Wanna Know Why "Family Sharing" Was Never Discussed Much?

My god, that blog post is so full of shit, it is amazing. I am glad their dreams of strangling gamers rights is over. Their 'vision' for what gamers want is laughable and I still do not understand who they thought would jump in and replace the core consumers of their product.

I tend to think this is probably more like what the program would look like but we have no idea at all if this MS employee is actually a MS employee, the whole thing could be made up.  I think we will find out for sure eventually as I see no reason this program won't be implemented for digital games anyways.  The idea that the plan was going to be an unlimited pass for you and 9 others to share your games was ridiculous.  However my worst case scenario in my head was you buy a game and one other person gets unlimited access to it.  I couldn't even imagine it would be as bad as this guy claims it was going to be.  Basically just a glorified demo that saves your progress.

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I tend to think this is probably more like what the program would look like but we have no idea at all if this MS employee is actually a MS employee, the whole thing could be made up. I think we will find out for sure eventually as I see no reason this program won't be implemented for digital games anyways. The idea that the plan was going to be an unlimited pass for you and 9 others to share your games was ridiculous. However my worst case scenario in my head was you buy a game and one other person gets unlimited access to it. I couldn't even imagine it would be as bad as this guy claims it was going to be. Basically just a glorified demo that saves your progress.
The information about the family plan's demo mode was actually out there the whole time, we just never bothered to look for it.


People that take a random posting from an unconfirmed "employee" make me laugh.

I'm not saying that the share plan could have been what he said, but taking their word as fact is ludicrous.
If Microsoft had actually detailed what the damn thing was, people wouldn't believe him. But what he posted is fairly reasonable and well-written, not to mention considerably more consistent and detailed than anything Microsoft has said in the last 6 months.
How convenient they go and finally tell us this when they scrapped the whole thing.... Why didn't they tell us this when people were criticizing them? I wouldn't expect them to come out and tell us it was a 60 minute trial either though.
To be fair, they didnt tell us anything.. only that it wasnt 60 minutes, which is what they said before. (The word "unlimited" typically does not mean 60 minutes, which is what the FAQ said)

Polygon also said it wasnt 60 minutes and that they had numerous agreements with developers already in line.

Who know's, we'll see in the future when it make's its return.


From Reddit:

[–]majornelsonMajorNelson 17 points

8 hours


I'll am doing an interview today with Marc for my podcast. I've asked him to address this - I'll have the show posted later today.


Skip to 36 minutes when he discusses it. Sounds like he says it'll be coming after launch, but it's kind of marketing speak.
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It's impossible to verify that these are the words of an Xbox engineer, but sources familiar with Microsoft's Xbox plans have revealed to The Verge that the company was discussing the idea of limiting each Family Sharing session to one hour and that game progress would be saved so you could play through the hourly caps or purchase the full game to continue uninterrupted. The engineer notes that Microsoft was contemplating limiting the number of times Family Sharing could be accessed per game until it was purchased.
So the demo mode was only part of the whole story. I guess CBOAT was right about the 60 minutes limit.... Wow I wonder how those 2 execs are going to get out of that lie about no limits.

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Again HTZ, The Verge is completely ignoring the twitter comments of the two executives, the Polygon twitter, or anything else.

Again HTZ, The Verge is completely ignoring the twitter comments of the two executives, the Polygon twitter, or anything else.
But the verge said sources within Microsoft told them this. Why would execs from Microsoft admit to a limit themselves(the whole plan is scrapped, they don't have to deliver on what they are saying anyways)? It's not like the execs have been straight with us the past few weeks.

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Again HTZ, The Verge is completely ignoring the twitter comments of the two executives, the Polygon twitter, or anything else.
But the verge said sources within Microsoft told them this. Why would execs from Microsoft admit to a limit themselves(the whole plan is scrapped, they don't have to deliver on what they are saying anyways)? It's not like the execs have been straight with us the past few weeks.
When have the exec's lied to us? They've been pretty straight forward actually.

You might not like the answers you were given, but that dosent mean they were lying.

The only thing you could catch them on was the "flipping a switch" thing from Nelson, which even he is joking about, so yeah.

Again HTZ, The Verge is completely ignoring the twitter comments of the two executives, the Polygon twitter, or anything else.
But the verge said sources within Microsoft told them this. Why would execs from Microsoft admit to a limit themselves(the whole plan is scrapped, they don't have to deliver on what they are saying anyways)? It's not like the execs have been straight with us the past few weeks.
When have the exec's lied to us? They've been pretty straight forward actually.

You might not like the answers you were given, but that dosent mean they were lying.

