Washington D.C. Metro area.


39 (100%)
Old post Edited for effect and max. exposure.....

The 5th DC Metro area CAG Meet-up/Game Swap

Dave & Buster's
White Flint Mall - 3rd Floor
11301 Rockville Pike
North Bethesda , MD 20895

3:00 pm onward ...(we have been going 3 hours+)

Saturday, April 26th

who plans to attend-
cleaver - unless he is drafted in the 1st round
abhinav- maybe
GenDV138 - maybe

BTW, we have had minors (-18) join us before at D&B without issue. If you are a minor and wish to attend without your own guardian, shoot me a PM and I'll give you my cell phone # if you are concerned...and I'll walk you in. Again, it hasn't been an issue yet.

Any CAGers around here? Really disappointed as the scene pales in comparison to Boston's video gaming scene. Any suggestions or local mom and pop shops? The Maryland-Virginia-DC area seems to be pretty weak.
[quote name='greenfox']Wow...so I've been more or less lurking on this website for years, and I very rarely post, but D&B is literally a 5 minute drive for me. I feel like I can't not attend. I have some stuff I could trade or not (some of it is unopened), and it'd be nice to meet some gamers in the area. My friends are all casual gamers at best.[/quote]

Casual, hardcore, whatever, I think we all have a connection to this website and it is cool we can meet. If you feel like coming out, we would enjoy your company. Hope to see you there.
If no one is in disagreement, I think an old CAG from Delaware, is going to stop by. It sounds like the perfect after a stressful week.
[quote name='dwhelan']If no one is in disagreement, I think an old CAG from Delaware, is going to stop by. It sounds like the perfect after a stressful week.[/quote]

No problem, all CAG members are welcome. Looking forward to meeting you.
HOoray for the meetup! I thought it went well, sorry that i had to leave early but i had a ton of fun. I hope you guys don't loot all the Best Buy's before tommorow :p
Hmm... Yeah.... Sorry I didn't show up... I felt like crap since yesterday (bad stomach aches...). Anyways, as I've seen by abhinav's post, it went well, didn't it?
Woohoo!! I am interested to here how it went for everyone. (I was at my daughters AWANA Spark-arama so I could not make it down to DC.)

I thought the first DC Meetup was a total success! Members in attendance were myself, lurknomore, abhinav, cleaver, FRAUD_WHATS_THAT, greenfox, MaxBiaggi3, Mark & Jon from Goozex.

Mark & Jon brought out a bunch of 360 games for everyone in attendance as well as membership deals to Goozex for CAGs who hadn't registered yet.

We talked, had a few drinks, talked, a few of us took a trip out to FRAUD_WHATS_THAT's car and cleaned his trunk out of games & guides. I walked away with quite a few good deals, not to mention a free 360 game! abhinav had his sidekick and was checking deals on CAG for us. We almost went to BB when he read about the price drops, lol.

We are definitely going to organize another meetup. So, I thought we could start discussing what everyone would like to do at the next one.

When should the next meetup be?
Where would be a cool place to meet?
Should we set something up where we could actually play some games?

Any questions/answers that anyone has please post.
The meeting was sweet, props to the guys from Goozex bringing the loot.
I scoped out the Laurel Best Buy and all I noticed was a bunch of PoPoLoCrois and a few King Kong for PSP. I'm not optimistic about this clearance.
[quote name='cleaver']The meeting was sweet, props to the guys from Goozex bringing the loot.
I scoped out the Laurel Best Buy and all I noticed was a bunch of PoPoLoCrois and a few King Kong for PSP. I'm not optimistic about this clearance.[/quote]

I just checked out the BB in Wheaton, MD and there was nothing.

They have about 3 .01 Final Fantasy VII DoC guides.
I'm glad to hear the meet up went well! And PLEASE do another one. I got stuck at an ADR competition until 5 pm, so I didn't know if anyone would still be at D&B's. I've got more competition to do today at 3, but I'm going to check out some Best Buy's afterwards and I'll let everyone know what I find. Any games people are looking for specifically? PM me and I'll check them before I head out.

If anyone finds XBOX Psychonauts, PS2 MGS3: Subsistence, or some quality GCN titles... grab me some!
Yeah, yesterday was a good time. Thanks to the organizers, everybody that showed up, and the guys from Goozex.

