Walmart will no longer take ANY returns without receipt in 2009

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']It would've actually been nice if every damn company that went under(Worldcom,Enron) were actually required by the government to reduce their CEO's pay to $1, while making sure that their employees benefits and wages were covered while they searched for new jobs, instead of letting the fuckin' CEO's take massive wads of cash and leave nothing for everybody else.

As for unions, the days of them being truly useful to working people are LONG GONE, unless you count the fuckin' teachers unions. The union the local teachers have here managed to get the asshole teachers almost full benefits with very little out of their members pockets, while the people whose kids they teach go without to provide the most basic plan for their kids.

Every one of those crybaby teachers were like 'waahhhh wahhhhh wahhh i'm only making $25k a year after my benefit co-pays and shit, I need more money'. Any chimp can do what the jerkoffs who teach in this district do, where they go by the lesson plan in the teacher edition books.[/quote]

I'm 100% anti-union, but I think you really need to give more credit to teachers. Not everyone can be a teacher, it really is a gift. My fiancee is a darn good teacher, and I know she'll lead many kids to brighter futures. Teachers are so important for every single American and yet they get paid so little with respect to how much work they have to put in...especially with the kids in these schools now-a-days, it is terrible. You have teachers making 25k (who are very much needed and important for the advancement of education and technology), while actors and athletes are making millions doing things that aren't needed. If anything, I feel that teachers have every right to complain about their wages. My fiancee doesn't care what see makes though, she just wants to teach and make lives of the many reasons I fell in love with her.

The biggest problem with the big three and the unions is that for GM anyways, the auto workers are getting paid like $69 an hour when you throw in benefits, which is ridiculously high compared to other auto-companies. Not only that, but they pay workers who retire full pay, and many workers who got laid off were getting full pay for years. Yea, that's a GREAT way to stay in thousands of people full pay who don't even work there. And they wonder how they got in that place? The bailout isn't going to fix anything, they are just taking our money and it will disappear in no time, leaving the "Big three" asking for more money. It is just a matter of time before they completely run out of steam and go bankrupt. The only way this won't happen is to get rid of the unions and stop paying all of these people who don't even work for the company anymore, or completely redesign how their company is advancing. Frankly, I'm putting my money on them falling sooner than later. I'd rather not see it happening as thousands of jobs are in the balance, but they are really going to have to pull some real miracle work to stay afloat.
The last time I went to walmart to return something someone came in with a tv they had bought 5 months ago trying to return it because it just broke, the guy became upset because walmart wouldnt take it, they tried to tell him they had to go through the manufacturer but demanded walmart take a 5 month tv back that they prolly dont even carry anymore. Hmm wonder if I could get a dr pepper and drink half of it and take it back cause I didnt want the rest and get a refund.
[quote name='GaveUpTomorrow']I'm 100% anti-union, but I think you really need to give more credit to teachers. Not everyone can be a teacher, it really is a gift. My fiancee is a darn good teacher, and I know she'll lead many kids to brighter futures. Teachers are so important for every single American and yet they get paid so little with respect to how much work they have to put in...especially with the kids in these schools now-a-days, it is terrible. You have teachers making 25k (who are very much needed and important for the advancement of education and technology), while actors and athletes are making millions doing things that aren't needed. If anything, I feel that teachers have every right to complain about their wages. My fiancee doesn't care what see makes though, she just wants to teach and make lives of the many reasons I fell in love with her.[/quote]

Purhaps he is talking about an area where the teachers are crap and they have a history of being crap.

Don't get me wrong Teachers are needed and I remeber a few that really impacted me during my time. But then there are areas like Washington DC where you would be better off sending your kid to the workforce then send them to school there. Or how about Alexandria City VA where they have a 73% graduation rate and the mean score on the SATs are 963. Do those teachers deserve to complain about their wage when they are not doing there job?

Anyway, Walmart not taking any returns without receipt is Bush's fault.

There I said it. Its that guys fault.
I got to say that I am not surprised about this policy change. It is kinda funny that you will no longer be able to return an item without a receipt but if you want to shop lift under a certain amount then feel free to do so without anything happening.

