Vick pleads guilty, gets 23 months in federal "pound me in the ass prison"


34 (100%)
finally sentenced...

RICHMOND, Va. — Michael Vick was sentenced to prison Monday for running a dogfighting operation and will stay there longer than two co-defendants, up to 23 months, because he lied about his involvement when he was supposed to be coming clean to the judge who would decide his fate.

The disgraced NFL star received a harsher sentence than the others in the federal conspiracy case because of "less than truthful" statements about killing pit bulls.

Vick said he accepted responsibility for his actions, but U.S. District Judge Henry E. Hudson said he wasn't so sure.

"I'm not convinced you've fully accepted responsibility," Hudson told Vick, who arrived in court wearing the black-and-white striped prison uniform he was issued when he voluntarily surrendered Nov. 19 to begin serving his sentence early.

Despite the early surrender, a public apology and participation in an animal sensitivity training course, Vick was denied an "acceptance of responsibility" credit that would have reduced his sentence. Federal prosecutors opposed awarding Vick the credit.

Dogs that did not perform up to expectations were killed by electrocution, hanging, drowning and other violent means by the dogfighting ring. Hudson said evidence, including statements by the co-defendants, showed Vick was more directly involved than he admitted. Hudson also mentioned that Vick had been deceptive on a polygraph test. Though that evidence was not admissible in court, the results were discussed.

"He did more than fund it," prosecutor Michael Gill said, referring to the "Bad Newz Kennels" dogfighting operation. "He was in this thing up to his neck with the other defendants."

The judge agreed.

"You were instrumental in promoting, funding and facilitating this cruel and inhumane sporting activity," he said.

Flanked by two defense attorneys, Vick spoke softly as he acknowledged using "poor judgment" and added, "I'm willing to deal with the consequences and accept responsibility for my actions."

Vick apologized to the court and his family members, who along with other supporters occupied most of two rows in the packed courtroom. Before the hearing started, Michael Vick's brother, Marcus Vick, draped his right arm around their mother and comforted her as she wept.

"You need to apologize to the millions of young people who looked up to you," Hudson said sternly, reminding Vick of the fans he singled out when he pleaded guilty in August.

"Yes, sir," Vick answered.

Although there is no parole in the federal system, with time off for good behavior Vick could be released in the summer of 2009.

"This was an efficient, professional, and thorough investigation that well exposed a seamy side of our society," U.S. Attorney Chuck Rosenberg said in a statement. "I trust Mr. Vick learned important lessons and that his admission of guilt will speed his rehabilitation."

Falcons owner Arthur Blank called the sentencing another step in Vick's "legal journey."

"This is a difficult day for Michael's family and for a lot of us, including many of our players and fans who have been emotionally invested in Michael over the years," Blank said. "We sincerely hope that Michael will use this time to continue to focus his efforts on making positive changes in his life, and we wish him well in that regard."

Vick was suspended without pay by the NFL and lost all his lucrative endorsement deals. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell was asked after Monday's ruling if Vick should play again.

"That's a determination we'll make later on," he told The Associated Press from a legislative hearing in Austin, Texas, involving the NFL Network. "As I said earlier when we suspended him indefinitely, we would evaluate that when the legal process was closed."

On its Web site Monday, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution estimated that Vick has incurred financial losses of $142 million, including $71 million in Falcons salary, $50 million in endorsement income and nearly $20 million in previously paid bonuses.

Federal sentencing guidelines called for a term of 18 months to two years. While prosecutors asked for a sentence on the high end, defense attorney Lawrence Woodward asked for leniency, noting his client's previously clean record despite growing up in a rough area in Newport News.

But in addition to initially lying about his role in killing dogs, Vick tested positive for marijuana use in violation of the terms set for his release -- then gave conflicting accounts about when he used the drug, Hudson noted.

He also said Vick's conflicting stories about drug use and his role in killing dogs stemmed from frustration with his interrogators and a desire to please people by telling them what he thinks they want to hear.

Vick's lead attorney, Billy Martin, said Vick had been diagnosed as clinically depressed.

"Mr. Vick in life had numbed himself to a lot of events around him. That was, in a sense, his way of surviving," Martin said.