I checked out the Rockville Best Buy yesterday, but they didn't have much stock left in the game department. The section for every system was looking pretty picked over; it seemed like only the games that were released in the last few months had more than 0-1 copies left. My thought is that they probably already sent a lot of their old stock elsewhere. Too bad, I would have liked Advance Wars DS for $2.
Sucks that the best buys have been cleaned out, i am still going to see if the arundel mills has anything.
Just wondering but what was the deal that the goozex guys gave people that didn't sign up yet?
[quote name='abhinav']Just wondering but what was the deal that the goozex guys gave people that didn't sign up yet?[/quote]

They gave a promo card with trades & points. PM them and ask if you can get one.
Checked the Falls Church BB but nothing significant on the list for GCN or DS. I am starting to doubt the merits of this clearance in our area. Not worth braving the snow tomorrow?
Yeah, the DC Meetup went off like gangbusters. I went in and showed up on Saturday with the lowest of expectations, but kudos go out to everyone that showed up. Everyone was really cool to hang out with. It was nice just to talk about our passion of video games and our love of all things CAG. A great, great bonus was meeting the guys from Goozex. They are just like us CAGers, and that's a good thing. I had a really good time. I hung out for about 4 hours with the boys, but I felt like the fun was only just beginning. We should definitely set something up again, and I'll be sure to bring my big ol bag of games next time. Thanks again go out to the entire group for making it a great time.
[quote name='simpsonps121']Next time can we run a group closer to the Baltimore area? Maybe Arundel Mill D & B or whatever. :)

I second that...would definitely attend one there if I had the day off from work.
Columbia BB had MGS3 listed at $34.99 (or something) but rang up as $10. There were 2 left.

BTW, sorry I missed the meetup. Looknig forward to the next one.
Germantown BB had nothing. I actually went there this morning for a few HD-DVDs...and I let some little girl with 4 pages of lists do all of the initial walking and searching. It was kinda pitiful. Anyhow, nothing there or at least on the shelf.
Tenleytown, Pentagon City, and Potomac Yard BBs are out of anything good. I think Tenleytown has one copy of Trapt and Potomac Yard has Zathura. I've been looking everywhere for an MGS3 or Psychonauts. I ran into a fellow CAG at Potomac Yard that bought 3 copies of Psychonauts.... made me sad that I couldn't get one.

If anyone finds a Psychonauts or MGS, please please please grab one for me!
Hey everyone,
It's Mark from Goozex. Just thought I'd venture out of the Goozex forum to post a big thank you to thebob101 for organizing the DC CAG meetup. Jon and I had a really great time and we want to extend an invitation for the next meet yet to be announced. What we can do on our end is send out a mass invite to our local users and RSVP -- from that we can organize something maybe on a larger scale -- though D&B was a very good choice -- next time we gotta play a few games.

keep in touch and i'll start contributing to this forum.

[quote name='lurknomore']Germantown BB had nothing. I actually went there this morning for a few HD-DVDs...and I let some little girl with 4 pages of lists do all of the initial walking and searching. It was kinda pitiful. Anyhow, nothing there or at least on the shelf.[/QUOTE]

Well that saves me a stop on my way home from work.
Tenleytown had Madden 07 for PSP and that's it, I picked up Tournament Paintball at Rockville and they had 1 copy of Rainbox Six Lockdown XBox.

On the other hand, at Tenleytown I picked up 4 WB BOGO SEs with 4 300 preview DVDs with movie cash.
I managed to pick up Scrapland, Counter-Strike, and Unreal Championship 2 for Xbox; Wild Arms 4 and Samurai Western for PS2; and NHL 2k6 for 360 today. Not a bad haul for less than $20, but I'm still sore about the Psychonauts issue. I'm not sure how many of these games I'll actually like, but they were all worth a try at that price. If anyone was looking for any of these games in particular, shoot me a PM and maybe we can work something out. Games are meant to be played and I refuse to hoard them like other people.
I'm glad to hear everything went well and it was a good time.

Unfortunately, work built up last week, overtook my weekend (with a little Crackdown to ease the pain), and continues through this week. With luck, I'll make the next meetup.

If we ever meet in VA, I am definitely game, but I'll have to think on the location.

The planets would have to align for it to be worthwhile, but a CAG run up (or down) Route 7 is possible on a deal rich day. It's probably best as an idea for Black Friday (unless AMZN spoils the brick-and-mortar party again).

