urgent! looking for something for my son!!!!


hey guys, i had no idea where to p[ost this, so i am going to try here. Sorry mods if this is not allowed.

I am looking for something my son seen on tv. He wants it for Christmas but we can not find it anywhere locally, and I think it may have not been released in Canada yet, or possibly toysrus only or something. We only have walmart to choose from and they don't carry it. here is what i want:

Batman and the Bold action figures!!!! he REALLy wants some for christmas, he keeps seeing it advertised on TV, but can not get them locally. He mentioned he wanted 1 with a gorilla(guessing gorilla grodd) and he mentioned 1 with stretch guy. I'm not too up-to-date on this stuff tho. He mentioned there was a pack that had gorilla and stretch actually. If i could at least get the one with batman and gorilla that would be awesome! and then any oither packs from this series of toys.

He also really wants the batmobile from this series. And batman.

and he also wants the batman brave and bold r/c remote control action figureknight flight batman, not out yet tho, sometime this month.

please send me a message or write here if you have these(still sealed, as they are for christmas) or would pick them up for me or something. I will paypal the money+shipping.

thanks to ANYONE that can help me!

please only people with good feedback tho, unless you plan on shipping first, i don't want to be scammed trying to get my son some christmas presents.
can you seriously not be a complete jackass? if your gonna be one, don't post. i went there and its all fine, untill i get the parcel and have to pay an extra 100 bucks due to customs and if i don't have that 100 bucks on hand i don't get my parcel.
i already went on the site and looked, before i posted here. Ordering from a company is hard from the us, cuz you always get nailed hard and expensive with customs and duty and other taxes.
And further you also need a credit card, in which i do not own one.
i would take any of them, but he really wants the gorilla one and batmobile. that may be the one he wants that he called "stretch" but with all these places you need a credit card, and i don't have one, and buying from most of these companies from the USA i will have to pay crazy high customs and duty. Thats why i was hoping a CAg knew if a local store sold them and would buy it for me, of course i would pay for it lol.
[quote name='gameguy1001']can you seriously not be a complete jackass? if your gonna be one, don't post. i went there and its all fine, untill i get the parcel and have to pay an extra 100 bucks due to customs and if i don't have that 100 bucks on hand i don't get my parcel.
i already went on the site and looked, before i posted here. Ordering from a company is hard from the us, cuz you always get nailed hard and expensive with customs and duty and other taxes.
And further you also need a credit card, in which i do not own one.[/QUOTE]

I don't think doctorthodt's remark was that bad.
You're over reacting over such a simple remark.
Also, how the hell was he or any suppose to know you don't have a credit card/don't want to buy from a us company due to fees?
[quote name='wbc1228']I don't think doctorthodt's remark was that bad.
You're over reacting over such a simple remark.
Also, how the hell was he or any suppose to know you don't have a credit card/don't want to buy from a us company due to fees?[/QUOTE]
He says in his 2nd post after doctorthodt's post.
his comment was snippy, rude, and ignorant and uncalled for. He didn't need to say it. It was needlessly said. I never said he knew i didn't have a credit card or anything about the fees. I was jst made the comment about that so other people would see why i wouldn't/cant order from a company in the usa.
lowkey - i pm'ed you.

My reason for saying something to him was it was uncalled for him to remark like that. I know how to use google and search for things like everyone else, its pretty obvious these days. I did search and found things, but you needed a credit card for all, and i could not find it in canada. I was just hoping to find a nice suer here thatcould find it for me and i'd pay for it.

i didn't think there was need for it, and i think most people here would agree it was rude and ignorant. All he ahd to do was say" i found this using google, didn't know if you seen it or thought of searching google" and game the address to the site. not be ignorant.
yea i thin it must be plastic man. I have paypal but don't use ebay. Lowkey is going to order a cpl for me from amazon, and i'll pay him. thanks kybe tho! :)

but in the meantime, i'll also take help from any other cag :D
I got some for my son two weeks ago. I think the one you want is in the first pick.

YES!! 2 of those are DEFINATLY the ones he wants!! i need to find them, hopefully on amazon(lowkey is gonna order for me :D )! its his top want for xmas!
bread's done