Walmart Wii U Bundle - How long will it be available?

I think that Nintendo took a gamble on the tablet device.  This is just like the last gen when the Wii was not nearly as powerful as the 360 or PS3, but still had more sales.  This was due to the motion control and getting a much broader audience as a result.  

Nintendo made the same gamble this time, less power, but a different experience than the other consoles because every console has the tablet.  

To me the main difference is they don't have a killer app that makes people want one like wii sports did for the Wii.  I like that they put in a pack in game again, but Nintendo Land doesn't sell consoles like wii sports did.

How did they screw the pooch on the Wii? It might not have impressed third party companies or the hardcore fanbase, but the console still sold more than the PS3 or 360...

Too many people get bogged down by specs / graphics and quickly forget that you can offer an innovative / awesome experience on an underpowered device.
I know it had an innovative / awesome experience, but novelty can only carry so far without 3rd party support.

It also didn't help attract developers that there wasn't any real built in storage like the other two consoles had.

I guess IMO it comes down to that it was only really fun if you had multiple people to play it together from what I've seen. The lack of real online unity like XBL and to an extent PS3 also doesn't help. (I say to an extent PS3 because they still took a while after launch to catch up with XBL)

No kidding.That is almost as much as much as a PS4 with tax. I love Nintendo but I can't buy a last generation console at this time with the new consoles coming out. It is really too bad because I love Nintendo. I grew up with Nintendo and I would probably buy a Wii U just to play the new Zelda game, but I am very disappointed that the Wii only had 2 Zelda's the entire time it was out. I don't understand how Nintendo is so out of touch with reality. I guess somethings can't last forever.
Heading way off topic, but if you love Nintendo, you probably shouldn't care about the power of the console. The Wii was also a last-gen console, and it had some great titles for it. I own all three systems, and many of my favorite titles of the last generation were Wii titles.

Also, two full Zelda titles is actually a lot for any generation. Nintendo only got two. SNES got one. N64 got two. GB got one, GBC got two, GBA got one (and a port), GC got two, and three if you count Four Swords, which I really don't. And the DS got two, three if you count Four Swords on DSi (again, not really). So I wouldn't expect much more than that any generation. (Someone correct me if I missed one somewhere. I probably did. But I can't remember any generation where we got more than two full-fledged Zelda titles.)

Now, don't get me wrong, I haven't bought a Wii U yet. The library still isn't great. There are two things that would get me to buy one: a more substantial library, or a price reduction. I suspect a combination of 3D World and Smash Bros. would push me over that edge, even at the current price point. It's a no-go for now... but only for now.

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Give me a deluxe bundle with NSMBU for $250 and I'm all over it.

As for the name, it should have been called the Super Wii.
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I actually like the name someone said here on cag "wii wii"

just so fun saying it, i got a wii wii!!!! WHEEEEEE!!!! 

or wii squared  wii². 

commercial goes "wii wii!!!!!" then flash wii²

/now I gotta go pee pee my wee wee.

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Give me ONE SHRED of evidence of that, I have been hearing "Will have a price drop within months" since it's release. Nothing yet...
Let me tell you how the world works... if something isnt selling... its costing you money... warehouse space costs money... guards to guard that warehouse space costs money. Electricity and other utilities to the warehouse cost money. Wii U's sitting in the warehouse is costing money. Thats just a small trickle in the scheme of things.

The wii U isnt selling... I dont see you denying that... the sales numbers are beyond abysmal.

The PS4 and Xbox1 are going to be out this holiday season... expect millions of consoles for both being moved throughout the holidays. Now the preorders are such that you are going to have trouble getting those consoles on launch... but thats going to continue on through christmas and maybe into next year. Next there are going to be continued ps3 and xbox 360 sales throughout the holiday season.

So here is what is going to happen if there is no price drop. Combined Ps4/Ps3 sales in the Q3/Q4 are going to be something like 5-7 mil. Combined xbox360/one sales are going to be about the same. Then you throw out the Wii U numbers and its probably going to be like 250,000-500,000 and its probably going to be outsold by the original wii those quarters (like it is being outsold by the original wii right now)

They will have completely squandered the lead from releasing sooner as those new consoles will instantly be ahead on sales upon launch. Tons of Wii Us will start piling up in warehouses as unsold inventory stacks up. (Retailers will clearance the wii u on their own and stop stocking it btw if that were to happen, regardless of what nintendo itself thinks) Nintendo will have completely lost this console generation (thats already a given btw but it will be official now)

Oh and what happens next is their stock plummets and their CEO probably gets fired as shareholders revolt.

I think they would be insane not to drop it $100 from black friday onward. Absolutely insane not to do it.

source: mothershaqfuing history bro.

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I never intended for this thread to become what it has, ha. Just wanted to know how long Walmart sales went for! :)
If it's not an advertised sale, there's really no predicting it.

Wal-Mart sometimes has these console bundle deals up for a very long time (ditto for the ongoing 3 for $30 type deals), but they also are subject to change the options or just disappear at pretty much any time.

bread's done