Vick pleads guilty, gets 23 months in federal "pound me in the ass prison"

This wasn't about money. Vick was set up to make 130 million over ten years.

You can take a Vick (him or his brother) out of the hood, but you can't take the hood out of a Vick.
[quote name='hohez']This wasn't about money. Vick was set up to make 130 million over ten years.

You can take a Vick (him or his brother) out of the hood, but you can't take the hood out of a Vick.[/QUOTE]

As one of the ESPN reporters said, he didn't really have any close friends in the locker room, all of his friends where outside sources, probably the guys he grew up with before he got famous.

Or just to say he is a millionaire, who still had friends form the hood.
[quote name='jughead']Get real. My argument is with how much attention this thing has gotten in the public. If Joe Schmoe got arrested for this you could care less. But since Michael Vick is the one, it allows you to jump all over him. What about Beckham's Kangaroo shoes? I bet that would piss you off too if you knew about it. Well, let me fill you in, people kill animals every day of the year. In most cases because it is a lucrative business. And we all know morals get thrown out the windows for money. So... All I'm saying is that if you want to get pissed about it, join PETA. But realize that there is no difference in arranging dog fighting matches for money and killing animals for food. In the end, its about the money.

That being said, I always thought Vick was a slimeball of a QB.[/quote]
Actually, you assume wrong. Unlike you, I don't care who the person is who commits the crime. Whether it's a "Joe Schmoe" or a someone famous, I'm going to be furious regardless.

And there is a significant difference between dog fighting and killing animals for food, you don't need to torture and have dogs kill each other to survive.

I just find it pathetic that people would defend someone like Vick because he is famous, it's that same blind devotion that lets celebrities get away with murder.

I understand that some people value animals lives lower than that of humans, but in many ways I consider them equal. Yes, shocking I know. But animals being tortured is equal to having a child being tortured to me.
I've known some ghetto thugs in my day but I've never been to a dog fight. Should be something to take in at least once before I pack it in, like the Louvre or the world's 2nd largest ball of twine.
[quote name='yukine']
I understand that some people value animals lives lower than that of humans, but in many ways I consider them equal. Yes, shocking I know. But animals being tortured is equal to having a child being tortured to me.[/QUOTE]

Keep on thinking that way. Just remember this quote when you cross that grizzly on your next camping trip. Just kidding, but seriously, I am not defending Vick. I am just saying that there is no point in your outrage. You are not Vick's judge. If you have a problem join PETA.
[quote name='yukine']Actually, you assume wrong. Unlike you, I don't care who the person is who commits the crime. Whether it's a "Joe Schmoe" or a someone famous, I'm going to be furious regardless.

And there is a significant difference between dog fighting and killing animals for food, you don't need to torture and have dogs kill each other to survive.

I just find it pathetic that people would defend someone like Vick because he is famous, it's that same blind devotion that lets celebrities get away with murder.

I understand that some people value animals lives lower than that of humans, but in many ways I consider them equal. Yes, shocking I know. But animals being tortured is equal to having a child being tortured to me.[/quote]
vick didnt torture the dogs, he only put them in a position where millions (billions?) of years of evolution took over and dogs fought. then in a way he just put them out of their misery. i'm just throwing in arguments that you west coast hippies havent covered yet dont get your panties toooo ruffled :)
The warden where Vick does time should put Vick out on the basketball court at the prison with the biggest, meanest other SOB prisoner there and tell them to go at it, last one standing lives.

And if Vick falls he should give him a jolt in the electric chair, see how he likes it.
[quote name='keithp']The warden where Vick does time should put Vick out on the basketball court at the prison with the biggest, meanest other SOB prisoner there and tell them to go at it, last one standing lives.

And if Vick falls he should give him a jolt in the electric chair, see how he likes it.[/quote]

He'll get his just dues from the VA penile... erm penal system.
Don't forget that Vick also had a dog hung and since they didn't do it properly they had to electrocute the dog. Think they could get away with that at Guantanamo Bay?
[quote name='monkeydeew']vick didnt torture the dogs, he only put them in a position where millions (billions?) of years of evolution took over and dogs fought. then in a way he just put them out of their misery. i'm just throwing in arguments that you west coast hippies havent covered yet dont get your panties toooo ruffled :)[/QUOTE]

right, all us hippies in california...

yup, a million years ago dogs were raised to and forced to kill each other caged off in small arenas. its a good thing we have people like vick to put them out of their misery. when does school start monkeydeew? im just wondering because my hand is starting to hurt since i punch the monitor every time you post.

On Monday, New York Knicks guard Stephon Marbury was in Albany, N.Y., promoting his brand of affordable sneakers. He was asked about Michael Vick, and said, according to Newsday:

"We don't say anything about people shooting deers and shooting other animals, you know what I mean? From what I hear, dogfighting is a sport. It's just behind closed doors and I think it's tough that we build Michael Vick up and then we break him down ... I think he fell into a bad situation."

Brilliant insight from Marbury, possibly related to monkeydeew

An excerpt:

ATLANTA -- An NAACP leader said Michael Vick should be allowed to return to the NFL, preferably the Atlanta Falcons, after serving his sentence for his role in a dogfighting operation.

