What are you currently reading? Post here!

Finished: Hyperion by Dan Simmons
The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz
The Old Man's War by John Scalzi
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
The Gunslinger by Stephen King

I highly recommend them all.

Currently working my way through:
- Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin (3rd time is the charm) and
- A Canticle for Liebowitz by Walter Miller
Not a bad idea. AFFC & ADWD aren't nearly as good as the first 3 books anyway IMO. Still good reads, but just not mindblowingly awesome like the first 3.
Started and finished A Ticket to the Boneyard by Lawrence Block in about 2 days at work.
good bok, more of a taut thriller than a standard detective novel. A lesser writter would have tried to pad this out by adding subplots with all the side characters. Block just lets things happenl. 30 minute episode compared to a 2 hour movie.

I'd be willing to read more in the series.
[quote name='Maklershed']
Kind of in the mood for it after watching The Conspirator (which I highly recommend btw)[/QUOTE]

Glad to hear, I should get the Bluray from Netfix today.
The whole concept of The Runelords is really good and it would make an excellent WRPG or even RTS game.
This is the 5th book in the series. Un-necessarily gory and I really hate fantasy books where it reads like nothing more than a travelouge. "We visited the village of x and stayed at so and so inn. Then we took a boat down the river to x and x" Include lengthy descriptions of Inn, Boat, and river. Add in random encounters. End story.

so i finally finished Barack Like Me -DAG and while its half bio/ half his journey to watch barack obama be sworn in as president, i was really wishing he would go on some behind the scenes stuff from movies,stand up and in living color. he only does that for his time on Dancing With The Stars which i could really care less about. not a bad read worth the $2

[quote name='gbpackers94'] I'm also a big fan of Carolla so I would be interested to hear if you enjoyed that once you get around to reading it.[/QUOTE]
just for context im not the biggest carolla fan but after reading the first 3 chapters so far its pretty damn hilarious. i like his views about the new "pussified america" we live in, like guys who are so gay you treat them like women, thus gets out of any heavy lifting. just his little rants on things like that crack me up. pick it up.
I have given up on Robinson Crusoe (for the time being) and am racing through a Douglas Coupland novel I've not yet read - All Families Are Psychotic. Same old Coupland stuff, but I'm lapping it up as always.

Grabbed a Thomas Pynchon book from the library. I judge books by their cover: Never heard of him. Reading up on his Wikipedia page makes me feel slightly ashamed by that. Is he worthy of the hype?
I just finished Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs. It was pretty good, and definitely unique. Now I'm deciding what to read next, but I might catch up on the Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child novels. I think I'm about 4 behind.
just finished UNWIND. amazing book. its about how kids can be "unwind" for whatever reasons. this runaway unwind goes on a journey and yeah...(dont wanna spoil it)
Just finished:


Absolutely loved this book. I love the way Auster writes.

Just started:


Only a 150 pages in...started off a little slow but it's picking up now.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Trying Monster Island by David Wellington. Same old boring Zombie apocalypse stuff but I can't put it down so shame on me.[/QUOTE]

That book was an immense disappointment. As soon as the "intellegent" zombie came into play I stopped reading for enjoyment and began reading as a "get the fuck off my shelf"

It's not great literature by any means. It's not even great fantasy. Just slightly above average. Once I start a series I find it hard to stop. (Sword of Truth and Wheel of Time being the two big exceptions).

Hope to go out to the final closeout of Borders this weekend and maybe pick up some actual "literature" for cheap.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']That book was an immense disappointment. As soon as the "intellegent" zombie came into play I stopped reading for enjoyment and began reading as a "get the fuck off my shelf"[/QUOTE]

It's funny because when I started I was thinking: 'same old zombie stuff, boring.' Then as soon as the intelligent zombie and the mummies came into play I thought: 'this shit doesn't belong in my zombie novel.' So I guess I can't win either way.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']It's funny because when I started I was thinking: 'same old zombie stuff, boring.' Then as soon as the intelligent zombie and the mummies came into play I thought: 'this shit doesn't belong in my zombie novel.' So I guess I can't win either way.[/QUOTE]

Pretty much. I could've dealt with same ole zombie shit (I enjoy damn near anything zombie related) but the Celtic mummy and mind controlled legions was just full retard. Immediately removed the second two books from my to-read list.
Finally have free time, so I've been working on finishing Stormrage. I normally enjoy Richard Knaak's work, but he seems to be taking a few liberties with the lore this time around (well, it's not like he doesn't do that all the time anyway, but this is a tad different).
Almost done with Nick Redferns The Real Men in Black and about 1/8th of the way thru Die For Me: The Terrifying True Story of the Charles Ng/Leonard Lake Torture Murders
I read Ernest Cline's Ready Player One. It's probably one of my favorite books, and this is coming from a librarian! As a librarian, I don't usually like to push books on friends of mine, but you guys HAVE to read it. It's just fantastic and one fun book about the 1980s pop culture, gaming, and geeks. Finally finished it today and it just brought a grin on my face with all the pop culture references from my youth, the games we used to play as kids, music we used to listen to, and more. It's at any library, so get it now and enjoy it. Here's a link to the synopsis.
Blew through Mile 81 by Stephen King. One of his better short stories but not worth $3

About a fifth of the way through The Five by Robert McCammon and it is shaping up to be a great book and has been a real page turner
Nothing like getting 40 pages into a book only to realize it's a sequel or part of a series to a book you haven't read. I really wish books would put on the cover "Sequel to" or "Another book in the X universe" . The description on the back cover makes it seem like a new adventure.