Going from South to North (Skyline/Alexandria/Falls Church to Tysons/Fairfax/Vienna), you have:
Skyline Target
Baileys GS
Baileys TRU
Baileys BB
Baileys CC
Tysons CC (while it still exists)
Tysons EB
Tysons North EB
Tysons North BB
Tysons North CC

I'm probably missing some prospects (e.g., the terrible Tysons FYEs), but these are my occasional haunting grounds. Any comparable retail concentration in MD?
[quote name='jmiller80']
The planets would have to align for it to be worthwhile, but a CAG run up (or down) Route 7 is possible on a deal rich day. It's probably best as an idea for Black Friday (unless AMZN spoils the brick-and-mortar party again).

Going from South to North (Skyline/Alexandria/Falls Church to Tysons/Fairfax/Vienna), you have:
Skyline Target
Baileys GS
Baileys TRU
Baileys BB
Baileys CC
Tysons CC (while it still exists)
Tysons EB
Tysons North EB
Tysons North BB
Tysons North CC

I'm probably missing some prospects (e.g., the terrible Tysons FYEs), but these are my occasional haunting grounds. Any comparable retail concentration in MD?[/QUOTE]

oh gawd. Yes, there is...up and down I-270 would be comparable....but please kill me if there is ever a deal good enough to warrant such a run. Seriously.
I'm sorry I missed this one. I wasn't sure if I was free, and my previous plans fell through, but I spent Saturday thinking there was something I was forgetting. Oh, well, I'll really, really try to make the next time.
I went by the Rockville BB taking advantage of the 300 and Movie b1g1 deal...and I saw that there were a few 1.99 and 4.99 titles. Nothing that I wuold bite on even for trade fodder, but nonetheless these cheapo games might be nice for the kiddees.
Yeah that BG1G movie deal is great, i got two movie tickets Amadeus and Enter the Dragon for $10! With some coupons and a Reward zone thing i also grabbed The Movies for $10.
Bad news is arundel mills BB had shit left as in deals but oh well.
Sounds like there is nothing at the local BBs. Oh well, I can't buy anymore games I will never play. Just received my Crackdown from Buy.com for $44. Can't wait to play, loved the demo.

Anyway, so what does everyone think about making the next meetup a private event as far as renting some rec hall or if someone has a huge house and set up food, drink, & gaming stations. It would cost, but the more folks in, the less it would be. I believe a rec center rental for 3-4 hours in the afternoon is $200-300. If not, then we can think about having it at the Arundel Mills D&B and calling ahead to reserve a section for us. I could take care of all of that. Gaming would have to be portables and the game room. I will call them and see what something like that runs for.

Post suggestions and when you all think we should have the next meetup.
[quote name='thebob101']Sounds like there is nothing at the local BBs. Oh well, I can't buy anymore games I will never play. Just received my Crackdown from Buy.com for $44. Can't wait to play, loved the demo.

Anyway, so what does everyone think about making the next meetup a private event as far as renting some rec hall or if someone has a huge house and set up food, drink, & gaming stations. It would cost, but the more folks in, the less it would be. I believe a rec center rental for 3-4 hours in the afternoon is $200-300. If not, then we can think about having it at the Arundel Mills D&B and calling ahead to reserve a section for us. I could take care of all of that. Gaming would have to be portables and the game room. I will call them and see what something like that runs for.

Post suggestions and when you all think we should have the next meetup.[/quote]

I think that is a good idea but we need something along the lines of Friday afternoon. That way there will be less people in teh D&B (ie Kids) and we can actually play games in peace.
Once again, I can get the use of my church. There would not be any rental cost for this, but there would be some requirements.

No beer being the big one. :)

[quote name='HarassmentPanda']I managed to pick up Scrapland, Counter-Strike, and Unreal Championship 2 for Xbox; Wild Arms 4 and Samurai Western for PS2; and NHL 2k6 for 360 today. Not a bad haul for less than $20, but I'm still sore about the Psychonauts issue. I'm not sure how many of these games I'll actually like, but they were all worth a try at that price. If anyone was looking for any of these games in particular, shoot me a PM and maybe we can work something out. Games are meant to be played and I refuse to hoard them like other people.[/quote]

PM sent about trading for some games
Gaithersburg BB had nada.
I think Green Turtle in Laurel would be a decent place to meet up; I'd rather meet up at a church or food court or something versus dropping $20. I am a cheapass after all.
Went to the BB in Bowie, MD and picked up Trapt for the ps2 and Fight Night Round 3 for the Xbox. The games were marked on the divider and there were a few more titles (Barbie and Poker games).

Other than that, nothing. They did have 3 copies of Prey LE for the 360 at $29.99.