I love how a thread about Walmart's return policy turns into a anti-union thread.

Well, forget all you anti-union guys. I get paid $28+ an hour with free insurance for me and my family and free retirement. So which nut sack would you like to hug first?

Power to the workers, down with the corporate raping CEOs.
Teacher's union are fine for those that are good teacher, it's just that it also protects very bad and horrible teachers also. I remember watching a report on Nightline a few years back, in New York, where they had these group of "teachers" that they had to pay since they were part of the union and couldn't actually fired them so they just had them go to this room somewhere downtown and just hang out and do nothing.

In retail, unions are worthless. Most places are going to pay about the same regardless, unless you have a really horrible union like I did when I was working for Safeway. We were making barely above minimum wage and having to pay union dues on top of that, so it actually came out to be less than minimum. The non-unionized Wal-Mart paid better, and so did pretty much every other place. Unions have their pluses and minuses, but in today's world, with all the government regulations they have probably wore out their welcome with a few exceptions.

Back to the topic on hand, I never return items unless I have a receipt, so it won't affect me one way or another. I don't actually return much at all, and the two times I did have to return something at Wal-Mart, it took about half an hour or longer waiting in line and another half hour for them to process the return. So it's not even worth the effort if it's a low price item.
[quote name='GaveUpTomorrow']I'm 100% anti-union, but I think you really need to give more credit to teachers. Not everyone can be a teacher, it really is a gift. My fiancee is a darn good teacher, and I know she'll lead many kids to brighter futures. Teachers are so important for every single American and yet they get paid so little with respect to how much work they have to put in...especially with the kids in these schools now-a-days, it is terrible. You have teachers making 25k (who are very much needed and important for the advancement of education and technology), while actors and athletes are making millions doing things that aren't needed. If anything, I feel that teachers have every right to complain about their wages. My fiancee doesn't care what see makes though, she just wants to teach and make lives of the many reasons I fell in love with her.

The biggest problem with the big three and the unions is that for GM anyways, the auto workers are getting paid like $69 an hour when you throw in benefits, which is ridiculously high compared to other auto-companies. Not only that, but they pay workers who retire full pay, and many workers who got laid off were getting full pay for years. Yea, that's a GREAT way to stay in thousands of people full pay who don't even work there. And they wonder how they got in that place? The bailout isn't going to fix anything, they are just taking our money and it will disappear in no time, leaving the "Big three" asking for more money. It is just a matter of time before they completely run out of steam and go bankrupt. The only way this won't happen is to get rid of the unions and stop paying all of these people who don't even work for the company anymore, or completely redesign how their company is advancing. Frankly, I'm putting my money on them falling sooner than later. I'd rather not see it happening as thousands of jobs are in the balance, but they are really going to have to pull some real miracle work to stay afloat.[/quote]

Agreed.. teachers, medical professionals, and scientists should make the most.. but hey what can you do?
[quote name='funkymonkey406']The last time I went to walmart to return something someone came in with a tv they had bought 5 months ago trying to return it because it just broke, the guy became upset because walmart wouldnt take it, they tried to tell him they had to go through the manufacturer but demanded walmart take a 5 month tv back that they prolly dont even carry anymore. Hmm wonder if I could get a dr pepper and drink half of it and take it back cause I didnt want the rest and get a refund.[/quote]

That guy should have gotten it from Costco.
[quote name='GaveUpTomorrow']I'm 100% anti-union, but I think you really need to give more credit to teachers. Not everyone can be a teacher, it really is a gift. My fiancee is a darn good teacher, and I know she'll lead many kids to brighter futures. Teachers are so important for every single American and yet they get paid so little with respect to how much work they have to put in...especially with the kids in these schools now-a-days, it is terrible. You have teachers making 25k (who are very much needed and important for the advancement of education and technology), while actors and athletes are making millions doing things that aren't needed. If anything, I feel that teachers have every right to complain about their wages. My fiancee doesn't care what see makes though, she just wants to teach and make lives of the many reasons I fell in love with her.[/quote]

Your fiancee is the exception to the rule then, since in the district here the teachers are for the most part content to run on cruise control until they retire, which is typically about 6 months before they die since they never seem to want to retire.

