Use the last 16 digits of that 30-digit code with the PIN.First Walmart had only one person capable of the transaction but they were tied up with another customer on something totally unrelated to video game trades. I waited about twenty minutes reorganizing the alphabet in the dvd section and then gave up.
At another Walmart two regular worker drones had to get not one, but two assistant managers (plus i think President Obama was consulted during the transaction as well. The start of the Walmart trade-in policy was about as successful as the initial Affordable Care Act rollout, so i guess it makes sense) to come and make the trade happen. Instead of scanning the bar codes on the original cases they actually typed the titles into the computer to find the prices. How archaic is that? They wouldn't take everything. So off to Gamestop to get .11 for Ghost Recon 2. But anyway... It took about twenty minutes to process 5 poopy games for a total of $18.59. I wasn't given a gift card, but instead was given a coupon with a 30 digit code on it. Was told it would work for online purchases, but nope. Doesn't.
There's a reason i don't go to Walmart. There's usually a two year gap between visits, but then i forget and end up stupidly stepping through the door. This latest experience has reminded me why i don't go in there. Just like they say about the Holocaust; "Never again!!!"