The only thing you could catch them on was the "flipping a switch" thing from Nelson, which even he is joking about, so yeah.
If they were honest with us, please explain the massive amount of backpeddling since the day Xbox One was announced. Phil Harrison slipped up and told us about the 24 hour check-in few hours later, they said it was untrue. Blamed journalists for bad information and to wait for further notice. Then 4 days before E3 conference we found out the 24 hour check-in was true. That is just one of the many examples where they were not straight forward with us from the beginning until pressure was put on them to disclose it.

http://www.gameplanet.co.nz/xbox-one/news/1100500.20130522.Microsoft-backpedals-on-Xbox-One-used-game-always-online-statements/ <--- Article on May 22, 2013 to refresh your memory.

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Again HTZ, The Verge is completely ignoring the twitter comments of the two executives, the Polygon twitter, or anything else.
But the verge said sources within Microsoft told them this. Why would execs from Microsoft admit to a limit themselves(the whole plan is scrapped, they don't have to deliver on what they are saying anyways)? It's not like the execs have been straight with us the past few weeks.
When have the exec's lied to us? They've been pretty straight forward actually.

You might not like the answers you were given, but that dosent mean they were lying.

The only thing you could catch them on was the "flipping a switch" thing from Nelson, which even he is joking about, so yeah.
If they were honest with us, please explain the massive amount of backpeddling since the day Xbox One was announced. Phil Harrison slipped up and told us about the 24 hour check-in few hours later, they said it was untrue. Blamed journalists for bad information and to wait for further notice. Then 4 days before E3 conference we found out the 24 hour check-in was true. That is just one of the many examples where they were not straight forward with us from the beginning until pressure was put on them to disclose it.
I went back and checked those executives twitter feeds, blogs, etc and could find no evidence of them lying about that in anyway, shape, or form.

Are you sure your not mixing up gaming outlets reporting Microsoft insiders saying X, or Y, then then actual people doing Z?

Going back, I see that Microsoft denied the X1 is a "always connected" device, which was technically completely true.. it just required a 24 hour check.

There were a boat load of rumors however, some of which were true, some not, also by "anon sources within Microsoft".. which seems to be code for "pulled out of my ass while drinking a latte".

I'm just amazed that you would still go through great lengths to defend Microsoft even when just a few days ago they made the biggest backpedal and basically said screw everyone that believed in our original vision for the xbox one. You can't be that deep in love with Microsoft not to see that they were basically winging it as they went along and adjusted policies to calm the rage. The execs never gave out enough details but enough for us to make assumptions so they can backpedal later. It left both sides defending their own assumptions, hence when they come out with the details, what I view as lie, you may not.

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So, now it was that the exec's didnt give out enough detail, thus they were lying?

It's important when making assumptions about anything to examine it from all sides, to be logical about it. 

I'll continue to defend Microsoft until people jump off circlejerking them for absolutely no reason. They attempted to change the way consoles worked. Gamers went apeshit. It was changed. No credit was given toward them, instead only more hate. It's a no win situation for them at this point, and frankly that's disgusting. 

That does not mean I'm happy about the changes, I'm certainly not. Nor am I happy that Microsoft has apparently said screw you, you cant have the cake and eat it too. (i.e. Digital AND Disc) That's their choice however. I can either take it, or not. I'm certainly not going to come to a internet forum and cry about it. Instead I'll do the responsible thing and email my reservations about the changes and hopes that we get some of it back.

So, now it was that the exec's didnt give out enough detail, thus they were lying?

It's important when making assumptions about anything to examine it from all sides, to be logical about it.

I'll continue to defend Microsoft until people jump off circlejerking them for absolutely no reason. They attempted to change the way consoles worked. Gamers went apeshit. It was changed. No credit was given toward them, instead only more hate. It's a no win situation for them at this point, and frankly that's disgusting.

That does not mean I'm happy about the changes, I'm certainly not. Nor am I happy that Microsoft has apparently said screw you, you cant have the cake and eat it too. (i.e. Digital AND Disc) That's their choice however. I can either take it, or not. I'm certainly not going to come to a internet forum and cry about it. Instead I'll do the responsible thing and email my reservations about the changes and hopes that we get some of it back.
The assumptions I made were examined from all sides and I went with the most reasonable choice based on the information I had at the time. I still don't honestly believe the family share was going to work as most of us had hoped. The information from sources provided to Verge sound reasonable enough plus the engineer noting how many times a person can repeat the 1 hour trial.

I find it hard that someone like Bobby Kotick would had allowed you to share Call of Duty Ghost with 10 friends with unlimited access 2 at a time. At least with used games, all publishers has to go on is estimates, and they are always higher than what they actually are. With the family share plan, Microsoft have the hard numbers on how many people are using that feature. If the family feature did work like we imagine, many people would be using it, and publishers will see those numbers.