I can't say I blame them though, since once they retire they may have to settle for less than what they made while they were teaching and have to actually pay for some of their health insurance costs.

Aside from one or two teachers, I had mostly lazy fucks in school. The one English teacher would go on break for 30-35 minutes out of a 45 minute class and come back just in time to dismiss us to our next class.

An even better example was the one science teacher, who had a mixed class(all grades at the high school), who would let us out 20 minutes after class started for the end of the day. Either that or we'd sit there and watch The Love Boat or Gilligan's Island and have quizzes on that instead of actual science.
Ugh, went to return a game, and the people in the line in front of me it looked like they were returning everything they got for Christmas!
There was a blender, massage pad, waffle iron, stereo, SHOE STRINGS and more!
Plus, they had no receipt..... :/
[quote name='iluvmywife']I got to say that I am not surprised about this policy change. It is kinda funny that you will no longer be able to return an item without a receipt but if you want to shop lift under a certain amount then feel free to do so without anything happening.

I love how a thread about Walmart's return policy turns into a anti-union thread.

Well, forget all you anti-union guys. I get paid $28+ an hour with free insurance for me and my family and free retirement. So which nut sack would you like to hug first?

Power to the workers, down with the corporate raping CEOs.[/QUOTE]

So you pay $400-500 or so a year for the right to make less than 60k?

Back on topic. I have no problem with merchants not accepting returns without a receipt but I like the way target has the lookup system. I wish all retailers would adopt some form of this. Everyone makes mistakes and misplaces receipts but a lookup system would allow legitimate returns for those people.
[quote name='kklems']So you pay $400-500 or so a year for the right to make less than 60k?

Back on topic. I have no problem with merchants not accepting returns without a receipt but I like the way target has the lookup system. I wish all retailers would adopt some form of this. Everyone makes mistakes and misplaces receipts but a lookup system would allow legitimate returns for those people.[/QUOTE]

actually most store can look up your purchase with credit card or check, including Circuit City and Best Buy.
[quote name='ritchardf']what a great world that would be, everyone making 9 dollars an hour and the companys making billions in profit. its corporate greed that has caused this economic mess, corporate greed that is costing american jobs, and there is no way not having a check in the system (the union) would make anything better right now.[/quote]

So, every non-union worker is making 9 dollars an hour? That's news to me.
[quote name='GaveUpTomorrow']The biggest problem with the big three and the unions is that for GM anyways, the auto workers are getting paid like $69 an hour when you throw in benefits, which is ridiculously high compared to other auto-companies. Not only that, but they pay workers who retire full pay, and many workers who got laid off were getting full pay for years. Yea, that's a GREAT way to stay in thousands of people full pay who don't even work there. And they wonder how they got in that place? The bailout isn't going to fix anything, they are just taking our money and it will disappear in no time, leaving the "Big three" asking for more money. It is just a matter of time before they completely run out of steam and go bankrupt. The only way this won't happen is to get rid of the unions and stop paying all of these people who don't even work for the company anymore, or completely redesign how their company is advancing. Frankly, I'm putting my money on them falling sooner than later. I'd rather not see it happening as thousands of jobs are in the balance, but they are really going to have to pull some real miracle work to stay afloat.[/quote]

You really need to get your facts straight and you've jumbled a whole bunch together and created your own "truth". The $69 figure (sometimes quoted as $70+/hr) is *not* what a line worker makes, even after figuring health care and other benefits. The ~$70 figure includes the line workers pay (closer to an average of $20/hr), health care, and the pensions/health care of retired workers.

You can argue that it was a bad decision "back in the day" to offer pensions, but the time for that argument has passed. Those workers worked for deferred compensation. It would be totally unfair to take that away from them now *after* the company has gotten all of the benefit of the work.

