[quote name='Decker']Are there any threads that are actually unnecessary then? Should everyone start a new thread the moment he or she sees a game in a store at a price they think is a good deal? How about every time someone gets an email for a discount, he just starts a thread about it instead of at least glancing on page one to see if anyone beat him to the punch? Would that make you happy?
I don't think it's unreasonable to expect CAGs to at the very least scan the first page of the deals forum to see if a deal has already been posted before starting a new thread. That's sort of the expected etiquette of this site. Everybody makes mistakes, sure, but it's easier to scan over page one of the deals section than it is to type out a new thread anyway, so it's not really asking too much, is it?[/QUOTE]I completely agree with most of what you said. A lot of times, it's just the way people approach the situation. If you are not familiar with CAG and the layout, then things can be somewhat confusing for people. Hell, for like the first year of me being here, my bookmark opened to the video game deal section. I never even looked at the front page. And yes, people should be made aware of their mistakes, but more than often, some people go to the extreme. All it takes is one person to flame the OP, and then like monkeys, others will follow. Me personally, I try to just help out the person asking the question, or inform that person that something he or she posted, has already been posted. Again, it's all about the approach.