They can change the policy at any time. Would you rather have a choice of cheaper games, or put your eggs all in one basket and trust Microsoft?

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They can change the policy at any time. Would rather have a choice of cheaper games, or put your eggs in one basket and trust Microsoft?
Do you mean used games? I dont purchase used games, so if that was what you meant it woudnt really apply :)

I woudnt mind trusting Microsoft. I trust them with virtually all of my most sensitive data as it is, being on Win7, using Skydrive, and having a live email.

After all, it's just video games. Assuming they screw you, they arent the only ballpark in town. Simply jump ship to PS4 or more on the PC.

I cut the rest because it's at a impasse btw :) I feel as if when executives lie, to everyone, it creates a very bad situation in a publicly traded company. Thus why I was so curious as to why you kept insisting they flat out lied repeatedly. That was all :)

They can change the policy at any time. Would rather have a choice of cheaper games, or put your eggs in one basket and trust Microsoft?
Do you mean used games? I dont purchase used games, so if that was what you meant it woudnt really apply :)

I woudnt mind trusting Microsoft. I trust them with virtually all of my most sensitive data as it is, being on Win7, using Skydrive, and having a live email.

After all, it's just video games. Assuming they screw you, they arent the only ballpark in town. Simply jump ship to PS4 or more on the PC.

I cut the rest because it's at a impasse btw :) I feel as if when executives lie, to everyone, it creates a very bad situation in a publicly traded company. Thus why I was so curious as to why you kept insisting they flat out lied repeatedly. That was all :)
Lying was probably a bad choice of word on my part. More like not being upfront with us or honest(At least in my eyes). I personally don't believe it is smart to limit your options even on a closed platform. Most people aren't going to jump ship even when they are screwed once they are invested enough in the platform. Example, people still stayed with Microsoft after the rrod issues.

I don't favor any company, or trust them either. Maybe that is why I don't share the same views as you on Microsoft.

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They can change the policy at any time. Would rather have a choice of cheaper games, or put your eggs in one basket and trust Microsoft?
Do you mean used games? I dont purchase used games, so if that was what you meant it woudnt really apply :)

I woudnt mind trusting Microsoft. I trust them with virtually all of my most sensitive data as it is, being on Win7, using Skydrive, and having a live email.

After all, it's just video games. Assuming they screw you, they arent the only ballpark in town. Simply jump ship to PS4 or more on the PC.

I cut the rest because it's at a impasse btw :) I feel as if when executives lie, to everyone, it creates a very bad situation in a publicly traded company. Thus why I was so curious as to why you kept insisting they flat out lied repeatedly. That was all :)
Lying was probably a bad choice of word on my part. More like not being upfront with us or honest(At least in my eyes). I personally don't believe it is smart to limit your options even on a closed platform. Most people aren't going to jump ship even when they are screwed once they are invested enough in the platform. Example, people still stayed with Microsoft after the rrod issues.

I don't favor any company, or trust them either. Maybe that is why I don't share the same views as you on Microsoft.
Ahh yeah I can clearly see how they were not upfront about..well...virtually anything.

Horrible, horrible PR. Probably the worst I've ever seen, right up there with "new coke" for sure.

It's not that Microsoft was lying, it was that they were indecisive. They wanted to be the top entertainment solution, but didn't commit themselves in any direction to make any party happy. Because of that, every exec was apparently fed different data and thus you had a bunch of execs with a bunch of different answers. That just left the general populace confused and angry.
Yes, accept total rumors and conjecture from completely anonymous sources as "TRUTHFACT".

Dear God, I seriously hope some of you people never vote.

Pssh, the only trustworthy sources in this debacle are a couple of random tweets from the people who spent months avoiding specifics, then used the biggest product reveal in the brand's history to provide a bunch of vague, unsubstantiated "scenarios" that everyone hated and then completely backtracked on them less than a week later. Yep, those are the people we should trust.

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Ahh yeah I can clearly see how they were not upfront about..well...virtually anything.

Horrible, horrible PR. Probably the worst I've ever seen, right up there with "new coke" for sure.
If you're going to bring up worst PR and a pop, at least do it properly and say Crystal Pepsi. So overblown in the 92 Olympics and one of the worst products ever produced.

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"Speaking from a purely personal, anecdotal perspective, I heard through multiple people at developers and publishers that this is patently untrue. The understanding within the games industry, particularly during E3, was that full, entire games would be shared between friends, but wouldn't be playable at the same time by multiple people. "Developers complained about the lost sales and gamers complained about overbearing DRM that punished those who didn't share that implemented by publishers to quell gamers from taking advantage of a poorly thought out system," the employee says."

bread's done