Welcome to the All New Cheap Ass Gamer!

Looks like we had a site hiccup about 15 minutes ago. All my CAG tabs reported "No suitable nodes were available for your request".
[quote name='shrike4242']Go to the User CP link at the top of the page. Scroll down the page until you see "Private Messages".

You can always go here to get to your PMs:

Well do you still get a flashing message saying you have a new PM

If you don't That really sucks for Trading and selling.
That's one thing I do miss having on every page, is the PM linkage. The Quick Links drop down is nice, and if we had *everything* linked at the top outside of the dropdown it would be a mess. But it's still one thing I'll have to get used to.

Maybe the PM link could be moved up form Misc to Quick Links?
Could you please remove the link to the front page from the string at the top?

Cheap Ass Gamer > Forums > Cheap Ass Gamer Lifestyle > CAG News, Feedback & Site Assistance > Welcome to the All New Cheap Ass Gamer!

I keep clicking it out of instinct to go back to the main forums and instead get shot out to the main page.
Here's a suggestion: right now your front page is only filling up half of my 1080p monitor..the entire right side is nuttin. Can you pack that side with ads for porn or more content or something?
I have a problem, at first when I logged in there were the toolbars with the forum links, now they are gone and all I have is a notification (empty), and a cagcast and blog toolbar, which I don't care about.

Where did my forum toolbar area go? I want it on the main page.
[quote name='HeadRusch']Here's a suggestion: right now your front page is only filling up half of my 1080p monitor..the entire right side is nuttin. Can you pack that side with ads for porn or more content or something?[/quote]Here's a suggestion, read this thread before posting an issue that's been asked and answered numberous times.

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']User Panel > Edit Options > Display Forums at 100% Width (scroll all the way to the bottom)[/quote]
Where do we report bugs we find? I was set at 200 posts per page, and I couldn't view certain threads (got a blank white page). Set it to forum default and now I can see those threads. But, y'know, I'd like to keep my preferences intact 'n whatnot.

Using Firefox at 1680x1050.
dfg, the second post in this thread is Cheapys list of known issues or bugs, so lets just keep using this thread for any questions or problems we're wanting to bring up.

Cheapy, I love being able to drag the Modules on the front page around. That's such a nice ability to play with.
[quote name='guinaevere']Here's a suggestion, read this thread before posting an issue that's been asked and answered numberous times.[/quote]I imagine he did read the thread, since that fix doesn't affect the front page at all.

So far I'm not a fan, but whatever. Complaining isn't going to change it back.
Oh, duh. My error. HeadRusch, please accept my apologies.

The front page should have Modules on the Left side and on the Right side. And you should be able to click on them and slide them around to how ever works best for you.
This new look is pretty bad ass. You paid to remove vBulletin branding though?
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The new forum color scheme really buggs my eyes I find it really hard to read could we have a way to change the color scheme. I prefered the light gray you use to have vs the new almost black you have now. Almost tweaks me as bad as red text on blue backgrounds
[quote name='guinaevere']Oh, duh. My error. HeadRusch, please accept my apologies.

The front page should have Modules on the Left side and on the Right side. And you should be able to click on them and slide them around to how ever works best for you.[/QUOTE]

yes, but can i customize the modules. meaning, can i show the vs forum or off topic on the front page, or am i stuck with the ones that are on there.

also the notifications, what are those for? my subscribed threads or what?
[quote name='Mojimbo']I'm an idiot, how do I get to the iPhone version of the forums, my old bookmark doesn't work? Thanks.[/QUOTE]

I can't get that anymore either.
Also, I can't seem to access the first page of this topic, and random other topics, they just load as blank white pages.

Other than that, the new look is ok, but a little harsh, especially this posting box. YIKES
[quote name='Genocidal']I imagine he did read the thread, since that fix doesn't affect the front page at all.

So far I'm not a fan, but whatever. Complaining isn't going to change it back.[/quote]

How can I customize the front page so I see the top forum posts in all the different catagories(video game deals, other deals, lifestyle, ect) like it was before? Now I only see the most popular posts, and the most popular blog posts. It limits the amount of inormation I get from the front page so now I'm just going straight to the forums when I come to CAG.
[quote name='manthing']Any chance to get this:

put back on the bottom of pages?[/quote]Second request for that!!

And maybe drop the tags and enable visual notification of PMs on the pages as you browse like we used to have?
First off I gotta say good job on the CAG2.0 w/ the AJAX! And congrats on the launch.