"As a society, we should aid in his rehabilitation and welcome a new Michael Vick back into the community without a permanent loss of his career in football," said R.L. White, president of the NAACP's Atlanta chapter. "We further ask the NFL, Falcons, and the sponsors not to permanently ban Mr. Vick from his ability to bring hours of enjoyment to fans all over this country." ...

The best part are the comments by the users...some whacky people out there.
Michael Vick's jail time and whatever the NFL wants to do with him are two totally separate things. I hope the NAACP realizes that.

Does he have a constitutional right to live as a free man after he gets out of jail? Yes (well minus the whole convicted felons not being able to do certain things).

Does he have a constitutional right to play football in the NFL? Oh hell no. I still say that no NFL team will risk the animal-rights backlash that would be caused by signing Vick. It's not like he's the best QB ever.
I also don't know who's gonna sign him. By the time he gets out of jail, Al Davis won't be around. What other coach, GM, or owner would crazy enough to bring Mike Vick into town?
[quote name='jughead']Keep on thinking that way. Just remember this quote when you cross that grizzly on your next camping trip. Just kidding, but seriously, I am not defending Vick. I am just saying that there is no point in your outrage. You are not Vick's judge. If you have a problem join PETA.[/quote]
Yeah, I hope you're kidding. As defending oneself from an animal attack is very, very different. Vick wasn't defending himself from an attacking animal, he was torturing and forcing animals to kill each other. I'm not a vegetarian hippie by any means, I just think torture and unnecessary killing of any creature is wrong.

Also, why do you keep repeating yourself with "join PETA"? I'm not telling you to go and be a serial killer because of your apparent disregard for the lives of others.
Big difference between Kobe and Mike Vick is that Vick will be a legally convicted felon and Kobe will be a publicly convicted rapist.
[quote name='pimpinc333']Vick will be back in the NFL. Check Kobe Bryant out. He lost a ton of sponsers and there was ton of public outcry just like what is happening to Vick. Bryant is still in the NBA and picked back up his mucho sponsers. Vick will bounce back the same way.

:rofl: Speaking about Murdering/Killing Dogs:[/QUOTE]

Only problem is, Kobe was innocent.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Only problem is, Kobe was innocent.[/QUOTE]

I feel that Vick's 2 boys put a squeeze on him. I mean they probably got a sweet ass deal from the prosecution to turn everthing on Vick. With that much evidence pointed at Vick ( True or Not ) he just about had to plead guilty and take the plea bargain. If he didn't he would have gotten more time. IMO he homies lied on him just so they don't have to serve much jail time.
[quote name='pimpinc333']I feel that Vick's 2 boys put a squeeze on him. I mean they probably got a sweet ass deal from the prosecution to turn everthing on Vick. With that much evidence pointed at Vick ( True or Not ) he just about had to plead guilty and take the plea bargain. If he didn't he would have gotten more time. IMO he homies lied on him just so they don't have to serve much jail time.[/quote]

exactly. no matter what vick did, it sucks to go down b/c of snitches.
Screw you and the "no snitching" code. Tell that to the dogs that were beaten, hung, and electrocuted.

To hell with Michael Vick. Overrated, overpaid, and yet another "woe is me" case of celebrities thinking they can get away with murder. Vick's a piece of shit, and deserves to be treated as such.
[quote name='JJSP']Screw you and the "no snitching" code. Tell that to the dogs that were beaten, hung, and electrocuted.

To hell with Michael Vick. Overrated, overpaid, and yet another "woe is me" case of celebrities thinking they can get away with murder. Vick's a piece of shit, and deserves to be treated as such.[/QUOTE]
I'm not talking about snitching your tard. Read what I posted.

I don't care who you are. If you get convicted of a crime and there is a way to get your sentence from 5 years down to 6months to 1 year in jail you will do anything ( Lie/Point the finger elsewhere ) to get that bargain. Vick knows his boys ain't got his back and they are selling him out to save their own asses. So he had to take the plea bargain and plead guilty even if he is not guilty. Sure he is pleading guilty but that has nothign to do with him doing it or not.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']theres absolutely no reason whatsoever to think that michael vick only went down "b/c of snitches".[/QUOTE]

Ok then what other evidence do they got thats pointing at Vick besides the 2 Suspossed to be homies ( Who are convicted of the same crimes as vick ) testifying against him?

Just think about it why would these 2 dudes just blurt out that Vick was in on it all also? What would be the point other then them getting a reduced sentence? Did they secretly hate Vick all his life so they just want to screw him over or what?
vick probably had a shot at clearing his name, or at least pleading to a lesser charge. but those snitches bit the hand that was feeding them. holding the crime aside, it sucks to go down like that.
[quote name='pimpinc333']Ok then what other evidence do they got thats pointing at Vick besides the 2 Suspossed to be homies ( Who are convicted of the same crimes as vick ) testifying against him?

