What are some systems you have that you never really got into?


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I recently started buying some older systems like a SNES(mine got stolen) and a N64 (never had one). The SNES i never really played too much on that system, or was oblivious to "good" games on there. Just recently I started picking up more games for the SNES and N64. The SNES i never really gave any attention until now. Also, my gamecube I had about 5-7 games on it and never really cared until now. Same goes for xbox. I think I'm just getting more into older systems than whats out now. Ahhh, retro gaming. :drool:
I'm too paranoid to do much with my Turbo Duo. Like, if I play it too much it'll break and be a very pricy paperweight. I wouldn't even know who to contact if it needs repairs. Plus US Hucard titles are frequently very expensive compared to their JP counterparts. All those factors means that it spends most of its time in the box, nestled inside a big plastic tub, safe in my basement.

If I go back to Japan I'll grab a ton of cheap Hucards for my PC Engine core system so I can play some great stuff without getting raped on shipping or worrying about the system breaking.
Other than the wii, only two come to mind. The PSP being the first. I used to go on vacations to Florida all the time and a GB / GBC / GBA was very nice, but when I got a PSP, the vacations were A) a lot more rare, B) I became prone to car sickness or even if I didn't, it was hard to focus on the more advanced graphics in a moving vehicle.

The PS1 as well, but that was because I got it for free from this guy back in...2000 or maybe a tad later and at that point PS1 games were not being sold as much until finally they were done away with in stores.
PS3. Bought it mostly as a bluray player. I've played Modern Warfare 2 a few times, but prefer my 360. I've play or have played extensively every other system I own or owned.
[quote name='keithp']Game Gear. No explanation necessary.[/QUOTE]

I actually loved mine because I loved sonic and only owned a NES but stopped using it because you needed a car battery for that thing or else it would play for 10 minutes.
Xbox. Just wasn't much into FPS at the time, though I love that genre now.

Wii. Loved Mario, Metroid and Zelda, but didn't dig motion controls and there wasn't much to play after those games.
I haven't touched my Wii in almost 14 months...I have games to play for it, too, but I just flat out got sick of idiotic waggle in games. Having to change batteries got to be annoying, too. The final nail in the coffin was after my parents bought an HDTV, the Wii looks *awful* on it. Usually I'm not a graphics whore, but everything looks so bad it's nigh unplayable.
I don't have much for my Saturn, and it sounds like there's a lot (mostly import) stuff I *should* enjoy. It was/is probably my least played console of anything I own. I think I've got ten or so games for it, but, nothing noteworthy.

Hmm...I suppose my handhelds (PSP/DS) get a lot less playtime when compared to my consoles. I'm just not much into portable gaming. Hell, most of my Game Boy carts got their use out of them via the Super Game Boy!
The Wii - Even with stellar titles such as NSMB wii, LoZ: TP, SMG, SMG2 and so forth the Wii has been a disappointment and can barely hold my attention. IMO the only saving grace is Brawl and I only play it competitively whenever friends or my brother is around. The other reason why I still have it is the backwards compatibility feature with gamecube games.
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The only console I owned but never really got into was the PSP. I played only one game for it (Jeanne d'Arc, which I enjoyed a lot) and after I finished that there was nothing else that interested me so I sold it for an iPod touch instead (as I used the music, browsing, and video features of the PSP more than the gaming)

Speaking more generally I actually never have been much into any Sony console. I did not own a PS1 (or anything from that generation), and owned an xbox and GC but not a PS2, and now I own only the 360 from the current gen. I don't know maybe because I never played the earlier Sony consoles much I just never developed the attachment to the more modern ones. In contrast I played the N64 a fair amount at friends' houses and owned the first xbox, so I think I have become more used to those console families instead. I don't think the PS3 is a bad console rather I just find myself satisfied with just the 360 right now. I would like to pick up a PS3 for Gran Turismo 5 but don't think that the money would be worth it for just that.

I kind of feel the same about the Wii- there are a few titles I would like to play on that but not too many and I don't think I can justify the cost of the console just to play the few games I want to play (Metroid trilogy, Okami, and Super Paper Mario). I have enough backlog on the 360 to bother with other consoles.
I've never got into my PS3. I bought the MGS4 bundle at BBV with trade-in credit ($400) a while back. When I first got it, I hooked it up because I wanted to play Folklore but then the system took forever to update. The next day I popped in another game and the same thing happened so I gave up. I put the system away and I have yet to even unpack it since I moved about a year and a half ago. I'm pretty sure that when I do hook it up again, I'll regret waiting so long to play certain games (GoW3, Valkyria Chronicles, MGS4, etc...).

I almost did the same thing with my PSP but I kind of forced myself to start playing it several months ago. I even beat GoW: Chains of Olympus and Field Commander. It's not that those systems are bad, it's just that I prefer the DS and the 360.