CheapyD -- I have one problem with the Gamestop ad placement though, perhaps you can address it -- right now, its taking most of the space on my screen on the right "column", I have to scroll down to see the modules. One of the 2 things I check when I go to cheapassgamer.com is the "news" on the left, and the "popular threads" to the right. (where the CHEAP ass deals happen before it gets 1-expired or 2-posted on news -- I think for the old site, it was a narrower CC ad in the middle or something) On top of that, it just looks a bit funky when the left "news" column and the right "modules" column are not aligned on the top.

I know Gamestop is probably giving you big moneys to put their ad like that (or that you want people to click on it), and that's cool, however, maybe you can consider moving it ALL the way to the right? (to the right of the "right module column", if that makes sense) I think if you place it right there, it'd still show up @ resolutions 1280x1024 or higher (and even better on widescreens). Perhaps to dynamically place the ad based on what screensize the user is using? (less than 1280 goes like it is now, if its 1280 or more, then put it all the way to the right)

(edit: or as suggested on reply #221, switch the columns? still wouldn't be aligned though)

In any case, great job, can't wait for the new features to come out!
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I was totally hoping to shoot this shit down and call it an uglier, less functional version of CAG, but... it ain't. This shit is sooo nice and extremely well-designed.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']yes, but can i customize the modules. meaning, can i show the vs forum or off topic on the front page, or am i stuck with the ones that are on there.[/quote]I haven't figured out how to do that yet, if it's an option. Like Artie mentioned, being able to see what's hot in all the forums (if that's what we want to see) like we had before would be great to have.

One thing I'm having a problem with is that I keep closing the xCASTS module, because I'm not in the least interested in those, but it keeps re-opening when I open the front page. Everything else behaves.

also the notifications, what are those for? my subscribed threads or what?
Ram, you'll get an idea if you check your front page right now.

It'd be nice if it were the subscribed threads, or even better Groups that we've joined. That would make sense to me. For now USER CP is still the best way to check your subscribed threads that I know of.
[quote name='StinkyCheese']-the fuck? why does the front page have 'cheap arse gamer' above the toolbars?[/quote]Because you logged in as UK under CAG REGION settings in your User Options?
[quote name='manthing']Any chance to get this:

put back on the bottom of pages?[/QUOTE]

Yes please.

Also, if people are disliking the color scheme, I came up with a short fix you can put inside your user stylesheet:

@-moz-document domain(cheapassgamer.com) {
  .alt1, .alt1Active {
    background: #363636 !important;
    color: #ccc !important;

  .alt2, .alt2Active {
    background: #424242 !important;
    color: #ccc !important;
  .sidebar_block {
    background: #363636 !important;
  .userinfobox: {
    background: #373B32 !important;
  a, a:visited {
    color: #e7ac1d !important;

  a:hover, a:visited:hover, a:active {
    color: #ffc600 !important;

Oh, is there any chance we could go back to non-bold forum links for forums read, and bold for forums with new posts?
New member here. I've lurked around before but never got around to registering.
Glad to be part of the site now. Also, I like the new look as well. Good job guys.
I would also like an addition so we could see what's hot in the forums (like before). Most times, I would just check the front page to see if there were any new threads I wanted to hop into.
On the forum homepage above the forum listings on the right, I no longer have the PM section that I used to have.

I can access PM's through the profile, just not from that section anymore.
[quote name='garfep']Any chance we could bring back the blinking on-page PM notification rather than the pop-up window?[/quote]

There's a pop up window when you get PMs? somone PM me, I wanna see!

When I changed my post viewing options from 50 to 200 every large thread I click on I get nothing but a blank page. I changed it to 200 to 150 and get the same thing, but less frequently. I changed it from 150 to 100 and that seems to work okay.

Mozilla Firefox = blank page
IE 6 = HTTP 500 Internal Server Error
Another glitch:

If you have someone's avatar blocked, and then they ask you to be a friend, the friend notification gets wonky because their name will appear over the little check box, which makes it hard to click.

Of course, since this probably only happens if you are using Adblock, you can just disable that and try again. Or run a different browser. Or you can just click on the "check/uncheck all" option at the top right. And really, if you try, you can still click on the box despite the name covering it, so long as you have precision.

It's a very minor glitch, but I'm sure someone else will complain about it. Maybe you could add in a line break or something? Just FYI to the devs, really.
[quote name='guinaevere']Because you logged in as UK under CAG REGION settings in your User Options?[/quote]


its those little touches
[quote name='StinkyCheese']:rofl:

its those little touches[/QUOTE]

You should demand we insert other UK specific wording. Like...scallywags and .... dunderfries...

And also unnecessary vowels here and there. Words probably have u's that I wouldn't even imagine.
bread's done