Just think about it why would these 2 dudes just blurt out that Vick was in on it all also? What would be the point other then them getting a reduced sentence? Did they secretly hate Vick all his life so they just want to screw him over or what?[/QUOTE]

ah, well you must know the secrets behind the prosecutors case then. and they probably just arrested him for no reason or without evidence.

have you read the indictment?

  • vick and his two friends founded bad newz kennels.
  • vick paid 34,000 to buy the property where dog were trained, fought and killed.
  • vick bought the dogs for the for the fighting
  • when vick wasnt at dog fights the purses were around $500-$1500 dollars, when vick was at dog fights the purses were $3000-26000.
  • vick is named in the indictment as one of the people who executed dogs

thats just the original indictment, so dont think that vick would be a free man if it wasnt for his friends. after his friends plead (you can read the plea agreements) it simply confirms the the case the government already had against vick.

vick was plead out because of the information from his "snitch" friends was going to lead to racketeering charges, which were not brought against him, meaning he was charged with no new crimes because of his friends. however theres a chance he will face state charges based off this case. which will need almost no new evidence to bring against him. which again, could have been brought against him with or without his friends pleas.
[quote name='monkeydeew']vick got screwed, deal with it.[/quote]

Got screwed? Not yet.

Will get screwed? Most definitely, hopefully by a rather large and rough doglover.
So basicallly they Vick Funding everythign and I do agree with that. So why is everyone going around calling him a dog killer and shit? O yea thats because his 2 homies said he did. I don't believe those other 2 dudes 1 bit.
[quote name='pimpinc333']So basicallly they Vick Funding everythign and I do agree with that. So why is everyone going around calling him a dog killer and shit? O yea thats because his 2 homies said he did. I don't believe those other 2 dudes 1 bit.[/QUOTE]


that has nothing to do with his two friends!

that has nothing to do with his two friends![/QUOTE]

I'm no lawyer so how did his name come up in the indictment that he was a dog killer? Are they just going by the facts that since he funded the whole ring he is responsible for the kiling of the dogs also?

that has nothing to do with his two friends![/quote]

until monday, remember these are all allegations and should be treated as such
[quote name='monkeydeew']until monday, remember these are all allegations and should be treated as such[/QUOTE]

LMAO. He's guilty. He's going to say as such in four days. Deal with it.
[quote name='pimpinc333']I'm no lawyer so how did his name come up in the indictment that he was a dog killer? Are they just going by the facts that since he funded the whole ring he is responsible for the kiling of the dogs also?[/QUOTE]

he was named in testimony to a grand jury

[quote name='monkeydeew']until monday, remember these are all allegations and should be treated as such[/QUOTE]

right, when he pleads guilty in the public.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']he was named in testimony to a grand jury

right, when he pleads guilty in the public.[/quote]

wait till monday before you light him on fire ok
b/c vick is one of my favorite players in all of sports and i honestly dont give a crap about dogs that have evolved to tear things apart
[quote name='monkeydeew']b/c vick is one of my favorite players in all of sports and i honestly dont give a crap about dogs that have evolved to tear things apart[/QUOTE]

sooo vick must be innocent because he is one of your favorite players and because dogs have teeth?
b/c hes the most electrifying quarterback in football. b/c hes left handed. b/c he gave some slut a fake name and herpes (who hasnt). b/c he rushed for 1000 yards in one season. b/c he wears number 7. b/c he didnt want to throw his weed away and might not have really known what the mile high club is. b/c he is the best player to have fun with on madden. b/c his name sounds like dick and i laugh everytime they say it on tv. b/c he has a youngner brother named marcus. etc. etc. etc. flame all you want, mike vick is the man and most of the world is just happy to see someone with more money than them get screwed. and rams, i didnt say he was innocent, i said he got screwed. if you are going to respond to my opinion, at least get it right. thanks
[quote name='monkeydeew']b/c hes the most electrifying quarterback in football. b/c hes left handed. b/c he gave some slut a fake name and herpes (who hasnt). b/c he rushed for 1000 yards in one season. b/c he wears number 7. b/c he didnt want to throw his weed away and might not have really known what the mile high club is. b/c he is the best player to have fun with on madden. b/c his name sounds like dick and i laugh everytime they say it on tv. b/c he has a youngner brother named marcus. etc. etc. etc. flame all you want, mike vick is the man and most of the world is just happy to see someone with more money than them get screwed.[/QUOTE]

so what youre saying is, youre a moron
Monkeydew I am a lawyer (I get my bar exam results back in Oct. wish me luck!) so let me fill you in.

In a court of law one is innocent until proven guilty, but we are not there. We are here and here happens to be a court of public opinion.

Want to know what somebody is in the court of public opinion...? Theyre GUILTY until proven innocent, and even if they are proven innocent they're still sometimes guilty in the court of public opinion. Deal with it.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']so what youre saying is, youre a moron[/quote]

no real counter to my opinoin so you result to name calling, clASSy
[quote name='monkeydeew']no real counter to my opinoin so you result to name calling, clASSy[/QUOTE]

you cant counter your defending of vick "b/c he wears number 7" and "b/c he gave some slut a fake name and herpes" with anything but, youre a moron.
bread's done