Warning! Microsoft Cracking Down on Naughty Gamer Mottos - CheapyD Suspended from XBL

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At least we're not all bragging about our TVs in our gamertags.


These censors need to get a freaking life. The 360 was meant for GAMERS, and gamers swear like everyone else. If they haven't already done it, shouldn't they put a minmum age limit on the ToS to cover themselves in this?

I'd rather have lewd and bad-language filled Gamertags, myself. Just don't view your oppositions gamerinfo if you're that retentive.
The funny part is, Microsoft is doing this to protect all the underage children from seeing possibly offensive material. Apparently they've never heard these same kids talk on Live. ;)
[quote name='Puffa469']A bitch is a female dog.

A cock is a male chicken.

Dick is a shortened version of the name Richard.

What are you, a born again christian? :roll:

And one rolleyes will suffice nicely thank you.[/quote]

And fuck in mother tongue means a nice woman, what's your point?
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']If you wanted to sound the alarms, then why make a whole thread out of it. The site is a semi-blog so why not update the first page with the info and content. Strap on a digg meter and let the thing go crazy all over the internet.

And in reality, Microsoft was actually very lenient with the case. Most people should know that placing profanity in their profile is against the rules...any type of profanity no matter how insignificant it may seem to you. People try to bend, stretch, contort, and try to find any wiggle room in the rules to seem smart, but they just ought naught to. A 1-day ban is essentially Microsoft's way of giving you a slap on the wrist and letting you on your way. If you can't take the ramifications for having something wrong in your motto, then perhaps you should leave it alone. Basically MS let you off on a misdemeanor...pay the quick fine, don't do the offense again, and be on your way. Again, this isn't much of a warning as much to tell people to stop trying to test the system.[/quote]
LoL - shit like this makes me angry that Sony fumbled the ball so badly on the PS3.

M$ runs their business like a totalitarian state - their way or they forcibly show you to the door. It's a shitty way to run a business, they're just lucky to have the best high-end console out there at the moment (when it works at least)
[quote name='camoor']LoL - shit like this makes me angry that Sony fumbled the ball so badly on the PS3.

M$ runs their business like a totalitarian state - their way or they forcibly show you to the door. It's a shitty way to run a business, they're just lucky to have the best high-end console out there at the moment (when it works at least)[/quote]
Why are you even complaining?

You accepted Microsoft's Terms of Service when you signed up for Xbox Live (your fault if you didn't read it), which plainly states the rules for using the Live service. http://www.xbox.com/en-US/live/legal/legal-tou.htm

Your use of the Service is subject to the Code of Conduct. You also agree not to do any of the following while being connected to the Service:
  • Publish, distribute, or disseminate any inappropriate, profane, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent, or unlawful topic, name, material, file or information.

Also on http://www.xbox.com/en-US/legal/codeofconduct.htm
LIVE Code of Conduct

This document was last updated: June 2007

The Code of Conduct outlines the rules that you need to follow to ensure that Xbox.com, Xbox LIVE, and Games for Windows - LIVE are fun for everyone.
What not to do:
  • Don't create a gamertag or motto that other users may be offended by, this includes comments that look, sound like, stand for, hint at, abbreviate, or insinuate any of the following: profane words/phrases, sexually explicit language, sexual innuendo, hate speech (including but not limited to racial, ethnic, or religious slurs), illegal drugs/controlled substances, or illegal activities.
  • Don't create a gamertag or motto that references controversial religious topics, notorious people, organizations, or sensitive current or historical events that may also be considered inappropriate.

Don't like it? Use Xbox Connect or something similar.
[quote name='camoor']LoL - shit like this makes me angry that Sony fumbled the ball so badly on the PS3.

