ViolentLee's Lowball: MISSION COMPLETE! ***Lowball Pointers Added***

52. King of Fighters 2000/01 (sealed) - - $17
53. King of Fighters 02/03 (sealed) - $17
58. Shining Tears (sealed) - - $17
PSP-Def Jam Takeover - $4
PSP - Coded Arms sealed -$5
DDR Extreme 2 - $11
Harvest Moon 64 - $20
[size=+2]BIDDING IS OVER!!![/size]
I will not accept any bids past this post! All top bids before this post stand. The OP will be updated as soon as possible -- hopefully tomorrow.

I will be out to a show tonight (Paul F. Tomkins), and probably won't be back online till around midnight PST. If you have questions, issues, please hit me up on PM and I'll address them then. Thank you!
63. Kirby Air Ride (mint) $9.50

EDIT: fuck, lol, i missed out on Kirby AND Megaman64!!!

EDIT 2: What the fuck ^, no ShaqFu?!?

EDIT 3 (lol): For Freebies could I call the Shadow of the Colossus Demo (& maybe the Beavis & Butt-head CD if no one else wants it)
[quote name='EarthBoundX5']63. Kirby Air Ride (mint) $9.50

EDIT: fuck, lol, i missed out on Kirby AND Megaman64!!![/QUOTE]

[quote name='lain21us']takeover 4.50[/QUOTE]

Aww that sucks you both missed out by like 2 seconds.
[quote name='lain21us']Rozz's last bid came in after the buzzer.[/QUOTE]

Sorry bub, but it ends when the OP says it does and it came before his post.
[quote name='lain21us']Rozz's last bid came in after the buzzer.[/QUOTE]

I don't like when this starts in lowballs. This one I agree though is difficult. He first said that his Post was the end, that means both those posts at 6:58 (8:58 central) are completely valid, BUT then he gave an EXACT end time, so I'm actually kinda on the fence for this one. But I'm not gonna fuel any bickering over it, ViolentLee's decision.
[quote name='lain21us']Guess I might just have to Indiana Jones myself right out of all my bids then.[/QUOTE]

Then I'm sure you'll have fun being blacklisted from future lowballs. He said it ends when he finally posts it, my post came before it.
I didn't have this issue when I ran my lowball a while back, but if I said "no bids after a certain post", and the person posted 0.00001 seconds before I posted, that persons bids are valid.
Actually, he said it ended at 6:58, but whatever, I'm really not worried about being blacklisted. I don't see why I should be bound by any rules of the OP isn't bound by the rules he stated.
[quote name='Azumangaman']I didn't have this issue when I ran my lowball a while back, but if I said "no bids after a certain post", and the person posted 0.00001 seconds before I posted, that persons bids are valid.[/QUOTE]

We had this discussion in a last lowball. DV8Mad, the creator of lowballs, says anything before the final post counts. ViolentLee even said it counts. This is how all of the lowballs work.
Well, DV8Mad doesn't set the rules for all lowballs, and ViolentLee went back on what he explicitly said, but we'll just wait and see.
[quote name='lain21us']Well, DV8Mad doesn't set the rules for all lowballs, and ViolentLee went back on what he explicitly said, but we'll just wait and see.[/QUOTE]

What he originally said was that it ends when he makes the last post. And at the last post he said that I got it. That's him saying twice that I got it.
[quote name='Rozz']What he originally said was that it ends when he makes the last post. And at the last post he said that I got it. That's him saying twice that I got it.[/QUOTE]

I agree Rozz did get in. But it still should have ended at the time stated or even when he got home, like he said.. not 10 minutes later.
Ok, the OP never said it ended when he made the last post. He said he would come home between 5:30-6:30 and post the ending, then he came back at 6:48 and explicitly stated it would end at 6:58.
[quote name='lain21us']Ok, the OP never said it ended when he made the last post. He said he would come home between 5:30-6:30 and post the ending, then he came back at 6:48 and explicitly stated it would end at 6:58. He never said it would end when he posted or anything like that.[/QUOTE]

He was on the mark for the final time he set. He already said that I got them. He finally gave an end time, and regardless if a time is adjusted or not it's when the final post says its over that it ends. That's why it's called an ending post. Every lowball works this way. I really don't see what you're complaining about, Violent Lee himself already stated that I got the items.
[quote name='lain21us']So, unless I'm in some weird parallel universe or something, this should have ended at 6:58 on the dot.[/QUOTE]

I dont believe that it would have to be on the dot. Even with it being 6:58 with 59 secs...its still techinically 6:58

This is the reason that I will be using a random time in a 30 minute span to stop my auction!
lain21us, if you have that much of an issue, PM me and we'll see what can be resolved.

