Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - (use spoiler tags please)

[quote name='shogun316']A CAG night sounds fun, also that means more ppl for co-op play! Finally!!!


Nobody plays co-op much...pretty desperate here :cry:[/QUOTE]

Yeah, and those harder difficulties on the objective co-op are pretty difficult without three people.
Is Amazon's "$5 off future videogame with purchase of U2:AT" promotion tied to the account or a code to be entered?

Since it has a 30-day expiration date I won't be able to use it, but could give it away (if possible).
A bunch of us from the GTA4 and Red Faction nights are going to play some all-CAGs Uncharted 2 matches on Wednesday night at 10pm EST. If any of you want to join up with us, just send me a friend invite!

We're going to get a regular CAG night going once the full game is released, as well. More details on that soon.
[quote name='bmachine']A bunch of us from the GTA4 and Red Faction nights are going to play some all-CAGs Uncharted 2 matches on Wednesday night at 10pm EST. If any of you want to join up with us, just send me a friend invite!

We're going to get a regular CAG night going once the full game is released, as well. More details on that soon.[/QUOTE] Can you please post a link to that? I looked around and didn't see a CAG U2 clan night thread, so I decided to create one for the demo & the actual game.


I can post a link to yours in my thread, or you can tell your guys to check out mine. W/e works best for you.
[quote name='blader16']Can you please post a link to that? I looked around and didn't see a CAG U2 clan night thread, so I decided to create one for the demo & the actual game.


I can post a link to yours in my thread, or you can tell your guys to check out mine. W/e works best for you.[/QUOTE]

No thread setup for it yet. We've discussed it a bit in the Red Faction thread and over VOIP on game nights. The intent, I think, is to keep it uber-casual...nothing too demanding or structured, just show up and play. Time will tell, of course, but I'd prefer to avoid the usual trappings of gaming clans.
Love getting back in the multiplayer beta, and even doing well after several months since last playing it. Managed to go 13 kills, 5 deaths in my second game.

Which is pretty crazy considering that I don't know how to reload my gun (besides emptying the clip) or changing weapons.
[quote name='blader16']Holy shit! I just saw somebody that was rank 51! This game has only been out for 11 hours. How do you do that!?[/QUOTE]

Early access started a few weeks ago.
[quote name='blader16']Holy shit! I just saw somebody that was rank 51! This game has only been out for 11 hours. How do you do that!?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='enufs8d']im in. just like the good ole r2 days, eh?

just let me bring my level 50 character.... joking. ha.[/QUOTE]

i guess my joke washed over.
[quote name='Ecofreak']Love getting back in the multiplayer beta, and even doing well after several months since last playing it. Managed to go 13 kills, 5 deaths in my second game.

Which is pretty crazy considering that I don't know how to reload my gun (besides emptying the clip) or changing weapons.[/QUOTE]

I'm not surprised; R2 is a strange choice for a reload button.
Just tried MP demo and it was AMAZING! Been a long while since playing a game online and boy was it fun and so so polished. This game looks & plays like the best game this generation. Just finished Uncharted 1 before playing this too.

Encourage people to buy this game so we can see a lot of people online & Naughty Dog get rewarded for their hard work!
death match reminds me of socom... i guess cause its 3rd person
but the co op mode is pretty fun
Just played one round of death match. Pretty damn clean game play.
Don't know if I can transition from FPS to 3rdPS though. I haven't played the Uncharted yet, but I plan on purchasing both games now.

Naughty dog has come a long way since Crash Bandicoot.
my ps3 freezes in uncharted chapter 16 even with firmware 3.01. im so fuck close to platnium!!! now i can't even load the save file for crushing. when i try, i get a black screen and the spinning coin for busy. 20 minutes later and nothing...
[quote name='enufs8d']my ps3 freezes in uncharted chapter 16 even with firmware 3.01. im so fuck close to platnium!!! now i can't even load the save file for crushing. when i try, i get a black screen and the spinning coin for busy. 20 minutes later and nothing...[/QUOTE]
You could try one of these saves maybe and just load chapter 16 and finish it yourself. http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/ps3/save/932984.html
I like the feature where if a teamate killed you 3 times, you have the option to kick him or forgive him. But my main complaint about the game is that i hate how there is such a delay in logging a kill. Like ill go to throw a punch that will K.O a guy, but he shoots me and i die, but he also dies.
[quote name='blader16']I like the feature where if a teamate killed you 3 times, you have the option to kick him or forgive him. But my main complaint about the game is that i hate how there is such a delay in logging a kill. Like ill go to throw a punch that will K.O a guy, but he shoots me and i die, but he also dies.[/QUOTE]

Sounds just like Metal Gear Online -- although this game has no where near as many simultaneous kills. It was so ridiculous to the point of being comical.
2 things I want added.

