What are you currently reading? Post here!

[quote name='mykee98']Reading Star Wars The Last Command by Timothy Zahn. I'm a star wars fan but never read any of the books til now. awesome 3 part series.
Just ordered a nook from BB and spending most of my day searching inkmesh.com for cheap ebooks to fill it up with. Yes another addiction that will leave me broke.[/QUOTE]

Yeah that Trilogy was great. I read a ton of Star Wars books back in high school and college, and that first trilogy is far and away the best. Haven't read any in years as the quality was dropping and there were just too many to keep up with.

Enjoy your Nook. I've been a Kindle guy for going on 2 years and just love it. eBooks are so much easier to deal with than hassling with the library or buying paperbacks of books you'll only read once etc. Not to mention the tons of free public domain books out there on sites like Feedbooks.com and others.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yeah that Trilogy was great. I read a ton of Star Wars books back in high school and college, and that first trilogy is far and away the best. Haven't read any in years as the quality was dropping and there were just too many to keep up with.

Enjoy your Nook. I've been a Kindle guy for going on 2 years and just love it. eBooks are so much easier to deal with than hassling with the library or buying paperbacks of books you'll only read once etc. Not to mention the tons of free public domain books out there on sites like Feedbooks.com and others.[/QUOTE]

It shipped today!!! Yes I hit half price books all the time but wanted to make the switch to ebooks since i'm running out of space.
I got the Corellian trilogy by Roger macbride allen this was also recommended to my by my star wars nerd friend.
I finally finished A Storm of Swords. Holy fucking shit. One of the best fantasy books I've ever read. Just incredible.

Sucks that I only have A Feast for Crows left now.
George might be done with the next book by the time you finish Feast...except he just left for another fucking convention and then to visit the set for the show. Hope he took his laptop with him.

Lol, I know what part you're talking about in Swords too. Or parts (plural) because there was two big ones both involving the same character.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']George might be done with the next book by the time you finish Feast...except he just left for another fucking convention and then to visit the set for the show. Hope he took his laptop with him.

Lol, I know what part you're talking about in Swords too. Or parts (plural) because there was two big ones both involving the same character.[/QUOTE]
Haha, yeah I saw that on his blog. GRRM is always off to some show/convention. Some of them I didn't even know existed (I think the last one I saw mention of was Octocon or something like that).
The wait for the release of Towers of Midnight by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson is becoming unbearable. To make the wait seem shorter, I started reading The Clone Republic by Steven Kent, but I just can't get into it. The book has received many good reviews online, but I find his portrayal of military life to be unbelievable, his sci-fi science to be laughable in the face of authors I have read recently-namely Travis Taylor- and his characters are uninteresting. I was hoping that this series would tide me over for the two weeks till November 2, which with the midterm elections and the release of Servant of a Dark God by John Brown, Live Free or Die by John Ringo, and One Good Soldier by Travis Taylor in paperback in addition to the hardcover release of ToM promises to be an eventful and enjoyable day.
Just finished re-reading The Hobbit. It's certainly entertaining to revisit the story of Bilbo, how he set out on his first adventure, and helped Hobbits make a name for themselves. Still, I find the book a little too shallow, compared to the grander scope of its brother. I look forward to re-reading The Lord of the Rings next.

[quote name='paulina7m']Reading Dragon Age: Origins manual. Great for replays, many neat tricks that I wasn't aware of.[/QUOTE]

Let me guess, you had a shit come on hard and fast and it was the only thing you could reach before the mad sprint to the toilet?
I'll probably finish Sleeping Beauty by Ross McDonald today or tomorrow night at work.

It's okay, and about the same as any of his other novels. Reading about an Oil Spill off the coast and the company's inability to clean it up is eerie. Book was written in the 70s.
Just picked up the new Keith Richards autobiography last night. After reading excerpts of it, I couldn't resist. Will start reading tonight.
Picked up Live Free or Die by John Ringo on Saturday and finished it Sunday. It was excellent and I recommend it to anyone looking for a good sci-fi novel. If you would like a preview, you can find one at his publishers website, baen.com. Baen puts up the first seven chapters or so of all of the books they publish to entice you into purchasing the whole book.
I am currently reading The Outstretched Shadow by Mercedes Lackey and James Mallory. IT is a pretty enjoyable epic fantasy with an innovative magic system and a nice twist on some common fantasy tropes.
I recently finished reading all of the Dresden Files books and I am wondering if anyone can recommend some other books that are similar. I am not too big in to the fantasy books so I am having a hard time finding my next series to read.
[quote name='noone13']I recently finished reading all of the Dresden Files books and I am wondering if anyone can recommend some other books that are similar. I am not too big in to the fantasy books so I am having a hard time finding my next series to read.[/QUOTE]

I would recommend the "Monster Hunter" books by Larry Corriea, the "Nightside" and "Secret History" books by Simon R. Green, and, possibly, the "Sookie Stackhouse" books by Charlotte Harrison or anything by Laurel Hamilton or Kim Harrison.
I started this on Thursday. I'm about 60 pages or so in.