Unions arent 100% "good". They do some shady things too. But workers joining together is the only way to put pressure on managment. If the management felt they could get away with cutting all benefits to boost their own profits, they'd do it in a heartbeat. It is only the threat of potential "worker unrest" that keeps them honest. There needs to be that adversarial relationship to ensure a proper balance between management and workers.

On topic, having a reciept is only prudent in these times. However, a look-up system like Target's seems advisable.
Back on topic I was in walmart today and they had no such policy posted anywhere.

Like everything else the education system depends heavily on where you live, with the kids that are in the schools in my area around here I would sooner become a cashier for life then have to be in a classroom with them day after day. Most children in the city that I live in are unwanted and are had for the sole purpose of gaining more welfare money for the parents. Yes I know its a terrible thing to say but its the cold hard truth. School here is more like a free babysitting service from 9-3pm than anything.

My grade school teachers were not bad however my high school hired some real winners, doesn't help that I went to a catholic high school that pays their teachers next to nothing. One of my teachers was found to have lied on his resume that he had a 4 year degree when he really only had a 2 year degree. There were a couple good teachers in there though. Of course my high school was very biased towards those who were in sports and was content to push those kids through the school no matter how bad their grades were.
[quote name='kklems']So you pay $400-500 or so a year for the right to make less than 60k? [/quote]

I guess you and many of the anti-union guys don't know the value of free insurance and free pensions but yeah, around 65K a year.

Back on topic, I almost never take stuff back to stores unless it is a gift that I already have or a gift that I will never use. I will be disappointed if Walmart changes their policy but can understand if they do.
It sucks because I get some gifts that I already have and whatnot, but I understand. People buy games for like 5 bucks then return them to walmart for 30 in store credit. I can understand them doing it to combat that. Everything I buy from them is no problem because I keep receipts like a pack rat lol.
I had to return something to Wal-Mart today and saw no such signs anywhere in the Customer Service area stating anything about having to have a receipt come 2009 or the return would not be honored.
Well, if it's such a problem, the gift-givers should ask for a gift receipt at check-out. All registers are capable of printing them. This is no different from any other retailer that has strict return policies.

I work for Wal-Mart (and I hate it because it's retail) and in their defense, the wages are not too terrible, especially for this region. They are one of the highest paying retailers in town. I am actually bringing home a larger paycheck from working part-time at Wal-Mart than I had been making at the full-time tech job I got laid-off from earlier this year.
[quote name='sp00ge']the gift-givers should ask for a gift receipt at check-out. All registers are capable of printing them.[/quote]

I didn't know Wal-mart has gift receipts. What about self checkout lanes? I suppose I could ask one of the self-lane helpers to print one at their mini-desk.

They should definitely make this policy/service more public.
[quote name='iluvmywife']I guess you and many of the anti-union guys don't know the value of free insurance and free pensions but yeah, around 65K a year.

But it's not free if you are paying for it... :roll:
our walmart stopped this years ago on any video game items.

Sucks that best buy wont move on its 30 day return .... I forgot i had She ra DVd box sets season 1-3 that i did not need (got cheaper) went to return them and they are no longer in their systems. I was only 30 bucks but would been nice to got the 30 back
Dude for all the people saying wal mart has to make up money with higher prices and lower wages, maybe there policy needs to be changed but if you think it is going to make them raise there employees wages im pretty sure your off your rocker theres a reason 2 of the top 5 richest in america are brothers who inherited the majority of wal mart stock from there dad...they are a greedy company and those wages will go up when they get pressured for them to.....THANK YOU HAVE A NICE DAY:)
[quote name='slowdive21']They may not want to announce it because WM would be flooded with returns b4 12/31.[/quote]Good point. Never thought of that. :whistle2:s
[quote name='AceSXE']Dude for all the people saying wal mart has to make up money with higher prices and lower wages, maybe there policy needs to be changed but if you think it is going to make them raise there employees wages im pretty sure your off your rocker theres a reason 2 of the top 5 richest in america are brothers who inherited the majority of wal mart stock from there dad...they are a greedy company and those wages will go up when they get pressured for them to.....THANK YOU HAVE A NICE DAY:)[/quote]

Amen to that. When Wal*Mart opened their first store around here, I'll admit that I was glad to have another option besides Kmart to shop at.

