Versa Lowball 2020 Holiday COVID edition. (Garnering interest)

LOL! Up until this afternoon I thought I had won the Xbox 360 bundle. The winning bid was hidden in an avalanche of other bids so I missed it. And the OP was not updated until way after the closing of the low ball. I would have bid more had I realized I got outbid. Congrats to the winner. 

LOL! Up until this afternoon I thought I had won the Xbox 360 bundle. The winning bid was hidden in an avalanche of other bids so I missed it. And the OP was not updated until way after the closing of the low ball. I would have bid more had I realized I got outbid. Congrats to the winner.
That's how we roll yo

2nd round of invoices sent.

I sent some of you a red bolded sentence. If you have that invoice, DO NOT SEND PAYMENT YET.

And burritoman, Infinite Jest is the Winner. His subtotal is $352. Bought both my PS3 and XBox 360 consoles along with a few other stuff.

I'm getting tired and I packed much stuff as I could but I'm so burned out and gotta head into the office tomorrow morning.

I will keep sending stuff daily. You guys should get a tracking number on your PMs.

This is unforeseen's purchase: $239

That was so close to being $50 less. LOL

You made out like a badit here, Versa.

2nd batch of lowball purchases shipped today. My gosh, it's hard work packing all of your stuff. I hardly getting sleep LOL


Hey guys,

If you sent me a payment and have not receive a tracking number from me, PM me ASAP on the invoice PM I sent you with the following:

Paypal or Amazon Payments transaction ID

Shipping Address

The reason why I'm asking is because I've been shipping lowball items to those who have PM'd me saying that they sent the payment and provided the shipping address.

I plan to pack and ship the rest of your lowball items that you paid for tonight.

This does not apply for those who did not paid yet. 

Thanks all!

See how much sleep I saved you? :D/
You and Archer both. LOL

Anyway, here's some bragging rights stats if you care:

So Infinite is the largest purchase @ $352

And of course, Goguenator purchased a whooping 30 games.

And there you have it. Largest Purchase and Largest Quantity respectively.

I pretty much shipped the majority of the stuff today. Still waiting for the others on the OP.

You and Archer both. LOL

Anyway, here's some bragging rights stats if you care:

So Infinite is the largest purchase @ $352

And of course, Goguenator purchased a whooping 30 games.

And there you have it. Largest Purchase and Largest Quantity respectively.

I pretty much shipped the majority of the stuff today. Still waiting for the others on the OP.
Don't forget to add a total once everyone gets their payments sent to ya :D.

Got my package today, everything looks good. Was hoping Ratchet and Clank wasn't going to be greatest hits version, but didn't even cross my mind until I saw it. Either way, no complaints on my end on this lowball.

Not sure how to add a picture...

Also, Nice surprise finding a few codes that have yet to be redeemed in the opened games :cool:.
You opened that box like it was Christmas morning LOL

Got my package today, everything looks good. Was hoping Ratchet and Clank wasn't going to be greatest hits version, but didn't even cross my mind until I saw it. Either way, no complaints on my end on this lowball.
Thought I mentioned it on my lowball listing. My fault.

Yaaay showed up. And to anyone who said that pack was small, liar. I can fit a ton of stuff in it.

Also got a free copy of MAG as a gift, I dont think the servers are even up for this game anymore lol

Finally got my package. Tracking was lying to me D:

Leaving feedback~

Also the package smelled nice which was odd.

Got my yesterday as well, all is good.  I did not have the pleasent odor that some others are mentioning, but for the love of everything I could not get the game it out of the padded envelope, it had a absolute death grip on it.  How the hell you got it in there in the first place I do not know. :lol:

Anyhow feedback left and Thanks a bunch!

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I can't wait to receive these games.

Seriously, I can't. I'm moving in about a week.
I moved over the weekend. I hate moving. Sorry for the delay but your games got shipped today. Hopefully you'll get them before the weekend.

I'm still waiting for 2 more members that needs to pay.

Other than that, once I settle in my new place, another lowball will probably happen. A small one, not a big mega one like the one two weeks ago.

Amyway, here are two items I am most definitely putting up on Lowball Part II:[attachment=6465:IMG_2014070822614.jpg] [attachment=6466:IMG_2014070811225.jpg]

Ugh, this move is so annoying. It's like they find more and more reasons to reschedule the closing.

Fortunately, this gave me more time to receive the games and I did. Thanks!  Will be sending feedback shortly.

Ugh, this move is so annoying. It's like they find more and more reasons to reschedule the closing.

Fortunately, this gave me more time to receive the games and I did. Thanks! Will be sending feedback shortly.
My closing got delayed almost 6 weeks for various reasons. The biggest one was the seller sold this house before their new one was finished.

Long story short, our closing was on the last day before we had to sign another year long lease on the townhouse. It was not fun.


So, I hit a financial crisis after my rent, student loan, and medical bill cleared.

Right now, I'm currently housesitting my co-workers place til the end of the week. After that, I will be able to figure out what to sell and what not to sell.

I know that my Roku 3, My Ouya box, a few more collectibles, and a handful of XBox One & PS4 games are going on Lowball.

It won't be a week. Probably 3-4 days auction time and won't be super mega like last time.

Stay tuned.


Um, the original topic says I still haven't paid from the last lowball....I'm pretty sure I sent you the money!
lol dont worry about it. all but one paid their invoices.

speaking of which: i know i have left feedback from the last lowball to all but sometimes that can be overlooked. if you didnt receive feedback from me, PM me and ill send you feedback. thanks and i apologize in advance.


I would suggest changing the name "emergency lowball" due to the epic disaster of an emergency lowball that ended not too long ago...

I would suggest changing the name "emergency lowball" due to the epic disaster of an emergency lowball that ended not too long ago...
Talking about VGC17's lowball? Yeah, I saw that disaster. I think he resold some of the games that he won on my lowball. Glad he paid for them though. I feel bad for the others that paid and never got their items from him.

Nah, I think that's what he called the last one and despite having a ridiculous amount of items, he handled it perfectly. Too bad I missed out on the last one, I'll definitely try to grab some stuff this time.
Mines or his?

bread's done