It's funny though, I haven't played my PSP ever since I started playing DQIX (DS) and Borderlands (360). Atleast, I tried.
I never had problems with systems, its the games that I couldnt get into. A system is just a expensive doorstop without a good game and no system has ever made a game good or bad since its the games developers that actually make the game good or not. Like the gameboy is a ancient piece of shit compared to say the wii but the original gameboy has a better library of games on it because the people who made those games made good games.

I dont play systems, I play games.
My 360, Wii and DS have been collecting dust for most of the past year while my PS3 and PSP get all the action. I guess I'm a Sony fanboy?
Mostly Nintendo Systems, I've owned a Game Boy Advance, DS Lite, Wii, and a Gamecube. I only kept the Gamecube now because of Twilight Princess and a few other Nintendo exclusives. I may buy another Wii in the future if Nintendo games drop price, if Nintendo actually knew what a price drop was called
[quote name='gargus']
I dont play systems, I play games.[/QUOTE]

Well, no shit Sherlock! Most posts a referencing systems people couldn't get into because of lack of games.

Though there are also system specific factors like not liking motion controls etc., so it's not always 100% down to games.
Wii and 360 both. Wii because of motion controls, 360 because I truly abhor the interface and the online community. Great games on the 360 though, no question about it. I just hated using the machine to get to those games.
[quote name='cochesecochese']Wii and 360 both. Wii because of motion controls, 360 because I truly abhor the interface and the online community. Great games on the 360 though, no question about it. I just hated using the machine to get to those games.[/QUOTE]


yup, 360 got great games, but shitty ass machine.
Really? I have no issues with the 360. RROD is an obvious problem, but I've been lucky and not got that yet *knocks on wood*

Interface seems fine to me. Controller is great. Yeah, the online community sucks--but that's true anywhere. Just tons of assholes and douchebags playing games online on any platform that really necessitates playing with friends, groups from CAG or other forums etc. to have any fun. Playing with randoms will suck on any system.
Hands down the PSP. While I enjoyed some of the games I bought for it(really liked Crisis Core and VC2 looks really promising after playing the demo), I can pretty much live without it and not care for missing out on some of the games.
[quote name='Halo05']I'm too paranoid to do much with my Turbo Duo. Like, if I play it too much it'll break and be a very pricy paperweight.[/QUOTE]

Turbo Duos are infamous for needing capacitors replaced. Kind of similar to the recent Dell motherboard capacitor issue. Yours probably already does if it hasn't been fixed already. It's not that big of a deal if you've got the skills, though.

I never got much into my Wii. It's probably because I'm so busy playing with my wee-wee.

Okay, bad joke. But seriously, I've had it since Christmas, and the most play it has seen has been House of the Dead: Overkill when I got it during Game Days.

My GameCube is pretty much only around as a Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes machine, too. My XBOX and PS2 got a lot more play that generation.
Nintendo 64. I had Mario Kart and Golden Eye, but never really put much time into either. I didn't buy or rent any other games for it, either.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Well, no shit Sherlock! Most posts a referencing systems people couldn't get into because of lack of games.

Though there are also system specific factors like not liking motion controls etc., so it's not always 100% down to games.[/QUOTE]

lol, yeah I think he might of interpreted my post too literally.

Even though I didn't get into some systems, I did start buying a lot of games for my old ones recently. Though I have a problem with starting games, getting half way through, and then I stop playing them. It's a pretty bad habit.
The Gamecube. I had a Gamecube ever since it was released (and still do), but I only played and beat a total of two games for the system.Those being the god awful Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness and the awesome Skies of Arcadia.
Sega Saturn. I waited patiently to find one fairly cheap (got it for $70 with about 15 games), and thought "Hell yeah! Now, where are my awesome games?" Most everything I've played, with the so-so exception of Panzer Dragoon, was mediocre at best. Most just sucked. I guess I could shell out $80+ for some of the "classic, must have games", but that seems ridiculous. There are so many great games for ps1, nes, snes, etc that are FAR cheaper. I play most everything else I have (including my DS) fairly often, but the Saturn sits in a box.
Gamecube and Wii. Nintendo doesn't really have many third-party titles, and I just don't care about any of Nintendo's franchises.
Never got into the Wii for any game. Played 75% of Mario Galaxy, didn't like it enough to ever play more than 2 hours each sitting. Didn't like Zelda, Brawl, really anything for it. Haven't fired up NSMB, but while I liked it on the DS, I didn't like it as much as Super Mario World. All in all, it's a console that's really a generation late. If it had been around instead of the Gamecube...
PS3. I have yet to find an exclusive/mp experience solid enough to hold my attention. The few games I currently own are either way too short or mediocre to justify the purchase. Right now it's just a huge black $300 paper weight and I can't recall when last I've used it for anything else. Had I managed the snag a BC model I might be singing a different tune right now.
Consoles I have never owned and have no interest in:

Sega Genesis (or any of it's attachments)

Consoles I own but regret ever buying:

Original Xbox
Original GBA
Sega Saturn. I remember Sega had so many Genesis add-ons and then the Saturn came out I was so confused and skipped it all.
Wii mainly. I buy 1-3 games for it a year, and even when I buy them I might not finish them (bought No More Heroes 2 at launch to support Suda, but still haven't finished the game. It fell into my backlog of death.)
Wii - I had no interest in the motion controls and I really didn't like that the classic controller had to be pluged into the Wiimote for it to work. I felt like other controllers, pads, etc should be able to interface with the system on its on and not need the wii mote to work.