Outside court, Woodward said Vick didn't want anyone feeling sorry for him.

"He just wants a chance to prove himself when all this is over," he said. "But the other thing he said to me, which I also think is important for everyone to know, is that he understood that some of the things he was doing in life and off the field were dangerous, and he told me he feels lucky that he's alive and not hurt and now it's all about the future."

That future now includes a stay at a still-undetermined federal prison. He has been held at a jail in Warsaw, Va., since voluntarily beginning his term.

In a plea agreement, Vick admitted bankrolling the dogfighting ring on his 15-acre property in rural Virginia. He admitted providing money for bets on the fights but said he never shared in any winnings.

The gruesome details about the dogfighting enterprise prompted a public backlash against the once-popular Vick and enraged animal-rights groups, which used the case to call attention to the brutality of dogfighting.

John Goodwin of the Humane Society of the United States called Vick's sentence appropriate.

"People that are involved in this blood sport are on notice. You can throw your life away by being involved in this," he said.

Along with the prison term, Vick was fined $5,000 and will serve three years' probation after his release.

Two co-defendants were sentenced Nov. 30. Purnell Peace, of Virginia Beach, got 18 months. Phillips, of Atlanta, got 21 months. Another co-defendant, Tony Taylor, will be sentenced Friday.

All four men also are facing animal cruelty charges in Surry County Circuit Court. Trial has been set April 2 for Vick, March 5 for Phillips and Peace, and May 7 for Taylor.

RICHMOND, Va. -- Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick surrendered to U.S. marshals Monday, three weeks before his sentencing on a dogfighting charge.

Vick is scheduled to be sentenced Dec. 10 on the dogfighting conspiracy charge, but turned himself in because he was anticipating a prison term, according to a court document and a U.S. marshall.

Vick is being held at Northern Neck Regional Jail in Warsaw, a U.S. marshall told The Associated Press.

The order filed in U.S. District Court said "Vick has indicated his desire to voluntarily enter custody prior to his sentencing hearing. It appearing appropriate to do so, the U.S. Marshal is ordered to take custody of the Defendant immediately upon his surrender."

The order added that Vick was taken into custody "based solely on his desire to begin his period of incarceration prior to his sentencing hearing and not because of violation of any condition of his bond."

Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick has pleaded guilty to federal charges related to a dogfighting ring, according to a statement from his attorney.

In the statement, Vick agreed to plead guilty and accept a plea deal "after consulting with his family" and will "accept full responsibility for the mistakes he has made," Fox News reported Monday.

Vick is expected to be sentenced next Monday at US District Court here. He could face up to five years in prison and fines of more than 250,000 dollars as a result of the charges.

A grand jury was hearing evidence Monday on more possible charges that could have been filed against Vick, including racketeering gambling charges that might have substantially raised the stakes and possible prison term Vick might face.

The agreement also brings into question Vick's National Football League future. Vick had been banned from the Falcons' training camp by NFL commissioner Roger Goodell until his role in the scheme was more fully explained.

Three co-defendants of Vick had agreed to plea deals in exchange for contributing evidence to the case against Vick, who was charged with taking animals over state lines as part of a dogfight gambling ring.

Graphic details of his abuse of the dogs, including brutal methods of killing the animals, led to protests against him outside the courtroom and the club's headquarters.

No word on how much time he'll serve. I'm not too surprised, it seems like there was a ton of evidence against him, not to mention is former co-defendants testifying against him. I wonder if Atlanta will drop him, or wait until he gets out of prison. If he doesn't get some sort of lifetime ban from Roger Goodell I think he'll play in the league again, if not with Atlanta, then with another team.

NEW YORK -- The NFL has suspended Michael Vick indefinitely.

On Friday, Vick filed his plea agreement in federal court admitting to conspiracy in a dogfighting ring and agreeing that the enterprise included killing pit bulls and gambling. He denied making side bets on the fights, but admitted to bankrolling them.

Friday afternoon, a letter to Vick from NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said, in part:

"Your admitted conduct was not only illegal, but also cruel and reprehensible. Your team, the NFL, and NFL fans have all been hurt by your actions."

