VP Debate: Biden vs. Palin... Pt. 1, Before the storm

[quote name='Msut77']If you please.[/QUOTE]

i do not listen to limbaugh. i do not watch him, i do not read his words. i dont visit his website and i never discuss him except when im trapped in a corner by my nutty neo-con uncle.

why would you think im a limbaugh fan. ive never once claimed to be nor have i given any reason to make that assumption. in this thread i made a simple point about the low expectations regarding palins performance tonight. a point which, evidently, when right over your head and was graced with one comments with your usual smug attitude. then, when another forum member is kind enough to explain my point to you, you call me a "semi literate Limbaugh fan" for no apparant reason other than to satisfy your own pompous perspective. so you see, thats why i called you a troll. because you constantly come into this forum and flame other posters with such intelligent posts down the lines of "youre an idiot because you think something that i dont like" or when you feel like just making your presense felt youll reply with a simple "no" reply with no explantion or defense. its a shame to, because every once in awhile you make a good point, but on the next page you resort to childish name calling if someone continues to disagree with you. so maybe you can do us a favor and try and work out your sensible posts to doltish posts ratio. if you do that, then maybe by the end of the year you can move up from forum troll to forum gnome or whatever it is thats above troll.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']why would you think im a limbaugh fan.[/QUOTE]

I saw something you wrote.

rumor has it people name msut smell. lets this offically be the
beginning of the anti-smelly posters club. aka the rush fan club.

Now it is possible that you are merely a fan of the band Rush but considering your ridiculous reticence I would lean towards you being a closet Limbaugh listener.

As for you being semi-literate look at your own goddamn posts, I am being kind by even adding the "semi".

so you see, thats why i called you a troll.

Let us clear something up here. You call me a troll when you have nothing else to say and you would rather lie than admit it.

you feel like just making your presense felt youll reply with a simple "no" reply with no explantion or defense.

Let us go look at a recent example, perhaps this one http://www.cheapassgamer.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4918816#post4918816

My responses (and patience) were rewarded with silence and then a nonsensical post bitching about how some crazy people may get help on your dime.

There are countless threads where I make decent posts (if I say so myself) sometimes it is not worth it and sometimes I make fun of the whiny idiot brigade and yes that includes your bitchy ass.
[quote name='Msut77']I saw something you wrote.

Now it is possible that you are merely a fan of the band Rush but considering your ridiculous reticence I would lean towards you being a closet Limbaugh listener.[/quote]

oh wow, i totally forgot i wrote that. i was pretty smashed that night. im hilarious when im drunk. i just checked thrust's profile, doesnt seem to be in there anymore. so that means he either deleted after you made that post or youve been saving that for a rainy day in a word file... i hope its the prior.

As for you being semi-literate look at your own goddamn posts, I am being kind by even adding the "semi".

i know the insults are your ace in the hold... but really, youre the only one that seems to complain about my comprehension or writing. sorry i dont proof read my posts buddy, guess youll just have to live with the occasional spelling or grammatical error.

Let us clear something up here. You call me a troll when you have nothing else to say and you would rather lie than admit it.

Let us go look at a recent example, perhaps this one http://www.cheapassgamer.com/forums/showthread.php?p=4918816#post4918816

My responses (and patience) were rewarded with silence and then a nonsensical post bitching about how some crazy people may get help on your dime.

There are countless threads where I make decent posts (if I say so myself) sometimes it is not worth it and sometimes I make fun of the whiny idiot brigade and yes that includes your bitchy ass.

sorry i dont keep track of each and every thread that i post in. when i notice, i respond. but it doesnt always work that way. i myself admitted that you do have a worthwhile post from time to time, and as i said before, its a shame you have to muddle those with school yard insults and holier than thou posts.
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wasting your time, ramastoria.....

You're dealing with, by far, the most prepubescent behaving CAG there is, on more ignore lists than anyone else. Only interested in antagonizing, not discussion. But, if you are really bored, knock yourself out.
[quote name='thrustbucket']wasting your time, ramastoria.....

You're dealing with, by far, the most prepubescent behaving CAG there is, on more ignore lists than anyone else. Only interested in antagonizing, not discussion. But, if you are really bored, knock yourself out.[/QUOTE]

as long as youre here. did you delete my drunken wit from your profile today, or before today?
[quote name='Msut77']All I am going to say is "occasional"?[/QUOTE]

no, i meant to say "a worthwhile" instead of "the occasional worthwhile". like i said, i dont proof read my posts, ill fix it if it makes you feel better.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']no, i meant to say "a worthwhile" instead of "the occasional worthwhile". like i said, i dont proof read my posts, ill fix it if it makes you feel better.[/QUOTE]

I was talking about your belief that you only make occasional errors.

P.s. You do realize that you have pretty much admitted to lying your ass off about being a Limbaugh fan right?
[quote name='Msut77']I was talking about your belief that you only make occasional errors.

P.s. You do realize that you have pretty much admitted to lying your ass off about being a Limbaugh fan right?[/QUOTE]

oh come off it you grammar whore.

and im not sure where i was caught lying about being a rush fan, other than an drunken comment on a profile which didnt have a hint of truth to it.

but really, was that in his profile today or did you save it? im dying to know.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']and im not sure where i was caught lying about being a rush fan, other than an drunken comment on a profile which didnt have a hint of truth to it.[/QUOTE]

People do silly things while drinking, but admitting to being a Rush Limbaugh fan is not something that happens like running around pantless. So I will just chalk up to you telling fibs again.
[quote name='Msut77']People do silly things while drinking, admitting to being a Rush Limbaugh fan is not usually one of them.[/QUOTE]

youre still confusing "admitting to" with "joking about".
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']youre still confusing "admitting to" with "joking about".[/QUOTE]

I just don't see it and it is not as if anyone should trust your word anyway.
[quote name='Msut77']I just don't see it and it is not as if anyone should trust your word anyway.[/QUOTE]

alrighty, i think were done here.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']alrighty, i think were done here.[/QUOTE]

We have been done, it just took you this long to notice.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']as long as youre here. did you delete my drunken wit from your profile today, or before today?[/QUOTE]

Eh? Not sure what you are talking about. I haven't touched my profile.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Eh? Not sure what you are talking about. I haven't touched my profile.[/QUOTE]

msuts quote that "proved" i was a rush fan was a comment i had posted in your profile (while drunk), but its not there anymore. i figured you had deleted it. but if you didnt that leaves only two other options... i posted it in someone elses profile, which im 99.9% sure that i didnt. or msut copied that quote to save for later and then reported to a mod to have it removed. one of those scenarios is more interesting than the other.
bread's done