360 - No knock on the 360 I just didn't have time like I used to have to really game on two consoles. Althought I did enjoy Castle crashers, and both Gears of War 1 and 2. I missed out on some of the consoles gems because I didn't want to pay for live. I bought it just for some of the exclusives and that was how I used it.

PSP - I loved the PSP and Used it to listen to music in my car, and that's about the most I got out of it. I bought a lot of games and I played some games on the console. BUt again i think work keeps me from really being able to enjoy the PSP... plus the psp is totally useless in sunlight. Times when I wanted to use it, I couldn't see anything on the screen.

DS - I gave it to my mother. She loves it! If the DS had some of those PSP features (music player, movie player) I think I would have enjoyed it more. At least you could use the damn thing in the day, and plus I did enjoy how small it was when you folded it. It was very portable. I really didn't like how most of the DS' games don't drop in price for a really long time. (if ever) The pricing of the games kinda turned me off for the system as well.
Dreamcast - I bought one for like thirty bucks and have rarely played it except for Shenmue and Power Stone 1 + 2.

Atari Jaguar - Bought at launch and beat AVP just didn't find much else I liked on the system. My biggest waste of money in gaming no contest!

Game Gear - The battery life was horrible which was the main issue with the portable.
PSP and N64. Own both and play them occasionally, but could never really get into playing either for extended periods of time, whether alone or with someone else.
360 is my Rock Band machine. I don't like FPS games and don't have live.

Wii is neglected. I barely play anything on it and get games and then don't finish them.

Never had:

Turbo Graphix
I'll leave out the systems that I bought well *after* their life-cycle (SNES, Saturn), and concentrate on just the systems I've owned since they were relevant.

Really, out of the systems I have hooked up (13, at the moment), the one that I can easily say I've liked the least? The PS2. I know, you think I'm nuts, and that's fine. I got some use out of my PS2, mainly wrestling games, but the bottom line is that was EASILY my third-tier system last-gen, behind GameCube and XBox. Even now, the PS2 section of my collection is one of the smallest for systems I've owned since launch, and I think it's because I didn't get much into the PS2 exclusive stuff. Anything third party was generally better (for me) on GC or Xbox, mainly because I hate the DualShock. So, in terms of home systems? PS2, hands-down.

Handhelds are a different story, but a bit similar... least into handheld? PSP. I've tried. Oh, how I've tried. Outside of, again, wrestling games, I rarely, if ever, use my PSP. This isn't taken lightly, either, as I travel a lot. As in, 4 out of 5 workdays in the Fall, I'm away from home. I have ample time to play handhelds, and 99.9% of the time, it's the DS. I even own two PSPs, and original one and a 3000, in an attempt to try again... never took.
I never had: Sega Saturn, Atari Jaguar, Atari Lynx, Sega Game Gear, Sega Nomad, Turbo Grafx 16, Commodore 64, N64, 3DO, Virtua Boy, all the various Gameboy iterations minus the very first one, and the Xbox.

Out of all those, the only ones I'd want to have this day would be the N64.
Thread reading comprehension fail on my part.

Out of all the systems I have (still), I'd probably say the Gamecube was the one that got the least amount of play. All I ever really played was MP (with other GC's linked) Mario Kart: Double Dash and the Mario Party games.

I got it dirt cheap ($100 new during a Black Friday sale with the LoZ 4pack).
My Playstation didn't get a lot of play from me... Mainly because I bought it for Final Fantasy VIII and I absolutely hated everything about it. I did play multiplayer games with friends, but other than that I kind of stuck to my Nintendo 64. Lately, I've been going back and playing games I've missed.

Last generation, my Game Cube didn't get a lot of play time... I liked it, but there were just more games that I cared about on the PS2 and Xbox. I also had a Dreamcast and I was absolutely heartbroken when Sega discontinued it. :cry:

This generation, I've never really gotten that into the Wii. I've had it since launch, but there are not a lot of games that I like on it. On the other hand, I think the Xbox 360 is my most hated console of this generation because it has died on me 4 times and I think paying for Xbox Live really sucks. My Playstation 3 started out as my most neglected console and I have called it my Blu-Ray player that sometimes plays video games, but it's slowly been turning into my favorite.

Of the handhelds, the DS doesn't get a lot of play time for me. IMO, the PSP just has better games and I can pick them up for hella cheap.
bread's done