"Your plea agreement and the plea agreements of your co-defendants also demonstrate your significant involvement in illegal gambling. Even if you personally did not place bets, as you contend, your actions in funding the betting and your association with illegal gambling both violate the terms of your NFL Player Contract and expose you to corrupting influences in derogation of one of the most fundamental responsibilities of an NFL player."

"You have engaged in conduct detrimental to the welfare of the NFL and have violated the league's Personal Conduct Policy."

"I will review the status of your suspension following the conclusion of the legal proceedings. As part of that review, I will take into account a number of factors, including the resolution of any other charges that may be brought against you, whether in Surry County, Virginia, or other jurisdictions, your conduct going forward, the specifics of the sentence imposed by Judge Hudson and any related findings he might make, and the extent to which you are truthful and cooperative with law enforcement and league staff who are investigating these matters."

"I have advised the Falcons that, with my decision today, they are no longer prohibited from acting and are now free to assert any claims or remedies available to them under the Collective Bargaining Agreement or your NFL Player Contract."

The Atlanta Falcons will attempt to reclaim $22 million in bonuses already paid to Michael Vick, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported Saturday, citing an unnamed source with knowledge of the team's plans.

Vick was suspended indefinitely from the National Football League on Friday, hours after he filed a plea agreement with federal prosecutors in which he admitted to bankrolling a dogfighting operation. The suspension clears the way for the Falcons to pursue bonus payments already made to Vick.

However, Vick must remain on the Falcons' roster for the club to reclaim any money -- precluding the team from cutting ties with the quarterback until the matter is resolved, the person familiar with the situation told the newspaper.

If Atlanta receives the bonus money from Vick, it will be applied to the team's salary cap for the following season. If, for example, the team recouped all $22 milllion, that figure would be credited to the team for the 2008 salaray cap.

On Friday, Vick filed his plea agreement in federal court admitting to conspiracy in a dogfighting ring and agreeing that the enterprise included killing pit bulls and gambling. He denied making side bets on the fights, but admitted to bankrolling them. He will appear in U.S. District Court on Monday in Richmond, Va. to formally enter his plea.
*obligatory Vick to Raiders comment here*

I'm glad to see he's not gonna get off easy.

I won't be shocked if Harrington leads the Falcons to a better record anyway, though Schaub would've been better than either, IMHO.
He shouldn't get a plea bargain, they should nail his ass to the wall. And there's no way he should ever be able to play career football again. Sports as a whole needs a 1 strike policy and ban for life instead of suspending these guys for committing felonies. Anybody with a criminal record should absolutely be banned for life. I'm all for people getting out of jail and getting their lives together, but not with multi-million dollar football contracts.

What's even sicker is these dog fighting crowds use kittens as bait to train these dogs before they start fighting other dogs. This is some Jeffrey Dahmer kind of shit.
I hope he gets a short sentence so we can see him back in the NFL. And I hope this whole ordeal dies quickly because I'm sick of hearing about it. I'm tired of seeing the a bunch of stay-at-home moms out there protesting for their fucking pets while they fail to devote their time to anything more meaningful.
I haven't followed this as much as others. Didn't Vick deny involvement to Goodell (or whomever the NFL commissioner is)? If so, that may not bode well for him.

My professional opinion is: hooray for the justice system working.
My personal opinion: I hope he is incorrectly hung such that he is wounded, but lives. Then he can have his head shoved in a bucket until he drowns.
All legal and moral issues aside...

It's a great day to be a Bucs fan!

Not that he ever gave them much of a hassle anyway (besides last year, of course ;)).
Dude what did he do with all that money? If O.J. .... money....lawyers.... why? What a dumb thing to do. Yes his football career is over. Even if they let him back in say 3 years do you really think he'll be able to run that fast or throw that hard again? Heck it took him over 5 years to learn the offense hes in now and he still hasn't mastered it. Give him 3 years off and he might be able to learn it by the time he is 60. Joey Harrington gets his 5th shot at being an NFL quarterback now.
[quote name='2Fast']
It's a great day to be a Bucs fan!


Falcons fans have wanted him off the team for years, so I'd say it's a good day to be a Falcons fan.

And are we going to have another thread when he pleas next Monday?
[quote name='CocheseUGA']What?

Falcons fans have wanted him off the team for years, so I'd say it's a good day to be a Falcons fan.