M$ runs their business like a totalitarian state - their way or they forcibly show you to the door. It's a shitty way to run a business, they're just lucky to have the best high-end console out there at the moment (when it works at least)[/quote]

MS runs their business like any other company. You should have read the TOS instead of whining. It's just like reading a credit card contract or a cell phone plan. Not only that, but in no way have they done anything wrong in this case.
I think its pretty ridiculous that people are being banned for what is in their motto. I changed mine to a different language. Its nothing offensive yet... I wonder if they look for "bad" words in languages other than English.
[quote name='Danil ACE']Also on http://www.xbox.com/en-US/legal/codeofconduct.htm
LIVE Code of Conduct

This document was last updated: June 2007

The Code of Conduct outlines the rules that you need to follow to ensure that Xbox.com, Xbox LIVE, and Games for Windows - LIVE are fun for everyone.
What not to do:
  • Don't create a gamertag or motto that other users may be offended by, this includes comments that look, sound like, stand for, hint at, abbreviate, or insinuate any of the following: profane words/phrases, sexually explicit language, sexual innuendo, hate speech (including but not limited to racial, ethnic, or religious slurs), illegal drugs/controlled substances, or illegal activities.
  • Don't create a gamertag or motto that references controversial religious topics, notorious people, organizations, or sensitive current or historical events that may also be considered inappropriate.

Well I could likely get 50% or more of players on Halo banned on the Illegal drug rule alone.
[quote name='TheUnsane1']Well I could likely get 50% or more of players on Halo banned on the Illegal drug rule alone.[/quote]

Exactly. Go look at the alltime high scorer for Geometry Wars, his name is like "THCman420' or something similar.

hardly a game goes by in Halo 3 that Im not up against a 'something-420' gamertag.

Even the '469' at the end of my screename and gametag is dirty. Its 'For 69' as in favor of the sexual position.

If Microsoft followed their TOS to the letter, they could ban half the people on Live. lol

btw: Who reads the TOS agreements? Honestly? No you dont! You just look for the part where you check 'I agree' so you can move on.
[quote name='Puffa469']First Nike wont print 'Child Labor' on my custom kicks and now this??? :roll:

Sofaking stupid.[/quote]

[quote name='Puffa469']Exactly. Go look at the alltime high scorer for Geometry Wars, his name is like "THCman420' or something similar.

hardly a game goes by in Halo 3 that Im not up against a 'something-420' gamertag.

Even the '469' at the end of my screename and gametag is dirty. Its 'For 69' as in favor of the sexual position.

If Microsoft followed their TOS to the letter, they could ban half the people on Live. lol

btw: Who reads the TOS agreements? Honestly? No you dont! You just look for the part where you check 'I agree' so you can move on.[/quote]

I've gotta get this stuff sigged..puffa :applause:
Well no one has complained about my gamertag yet. Funny thing is I spent more of my 48 hour trial reporting people who were swearing, using racial slurs, etc. than actually playing Halo 3. Instead of the usual "Experience may change during online play" They should just say "10 year old kids will swear and call everyone every name in the book, and that's just during the pre game matchmaking!" I also get killed more than often by trying to mute these idiots during the game. I don't think I'll ever get a year worth of XBOX Live gold because this just pisses me off.
Sorry to hear that Cheapy. Maybe you can change it to Beaches? :lol:

[quote name='Cursor'][quote name='hiccupleftovers CAG tag']Worst Poster on CAG[/quote]

Indeed, he is.[/QUOTE]

Dont Feed The Troll.
[quote name='daphatty']Sorry to hear that Cheapy. Maybe you can change it to Beaches? :lol:

Dont Feed The Troll.[/quote]

"Life's a beach"?
[quote name='daphatty']Dont Feed The Troll.[/quote]

First time for everything I guess, but thanks for the cookie!!:D:roll:

Hmm...I wonder if that would fit for my custom tag here. I haven't changed it since...ever.
[quote name='yukine']Good riddance, we don't need immature people like you all up on the Live ruining the experience for others.[/quote]

lol, Mad that the D-Backs are getting there arses handed to them?
[quote name='Puffa469']According to Television censors, and George Carlin, the 7 dirty words are: Shit, Piss, fuck, Cunt, CockSucker, Motherfucker, and Tits

asshole isnt even in there, which is why I hear that word on Adult Swim nightly.[/QUOTE]The rules all change with cable though. It's less about the FCC at that point and more about pleasing the sponsors. For example, you've got Comedy Central showing uncut stand-up and the South Park Movie late at night. At that hour, all the advertising if for sex hotlines and stuff, sponsors who aren't gonna cause a fuss over the late night cussing.