Seems okay but a little bit too much of the macho dick-measuring posturing stuff for me. I like tough guy characters, but if you are tough you don't need to demonstrate it.
Wow Feast for Crows is a Phantom Menace sized disappointment after how epic book three was. The decision to split it up was bad IMO
Reading Ring of Fire 2 edited by Eric Flint. It is an anthology set in Flint's 1632 universe and all of the stories, so far, have been pretty entertaining. A recommended read for fans of the series and if you are a fan of alternate history stories, you owe it to yourself to read this series.
World War Z? If I remember correctly its treated like a collection of letters and diary pages so you could read it in small sections at a time.
[quote name='jlarlee']Wow Feast for Crows is a Phantom Menace sized disappointment after how epic book three was. The decision to split it up was bad IMO[/QUOTE]

It's good and bad. I enjoyed the book as much as the others, it just sucks to be handed so many "rumors" of what happened to the other half of the characters, like Davos, etc.

For me, I'm so anxious for George to put out the next fucking book so I can find out about
The Hound
after the teaser in Feast regarding that particular character's status.

Sounds like George's visit to the sets for the HBO show have got his mind back on track in regards to working on ASoIaF and putting the other shit (conventions, collaborative anthologies, football, etc.) on the back burner for once. Well...maybe not football.
[quote name='Maklershed']World War Z? If I remember correctly its treated like a collection of letters and diary pages so you could read it in small sections at a time.[/QUOTE]

That book name keeps coming up guess it is time for me to give in Thanks. The Walking Dead really put me into a zombie mood
Finished The Crimson Shadow Trilogy by R.A. Salvatore. It was a good, entertaining read. Not quite on par with most of the books in his long running Drizzt et al. series, nor his Demon War saga. But still a good, light fantasy read. The world and characters aren't quite as well developed as those other works of his.

Haven't decided what to read next yet.
[quote name='eldergamer']I started this on Thursday. I'm about 60 pages or so in.

Seems okay but a little bit too much of the macho dick-measuring posturing stuff for me. I like tough guy characters, but if you are tough you don't need to demonstrate it.[/QUOTE]

And then at about 200 pages in without one sight of any aliens, battles, or action what so ever I'm putting this thing down. I think a terry pratchet book is next in my stack.

I stack up all of my unread books in my desired reading order, alternating genres (sci fi, fantasy, mystery, sci fi, fantasy, mystery) as I go.
I picked up Towers of Midnight a day early from a Wal-mart in my area, so I am reading it and loving it. I know who killed Asmodean!
[quote name='ian1418']. I know who killed Asmodean![/QUOTE]

The answer was a bit underwhelming really. Still...I'm taking the book as slow as possible. Got to wait a year for the next one.
Read The Plot Against America by Philip Roth yesterday. It was a very good alternate history that begins with what if Charles Lindbergh had challenged FDR for the presidency in 1940 and won.
Just finished the Da Vinci Code. As usual, I don't partake in things until many years after the height of their popularity. It kept me interested for the most part until it ended with a resounding "meh." Meh.

Starting, probably, Clive Barker's Mr. B Gone tonight, then onto The Corrections.
Finally getting around to finishing the "Sword of Truth" series by Terry Goodkind. I've had the last two books, Phantom and Confessor sitting on the shelf for a while and tonight I decided that it was time to finish the series.
[quote name='ian1418']Finally getting around to finishing the "Sword of Truth" series by Terry Goodkind. I've had the last two books, Phantom and Confessor sitting on the shelf for a while and tonight I decided that it was time to finish the series.[/QUOTE]
yup, it might be the right time.
Just ordered Best Served Cold by Joe Abercrombie, looking forward to that arriving. Also ordered the Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson. I have the first 3 books of Wheel of Time sitting on my shelf, but haven't dived in yet, I'm a little wary of such a long series that still isn't finished.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']Just ordered Best Served Cold by Joe Abercrombie, looking forward to that arriving. Also ordered the Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson. I have the first 3 books of Wheel of Time sitting on my shelf, but haven't dived in yet, I'm a little wary of such a long series that still isn't finished.[/QUOTE]

The Mistborn trilogy is fantastic. Especially the first book The Final Empire.
[quote name='ian1418']Finally getting around to finishing the "Sword of Truth" series by Terry Goodkind. I've had the last two books, Phantom and Confessor sitting on the shelf for a while and tonight I decided that it was time to finish the series.[/QUOTE]

I read the first five books. I swear reading Goodkind is like watching a B movie. You know how bad it is, but it is oddly entertaining at the same time.
[quote name='mogamer']Just picked up the new Keith Richards autobiography last night. After reading excerpts of it, I couldn't resist. Will start reading tonight.[/QUOTE]
I'm reading that as well. I'm about 3/4 of the way done with it. Really a great read for Stones fans.

I'm not sure if I should read Feast for Crows next. Don't want to get through it too soon. Also on the fence about ordering the first Malazan book. It seems super interesting, and the excerpts on Amazon are cool enough, but I have to admit that I'm somewhat intimidated by it. I see some great reviews on places like Goodreads and Amazon, but I also keep reading reviews saying that the prose is incredibly awkward and that the plot is needlessly complex and difficult to understand.
I've read the the first and third Malazan books. They are needlessly complicated (I kept referring to wikipedia to keep things straight) but they are still better than the average fantasy novel.

Started Falkenberg's Legion by some science ficition guy. Poul Anderson? No, not him. uhm. Not Larry Niven. Hell, I forget.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']Just ordered Best Served Cold by Joe Abercrombie, looking forward to that arriving. Also ordered the Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson. I have the first 3 books of Wheel of Time sitting on my shelf, but haven't dived in yet, I'm a little wary of such a long series that still isn't finished.[/QUOTE]

You owe it to yourself to read the Wheel of Time.
Finished The Shattering by Christie Golden. By far the best Warcraft book and if any of you guys are big fans/players of the game and it's lore, you should definitely check it out.

Moving onto this:

bread's done