What Are Some Movies That After Repeated/Late Night Viewings Only Become Better?


I was thinking about this the other day and today. For instance, I absolutely hated Aliens vs. Predator when I saw it at the theatre, but over time and watching my friend's/HBO I've actually grown to kind of like the film. In truth I mainly watch the film for the action sequences between the Aliens and the Predator and totally skip the begining and the ending as it only hurts the film.

Another two I would like to say are The Transporter 1/2. The first one I've never really liked because it's quite a mess, but if you're a part insomniac like me then popping this one into your DVD player late at night to pass the time is actually not bad and makes the movie not too bad or at least for the action sequences. Number 2 is just more enjoyable and they got one right (for the most part) what they screwed up on the first one. I actually like the second more then the first.
I'd definetly agree with The Transporter.

For me personally, I couldn't stand Fellowship of the Ring the first time I saw it. Its still not my favorite of the trilogy but I do like it more than I used to with a few more viewings.
flesh gordon

that's not a typo.

during the day it seems retarded as all get out, but at night? at night it is hilarious.

during the day my best friend (who is a girl) wouldn't watch it and kept saying "gross" so i changed the channel. at night she was laughing at it harder than i was. (although that might have been because her mom came into the room during the daytime viewing)

(fyi flesh gordon is [obviously] a parody of flash gordon. it contains huge boobs, although you only actually see them once or three times. also the main character is extremely endowed, but they never show that, at least not outside of fabric. also there is a huge ship that is a pair of boobs. i really suggest it.)
[quote name='Noodle Pirate!']BIg Trouble in Little China. Starts out bad but gets better each time you watch it.[/quote]

QFT...but seriously, any movie with "Wang" and "Egg" in it can't be that bad :lol:
The Life Aquatic. The first time through I had my hopes set so high that there was no way Anderson could have met them.

Now just by watching the film for what it is, I've found that I love it.
Starship Troopers is a good one. First time some friends took me to see it in the theater, I thought it was just incredibly stupid. Rewatched it a few years later, and realized I was just trying to take the movie too seriously - now I love it. :)

Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas is another one. I couldn't even finish it the first time I watched it, but I came across a good deal on the Criterion edition and watned to try it again. Now I think is a great movie - Jonnie Depp is borderline genious in it. My friends & my wife still can't stand it tho. ;)
Zoolander- Hated, hated, hated it the first time I saw it. Only hated it the second time. Now, having seen it four times, I think it's excellent.

Undercover Brother- Terribly underrated movie. It's no "I'm Gonna Get You Sucka," but it's still got some quality laughs.
[quote name='Ma12kez']Bloodsport :lol:[/quote]

Damn right.

Another one for me is Constantine. I hated the movie when it came out, but since HBO/Cinemax plays it every single day, I've actually grown to love it. Now, if I pass it flipping channels, I have to stop and watch at least 15 minutes of it. Damn you, Keanu.
TPM: Only cause Maul vs Obi/Jinn Saber battle

Day after tomorrow: Destruction of the world through special effects is always good.

The Insider: Never gets old, gets intresting every time I watch it.
1) Ravenous

2) Lost in Translation

3) Rodger Dodger

4) Mulholland Drive

5) Ronin

6) American Beauty

7) NARC-The acting and dialogue in that movie is superb, repeated watchings elucidate the amount of depths and layers it has.

8) Grosse Point Blank

9) High Fidelity

10) Kung Pow

11) Cabin Boy
1) Ravenous

2) Lost in Translation

3) Rodger Dodger

4) Mulholland Drive

5) Ronin

6) American Beauty

7) NARC-The acting and dialogue in that movie is superb, repeated watchings elucidate the amount of depths and layers it has.

8) Grosse Point Blank

9) High Fidelity

10) Kung Pow

11) Cabin Boy

* And the original Transporter was exponentially better than the 2nd. What made the Transporter so great was how it didnt make sense at all. How could such a large criminal organization only hand out sticks and 2x4's to their elite guards and not have guns. Transporter 2 took the fun out of that and made ways for the guards to lose their guns. Transporter 1 survived off a rudimentary plot, where Transporter 2 was lulled about a plot I didn't care about one bit. Transporter 1, his little Ford Festiva knock-off dies so he just starts running and finds a plane that happens to have a parachute. NO SENSE AT ALL= Great late night viewings.

bread's done