The "Seven Dirty Words" always confused me. What's "piss" doing in there? You hear that one all the time, on network TV, on "TV-PG" shows, during primetime or earlier. Perhaps its one of those cases where only certain specific uses of the word are considered obscene? That's how it is with "fuck" in the movies. A PG-13 movie can get away with a "what the fuck" or two, but if the word is being used specifically in reference to sex, that's supposed to be an automatic R-rating.

It gets even weirder with "shit." Sometimes when they show a movie on TBS, they'll edit out "shit," but leave in "bullshit." It's very strange. And don't get me wrong - I'm not disputing your quote about the 7 Dirty Words, because you are quite accurate! I'm just pointing out how weird the "enforcement" of said words seems to be.

[quote name='Puffa469']What are you, a born again christian? :roll:[/QUOTE]Come on now, that kinda hatin' is uncalled for.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']You can hear asshole late night for the same reason that South Park the moie, and other shows/movies, can be shown uncensored and uncut at such an hour.[/quote]
You're both wrong - as Cable is a subscription television service, they are not restricted by FCC law to be censored in any way. The cable companies or other companies involved may have their own rules, but in terms of the law (FCC), since it is not being broadcast for free, it is not something they (FCC) can regulate.

Dammit - busta, you beat me to it.
[quote name='BustaUppa']
The "Seven Dirty Words" always confused me. What's "piss" doing in there? You hear that one all the time, on network TV, on "TV-PG" shows, during primetime or earlier. [/QUOTE]

You realize George Carlin did that bit in the early 70's, right? Times change in 35 years. Some of their harshness has softened over time. There are other silly rules that used to be adhered to. Up until Leave it to Beaver, shows weren't allowed to show a bathroom. Things change. I think it was also Beaver that showed the first queen bed for the husband and wife which at that point shows always depicted twin beds.

Furthermore cable isn't regulated by the FCC so Comedy Central can show whatever the hell they want- ANY time of the day. It just so happens every channel is in the business of making money and allowing such profanity during the day when children have access to it would kill their advertising revenue stream and probably lead to lawsuits. So cable channels regulate themselves and play nice during family hours.
Cheapy, do you think Xbox LIVE or a random online player reported your motto? and I wonder if they'll give me a problem with my LIVE name "damnit dean".

You can file a motto complaint under "Profile & Content". Someone might have taken offense (female gamer) and reported it or you might have owned someone online and as retaliation the filed a complaint. What are we all supposed to all put stuff like An apple a day, Eat your wheaties, Brush your teeth, Beans Beans and etc. plus, there is hardly any character space to type anything decent.

I have filed complaints for mottos though. I sumbitted a player review for exteme trash talker the other day & I ended up filing a complaint because his motto was "I hate (the N word)".

Mine is motto is "Stop lookin @ me SWAN", but I thought about changing it to "moaned like a wilderbeast" but it was to long of a phrase. It's probably good I didn't use it now just in case.

[quote name='JadedJedi']Well no one has complained about my gamertag yet. Funny thing is I spent more of my 48 hour trial reporting people who were swearing, using racial slurs, etc. than actually playing Halo 3. Instead of the usual "Experience may change during online play" They should just say "10 year old kids will swear and call everyone every name in the book, and that's just during the pre game matchmaking!" I also get killed more than often by trying to mute these idiots during the game. I don't think I'll ever get a year worth of XBOX Live gold because this just pisses me off.[/QUOTE]

I spend about 2-3 minutes after each online game of Halo 3 sending bad feedback hoping I do not get matched up in the same room with certain players again. There always seems to be atleast one @hole in every room/game which it isn't always a 10 year old everytime.

If MS really wanted to clean up the LIVE service theywould have mods in each game posing as regular gamers to catch players or make it were mods can spectate matches if you complain. The the feedback system is just plain meaningless. How many times have you received bad feedback for kicking ass when you know you do not curse, T-bag, quit early, or anything? Yeah, same here.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']I'm sorry that the media today has desensitized you, but yes, bitch is technically regarded as profanity.:roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:[/QUOTE]
How old are you? Seriously though, how old are you? "DADDY THAT MAN SAID A DIRTY WORD!!"
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']First time for everything I guess, but thanks for the cookie!!:D:roll:

Hmm...I wonder if that would fit for my custom tag here. I haven't changed it since...ever.[/quote]

To be completely honest, I find your name to be disgusting.