But after seeing how they view clearance pricing and how some of the media items were EDITED to clean them up(I need no one to be the moral police for me), I grew to despise the company. Maybe those reasons seem a bit silly and stupid, but after years of getting insane clearance stuff from Kmart, WalMart let me down big time.

Couple this with their strong stances against unions(even though I think some unions are in name only and have NO power anymore)and the shitty wages they pay people in their stores here and that explains why I would rather pay a little more for my stuff at Kmart or even Target.

As far as people buying stuff cheaper elsewhere and doing return fraud to WalMart and other chains, I think my one buddy took the cake on that.

He used to buy books from the dollar store with a recent copyright date and take them back to Border's and Barnes & Noble for credit, which was sometimes $30 and over.
Yeah this had to be coming soon... it's called finding the money on the floor.. In these tough economic times company's start searching places where they can gain extra cash..... when times are good the small percentage of fraud can be tolerated to keep customers overall happy but with the deep discounting they had to do this holiday season to stay competitive you bet they are looking for ways to get extra cash flow.....

Oh and as far as Teachers go in one of those districts where the Teachers are greedy and lazy etc.... Go to an after school PTO meeting and tell me what you find...... Probably the Lock Ness Monster, WMD's or maybe even the Holy Grail you know what you won't see is 90% of parents....Parents are the largest part of a childs education if your kid is an idiot you probably have alot to do with it.... Parents for some reason see no need to get involved with their childs education quite frankly in most districts it's a minor mircle that most of these children even see graduation.. Between discipline problems, no PARENT support, and UNDER PAID teachers if anyone in this country deserves a little more it's Teachers
[quote name='Commander0Zero']Yeah this had to be coming soon... it's called finding the money on the floor.. In these tough economic times company's start searching places where they can gain extra cash..... when times are good the small percentage of fraud can be tolerated to keep customers overall happy but with the deep discounting they had to do this holiday season to stay competitive you bet they are looking for ways to get extra cash flow.....

Oh and as far as Teachers go in one of those districts where the Teachers are greedy and lazy etc.... Go to an after school PTO meeting and tell me what you find...... Probably the Lock Ness Monster, WMD's or maybe even the Holy Grail you know what you won't see is 90% of parents....Parents are the largest part of a childs education if your kid is an idiot you probably have alot to do with it.... Parents for some reason see no need to get involved with their childs education quite frankly in most districts it's a minor mircle that most of these children even see graduation.. Between discipline problems, no PARENT support, and UNDER PAID teachers if anyone in this country deserves a little more it's Teachers[/quote]

Here are your "deep discounts"...

[quote name='slowdive21']They may not want to announce it because WM would be flooded with returns b4 12/31.[/quote]

Indeed. Considering a very, very customer-centric company like Amazon just slipped the dropping of the protection protection right under our noses, I honestly wouldn't put it past Walmart to keep this under wraps, at least from general population, until it goes down.
[quote name='Commander0Zero']

Oh and as far as Teachers go in one of those districts where the Teachers are greedy and lazy etc.... Go to an after school PTO meeting and tell me what you find...... Probably the Lock Ness Monster, WMD's or maybe even the Holy Grail you know what you won't see is 90% of parents....Parents are the largest part of a childs education if your kid is an idiot you probably have alot to do with it.... Parents for some reason see no need to get involved with their childs education quite frankly in most districts it's a minor mircle that most of these children even see graduation.. Between discipline problems, no PARENT support, and UNDER PAID teachers if anyone in this country deserves a little more it's Teachers[/quote]


HAHAHAHAHA!! Thanks for the laugh anyway. But what the teachers here deserve is a swift kick in the ass to get them out the fuckin' door before they DIE on the job. Then again, I'd wanna stay at a job where I can take as many coffee breaks as I want during the day, while pretending to go get tests and quizzes ready AND get paid well to do it AND get my friggin' health insurance fully paid for while the parents of the students I'm teaching have to do without other things to eek by and afford insurance since their jobs don't hand them every motherfuckin' thing.