What does everyone think of meeting in a church?
[quote name='thebob101']Anyway, so what does everyone think about making the next meetup a private event as far as renting some rec hall or if someone has a huge house and set up food, drink, & gaming stations. It would cost, but the more folks in, the less it would be. I believe a rec center rental for 3-4 hours in the afternoon is $200-300. If not, then we can think about having it at the Arundel Mills D&B and calling ahead to reserve a section for us. I could take care of all of that. Gaming would have to be portables and the game room. I will call them and see what something like that runs for.

Post suggestions and when you all think we should have the next meetup.[/QUOTE]
I was unable to make it to the meetup as I'm stuck at college, hope it all went well.
Anyways, that sounds like an awesome idea. I know I'd be game. Want to make it really fun? Get some gaming tournaments going. Not sure how to work out prizes, but that would be awesome.
So, as long as it's during the summer (mid-May to mid-August), I'm up for the next meetup.
[quote name='Hoffgod']I was unable to make it to the meetup as I'm stuck at college, hope it all went well.
Anyways, that sounds like an awesome idea. I know I'd be game. Want to make it really fun? Get some gaming tournaments going. Not sure how to work out prizes, but that would be awesome.
So, as long as it's during the summer (mid-May to mid-August), I'm up for the next meetup.[/quote]

Gaming tourney is a great idea. Maybe we could set something up with Mark and Jon from Goozex. Maybe we could get more sponsership with cool prizes. I will PM Mark and see. Maybe the church (Where is the church located?) would work out for that and some of us could go out afterwards.
The church is in Columbia MD, right off of Route 29. (Rt 29 and 108)
www.harvester.org should give you directions.

The church has run gaming nights a couple of times in the past. Ran a GT3 tournament open to the community a couple of years ago, and the teens typically have a game night every year.

Let me know,
Thanks guys, had a good time last weekend. Thanks BOB for helping clean out my trunk full of games. This is really not me selling empty 360's! Bad joke.


Thanks sethscope! whoever you are? Thanks guys but I just checked out that church and it's like 60+ miles so I'm definitely out if that's the final place. Even though a gaming tournament would be awesome. I might reconsider but we'll see if my CO (wife) allows it.

[quote name='Goozex']Hey everyone,
It's Mark from Goozex. Just thought I'd venture out of the Goozex forum to post a big thank you to thebob101 for organizing the DC CAG meetup. Jon and I had a really great time and we want to extend an invitation for the next meet yet to be announced. What we can do on our end is send out a mass invite to our local users and RSVP -- from that we can organize something maybe on a larger scale -- though D&B was a very good choice -- next time we gotta play a few games.

keep in touch and i'll start contributing to this forum.[/quote]

Thanks again Mark for the awesome gift. I will definitely sign up this weekend and try to list most of my games. Thanks for taking time out of your guy's schedule to hang out with such cheap arses!

Thanks to everyone who attended. Had a good time and didn't play one game. Chatty kathys I guess. (That sounded a wee bit...) nevermind.

Best buys have manly been a bust from Manassas - Woodbridge - Tysons but some deals were found. Picked up a couple Darkwatch's for Xbox but not much else. Blockbuster/Gamerush deal is somewhat of bust too because most Blockbusters don't sell many new games anymore. Check out my previous posts about some info on Compusa. Mainly 10% game stuff. Wrists starting to hurt bad! Me caveman no like to type. Sorry late.

Thanks again guys for the meet up had an awesome time.

And no this was no translated via speak & spell, WTF.
This isnt a deal but a heads up to anyone who sometimes gets motion sickness from games:
Call of Duty 3 on the Wii will make you puke. The game just feels wrong to me, gameplay is ok but the graphics are crap and playing it with the motion controls just does not work. Bah off to goozex this goes.
[quote name='Tron999']Has anyone gone by CompUSA to see if there's any deals going on?[/quote]
I went to the CompUSA in Gaithersburg today and all videogames & accessories are 10% off ORIGINAL prices. No great deals....
[quote name='Green Giant']I went to the CompUSA in Gaithersburg today and all videogames & accessories are 10% off ORIGINAL prices. No great deals....[/quote]

I hit the one in Rockville yesterday and it's the same deal. Found a Blu-Ray for $20 (Memento) and some guides for $2.50. CS said they were closing in 90 days or when all the crap is gone.
My 360's DVD drive decided to stop working the other night. So, if anyone sees some good local deals on a 360 (CompUSA included), let me know! Until then all I can do is play Live Arcade games and HD-DVD movies.
Rumor has it that video games are now 20% off at CompUSA. Can anyone tell me where the locations that are closing are? I'm still relatively unfamiliar with the area.
bread's done