I have never had a problem with sexual jokes in names and tags. I think sex is great, I think women's bodies are great, and I laugh at the jokes/innuendo.

But I really think vomit and excrement names are disgusting - to be honest I don't really want to think about the stuff coming out of other people's bodies. That having been said I would never deign to ask you or a mod to change the hiccupleftovers name, and I would call :bs:till the day is long if the man came down on you for your choice.

I also don't think it's right when you, I, or the man are allowed to tailor and censure the world according to subjective tastes. I know that corporations may be legally entitled, what I'm saying is that I don't think it's right and I would raise a stink.
[quote name='BustaUppa']
Come on now, that kinda hatin' is uncalled for.[/quote]

Im not hatin. One of my good friends is a Super Christian, and shes one of the best people I know. In some ways I wish I could be more like her. My comment was just pointing out that ultra religious people are imo, capable of being alot more intolerant than people with a less structured dogma.

When someone finds something offensive, which in the grand scheme of things, is not really that offensive (the word bitch) im never surprised when that person turns out to be a religious zealot, be that Christian, Muslim, or whatever.

Sorry if I sound like Im trying to turn this into a religious debate. I support everyones right to live how they want, as long as they dont hurt, or infringe upon the freedoms of others. :D
[quote name='Foo228']I've gotta get this stuff sigged..puffa :applause:[/quote]

Why thank you. Your the second person to sig my comments in the past week. I must be eating my Wheaties or something. :D
Umm let me get this straight. You guys are paying for this service and than they ban you? This is about as bad as the i-phone brick incident. Wait there is hope.... I see something in the distance....Is it a new chip and heat sink package here to stop the RROD? ....Oh wait thats just more fog masking the lack of draw distance.:roll:
[quote name='Nocturnal1']Umm let me get this straight. You guys are paying for this service and than they ban you? This is about as bad as the i-phone brick incident. Wait there is hope.... I see something in the distance....Is it a new chip and heat sink package here to stop the RROD? ....Oh wait thats just more fog masking the lack of draw distance.:roll:[/QUOTE]
lawlz u r rite
[quote name='Corvin']Exactly. I'd love to see the ages of all the people bitching about this. OMG I can't have Balls in my motto, fuck MS! :rofl: Grow up a tad and use something reasonable in the first place.

Personally I have no issues with the motto's as I never see or check them out. Call me an ass or whatever you want, but I will report someone with an offensive Gamertag. Something along the lines of BigFatN* is terrible and adds nothing to the community. By the same token BigFatPickle is just juvenile and hardly offensive.[/quote]


You aren't an ass for reporting an offensive gamertag at all. That is what the feedback is there for. If people want to act like kids then they should expect to be treated as such.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']If people want to act like kids then they should expect to be treated as such.[/QUOTE]
Says the grown man who still plays videogames (and Street Fighter, at that).
[quote name='PyroGamer']Says the grown man who still plays videogames (and Street Fighter, at that).[/quote]

Ok? I really don't know what that statement was trying to accomplish.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Exactly.

You aren't an ass for reporting an offensive gamertag at all. That is what the feedback is there for. If people want to act like kids then they should expect to be treated as such.[/quote]

That's great. The exhiliartion of games should feel like Sunday brunch with your mom after an early christian church service. Or at the very least 4th grade with that annoying girl who tattled on everyone for saying the f word.

Where is the anonymous army when you need them. Seriously, get a life man.
[quote name='camoor']That's great. The exhiliartion of games should feel like Sunday brunch with your mom after an early christian church service. Or at the very least 4th grade with that annoying girl who tattled on everyone for saying the f word.

Where is the anonymous army when you need them. Seriously, get a life man.[/quote]

I will say this, I do think a warning to Cheapy would have been an appropriate first move. Then again, considering they deal with millions of people that might not have been feasible.

I myself got modded at gamefaqs for not completely starring out the word p**** many years ago. I dealt with it by accepting that those are the rules there. It was my first and last moderation. While you have the right to say "get a life" you should direct that to some higher ups in Microsoft that could change the rule so you can say whatever you might like in your motto. I just agree with them is all.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Ok? I really don't know what that statement was trying to accomplish.[/QUOTE]
Then you're pretty stupid.