And are we going to have another thread when he pleas next Monday?[/quote]

Michael Vick > Joey Harrington, any way you slice it.

Or probably any QB they bring-in for a while.
[quote name='2Fast']Michael Vick > Joey Harrington, any way you slice it.

Or probably any QB they bring-in for a while.[/QUOTE]

Totally disagree.

Harrington is by far a batter QB. Vick may have more natural physical ability, but it sure doesn't extend all the way to that thing he calls a brain.
[quote name='klwillis45']*obligatory Vick to Raiders comment here*

Nice (even if you are a Packers fan :p)

Goodell better make one hell of an example out of him. While "Pacman" Jones was disciplined severely, he's not got the "star power" Vick has/had. I think a multi-year ban without pay would be good on top of his prison sentence.
Yup, if Vick ever had an injury that took away his legs, he couldn't even cut it as a 3rd stringer.

moves like Cunningham, arm like Favre/Elway, QB ability of my mom.
[quote name='klwillis45']Yup, if Vick ever had an injury that took away his legs, he couldn't even cut it as a 3rd stringer.

moves like Cunningham, arm like Favre/Elway, QB ability of my mom.[/QUOTE]

You should send your mom flowers after a comment like that. ;)
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Totally disagree.

Harrington is by far a batter QB. Vick may have more natural physical ability, but it sure doesn't extend all the way to that thing he calls a brain.[/quote]

Obviously Vick is a complete dumbass, but on the field I'd take a 1,000 yard rusher with marginal passing abilities over an all-around marginal QB who is already halfway to being a journeyman.

However, in Harrington's defense, he has never really had any offensive weapons, and he sure won't find any this year in Atlanta.
[quote name='2Fast']Obviously Vick is a complete dumbass, but on the field I'd take a 1,000 yard rusher with marginal passing abilities over an all-around marginal QB who is already halfway to being a journeyman.

However, in Harrington's defense, he has never really had any offensive weapons, and he sure won't find any this year in Atlanta.[/QUOTE]

I think the Falcons are going to surprise some people this year. Petrino has been really impressed with Joey, and there are some WRs on this team that have some talent. With a QB that can actually get them the ball instead of hearing footsteps and trying to throw to a TE that is quintiple covered, some of that talent will start to show.

I haven't done my predictions for this year, but I don't think Atlanta is going to end up bottom in the South.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']You should send your mom flowers after a comment like that. ;)[/quote]

I a month (B-day);)

Vick is to QBs what Juan Pierre is to CFs\Leadoff hitters. Fast and nothing else.

Edit: Actually that might be a little harsh for Vick since Pierre couldn't play HS baseball if he wasn't fast, but I digress.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']I hope he gets a short sentence so we can see him back in the NFL. And I hope this whole ordeal dies quickly because I'm sick of hearing about it. I'm tired of seeing the a bunch of stay-at-home moms out there protesting for their fucking pets while they fail to devote their time to anything more meaningful.[/QUOTE]

Agreed whole-heartedly. Not only that... (know I'm gonna get flamed for this one)... 99% of pet-owners are ass-holes that neglect their pets all of time.
[quote name='klwillis45']I a month (B-day);)

Vick is to QBs what Juan Pierre is to CFs\Leadoff hitters. Fast and nothing else.

Edit: Actually that might be a little harsh for Vick since Pierre couldn't play HS baseball if he wasn't fast, but I digress.[/quote]

Wow, so much Juan Pierre hate :D

Wasn't he pretty much the main offensive catalyst on a World Series Champion? I'll give you that he sucks in the field though (I could throw harder/farther the day after shoulder surgery), and he's really on the decline offensively.
kobe rapes a chick, ray lewis stabs someone, vick plays real life pokemon and hes the one facing prison time. its one thing if the police do their freaking job and prove someone is guilty, but vick is going away b/c he got ratted out but a bunch of 8itches. this is jacked up.
[quote name='klwillis45']Yup, if Vick ever had an injury that took away his legs, he couldn't even cut it as a 3rd stringer.

moves like Cunningham, arm like Favre/Elway, QB ability of my mom.[/QUOTE]

:applause: :lol:

[quote name='jughead']Agreed whole-heartedly. Not only that... (know I'm gonna get flamed for this one)... 99% of pet-owners are ass-holes that neglect their pets all of time.[/QUOTE]

Well that was pretty inaccurate. Yes, there's some assholes out there that treat their pets as nothing more than toys or accessories, but a great deal of us care for our pets and care for them deeply.

