enemies, but it wasn't ever 'this is too hard' or 'I'm stuck' or 'this is frustrating' if you know what I'm trying to say. Dying a few times makes the game all that more rewarding when you succeed, something lost on a lot of developers today. There's nothing worse than playing a game without enough challenge, it no longer becomes a game just an interactive movie at that point.[/QUOTE]

we all get that im 'core because its hard. since you got through hard, i suggest probably spend more time on demon's soul. i have both games. and theyre great. but if youre looking for a challenge, then ds is more suited towards you.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']
Side note: I just won a plunder match completely by myself - I did have 3 others with me, but one of the guys got 1 kill and died 34 times. He would grab the treasure and start running the wrong way confused. Another guy was trying to climb to weird places... :cry: I hate playing PUGs. When the clan gets ready to play, do we get to play other people? Or do we have to fight each other?

add me. dont have time now because i need to study for exam. but you got some very nice stats there... 3 k/d ratio? im tired of having crappy teams. at least with two competent people, games are winnable.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Ah, got you. Well - for my first play through I just wanted an interactive movie. But, I definitely enjoy the challenge the second time. Although, I do get frustrated at points.

Side note: I just won a plunder match completely by myself - I did have 3 others with me, but one of the guys got 1 kill and died 34 times. He would grab the treasure and start running the wrong way confused. Another guy was trying to climb to weird places... :cry: I hate playing PUGs. When the clan gets ready to play, do we get to play other people? Or do we have to fight each other?

Crap... I agree with Malik. I don't get how people think that part is "slow"...[/QUOTE]

i can see how someone would feel its slow the first bit fo the game is basically a tutorial for what you can do add that to the section right after it and it is a slow section. i liked it mind you but depending on what you were playing before you played that part or im sure compared to other parts of the game that beginning section is slow. fun yes but slow.
[quote name='enufs8d']add me. dont have time now because i need to study for exam. but you got some very nice stats there... 3 k/d ratio? im tired of having crappy teams. at least with two competent people, games are winnable.[/QUOTE]
Thanks - but, that sucks how easy it is to find my stats. Now I have to keep it good... crap.

I'll send you an invite.
I've noticed the enemies are a little tougher than the last game. I'm on Chapter 5 right now, enjoying the game so far.
bread's done