Unofficial CAG Flipping Thread

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[quote name='Squarehard']But I think you're kind of missing the point here too. These kind of threads, especially when you name them the "Official" thread will depend heavily on the work you put into just as much as the work the community puts into it. Otherwise you should just rename it, "Here are my flips, how bout yours?".

It seems many people like this idea, and you did something good here, but now its really more upon you to keep it going along with all the other CAGs. I mean if you really think you have done your part and you can just leave the thread as is and never update it, then I don't see how this is the "Official" thread. I really hope that was just bad wording on your part cause this thread could have potential, but really just needs the work put into it.[/QUOTE]

Point being, if I am the only one feeding all of the flips, then it's really not a community effort. A community effort will be more successful than an individual effort. If I am the only one supplying flips, then there will obviously be a lot of things that I miss because I'm not spending all day every day looking for profitable flips. I've done my part by starting the ball rolling and I will continue to contribute as much as I can so that we can keep the ball rolling, I just can't do it by myself.

All flips that I do find while visiting the various forums on the site, and in my own personal efforts I will relay to the spreadsheet. If I should be doing more than that, please explain what the expectations are.
I don't mind sharing good fllips if I find one with other cags, but would I post in this thread? No, reason being look at the views on this thread already vs. the posts. All this thread will do is provide lurkers with the fruits of the efforts of other cags who might not mind sharing with fellow cags but now are sharing with the entire internet. And although I do flip some games on occassion, I like playing games more and if theres a good deal on a game I'm looking for I'd be less likely to acquire it with thousands of people knowing that it gets you +1 in credit somewhere else. And if you take from various other threads on the forums and add them to your flipping thread you've basically just killed off the chance other cags will be scoring these deals for games they might actually want to play and I dont think people will be taking kindly to that. Would it be nice to have a thread like this, yes but in reality I dont think its going to work out and any cag thats flipping should be used to doing their own research already and I doubt they will be posting their golden flips to get raped by lurkers and other forums snapping deals up and posting it also.
Yeah, the overall reaction to this thread has been pretty much awful which is not the slightest bit encouraging. It boggles my mind how secretive people are about flipping, but I guess there are two types of people, people who are willing to share information and people who hold knowledge like power.
[quote name='converse']Yeah, the overall reaction to this thread has been pretty much awful which is not the slightest bit encouraging. It boggles my mind how secretive people are about flipping, but I guess there are two types of people, people who are willing to share information and people who hold knowledge like power.[/QUOTE]

Those are the people who are the lurkers and have been cleaning up on everything all along, they dont share because they want it all for themselves... they also look for competition especially if you sell on ebay becuase to many people and it drives prices down fast...

Good luck with all this just leave some deals around for us people who buy to play ha ha
[quote name='converse']Yeah, the overall reaction to this thread has been pretty much awful which is not the slightest bit encouraging. It boggles my mind how secretive people are about flipping, but I guess there are two types of people, people who are willing to share information and people who hold knowledge like power.[/QUOTE]

None of this info is in the least bit a "secret." All you have to do is spend a bit of time going through certain threads, such as the BBV/Gamerush thread, and read a couple of posts. Most of the information that is in that spreadsheet, is in the BBV/GR thread. Why should a spreadsheet be made for all those lurkers who don't contribute to this site at all?
Recently during one of the cagcast Cheapy called out flipping on the forum. It shouldn't be shocking that there would be so much negativity.
Why the fuck would people who already flip want a thread about this? All it will do is get more people to flip, and prices to go down faster because people will get into penny wars with each other, not to mention more competition in getting things B&M.
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