Vick is a monster that really needs to be punished. Tie him a tree, beat and starve him for 2-3 days, and THEN give him 5 years in the slammer (along with a life-time ban from the NFL).
I'm close to agreeing with the anti pets people but how does that excuse what he did? Since when does a person get a free pass because of the type of people protesting and picketing him? Did Kobe get a free pass because no one believes a white woman could possibly stumble into a hotel room without jungle fever on her mind? Did R Kelly's chick ask for piss on her face? Defending Michael Vick at this point speaks alot about people's character. Do you all think the dogs were asking for it? The dogs demanded to be killed if they didn't win? Do you also justify date rape and child abuse? Saying all that, I don't think there would be this much hoopla if Alex Smith or Marc Bulger were caught doing the same thing.
[quote name='jughead']Agreed whole-heartedly. Not only that... (know I'm gonna get flamed for this one)... 99% of pet-owners are ass-holes that neglect their pets all of time.[/QUOTE]

As someone who devotes 2-3 hours a day to mine and my fiancee's pets, I think you're full of shit.

Anyhow, he's done. He lied to the NFL Commish, he's going to jail, he'll never play in the NFL again. Not for the Falcons, not for the Raiders, not for anyone. There's no team in the NFL that would want the backlash that would be caused by signing him.

He'll get out of jail, get someone to ghostwrite his autobiography, make a bit of money off that and then fall off the radar for the rest of his life.
[quote name='monkeydeew']kobe rapes a chick, ray lewis stabs someone, vick plays real life pokemon and hes the one facing prison time. its one thing if the police do their freaking job and prove someone is guilty, but vick is going away b/c he got ratted out but a bunch of 8itches. this is jacked up.[/QUOTE]

another brilliant misconstrued post from monkeydeew...

as for 99% of pet owners being assholes, give me a fucking break. my cats get treated better than most people.
[quote name='monkeydeew']kobe rapes a chick, ray lewis stabs someone, vick plays real life pokemon and hes the one facing prison time. its one thing if the police do their freaking job and prove someone is guilty, but vick is going away b/c he got ratted out but a bunch of 8itches. this is jacked up.[/QUOTE]

Vick gave a girl herpes didn't he? The whole Ron Mexico fiasco. I dont think he should be singled out because he's famous, but he def shouldn't be let off the hook for this shit(as shouldnt the others who prob will since they are cooperated in taking down vick).
Vick's NFL football career is over--pretty much end of story, since he lied to Goodell and the head office at the start of this mess. He could go to Canada I guess when he gets out. What a dumbass, throwing away all that money and a Hall of Fame career because he couldn't say no to some old friends that were bad newz. (Ha, see what I did there?)
Kinda crazy, they're probably just picking on him because he's black right? Kind of like Donaghy is getting picked on for being white. I mean it's just betting for fucks sake!
[quote name='Halo05']As someone who devotes 2-3 hours a day to mine and my fiancee's pets, I think you're full of shit.

Anyhow, he's done. He lied to the NFL Commish, he's going to jail, he'll never play in the NFL again. Not for the Falcons, not for the Raiders, not for anyone. There's no team in the NFL that would want the backlash that would be caused by signing him.

He'll get out of jail, get someone to ghostwrite his autobiography, make a bit of money off that and then fall off the radar for the rest of his life.[/QUOTE]

What about the other 21 hours?
Nice to see a few CAGs that support a piece of shit like Vick, makes me feel proud to be involved in this community. :roll:

At least most of you don't have your heads shoved firmly up your asses.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']I hope he gets a short sentence so we can see him back in the NFL. And I hope this whole ordeal dies quickly because I'm sick of hearing about it. I'm tired of seeing the a bunch of stay-at-home moms out there protesting for their fucking pets while they fail to devote their time to anything more meaningful.[/QUOTE]
I would have agreed with you until I saw this pic:

(pic of a dog disfigured from fighting)
Well if OJ can get away with murdering two humans... (although many people on here I'm sure like dogs better than people)...