But I'll try to explain it to your slow little mind anyways: If you don't expect people who play childish and immature videogames to sometimes have childish and immature Gamer Mottos, then you're a stuck-up idiot.

And if you take so much offense at someone saying "Konichiwa Bitches" in their Gamer Motto that you'd go crying to Microsoft about ToU violations, you need to get a life.
[quote name='PyroGamer']Then you're pretty stupid.

But I'll try to explain it to your slow little mind anyways: If you don't expect people who play childish and immature videogames to sometimes have childish and immature Gamer Mottos, then you're a stuck-up idiot.


How old are you? Just wondering since it isn't in your profile.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']How old are you? Just wondering since it isn't in your profile.[/QUOTE]
That has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

I do hope you weren't serious when you said you didn't know what my statement was trying to accomplish, as it was blatantly obvious.

[quote name='GuilewasNK']While you have the right to say "get a life" you should direct that to some higher ups in Microsoft that could change the rule so you can say whatever you might like in your motto. I just agree with them is all.[/QUOTE]
The people the 4th grade girl "tattled" on didn't need to get a life, it was the fourth grade girl who needed to get a life.

If you honestly don't think tattling to microsoft about someone having a naughty word in their motto is childish...
[quote name='PyroGamer']That has nothing to do with the topic at hand.[/quote]

I see.

I have a feeling most (not all) people who are are feeling as strongly as you are young. Nothing wrong with that. Age makes a difference.

I still don't understand where your "childish and immature games" comes in. You can have a motto that someone find offensive and they could play Geometry Wars, Tetris, Pac-Man CE, and Hexic all day (which don't fit into your definition). You could find someone that plays Def Jam, Crackdown and Saints Row all day and never have an "offensive" motto. That's why I really didn't know where you were coming form with that statement. You just made a blanket statment to expect certain behavior from a person that plays certain games and it just isn't as simple as that.
[quote name='PyroGamer']
But I'll try to explain it to your slow little mind anyways: If you don't expect people who play childish and immature videogames to sometimes have childish and immature Gamer Mottos, then you're a stuck-up idiot.

Take an english class. Your statement did not indicate that in any regard. Unless, you're intending to claim video games are something only children could possibly enjoy.

Let's break it down.

Guile says "If people want to act like kids then they should expect to be treated as such."

For those with a "slow little mind", it means that if you want behave childish, such as use of random profanities to express yourself, then you should expect to be reprimanded like a child would be. In this case, losing a privelage.

You follow it up with "Says the grown man who still plays videogames (and Street Fighter, at that)."

Which means...that Guile is wrong to make such a claim because only children play video games? And as a result, he is a child and is in no condition to make such a bold statement? Your words make absolutely cock and balls sense here.

Awesome. Just awesome

And tossing in a random insult. You are a super star.
[quote name='terribledeli']Which means...that Guile is wrong to make such a claim because only children play video games? And as a result, he is a child and is in no condition to make such a bold statement?[/quote]No: because videogaming is a childish activity, by definition, playing videogames (as Guile does) is acting childish.

I went even further to point out that, out of all of the "childish" videogames you could choose from, "Street Fighter" is not one of the more mature, "non-childish" ones.

Accusing someone of acting childish while playing videogames and posting on a forum about playing videogames (a forum with "ass" in its TITLE, at that) should be in the encyclopaedia's entry for "irony".

And tossing in a random insult. You are a super star.
I take that back, that quote there should be in the encyclopaedia's entry for "Irony".
Also, if you want to stick by the statement that...

"We should expect immature, childish behavior from what you consider immature,childish games...."

Just realize that is the SAME argument Jack Thompson uses about violent games producing violent behavior in people.

Both of your are saying games influence behavior.

If you still believe that though, that is your choice.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Both of your are saying games influence behavior.

If you still believe that though, that is your choice.[/QUOTE]
No I'm not. I'm saying playing videogames IS childish behavior.

Other examples of childish behaviour:

Posting about videogames on a site called "cheapassgamer".

Aruing on an internet forum.
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