I didn't do anything shady here. I kept updating everyone on what was going on. My original plan was to end between 5 and 6pm today, but that wasn't written in stone.

I gave a 10-minute warning, which I think was fair. I set a literal timer, and gave an approximation of that time.
I pre-wrote a closing post, and when my alarm went off I hit "Post." That couldn't have been more fair.

Yes, some lowballs go off at set times. But not all do: The Ultimate Lowball didn't. I didn't want to be bound by a set end time, so I never set one until 10 minutes before the ending. Seems fair to me. If you think otherwise, we'll agree to disagree.

I expect everyone to honor their bids. If you're mad you were outbid in the final hour, there's not much I can say/do about it. I have to honor bids made before the close, first and foremost.

Do I wish I could've been updating all day? Yes, but I wasn't going to sit at home in front of a computer all day to do it. And now I have to go live my life for the evening, and will deal with the rest of this drama tonight.
[quote name='lain21us']If not on the dot then what? The guy gave a time, not "I'll post at 6:58 and it will be over."[/QUOTE]

you are being a douche...but its cool with me.

How can he be perfectible on the dot? How does he determine that the post for 6:57 wasn't so close to being 6:58...and how can he determine that the post at 6:58 int on the dot.

It still says the post was you lose the items.
I honestly don't see why people get so crazy over lowball endings... You got outbid by a slim second, you lost an item. It happens. I think the only way that this can be resolved is to destroy the ending bid post, honestly. That's what everybody bickers about, but I really don't understand... I thought lowballs were about having fun and trying to pick up a few items for some decent prices. When people threaten to take all their bids off because of a screw up of an ending time, it's just ridiculous. Come on guys, cut him some slack.
I've put together what is tentatively the correct winning bid/bidder list.
More can be found in the OP.

Wow, this is what everyone is getting so hot about? When the host of the lowball says it's over, IT'S OVER! It's so much easier that way! Good job on your lowball Lee! Now I'm off to nsahene's lowball then I'm finally going to bed. Goodnight everyone, fun lowballin' tonight!
[quote name='lain21us']Well, DV8Mad doesn't set the rules for all lowballs, and ViolentLee went back on what he explicitly said, but we'll just wait and see.[/QUOTE]

You're quite right. However, I do give advice when it's asked of me and, in this case, it has been.

ViolentLee has clear rules on the front page that have been up since the beginning of his lowball stating that he would make a post when it was closed. Toward the end of the lowball, he posted an exact endtime (not recommended by me, but to each his/her own) stating that the auction would end at 6:58... Which it did and, as stated in the OP, all bids after his post were not accepted.
Seems like everything worked out to me.

[quote name='ViolentLee']lain21us has PM'ed me. Hopefully, we can resolve this without more drama in front of everyone.
I appreciate everyone's support.[/QUOTE]

Not to mention the fact that, as stated here, ViolentLee informed me that he has made you an offer of something from his personal collection to try and make things right. I don't think you can ask for more than that due to, what you may feel, were irregularities in his time management.
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Updated the OP with info on who won what, with pre-shipping totals.
Winners, please PM me your zip codes for accurate shipping estimates.
[quote name='Throat']I checked late last night and thought I had won. Guess it hadn't been updated. What a drag.[/QUOTE]
The end of lowballs is a mess. But feel free to do a search in the thread for the item you thought you won, to double-check if I was correct.
It'd be miraculous if no mistakes were made after 18 pages of bids on 103 different items.
man, i cant believe i lost on the two SNES games. I couldn't find the bids anywhere but oh well, cant cry over spilt milk.

PM sent and just waiting for shipping estimate and ill send payment out ASAP
bread's done