1. A backhand slap melée attack.
2. A purchasble taunt for around 10 million dollars where you un-zip and T-bag the person.
[quote name='Jasonofindy']?????? What was frustrating about Uncharted?[/QUOTE]

Shooting a guy in the head repeatedly wasn't enough to kill him.

And the part at the end with the
was annoying.
lol yea that was a bit much. but you cant hate on uncharted. it came out 2 years ago and shaq-fu'd the f out of any game on any system at any time.
[quote name='Nixtwix']Shooting a guy in the head repeatedly wasn't enough to kill him.

And the part at the end with the
was annoying.[/QUOTE]

I had just finished playing both resistance games, RE5, and Bioshock when I finally gave myself a break from monsters to play Uncharted. It was such a let down when I started having to shoot monsters...
So, this is news to me today but an update on the cinema previews they're doing next week. Looks like they're going to have a multiplayer tournament! Sounds like the winner might get a Fortune Hunter Edition of the game. So glad i'm going to this. Maybe i'll walk out of there with the FHE and get to enjoy this game a few days early :)

More info on the Uncharted 2 cinema launch
[quote name='Invin']That's odd.. Headshots always worked for me. Helped me a hell lot on Crushing.[/QUOTE]

We were trying to figure that out last night, what does the 'crushing' option do?
Yeah, I never had any problem with headshots, besides aiming at the guy's head, of course. When the reticle was on his head, it killed the guy, though. Don't see what all the complaining is about.
[quote name='blader16']It's the uber elite dificulty that have I no clue how people can possibly beat.[/QUOTE]

I always viewed the gun fights as puzzles -- knowing where enemies appear and finding the most efficient way to kill them. Definitely a trial and error endeavor, but nothing unreasonable difficult IMO.
I actually just finished the first Uncharted, and I can say that it was an amazing game. I usually don't like RPGs or third person shooters, but I loved this game. I hope Uncharted 2 is longer though. Maybe have longer cut scenes too. Also, I felt like the first plot was a little too predictable, so maybe a more complicated plot would be nice. But I guess we'll see in 2 weeks. :)
Tried out the co-op mode and I didn't really care for it. I'm rethinking my preorder on this now. Tried to play some online matches and couldn't get a match in ten minutes of searching. I enjoyed the first Uncharted because it wasn't all combat, I hope this is the same, and not just all action.
[quote name='Thongsy']Tried out the co-op mode and I didn't really care for it. I'm rethinking my preorder on this now. Tried to play some online matches and couldn't get a match in ten minutes of searching. I enjoyed the first Uncharted because it wasn't all combat, I hope this is the same, and not just all action.[/QUOTE]

If you're having trouble finding a match, back out and try again. I usually get a match fairly quickly after doing this. The single player should be a lot like what Uncharted was except better. :D As for length, I've read 12-15 hours on normal for the average player.
been trying the demo today. i've never had this much fun in an online multiplayer game before. doing the arena mode, i've never met as many good players - people who will actually get your back in the middle of the match - this consistently.
[quote name='blader16']Has anybody got past wave 5 or 6 were the gattling gunners come out?[/QUOTE]

It's generally better to go around them unless you want to be there all day.
[quote name='blader16']Has anybody got past wave 5 or 6 were the gattling gunners come out?[/QUOTE]

the highest i ever got was level 9 and that was just with one other person. after the first few levels we stuck to mostly on getting the treasure where it needed to be and only killing when necessary. thats probably the best way to do it since once you put it in the box all enemies die so you can go bback and pick up and treasure they drop.
[quote name='Snake2715']I am goign to download the demo tongiht, whats the size of it?[/QUOTE]

Around 1.1-1.2GB I think.
I'm really enjoying the demo so far though. Deathmatch and Plunder in particular are great with a decent team around you. Elimination is okay, but often rounds end up with someone camping/hiding somewhere. Chain Reaction games seem to be very hit or miss as to whether people know what to do.

[quote name='blader16']Has anybody got past wave 5 or 6 were the gattling gunners come out?[/QUOTE]
I've cleared it on normal once with two really good(read: they were mostly carrying me) players. It gets pretty ridiculous, the higher you go you just cannot run off on your own and just have to try to take the treasure thru the least defended path.

As for those gunners, use grenades, propane tanks, rockets, etc to kill them faster, but often it's more trouble than it's worth unless you cannot get past one of them. I know grenades at least will stun them for a bit allowing you to get some free shots in.
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[quote name='TruthinessFC']I'm really enjoying the demo so far though. Deathmatch and Plunder in particular are great with a decent team around you. Elimination is okay, but often rounds end up with someone camping/hiding somewhere. Chain Reaction games seem to be very hit or miss as to whether people know what to do.[/QUOTE]

I think Plunder is the best CTF variant I've ever played. Having just one "flag" that doesn't keep getting reset makes it more fun and it doesn't take a damn hour for one match like it does in games such as TF2.
Level 10 is the last level in Arena. I've gotten there 2 or 3 times (and my partner died on level 9, I somehow beat the entire level alone).
bread's done