So again, thanks for the laughs, but.....I'm just gonna stop there before I say what I REALLY feel.
I work at walmart and havn't heard anything about this.

on a side note, walmart is so anti union its hilarious, they have went so far as to closing down stores that have developed unions in them. You are required to call a number if somone hands you a union card.

oh and all you people saying how immoral it is to return something to walmart you didn't get from there, how many of you flip games to blockbuster or gamestop? its the same idea.
[quote name='Birakon']oh and all you people saying how immoral it is to return something to walmart you didn't get from there, how many of you flip games to blockbuster or gamestop? its the same idea.[/quote]

:???: (couldn't find the scratching head smilie)

Walmart (unknowingly) gets game for $50 and sells it for $50 = $0 profit (plus loses money for overhead)

Gamestop (knowingly) buys flipped game for $15 and sells it for $45 = $30 profit
oh and all you people saying how immoral it is to return something to walmart you didn't get from there, how many of you flip games to blockbuster or gamestop? its the same idea.
Not even in the least all. Stores like GameStop and Blockbuster take trade-ins. It is part of their business model. They don't care where you got the game or much you paid for it. They give you a set price for it, one they think they can still make a sizeable profit after paying. That's not the same as buying something somewhere for cheap, taking it to another store, and saying you bought it there, so you can get more money for it. That's called fraud.
[quote name='Birakon']

oh and all you people saying how immoral it is to return something to walmart you didn't get from there, how many of you flip games to blockbuster or gamestop? its the same idea.[/quote]

Flipping is intent of selling the game back to GS or BB... return is stating that you bought it at that place/store and request the money that you paid for said item.

One is doing business = flipping
One is pure stealing = fraud returns

why fuck do they call it fraud returns to being with....
I can't believe Wal-Mart still allowed in the first place.

How hard is it to keep a receipt? All my receipts for the month go into a shoebox so I can look at how my budget is working for me.
Thanks for showing me this....I got some shit that I don't have a receipt to that I need to return...ASAP!
But wait, does this mean no more gift-cards being issued then??? Because sometimes my receipts get damaged or whatever and I just want a gift card to buy something else....I never really go there for money...
[quote name='strongpimphand']But wait, does this mean no more gift-cards being issued then??? Because sometimes my receipts get damaged or whatever and I just want a gift card to buy something else....I never really go there for money...[/QUOTE]

They don't give out money. And from your previous post I don't think you've been losing your receipts.
This is a YMMV obviously. Not sure how one OP post with no link made it gospel. I know its abused, but I also know people don't often give gift receipts with gifts (amazing how many people have ignored that angle in this thread). They already limit you to x number of returns a year without a receipt (maybe that is YMMV too), but that seems like less of a throw the baby out with the bath water solution.
[quote name='Birakon']oh and all you people saying how immoral it is to return something to walmart you didn't get from there, how many of you flip games to blockbuster or gamestop? its the same idea.[/quote]
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Not even in the least all. Stores like GameStop and Blockbuster take trade-ins. It is part of their business model. They don't care where you got the game or much you paid for it. They give you a set price for it, one they think they can still make a sizeable profit after paying. That's not the same as buying something somewhere for cheap, taking it to another store, and saying you bought it there, so you can get more money for it. That's called fraud.[/quote]Summed it up nicely, though they only care about it when the games might be stolen, which unfortunately, happens when people take cash over credit.

[quote name='strongpimphand']Thanks for showing me this....I got some shit that I don't have a receipt to that I need to return...ASAP![/quote]
[quote name='strongpimphand']But wait, does this mean no more gift-cards being issued then??? Because sometimes my receipts get damaged or whatever and I just want a gift card to buy something else....I never really go there for money...[/quote]I think you lose your receipts a tiny bit less than you're letting on. :roll: And if you're that forgetful about your "receipts", I think you should checked for dementia, since memory loss is one of the first signs of that issue.
bread's done