We're three weeks away: figured out your Launch Day plans?

I just found out today that my store actually is probably doing a midnight launch since they're really pressured to and since that store had the most orders overall for the district.

So I'm going to be hanging around the mall for a while that Saturday night on the 18th. I'll have my lawnchair and DS and an icechest and will start the line at 9pm at least, sooner if there are other people.
well... hopefully Ill be sitting in a grad class while my girlfriend walks into the local best buy and picks me up my christmas gift. Thats if Best Buy gets as many as speculated. Already have 6-7 games preordered from bestbuy.com with bbb and over at family video with the $5 codes.
I'm going to spend Saturday afternoon sleeping. I don't have a preorder, so I'm just going to drive around at midnight or so and get an idea of campout lines. I'm kind of excited to camp out, it's going to be a new and exciting experience (I just hope my DS battery holds up).
I'll be heading down to Gamestop to pick up my reserved system and Zelda. I'll probably play it for a while but it's a Sunday (right?) so the Giants and the other football games will take precedent...
I will have to find out if my local EB will have a midnight launch. Either way I will be there at midnight or early the next morning to grab one.

I was unable to get a pre-roder, so hopefully they will have some available.
[quote name='PawnTakesKing']This has nothing to do with the topic, but I KNEW you were a Christian. I could tell just by your posts and was basically waiting for you to confirm it. [/quote] In my more naive days, I used to get into the religious tussles in the Vs. forum. I learned quickly, though, that was a waste of time. Now I try to just have an evangelical tone to my posting in general--I don't always succeed mind you, but it is something I consciously try to do.

Back on topic: I think today I'm gonna stop in my GS, see if they have a Wii Kiosk setup and ask about the midnight launch possibilities. Any thoughts on when to contact WalMarts about their launch day plans?
I'll stroll into the local K-Mart about 9AM on the 19th. Maybe pick it up. I'm half deciding whether or not to just wait until after X-Mas. Work and family have many demands on my plate, and I'll need some time to get through my new DS backlog.

I bought the GCN at launch, and played it for two weeks, then it sat and collected dust for six months until ED was released. I don't want the same experience. We'll see, I may wait for the inevitable six month price drop, or the first color change like I did with the DS.

Either way, I am very excited about playing it. Just not in a huge hurry.
Wow, I keep forgetting that launch is so close. Anyway I need to see if my Gamestop will do a midnight launch. Then I'll try and get there about an hour or 2 before they open up.
My plans? Wait until I can actually find a damn Wii and buy it. I'm not worried about games right now as there will be plenty of time and options to choose a game. But finding a system has been next to impossible with all those damn scalpers.
I think I can wait until January or February to get one. I'm losing a big chunk of December because I'll be on vacation and away from my games. I wasn't planning on getting a Wii at first but in recent weeks it has gotten my full attention. Especially, the Virtual Console idea since I'm a die hard retro gamer. The only Wii game that has caught my eye is Zelda TP so far. But its games are more appealing to PS3's offerings at launch.
bread's done