Anyway, I've read some reports saying Vick is dunzo alltogether. Kinda sucks as he was fairly fun to watch, plus it's as if it wasn't bad enough Atlanta swapped Tomlinson for Vick; yet at the same time he deserves to be punished severely.

So... let's say he spends this season out and in jail. Then next season off as well for a suspension, that's really no more time off than Ricky Williams has had.

What a pair those two would make, and the hell with going to Oakland, why not bring them to Detroit? Where they'd both be doomed to losing for the rest of their careers!
[quote name='JimmieMac']Madden Curse strikes again. Look out Vince Young.[/QUOTE]

It's seems like the Madden curse strikes twice. While the person is on the cover and a couple of years down the road also.

Eddie George - Out of the NFL
Daunte Culpepper - Basically out for good ( He Terrible )
Michael Vick - Out of the NFL

Nothing happened to the rest but I think someone awful will happen to Ray Lewis this year. I'm guessing another murder charge :)
[quote name='yukine']Nice to see a few CAGs that support a piece of shit like Vick, makes me feel proud to be involved in this community. :roll:

At least most of you don't have your heads shoved firmly up your asses.[/quote]
i think dog fighting is jacked up, but i still think human-human crimes should be punished more than human-animal. imo.

*i guess the gambling is what pushed it over the edge.
[quote name='monkeydeew']i think dog fighting is jacked up, but i still think human-human crimes should be punished more than human-animal. imo.

I agree. What ever happened to Ray Lewis? Wasn't he implicated in a murder? But he seems to have gotten away scot free.
Don't forget he will probably be brought up on state charges too, unless the plea takes those out of the equation. Five years for each dog x 8 dogs. I think the math is obvious.
[quote name='yukine']Nice to see a few CAGs that support a piece of shit like Vick, makes me feel proud to be involved in this community. :roll:

At least most of you don't have your heads shoved firmly up your asses.[/QUOTE]

Get real. My argument is with how much attention this thing has gotten in the public. If Joe Schmoe got arrested for this you could care less. But since Michael Vick is the one, it allows you to jump all over him. What about Beckham's Kangaroo shoes? I bet that would piss you off too if you knew about it. Well, let me fill you in, people kill animals every day of the year. In most cases because it is a lucrative business. And we all know morals get thrown out the windows for money. So... All I'm saying is that if you want to get pissed about it, join PETA. But realize that there is no difference in arranging dog fighting matches for money and killing animals for food. In the end, its about the money.

That being said, I always thought Vick was a slimeball of a QB.
I hope he learns a lesson from all of this, I am saddened to see that he will serve jail time, but it almost seemed necessary at this point.
[quote name='jughead']Get real. My argument is with how much attention this thing has gotten in the public. If Joe Schmoe got arrested for this you could care less. But since Michael Vick is the one, it allows you to jump all over him. What about Beckham's Kangaroo shoes? I bet that would piss you off too if you knew about it. Well, let me fill you in, people kill animals every day of the year. In most cases because it is a lucrative business. And we all know morals get thrown out the windows for money. So... All I'm saying is that if you want to get pissed about it, join PETA. But realize that there is no difference in arranging dog fighting matches for money and killing animals for food. In the end, its about the money.

That being said, I always thought Vick was a slimeball of a QB.[/QUOTE]
:applause: :applause: :applause:

I applaude you besides the Vick is a Slimeball QB ;) He's one of the best QB's in the game to watch.....errr he was one of the best QB's in the game to watch :)
Dogs and horses are different. They provide protection and companionship. They might be filthy animals but they have provided more use than to be simply thrown away.

Michael Vick's dogs weren't killed for their meat. They were killed for sport. I don't condone hunting for sport either. You want to kill an animal. Fine. Then have a plan for gutting and cleaning it. Go home and eat the meat. Make venison stew. Pheasant pie is great. I just can't stand hunting and killing for sport.
Yea, slimeball wasn't the word I was looking for. Actually that comment makes no sense. I was trying to refer to his complaints earlier in his career relating to the offense he was force to run. If you have that much talent, you should be able to run any offense.
bread's done