Oh well, I'll try and finish it anyway.
^ I did that with the final book of the Foundation series (Foundation and Earth). :oops:

In my defense I got it at a book fair for 50 cents and it didn't have a dust jacket and I don't recall it mentioning anywhere in the first few pages that it was part of a series. Didn't matter though it was still very good without knowing anything else.
random long response, get a little crazy when I'm tired sometimes.
Think I did something similar with foundation's edge, when I was pretty much just taking stuff off the bookshelf to read, read a random volume of the dungeon series(planning to try and read it someday) and some other stuff.

by far my favorites however included the first 4 ender books, Ender's Game
still probably my favorite book for some reason it really led me to reading a ton more. the Hyperion Cantos also Heir to the Empire and the Last Command don't think I had a copy of dark force rising to read. gotta love hand me down books though. On the subject of the Thrawn trilogy was rather disappointed the prequel movies didn't have cloned jedi.
I finally found time to finish off Stormrage. I have to say, it's not one of Knaak's better books. The entire story was pretty much a build up to Malfurion dropping the druid equivalent of a spirit bomb.

Started Shattering and it's already proving to be vastly more interesting.
[quote name='Jam Of Truth']I finally found time to finish off Stormrage. I have to say, it's not one of Knaak's better books. The entire story was pretty much a build up to Malfurion dropping the druid equivalent of a spirit bomb.

Started Shattering and it's already proving to be vastly more interesting.[/QUOTE]

The problem with Stormrage is that it doesn't have nearly enough focus on Malfurion. Hell, most of the book is revolved around Broll Bearmantle. I enjoyed it, but not nearly as much as some of his other WoW books or WoW books in general.
[quote name='GhostShark']The problem with Stormrage is that it doesn't have nearly enough focus on Malfurion. Hell, most of the book is revolved around Broll Bearmantle. I enjoyed it, but not nearly as much as some of his other WoW books or WoW books in general.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I noticed that. It started out seeming like this was going to be Broll's journey and by the way Malfurion is about. Suddenly, little more than half way through, Malfurion is out, about and center stage. And a majority of that was DBZ levels of tossing around magic.

And, honestly, I just found it boring.
Finished The Future of Freedom by Fareed Zakaria. Pretty interesting read.



It was the Kindle Daily deal the other day. For other's with Kindle, make sure to follow the Kindle page on Facebook or Twitter so you see the daily deals--usually a book for .99-2.99 thus far. I've bought three so far (Food Inc and The Lincoln Lawyer being the other two). Some area big sale ($9.99 book for $2.99 etc.) some are just a small discount (The Grove was $1.99 instead of $2.99).
I read about at 25% of it last night (it's a pretty short book, 250 pages or so in print). It's interesting so far.

It's written entirely in 1st person though which I'm not a huge fan of. But it's an easy read for sure.
Just finished Gun, with Occasional Music by Jonathan Lethem. Neat little noir-detective story, with some past and futuristic elements thrown in for good measure. Writing style is top notch.

Now reading Magic's Pawn by Mercedes Lackey, Book One of the Last Herald Mage Trilogy. Only 42 pages in, but can tell it's a well written fantasy, with strong characterization. Much slower read than Gun.
While at Barnes & Noble today, I found a copy of The Phantom Tollbooth on sale. I loved this book in 6th grade and couldn't help picking it up. It's a quick, fun read and I highly recommend it.
[quote name='Jam Of Truth']While at Barnes & Noble today, I found a copy of The Phantom Tollbooth on sale. I loved this book in 6th grade and couldn't help picking it up. It's a quick, fun read and I highly recommend it.[/QUOTE]

Thumbs up! I read this when I was very young and loved it and then reading it again as an adult had so much more to appreciate.
The Lord of the Rings trilogy. As soon as I am done with that, I'll start on Acacia: The War With the Mein by David Anthony Durham. It seemed like an interesting book to give a read.
Finished Eros In Orbit and it was pretty much as bad as I expected. Oh well. On to Nine Tomorrows by Asimov. Short story collection and likely way better than Eros.
Finished The Shattering surprisingly quickly. So much more interesting than Stormrage.

Finally time to dig into War of the Ancients Trilogy, which means I'm starting with The Well of Eternity. I swear, I will assimilate all of the Warcraft books. :lol:
[quote name='GhostShark']Also, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. It's for school.[/QUOTE]

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is one of my favorite Arthurian poems. It's also a tad of a pisser for me, but you'd need to have read most, if not all, of the Arthurian texts to get why.
Finished The Grove. Pretty medicore. Easy read and interesting concept, but he doesn't really do much with it and the ending is pretty lame.

On to:

[quote name='Maklershed']^ I loved the movie. I wonder if the book is as good/better?[/QUOTE]

Haven't seen the movie, so I can't compare. But I'm enjoying the book so far--other than being written in first person which I generally don't care for.

I'll also be reading this which I just got from Amazon today:


Damn nice coffee table book. A lot bigger and thicker than I expected (I didn't really look into the details of it). Looking forward to the PJ 20 documentary and soundtrack next week as well.
[quote name='Maklershed']Just picked up that Brent Weeks Kindle book on Amazon for $1.99. (Book 1 of The Night ... Angel? .. Trilogy. Can't remember what it was)[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's it.
bread's done