Valkyria Chronicles (PS3) $19.96 at Amazon

its been that price on for months, but its out of stock there now so by all means get it at amazon! its a fantastic game, worth every penny. I just wish it had trophies
[quote name='panzerfaust']I think it's been like that for a long time, but thanks.[/QUOTE]
At Gamestop where you may or may not get a sealed copy, Amazon has been a little higher. I don't own this game so gonna have to debate if I should pick it up now or later.
I picked it up for $20 new at gamestop last year. The game a rather boring to me. Makes me want to play Company of Heroes the whole time.
[quote name='panzerfaust']I think it's been like that for a long time, but thanks.[/QUOTE]

The game has been $30-35 for months, the last time I saw it for $20 was like back in March.
I bought the game a few months ago for $19.99 at Gamestop and it has been that price for a while. While it's a great game there is no actual deal here.
[quote name='yarkitty123']The game has been $30-35 for months, the last time I saw it for $20 was like back in March.[/QUOTE]

Huh, I figured it was universal by now with it being $20 at GS for like half a year. Ah well, good game for the price.
[quote name='yarkitty123']The game has been $30-35 for months, the last time I saw it for $20 was like back in March.[/QUOTE]

It was 25$ when I ordered my PS3 2 weeks ago, and 20 a week or two earlier when I was looking around at PS3 stuff.

Tempted, but I already ordered 9 or so games to give myself a nice little backlog and choices on what I want to play.
[quote name='diishen']any tips on what to add in order to get free shipping :]?[/QUOTE]

Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes, great game....or Jade Empire they're both about 5 last I checked
[quote name='diishen']any tips on what to add in order to get free shipping :]?[/QUOTE]

If you don't already have it, then maybe you should get that Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 game code ($7.49).
I still need to crack open this game and/or really start playing through Demon's Souls (since they'll be shutting down the servers in 2011).
Thanks op, last couple of days it was fluctuating from $26 to $29. Finally.

I was thinking of getting either Uncharted 1 or Batman AA to get free shipping. Any suggestions which one is worth getting? thanks in advance.
[quote name='yarkitty123']If you don't already have it, then maybe you should get that Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 game code ($7.49).[/QUOTE]

I don't think that will help for free shipping though, since it's an online code it shouldn't count towards the $25 for FSSS. The MvC2 code isn't currently available right now, so I couldn't test it.

[quote name='anbu-black-ops']I was thinking of getting either Uncharted 1 or Batman AA to get free shipping. Any suggestions which one is worth getting? thanks in advance.[/QUOTE]

They are both great games, can't go wrong with either. But I'd go for Uncharted since it is half the price.
Informal poll...

Final Fantasy XIII for $20 or Valkyria Chronicles for $20? For those who have played both, which is the better buy?
I believe Batman AA is also $19.99 at Gamestop right now, but not posted online. Your best bet might be to use their inventory tracker and find a location with new copies of both Valkyria and Batman.
[quote name='henryVIII']Informal poll...

Final Fantasy XIII for $20 or Valkryia Chronicles for $20? For those who have played both, which is the better buy?[/QUOTE]
VC is the better value - a much more enjoyable experience.
[quote name='henryVIII']Informal poll...

Final Fantasy XIII for $20 or Valkyria Chronicles for $20? For those who have played both, which is the better buy?[/QUOTE]

The opportunity to get FF13 for 20$ new from a retailer (assuming you are referring to the Best Buy Deal) probably won't come around for quite a while, whereas Valkyria Chronicles can probably be had for 20$ ish pretty easily. Value wise, FF13 is the better pickup.

As far as game quality goes, I definitely would rank VC over FF13 by a considerable margin. I bought VC at launch at Circuit City and have never regretted it. For reference, I'm currently finishing up the platinum trophy for FF13, so it's not as if I hate the game, but it is certainly the more heavily flawed of the two games, imho.
[quote name='darkcecil32']The opportunity to get FF13 for 20$ new from a retailer (assuming you are referring to the Best Buy Deal) probably won't come around for quite a while, whereas Valkyria Chronicles can probably be had for 20$ ish pretty easily. Value wise, FF13 is the better pickup.

As far as game quality goes, I definitely would rank VC over FF13 by a considerable margin. I bought VC at launch at Circuit City and have never regretted it. For reference, I'm currently finishing up the platinum trophy for FF13, so it's not as if I hate the game, but it is certainly the more heavily flawed of the two games, imho.[/QUOTE]

That's what I was curious about. Final Fantasy XIII for $20 is clearly the better bargain from a monetary perspective.

But I think I am putting too much value on the "deal" I got. It should be as simple as "Both games are same price. Which is the better game?". It would be silly to play a decidedly worse game simply because I got a better deal on it.

So, Valkyria Chronicles it is.
For what it's worth, I have both VC and FFXIII, and I enjoyed both immensely. They are very different. FF is a fast pased JRPG, while VC is a real-time turn-based tactical strategy RPG. If you prefer one type of game over the other, go for it. Personally, I'm glad I bought both.
[quote name='henryVIII']Informal poll...

Final Fantasy XIII for $20 or Valkyria Chronicles for $20? For those who have played both, which is the better buy?[/QUOTE]

VC, hands down.

I liked FFXIII overall but the linearity and new combat system weren't all that great. Plus, FFXIII was a lot about flashy graphics. VC on the other hand had a lot of substance... it's a strategy/RPG/action hybrid and it works great. Plus, everything else about the game, the story, characters, and music, really work well together. VC is my favorite RPG of this generation, hands down.
Agreed. I've played both, and VC is the one I keep going back to. And although FF's graphics are stunning, you can't forget that VC has gorgeous watercolor-like visuals. Very unique and striking.

But the fellow who said FF is a better value at this price is correct. VC has been at $20 for at least 6 months. FF is at least twice as expensive.

Here's what you have to look forward to with VC:
the voice of Bender.....doing a totally over-the-top gay character..... :lol:
I think FF13 is the better game overall. Hard to compare, since they're not really the same genre IMO.

Two things bothered me about VC: 1) enemies constantly "ducking" your gunfire (!?) causing you to have to reload over and over to get a decent score, and 2) a bunch of paid DLC but never any trophy patch despite a built-in "medal" system.
VC is by far better than FF XIII IMO. Hell, I think Alpha Protocol is better than FF XIII.
The question is do you want the better game for $20 or the better deal?

Also what B&M store has had VC for $20 besides Gamestop? It's not been available at any Walmart, Target, or Best Buy in St. Louis for over a year.
VC is definitely the better to get if you really have to pick only one of the two (I say buy both XD)

I'm currently playing FFXIII (BB sale woot woot) and honestly it's not the worst FF but it's also not the best. The combat had lots of potential but certain things about it ruined it.
Character wise I loved the majority of all the characters in VC (hell I think i liked all of 'em) but in FF I can only stand Snow and Sazh. Lighting was a big disappointment for me =/ and Vanille... well I'm not even gonna get started at how much I hate this chara!!

also Bender's voice is Jann =O Mind is blown XD
Thanks OP and those who provided feedback on FF13 vs VC. I ended up ordering Valkyria Chronicles. The lack of trophy support is disappointing, but based on most accounts, this is too good a game to worry about whether or not it has trophies.

I put my unopened copy of FF13 for sale on Glyde and it sold within 15 minutes, so I am happy with the way this turned out. I had a feeling I wasn't going to like FF13 anyway. Maybe I'll pick it up in a year or so.
bread's done